Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Of course, the Economy does need 'periodic help', at least more than the Multi-Million business Corporations.

Of course, the 'Economy' does need 'periodic help' to keep a viable and sustainable Economy; at least more than the Multi-Billion Business Corporations. Multi-Million Corporations already fighting over a trip to the moon and 'business contracts' to build the 'means whereby' to accomplish it. Thats essential and Great; but why arn't the smaller businesses being helped to survive. The Big Corporations can be 'Bailed-Out', but the small ones can't even be kept viable. Why not. Small Businesses help to keep 'Neighborhoods'; 'small neighborhoods'; viable by 'contributing to their neighborhood' and hence the necessity of keeping them Functional. But whats happening, the 'Small Guys'are going bankrupt. If they can get a Loan, they have to pay it back. Do the 'People' that went out to 'Outer-Space' have to pay their 'opportunities' or 'loans' back? ( of course, some of them were already Millionairs and Billionairs, but there are a few 'common folks' that can't afford to pay for such trips.) Most Individuals can't afford to pay for a 'Re-location' of a 'Living -enviornment'. Will they be 'left behind' to start 'turning against each Other', just to survive. Look at the Social; People are already finding 'differences' in the Social that 'justify Demonstrations' and 'Violence' toward each Other. Isn't the Government suppossed to " form a more perfect Union;..... and promote the General Welfare"?

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