Sunday, January 30, 2022

There are many things against the Law. Society sifts them out and makes them Illegal.

There are many things that Society sifts and makes 'Illegal' or 'controls' them in its 'Condition of Togetherness'. Why? Simply because they do not 'serve' the 'General Welfare' of a Democratic Society or simply because they are 'dangerous' to the 'General Welfare'. Society sifts them out and passes a Law eliminating or controlling such phenomena. Since Democracy is 'basic' to the 'togetherness' of the Human Condition, it respects the 'Freedom and Equality' of each Individual regardless of Race, Color or Creed. Race and Color should not be a problem, yet one sees developements that point to a modification in the 'Social Structure'. Individual beleif systems can be dangerous; an Individual can own a Gun, but he or she has no Right to amass an arsenal. Individuals in the Social are Free and Equal and hence have a lot of freedom with respect to their behavior, of course, subject to Law and Order. Hence, the prohibitions against anything dangerous to the 'Condition of Togetherness'. Individuals cannot do anything against the Freedom and Equality of the Neighbor nor to the 'Condition of togetherness'. To do so is to violate the Law against Freedom and Equality and the Integrity of the Condition of Togetherness. The Top of Power has two basic functions; to protect the 'Conditions'in the Social and to protect the 'Individual'. The function of the Bottom is to be 'Law Abiding' and respect the Freedom and Equality of the Neighbor.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.