Monday, February 7, 2022

It seems that the Problematic of the One and the Many has resurfaced.

It seems that the Poblematic of the One and The Many has resurfaced. In earlier civilizations the problem was always the One at the Top and the Many at the Bottom. The Top usually justified its Power to Rule by some form of Superiority from the Highest point of Authority usually the Divinity or acquired by force or conquest. The Bottom were just the Many individuals, without Individual Identity and without any form of individual Superiority. The Individuals at the Bottom were non-entities, just plain Individuals and had no source from where they could draw some Respect, Authoriy, or Power. Today, there are many ways an Individual can assert His/Her Individuality. He/She can be very Educated, (of course in the 'Right' Rich Universities), being born into a Political Family, or just very Rich, or just having being born into Wealth. Notice how the concepts 'circulate' around Money. Of course that, in itself, does not resolve the Issue. the Top had always been dependant on the concept of the Deity. It was said that the King had Two bodies, one like everyone else, the Other, a Devine Body. The Top resolved the Issue of the two bodies and the Top became dependent on a Top with Institutiional Power. The Top lost its Divine aspect and became political and powerfull. No Institutional Political body can claim Divinity as the source of Power. Religion and Politics were separated into Institutions. But, the Bottom was in a complete state of dis-organization.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.