Sunday, May 31, 2015

Democracy is being 'overpowered' by economics.

The democratic spirit is being overpowered by the economic spirit. Stated differently, the values of democracy are being overpowered by the values of the economy; even more clearly, freedom and equality are undervalued, while 'money' is so over-valued that its becoming our God. How sad. The greatest motivation for human activity is an 'artifact'. Why do we undervalue freedom and equality? Why has a 'medium of exchange' become so valuable that we greedily hoard and collect it, to the point of aspiring to be on the Forbes List, or the Top 1%. Where are we going? The answer is not that money is more valuable than freedom and equality, but that the human condition is so weak that it pursues money and its substitutes, because, in actuality, it does not seem to understand that freedom and equality is a 'natural phenomena' of the human condition. It does not come from Government; it comes from Nature, but Government has a duty to protect it in the 'condition of togetherness'. That's what makes us 'civilized'. How sad. Of course, the 'human condition' has been 'down-sized' by the legal corporate structure, to the point, that a corporation is more 'protected' by Government than the human condition. Government comes to the rescue of 'suffering' corporations, with billions of dollars, while it helps the 'retired', the 'worker', the sick, the suffering, with a measly 'few dollars'. Then, it has the gall to label one as 'necessary' and the other as 'welfare'. Sad and sick; Plutocrats are at the helm. But, they will soon discover that their 'enemy' are not the 'common folk' at the Bottom of Government, but the other Plutocrats, that 'will vie' for that 'top position'. Try to understand, 'greed' can never be satisfied. How sad and stupid.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

The "State" or "Nation" are necessary politiical concepts that are rendered into Institutions.

The Nation is a necessary Institution. The reason for that is that there are an infinite number of human beings in the World and humanity could not survive without Government. However, all Human beings are born in Nature, and Governments are 'constructed' or set-up, by the very human beings who are to be 'the governed'. Hence, the different types of Governments have been constructed in the 'historical context' of their 'beginnings'. That should be an obvious fact to every governing Institution. Stated differently, humans have no choice in the matter of being born, while Governments are mere constructions by the human beings. Nevertheless, Governments need 'Power' in order to Govern. Hence, the Power of Government over the human condition. This should be clear to every Government in the world. Hence, Governments and Nations are dependent on the human condition. Hence, the Human condition is entitled to its 'natural' freedom and equality, while s/he exists within a 'constructed political framework'. Of course, in todays World, People are born into an 'already constructed' political structure, and hence have some 'inferior sense' that Government is a 'superior entity'. But, that is never the case. People born into a natural freedom and equality are entitled to a 'political Freedom and Equality' as a necessary 'construction'. People need Government, but Government should never abuse its 'powerful artificial nature'. People create Government; Government does not create People.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

The concept of the 'State' or 'Nation' is real because it's an 'embodied concept'.

When we say the State is a "persona ficta", we mostly imply that the concept is a fiction. When we use the term "fiction" we usually imply its 'unreal'. The fact is that the concept of the State or a concept of 'Nation' is 'real'. By real, I mean, its nature is not 'fictional'. Its a 'real political institution'. This fact can be ratified by anyone who is incarcerated or compelled to pay taxes. To be sure, the concept is a 'general linguistic term' that encompasses a huge geographical area with a specific 'political Identity' with 'Power'. To say that its a 'fiction', in whatever form, is ludicrous. The State or Nation is real and that term includes each and every 'real' human individual, living within the 'political limits' of its Identity. The geographical area may not be 'continuous' or 'contiguous', but its political 'Identity' is 'One' and has political 'Power. To be sure, a political concept is a linguistic generalization, but it encompasses real human beings. A political entity. or State' or Nation, cannot exist but for its People. Without 'real people', a 'verbal generalization' is empty, vacuous, insignificant, and has no power. But, as a political Institution with People, it is Powerful, and has a duty to the People that created it. Every Nation has inherent Power and every Nation must learn to get along with other Nations. Of course, the 'People of the World' must also learn to get along with each 'Other', but it becomes easier when 'their Nations' learn to get along with 'other Nations'.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A 'People' must support their Governemnt; but, a Governemnt must support 'the People'.

Its absolutely necessary to say that 'a People' must support their Government. Its equally necessary that a Government must support their People. Of course, neither of the two 'somewhat similar' ways of 'support' are the same. A people usually supports their Government by paying taxes, serving in the Military, serving in 'Government and social' positions of authority, by running for election, and by following established 'mores' of social behavior, etc.. In return, the Government provides for the 'general welfare' of its People, by helping provide jobs, establishing rules (laws) of interaction between the Peoples, providing some system of 'social security', making homes available, establishing medical care, etc. Obviously, the Governments 'relation' to the People must be exercised through the established social and political institutions between the Top and the Bottom. To the contrary, the Bottom or the People relate to the Government by participating in the established social or political institutions of the form of Government. Some of the Individuals duties may be unpleasant, e.g., participation in War; paying taxes, etc.. Although the 'relation' between the Bottom to the Top may sometimes be 'disagreeable', the Individual at the Bottom has a duty to his/her Government. However, that same relation also 'flows' from the Top to the Bottom. That's the relation that must acknowledge that the Top is performing an obligation to govern the Bottom and that it must do so in a 'just manner'. This requires that the social and political institutions respect and protect the 'freedom and equality' of each individual. Otherwise, Who needs Government?

Monday, May 18, 2015

Political Parties are usually 'oppositional'; but, they don't have to be.

Political Parties are usually oppositional; but they don't have to be. If both Parties exist within a Democracy, the difference could well be a difference in approach, and not a difference in 'less' or 'more' democracy. Obviously, the difference in approach would just be a different way of bringing about the 'same' or 'similar' result, but in no case would it be a non-democratic result. But, the usual differences in the Ideology of the Parties, create a 'result' that cannot be considered completely Democratic. The problematic then becomes, "how can political parties in a democracy be non-democratic"? The term "party" in a political context means "a collection of similar minded individuals that have a particular way of viewing and doing something", that applies to everyone under Government. Unfortunately, that makes 'democratic problems' into personal 'human problems'. How can that be surmounted in the political sphere? The truth? It can't. The only approach available is to really understand what democracy means i.e., the Freedom and Equality of each Individual, and to compute into the 'democratic critique' of the 'democratic social status', a real mathematical perspective that includes every real individual, and which leaves no one out. Notice, that I leave corporations out, because they are not real persons, and I refer to the Individuals as 'real'. A 'social', contemplated as a political unity, must exclude the 'artificial'. I do not mean that they are never considered, to the contrary, they are very important. But, lets get 'real' about our situation. The 'human problematic' is a 'real' problem. First, lets sort out the human problematic, the artificial can work itself out.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Party system, rightfully implemented, could be a blessing to Democracy.

The Party system could be a blessing to a Democratic political structure. The reason for that, is that different approaches can generate change in the direction to 'perfecting' the 'political concepts' of Freedom and Equality. However, if the differences in the so-called ideology of the Parties is not so much a 'political difference' as it is an 'economic difference', the result will be catastrophic. Why catastrophic? Mostly, because one Party emphasizes the 'political aspects' while the other emphasizes the economic aspects, or, both Parties emphasize the economic aspect, and everybody knows, that democracy has nothing to do with economics. Its true that Capitalism can flourish in a Democracy, but we must be careful that, it not be, at the expense of Freedom and Equality of the Individual. The political ideal of Freedom and Equality cannot 'motor' an economy; while the economic ideal of 'profits cannot motor a Democracy. In such cases, the economic Ideal causes damage to the political ideal by substituting economic values in place of political values. The political values of Freedom and Equality cannot be replaced by profits. Then, we must ask, why do we have institutions about the 1%; the Forbes list; whose number One; who's the richest man in America?, in the World? Economics and money are essential to everyone, but we must be careful that we don't create a 'lop-sided' economic monstrosity, in place of, a living, democratic, economy; i.e., a viable Democracy. We are sacrificing freedom and equality, for a pocket-full of money. Try 'Incorporating' your 'diurnal-personal-life' into a 'corporate life' and discover that there is no such thing. You don't have a 'corporate life'. We are destroying our own lives by replacing the political values of freedom and equality with money. How sad, we 'die' in 'castles'.

The political term "Revolution" is a much misunderstood term.

The political term "Revolution" is a much misunderstood term. The 'term' does not include such 'flare-ups', or, 'set of contraries' postulated by 'antagonistic' political Parties'; nor, does it include 'minor' physical skirmishes such as 'demonstrations' sit-ins, etc.. No; revolutions are against the 'political foundations' of the very form of Government under which a People live. Its an attempt to change the 'rules of the Game' and to establish a 'new foundation' for political activity. Since the basis of a Democracy are the Freedom and Equality of every individual, it is impossible to have a 'political revolution' in a Democracy. Why is that? Well, simply, the form of Government is already instituted as a Democracy, and hence all a democracy can do is to try to 'compel' a more accurate definition of Freedom and Equality. Hence, most political Parties can not be 'revolutionary', they can only compel 'adherence' and 'recognition' of a proper understanding of Freedom and Equality. That is precisely the case with 'racial discrimination' and 'economic imbalances'. A democracy cannot have both of these 'problems' and claim to be democratic. Why? Because real 'Freedom and Equality' cannot exist in a 'social' that has 'racial discrimination' and 'economic imbalances'. Democracies should not tolerate 'racial discrimination' nor the '1%'. So, lets change the political rules in the case of the 'discrimination'; and lets change the 'economic rules' in the case of the 1%. That may not be revolutionary, but it certainly is a much better understanding of 'real democracy'.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

The 'State' or Nation is not a Persona Ficta.

The State, or, the Nation, is not a 'Persona Ficta', if by 'Persona Ficta', is meant a fictional entity; the State cannot be fictional. The Concept of the State or the Nation is real and is the 'verbal tag' attributed to the 'condition of togetherness' in which every Individual finds him/herself in. In other words, the Nation is as real as the Individuals within it, viz., you and I are real and so is the 'condition of togetherness' in which we find ourselves. It is 'not possible' to say that we, as Individuals, are not real- I am real and I think you are too- and hence we, in a 'condition of togetherness', must also be real. If one Individual is real, so must all Individuals. The only difference would be the 'size' of the 'condition of togetherness', or stated differently, the size of the "State" or "Nation". The verbal tag, "State" or "Nation" is merely a notion that identifies all of us in the 'condition of togetherness'. It merely gives us a 'political Identity'. This political Identity describes the political affiliations, type of Government, Nationality, etc., of the citizens within the geographical and legal parameters of a "State" or "Nation". Nevertheless, and in spite of political differences, every real human being has the same 'human nature' as all other human beings. "National", or, "political" differences, does not, and cannot, attribute 'more or less' humanity to the human condition. We are all in the same boat. How often we hear that statement and yet we do not appreciate what it states. States and Nations are different by virtue of 'political Identity' and type of Government, but the 'human condition' is the same in every living Individual, regardless of the difference in the State or the Nation, in which s/he finds him/herself in. The sad part of all this is that, a "State" or "Nation" has 'power' and cannot function without the 'human element'.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Capitalism can flourish in a Democracy; but, it can also lead to Plutocracy.

Capitalism is an economic system that can flourish in a Democracy, but it can also lead to Plutocracy. One of the problems of Capitalism, is that it can attempt to substitute itself in place of democratic principles. I mean, it can consider "money", the end result of organizing in a manner to solely make profits, in lieu of contributing to the general welfare of the Bottom of Government, or, the People at the Bottom of Government. Capitalism is a form of economic organization that must be arranged in a 'right manner', viz., to make profits. Well that's ok, but it must never 'substitute' for the freedom and equality that makes it possible. Without Freedom and Equality, capitalism cannot exist. Yet, it attempts to replace the very spirit that made its existence possible. What happened? Simply, Money and 'making a profit' became 'personal values' to real individuals, that became more important than the Freedom and Equality of every 'real human being' within the Nation. As we know, it even invented' new 'economic persons', viz., corporations, that are protected by the Constitution. The Top 1% hold most of the economic value in existence in the whole economy. Maybe we already live, in a Plutocracy, or, an Oligarchy? Of course, every real Individual in the social is Free to run for Political Office, or, is s/he? Then, why do the candidates need to raise Millions, or Billions, to even think of running for Office? Oh, its simple. Our so-called Democracy has been 'bought' by 'Corporate Governments', and money, and 'real Freedom and Equality' has been burned at the stake, by the inextinguishable fires, of the Profits engine. Democracy is dying; Freedom and Equality no longer matter; what matters now is your Bank Account.
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.