Friday, July 27, 2018

The 'Political World', 'Nation-Hood', governs the 'Real People', the 'Social' Institutions, and the Economy.

The 'Political World', 'Nation-Hood', governs the 'Real People', the 'Social', the Institutions, and the Economy situated at the Bottom of 'State-Hood'. Politics Governs all the Real Individuals at the Bottom. The Real Individuals are situated in a 'Condition of Togetherness' at the Bottom of the 'Political World' together with a more 'global Conception', or Abstraction, of the 'Condition' referred to as 'the Social', which includes 'Institutions' of an 'Economic nature' and a 'Religious nature'. The Top, or the 'One', only exists for the purpose of 'Governing the Bottom', or, the 'Many' with all its 'Social Components'. It has no 'Other Purpose' for Existing. The Top can only 'Govern'; it cannot function as an 'Economic Entity', nor a 'Social Entity', nor a 'Religious Entity' and its purpose does not include Social Status, Economic Status, nor Religious Status. The Top only Governs. The 'Many' Real People, or 'Real Individuals', at the Bottom, can achieve a 'Social Status'; an 'Economic Status'; or a 'Religious Status' because they are 'Equal and Free'. It is the Real Individuals who 'create' the Social, the Economic, and the Religious Sphere. In a Democracy, those same Individuals who create the 'Social' etc., are also elected to 'Political Positions' at the Top, for a period of time, and they 'Represent' the People at the Bottom. They only 'Represent' the People at the Bottom and they, as Individuals, do not have Power, only the 'Political Office' or Position they occupy has 'Institutional Power', and only for a short Period of Time. Once their Political Tenure is over, they are as 'politically helpless' as you and I. Every Real Individual in the Social, in Business, in Religious Office, or in the Military who chooses to Run for Political Office, must be 'well versed' in 'Democracy' and 'Politics'. If not, they should not be allowed to 'Run'. A Real Politician 'serves' the People; 'Politics' is about 'Service' and Political Office serves the 'Real People', not the Corporations. Where are the Real Politicians?

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The 'Political World' is very different from the 'Business World'.

The Political World is 'very different' from the Business World. The Political World must 'Govern' Political Entities that 'house' many Real Individuals within their Political Jurisdiction. The Business World must create an Economy that produces 'Monies' and 'Incomes' for the survival of all 'Real Individuals' living 'within' a Political Entity. All Business Corporations must create Profits or go Bankrupt. All Business Corporations are recognized by Law as Legal Fictions that only exist "in contemplation of law". They are not 'Real Persons'. Stated differently, the Political World is 'motored' or 'Governed' by Freedom and Equality, while the Business World is solely 'motored' by 'Profits', 'Monies', and 'Size'; and 'never shall the Twain Meet'. The Political World must use 'political principles' to Govern the Bottom of the Entity. In a Democracy, that is Freedom and Equality. In an Autocracy, the 'Top Rules Absolutely'; it does not Govern. The 'Bottom' 'gets' whatever the 'Top' wants to 'give it'. When an Autocratic Leader gives a 'Soccer Ball', as a Gift, to a so-called 'Democratic Leader', I really think its meant as a 'Sucker Ball'. Unfortunately, Politics can be a 'dirty game'. Politics should be one of the most Noble of Disciplines. But, when the Rich, the 1%, takes over the reins of Political Entities, the Rules of Governing changes drastically. The CEO mentality of More and More of the Same, of Profits and Money, takes over the democratic spirit of Freedom and Equality. Democracy goes out the window, and in its place one sees economic changes that reflect the business mentality. Don't get me wrong, Business is a great endeavor but, it never replaces the Freedom and Equality of a Real Democracy. Try running a Corporate Business Entity with Freedom and Equality; it will never work; try running a Democratic Nation with Profits and Monies; that, my friend, is not a Democracy of Freedom and Equality. 'Politics' must regain its 'Political Spirit' and 'Business' must assume its proper function within Society. Stop 'lubricating' the 'Democratic Waters'. The Two 'Worlds' can function together; but they don't 'mix' well.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

'Leaders', by whatever 'Name', must know how to 'Govern'; Capitalists must know how to make a Profit.

Political Leaders, by whatever 'Name' must know how to Govern; Capitalists must know how to make a Profit. Being a Leader, whether Democrat, Autocrat, or Plutocrat, requires knowledge, lots of knowledge, of the Political Process. Of course, an Autocrat Governs differently from a Democrat. But, even then, both must be knowledgeable about Governing with Autocratic Principles or Democratic Principles. It is possible to have a 'nice', likable, Autocrat, but highly unlikely. In the same manner, its possible to have a 'Democratic Leader' with 'Autocratic tendencies'. Obviously, that can also be the case. But, in such cases, the so-called Leader has pulled a 'fast one' on the Voters of the Democracy; especially if he tries to Govern with Economic or Business Principles. Business Principles are 'Autocratic' in nature. The Rule of the CEO is basic to an organization designed strictly to make a Profit. My point is that if a Leader purports to Govern a Nation, by whatever form of Government, S/He must have knowledge of Governing. That creates a dilemma in a system where CEO's are allowed to participate in Government. Now, be careful. I'm not suggesting to exclude the Business World from a Democratic Process. What I'm suggesting is to have some criteria or qualifications for anyone wanting to engage themselves in the Government of a Democratic Nation. The first priority is knowledge of the act of Governing. If a Candidate is completely unfamiliar with basic Rules of Governing, S'He should not be allowed to participate in the Political Process. If S/He doesn't know how to Govern, why should either be permitted to 'politic' for an Office that requires Governing? Hey, I know its a Democracy, but a Leader should know what Governing a Democracy is all about. If a Man doesn't know how to drive a Car, why should we allow him/her to drive a Car? Why does he need a Licence? There are some businessmen who are good at making a Profit, but know absolutely nothing about 'Governing'. They should not be allowed to run for a 'Democratic Office' for the sole purpose of transforming the Office into an 'Autocratic Business Institution'. Where are the Real Politicians?

Sunday, July 8, 2018

There's a Big distinction between 'Governing' a Governmental Entity and a 'Capitalistic economy'.

There's a Big distinction between 'Governing' a Governmental Entity and a 'Capitalistic economy'. Governing involves an Institution of Government at the Top that governs all the Individuals at the Bottom. The Bottom is always a 'condition of togetherness' of Individuals that constitute the Governed. A Government 'Governs' the Governed. That may sound simplistic, but there is no other purpose for Government! Economic activity or Capitalistic activity is activity 'designed' to make a 'Profit'. It also has no other purpose for existing. Any 'Individual' that does not make a 'Profit' in the 'Social' is in trouble.( I use 'condition of togetherness' instead of 'Social' because an 'Individual' never loses anything by 'living together' in a Group. S/He remains a unique Human Being. Whereas, the word 'Social' is a high level abstraction subject to linguistic manipulation) So, what does one do if the Individuals cannot make a Profit? Oh, simple. Create 'artificial persons', or 'Legal Fictions' called 'Corporations' that become 'Producers' and make the Real Human beings 'Workers' and 'pay them' a 'Wage'. (Do I dare say a 'Living Wage'?) Oh Well...Now, S/He is making Money for 'survival' in a Capitalistic Economy. But, Capitalism does not have a 'guide' to follow as to a 'reasonable amount of Wages' to be paid. It could, but it wont, why? because its sole concern is to make a Profit. But the Government does because it has a duty to 'Govern' the 'Individual' and the 'Economy'. Hence, Laws setting minimum Wages. An Economy cannot Govern, only a Political Entity can Govern the People and the Economy. When a Nation that functions with Economic principles instead of Political Principles and 'enters' the 'International Sphere' of Governments and begins to re-shape the Economy of the International Sphere, it will create chaos on both the International Sphere and the National sphere. Economic Principles cannot Govern Nationally nor Internationally. We need Real Politicians, not Businessmen nor CEOs.

Friday, July 6, 2018

When the 'Peoples' in a Democracy divide into Political Parties, Politics becomes Adversarial.

When the 'Peoples' of a Democracy divide into 'Political Parties', politics becomes 'Adversarial'. But, 'Adversarial' is not the same as "Antagonistic" or 'disruptive'. Since the 'Bottom' in a Democracy involves 'millions', 'adversarial' and 'competitive' Institutions become necessary. That's why we have a Supreme Court, and a Federal Court System in the Nation; also, in the States, and even in the Counties, and the Cities. Adversarial is not 'antagonistic'. An adversarial System should be 'Democratic' and the resolution of 'opposing arguments' should be resolved 'Competitively'. But, the one 'Political Principle' that holds the whole endeavor together is that the entire process has to be democratic. We live in a Democracy; we must function democratically. That's all fine, but the process by which a vacancy, in the Supreme Court, is filled is all but adversarial. The 'moves' in the process of looking for a Justice to fill the vacancy is downright antagonistic and designed to 'pack' the Court and is not designed to seek Justice, balance, or elaborate on 'democratic values'. Instead, the goals and values are Economic in nature and favor Big Corporations and the Plutocrats. The switch is from democratic values to economic values. Government has been infiltrated by the CEO mentality, or Economic Principles instead of Democratic Governing principles of Freedom and Equality. The 'Highest Office' in the Land, mocks, insults, criticizes, 'Adversaries' and even violates the Law of the Land by separating Children from their Families. What happened to Democracy? Well, it seems that it 'flew out the window' once the 'Business Mentality' took over. Business Principles cannot 'Govern'. We need Political Principles of Freedom and Equality and a 'Real Governor'. We need to re-shape our Nation into a Real Political Entity and not a Business Entity. Where are the Real Politicians?

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Nations function with Political Principles; a United Nations should also function with Political Principles.

Nations function with Political Principles; a United Nations should also function with Political Principles. Capitalistic Principles are not Political in nature because their function is motored by Profits and Money. A 'United Nations' cannot claim to be a 'Union' based on equal Economies. Hence, economic Principles can never be a Motor for Governing a 'Union' of unequal Economies. Economic Principles function on the basis of Profits and hence cannot be Political in nature. Government by Economy leads to abuse, profiteering, and competition on the 'basis' of 'Profits'. A United Nations must respect the Individuality of each and every Other Nation and the 'Politics' that motors it must be a Politics of Freedom and Equality as a Political Entity. Such a Union cannot be motored by Profits and Economic principles. It must be motored by Political principles of Freedom and the Equality of 'Political Union'. So-called 'Trade Wars', in these 'Technologically Advanced Times' is just a 'catch phrase' for just 'Plain War'. Plain War kills Individuals, Economic Wars destroy Economies and, indirectly, kills Individuals also. It is also a basis for Economic devastation in some sectors and hence could actually lead to 'Real War'. Trade Wars are dangerous and only the very Rich and the Plutocrats will benefit. Its literally a War between Plutocrats and 'Rich Nations' and all the People will suffer. Real War is based on the childish and immature emotion that 'My Dad can beat up your Dad' and Trade War is based on the childish and immature emotion that 'My Dad Has more Money then Your Dad'. Where are the Real Politicians?

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Abstract Political Entities must govern Real Human Beings living in a condition of togetherness.

Abstract Political Entities must Govern Real Human Beings living in a 'condition of togetherness', yet all Political Entities owe their 'establishment' to the Human Condition. No Political Entity has ever created the Human Condition, yet its the Political Entity that has Political Power, not the Human Condition. The only thing the Human can do is learn to 'live together' in a condition of togetherness. Since, there are no 'superior' human beings, all human beings are Equal and Free. In a 'condition of togetherness' a human being must learn to respect the Political Freedom and Equality of the Other. If that does not occur, Individuals will always be at the throat of the Other. Hence, the need for some kind of 'control' or some kind of 'Government'. But, the Government must respect the Political Freedom and Equality of each and every Individual under its care. The only reason Governments have been established is for the Purpose of Governing the Human Condition. It serves no other function and although there is Political Power in Governing, that Power should not be abused and it should be used democratically, or, stated differently, for the benefit of the Individuals that have established the Political Entity. Isn't it strange that, when Individuals do not abide by Law, they are punished, but when Political Entities do not abide by Law or 'Human Decency', they merely justify themselves by claiming to be Autocrats, or Plutocrats, Kings, and in some cases, good CEO's or 'Businessmen' trying to balance the 'economy of the World' with Business Principles, as if it was some 'local Corporation'. In other words, they hide behind their Political Identities. They treat the 'Big Picture' as if it was the 'Small Picture', and by doing that they ignore the 'Freedom and Equality' of all the Real Humans in the World. A change in the International Business World will always effect the Local scene. When Leaders of the World attempt to regulate the International scene with economic Principles, they are stepping on the toes of all the Human beings in the World. Locally, Politics should benefit the Human Condition, Internationally, Politics should do the same. Both local Governments and International Governments is about the People, about Human Beings. Where are the Real Politicians?
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.