Friday, January 31, 2020

In a Political Entity, the 'Top' is 'necessary'; How is the 'Form' of Government justified?

In a Political Entity,the 'Top of Power' is 'Necessary'; all Political Entities have their own 'Top' and 'Form' of Government. Why is there a difference? There are many Forms of 'Government'; some 'Forms' don't even 'look like' or resemble a 'Government', as we know it. Some, like the Family; we must surmise, grew out of a 'Closeness' between the 'Individuals'; and some among other Individuals being born in 'proximity' to each Other; like a 'Tribe or Group'. Then something must have happened; a particular 'land area' began to 'Feel' like 'Home' and then 'began' to be considered 'as Home'. My Land; our land; It was 'Given a Name' and whether 'mental' or 'actual', the 'circumference and size' was 'delineated' and called 'Our Home'. The above 'sequence' can't be justified, but the process must have been 'similar'. Different 'Races' came into being and different 'Areas' acquired a certain 'Identity' and 'Independence'. The 'Immigrant was Born'. A Human Being who will never understand the trajectory, acquires an 'Identify' and 'must survive' in the World. Of course, 'Human Kind' begins to establish control over his /her Land and 'Nations' are Born. 'Identifies' come into existence, then 'control', then 'Power at the Top'. Politics is Born. Since all Human Beings are Equally Human; 'no 'One' is 'Superior' to Another. Of course, 'Nations' are 'Institutions' and justify their 'existence' and their 'authority' differently. A 'Political Entity' takes 'Form' and the 'Institutional Power' at the 'Top' becomes defined; Monarchy; Autocracy', Oligarchy; Plutocracy, and much later, 'Democracy'. 'Power' at the 'Top' and the 'Many Peoples' at the 'Bottom'. From the 'Divine Right of Kings' to 'Government of the People', 'by the People' and 'For the People'. Only a Democracy respects the 'Freedom and Equality' of 'each and every' Real Individual at the Bottom. Hence the need to 'transfer authority' to 'Govern' to the 'Top'; 'Representative Government is Born', but 'only' for a 'short period of time'. The Center of Gravity of 'Governing' in a 'Democracy' is always the 'Many Peoples' at the 'Bottom'. The 'Top' is always 'Representative'. Where are the Real Politicians?

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Relation of the Top and the Bottom arose from 'Necessity' and the 'Need for Government'.

The Relation of the Top and the Bottom arose from 'Necessity' and 'Eventually' for the 'need of a 'Political Entity'. Obviously. 'Many Peoples' cannot 'Govern themselves'. The 'Political Entity' must be 'organized' in a manner where the 'Many' or the 'Governed' have a say-so in the 'Form' of Government. That's a Democracy. Since all 'Real Human Beings' are 'Equal and Free', no one Human Being is more qualified by virtue of just being Human to become a Leader. Hence, some criteria by which a Leader is 'chosen' must exist. But, where is it? Anyone can Run for Office, but what are the qualifications of that Person. Of course, everyone knows that's the 'Purpose' of a 'Campaign', but most Campaigns' are reduced to 'empty Promises'. But, that's what we call 'Politically Correct'. That's 'Empty' and 'Insincere'. That's not what I'm saying. If one listens to the arguments of the Senate and House, the Language and Motivations for such 'Leadership' are not being discussed. The motivations have to be 'relatively selfless' and a Leader must have a 'comprehensive' knowledge of the 'Real Political situation', and, very important, the possession of a 'Political Vocabulary'. How can an 'Economic Dialogue' be used to 'make comprehensive' Political moves? It can't. That's an Economic move and Politics does include 'Economics', but 'not to the exclusion' of a 'Political Vocabulary'. The 'basis and Nature' of a 'Political Entity' is Governed by a Political 'Vocabulary' and not 'solely' by an 'Economic One'. Leadership in the 'Business World' differs from Leadership in the 'Political World'. Where are the Real Politicians?

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The 'Relation' of the Top to the Bottom does not always include the 'Many Peoples' at the Bottom.

The 'Relation' of the Top to the Bottom does not always 'include' the 'Many Peoples' at the Bottom. All Governments have a 'Top with Power' and a Bottom with the 'Many'. The Relation of the 'One' and the 'Many' exists in all 'Forms of Governments'. But, many distinctions arise when it comes to the Form of the 'Political Entity' and the 'Many Peoples' at the 'Bottom'. All 'Tops' have Power to Govern. One cannot have a 'Top' of Power without a 'Bottom' of 'Peoples'. But again, the Peoples are the 'Governed', and one must ask, do they have any 'Political Rights' and if so. from where do they get these Rights? Of course, a Government is an 'Institution' and not a 'Natural Phenomena' but, the 'Peoples', whether at the Top or the Bottom are equally 'Human'. As Human Beings, all are the 'same' and one 'cannot assume' that any 'One' Human is 'Greater' than the 'Other'. Again, Power to 'Rule' is 'different' from 'Power to Govern'. One important feature is that 'Power' is an 'Institutional Phenomena' and in the 'Democratic Form', the Top gets its Power to 'Govern' from the 'Peoples at the Bottom', through the 'Ballad Box'. The 'Institution of Government' is 'authorized to Govern' by the 'Constitution' and the 'Many Peoples' at the 'Bottom'. An Autocratic Form of Government does not Govern; it Rules. That means the 'Peoples' at the Bottom do not have any 'Political Rights' to participate in the act of 'Institutional Rule'. Of course, 'Democratic forms' can also 'fall' into that quandary. An Individual, 'unsophisticated and unqualified' in the workings of Government can be voted into Office and She/He may try to 'Rule' instead of 'Govern'. Simply from his lack of knowledge of Politics. This happens when an individual does not 'understand', or simply doesn't care, that 'Democratic Government' is about 'serving the Peoples' at the Bottom and not about the 'mere exercise' of 'Political Power'. Political Power does not exist except as an Institution and in the Democratic Form of Government, the 'Peoples' at the 'Bottom' transfers that 'Institutional Right' to Govern by means of the Ballad Box. Of course, many things could go wrong, but there should be some sort of qualifications to run for Public Office. When Trump was asked what qualified him to Run; he said "I build big Buildings". Governing establishes a 'Relation' between the Top and the Bottom and that Relation must be used to 'Serve the People'.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

The most important Relation in a Political Entity is the relation of the Top to the Bottom.

The most important Relation in a 'Political Entity' is the 'Relation' of the 'Top to the Bottom'. If we are talking 'Politics' or 'Political Entities', we are talking about a 'Structure' or a 'Form of Organization' that allows for 'Governing' the 'Many' by 'One' or the 'Few'. The Top always has 'Power' and the 'Bottom' is the 'Governed' or the 'Ruled'. But, many other 'factors' enter into the Relation. Every Political Entity must also have a 'Social' and an 'Economy'. No 'large group' of 'Human Beings' can 'hold together' without some 'form' of 'Political Organization' and it has gotten to the point where the 'Economic Arena' has acquired importance. These 'factors' all 'effect the Social', and the 'Political'. The importance of the Economic is unquestioned. But, one must ask, why? Simply, the Political is under authority of the 'Political Form' of the Nation, while the Economic is 'Capitalistic' and whose 'Unique Productive Form' is somewhat 'unrestrained'. A Nation cannot survive without an 'Economy' and therein lies a subtle 'danger'. The 'Economic' permeates all the 'Real Individuals' at the Bottom. That's why the Supreme Court created a 'Person" in contemplation of Law' protected by the Constitution. An Individual lives within the 'political Form' of the Government, but is not always in contact with its 'Institutional Nature'; while the 'Economic' permeates every 'moment' of an 'Individuals Life'. We cannot survive without Government, but we cannot survive 'one day' without the 'Economic'. Its very easy for a 'Political Entity' to be dominated by the 'Nature' of a 'Capitalistic Economy'. If the Economy is Capitalistic, 'economic production' becomes 'very important' and the 'Corporate Nature' seeps into the 'Political' and acquires 'dominance'. No 'Real Individual' can compete with a Social formed by 'Corporate Structures' or 'Legal Persons' or 'Legal Fictions'. So now, we use our Time to Count our Money and forget about our Freedom and Equality. We literally 'create' a 'Class Society' by 'embracing abstract Fictions' called Money. The Economic 'Pours in' and the 'Freedom and Equality' goes out the Window. Where are the Real Politicians?

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

In a Political Entity, the Media and its Objectivity is very important.

In any Political Entity, the 'Media' and its 'Objectivity' is very important. Without a 'Media', the 'Bottom' would never know what the Top is doing, and often times, there are things that the 'Top' does not want the 'Bottom' to know. All Political Entities create a 'Relationship' between the Top and the Bottom and the proper function of the Media is to keep the Bottom informed about the 'functions of the Top of Power'. Its a very important 'Political Relation' and one that establishes a certain 'Political Relationship'; in a Democracy, between the 'Representatives' at the Top and the 'Many Peoples' at the Bottom. The function of the media is to monitor this 'Relation' and report it to the People at the Bottom. Without the Media, the Bottom would never know what is happening at the Top of Power and the Top would never know what the Bottom is thinking or doing. Of course, the most important Requirement the Media has is to be 'Objective' about the Reportage. But, the Problem that inheres in such a Relation is that the Top is the 'One' and the Bottom is the 'Many'. There's that old, 'ancient Problematic' about the 'relation' between the 'One and the Many'. The One and the Many is an essential relation of Government. It must exist. But we've discovered that in the formation of our Democracy, the first thing the Representatives did was to divide into 'Political Parties' each with a different 'Political Ideology'. Already we have a difference. Now, ask yourself, if the division was a "Party Division" into Democratic Political Ideology, why cant the Parties act 'Democratically'. Why is there so much animosity between the 'Parties' that they argue about 'Procedures' instead of Substance? The quest is for the 'Truth' of purported 'Political activity' and not about what can be 'withheld' from the 'Peoples at the Bottom'. Who do the Parties Represent? Why are the 'People' confused by shifting 'Political Talk' that does not address the 'Real Issues'. The Real Issue is about 'Competency' and 'Leadership'. A Nation cannot be 'driven' with 'Economic Principles'. Where are the 'Real Politicians'.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

In a Democracy: when the 'Top' acts arbitrarily; it no longer represents the Bottom.

In a Democracy: when the 'Top' acts arbitrarily: it no longer represents the 'Bottom'. Democracy is a 'Representative' Government and 'Leaders at the Top should Represent all the 'Peoples at the Bottom'. 'Shuffling Government Funds' from Military Funds, to build a 'Wall' that contributes to 'Isolationism' is not only, not Democratic; its dangerous. How can a Leader of the People who gets 'all his Political Power', only as a 'Representative of the People', endanger the 'very People' who elected him to 'Office'. That is not 'Democratic'; nor 'Republican'; that's not even 'Governing'; its closer to 'Ruling' a Nation. In a Democracy, 'Leaders' who do not have the 'Peoples Welfare' in mind should not be in 'positions of Leadership'. All 'Democratic Politics' is about 'Representing the People'. In a Democracy, there is no other reason for 'Politics' to exist. In a Democracy, the Bottom is Free and Equal and for that reason, 'Democratic Politics' becomes necessary. But, its 'Political Principles' that become necessary; not 'Economic Principles' and not 'Arbitrary' and 'Pet Projects' of 'so-called Leadership'. To use 'Political Office' for 'Personal Gains' and 'Personal Projects' is clearly a misuse of Political Power. In such cases, either a 'Representative Leader' does 'not Understand' or She/he is 'clearly using' the Elected Office for 'Political Gain'. In the first case, the 'So called' Leader does not 'Understand' Political Principles at all, and in the Other, the Leader does not have the 'Selflessness' required for 'Leadership'. In either case, that kind of 'Politics' leads to a 'Disorganized Bottom' and that raises the issue whether the 'Political Parties', will 'cling' to their 'Ideology' or whether they will try to 'benefit' from the 'mayhem and confusion' caused be the 'Top of Power'.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

When the Top of Power 'destabilizes' in a Democracy, the 'Bottom' begins to 'splatter'.

When the Top of Power 'destabilizes' in a 'Democracy', the Bottom begins to 'splatter' in every direction. No longer a 'cohesive Bottom' of 'Freedom and Equality', the bottom becomes 'unmanageable and antagonistic'. The general sense of stability weakens and the different 'Races' and 'belief systems' begin to 'turn' against each other. Democracy has Power at the Top, but if the Top does not exercise its Power in a 'proper way', there is 'nothing' to hold the Bottom together. That occurs when the Top is governed by 'economic Principles' or when there's a lack of 'Political Knowledge' at the helm. Governments, all Governments, whether Democratic or Not, are 'Political Entities' and when they are not 'Governed' or 'Ruled' by their 'Political Ideology', they 'weaken' and 'eventually disintegrate'. But, if the Political Ideology holds together, there is a possibility for their 'Bottom' to hold together. Governments as 'Political Entities', or 'Real Governing Agencies' have a better chance of 'living in a Condition of 'Political Togetherness' then 'Billions of Individuals' living without any kind of Governing Principles. Why is it that Different Political Ideologies can live together in the World, while Billions of Individuals cannot. The answer is Politics. But Political Leaders must learn to hold their Nations together and 'resolve' Political Differences with 'Political Principles' and not 'Economic Principles' or 'Personal Inclinations'. 'Political Entities' are 'Huge' and should be 'disciplined Entities', while Individuals have 'less' Political Inclinations then do 'Political Entities'. An 'Individuals' 'immediate concerns' are more attuned to 'Personal Life-Styles' and they leave 'Political Concerns' to the 'Political Realm'. An Individual cannot hold together a Political Entity, while a Political Entity can hold together the 'Many' Individuals at the Bottom. The Issues are issues of 'Political Entities', 'Political Power', and 'Politics'. In a Democracy, that requires a 'thorough Knowledge' of Political Principles and the 'Right Spirit' for 'Governing'. In a Democracy a 'Leader' cannot 'Govern' with 'Personal Inclinations'. A 'Leader' needs a thorough Knowledge of 'Political Principles' and 'Politics'. Where are the Real Politicians?

Friday, January 3, 2020

Democracy is a 'functional discipline' that 'Institutionalizes' the 'Bottom' as an expresseion of 'Freedom and Equality'.

Democracy is a 'functional discipline' that 'Institutionalizes' the 'Bottom' as an expression of 'Freedom and Equality'. How is this to be accomplished? Of course, 'Political Discipline' is the discipline that must be made 'functional'. No other discipline will suffice. Economic disciplines are also necessary aspects of a 'Democratic Social'. But, economic discipline 'cannot drive' a democracy of 'Freedom and Equality'. It can drive, and does, the 'Corporate Economy' of 'Legal Fictions'. But, it has no control. The Corporate Society has torn loose from governmental Control and is pretty much on its own. Legal Fictions were created, as 'Persons' in 'contemplation of Law', for 'protection', but now they run 'amok'. Abusing their status as 'Constitutional Persons', their sole concern is always 'more and more' of the 'same'. But, the availability of their 'products' or 'services' never comes into view. The 'Business Corporation' needs to be re-designed. They need to be more responsible and they need to be 'more democratic'. After all, they got 'Constitutional Protection'; why not 'Democratic Duties' as all other 'Persons' in the 'Social' have. How can a Person at the Bottom, without any technical knowledge, participate in 'economic activity' ( work) if they are not equipped to function as 'technicians'. They say, many 'new jobs' are available, but only the 'Few' can 'function there'. The Business Corporation is not a 'Real Person' like you and I, so why should it get 'special treatment', or Constitutional Protection? Since, the Law has created the Business Corporation, why shouldn't they become 'more democratic'. Business Corporations are 'necessary', but so are 'Democratic Duties' of 'Freedom and Equality'. After all we are a 'Democracy'. Where are the Real Politicians?
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.