Monday, February 27, 2017

When the 1% governs a Democracy; the 'democracy' transforms into a Plutocracy.

When the 1% takes over a Democracy; the 'demise' of democracy gives 'birth' to a Plutocracy. That means that the Top of Government becomes 'motored' by economic principles, instead of Democratic principles. Plutocracy is motored by 'Money', or the 'Haves', not 'Democracy'. Plutocracy is motored by economic Principles, not Political Principles. Plutocrats are never Politically motivated, they usually do not have a 'single political bone' in their Body. But, don't kid yourself, they know that Political Office has 'Political Power' and they also 'aspire to Power'. In other words, a Plutocrat is not concerned with the 'Freedom and Equality' of the Individual, at the Bottom of Government; he is concerned with economic Principles 'driven' by Profits which produce 'more and more' of the same, viz., Money. His or her primary concern will be to retain the same level of 'Economic welfare', especially 'for the People', or, to promote 'higher levels' of economic welfare, which accrues to the benefit of the 'Plutocratic arrangement'. Plutocracies usually do not become Democracies ( unless there is a Social Revolution), but Democracies can 'slip into' Plutocracies 'very easily'. The only requirement for a Democracy to 'slip into' a Plutocracy, is that the 'political focus' changes from Freedom and Equality of every Individual, to 'more and more of the same', or, simply, Money. 'Money' is a 'result', a 'result' of an Economic Principle, which has replaced the Political Principle of Freedom and Equality. A Plutocrat usually appears politically inept, politically unsophisticated, completely untutored in Political Principles, and economically 'heavy', or solely concerned with Money. The 1% holds the 'medium of exchange' 'hostage' and that means that the 'Bottom of Government( the People)' will no longer have an opportunity to work, invest, save, or use, a medium of exchange that was meant to 'circulate'. The 99% will have less than they do now, and the system will be so-changed that the 'democratic spirit' will become 'helpless', effete, in a 'social system' designed to make 'more profits' for the 1% and 'less' and 'less', for the People. Don't be fooled by promises of 'more money', 'more wages', 'more benefits', 'more Jobs', for the Individual. In a Plutocracy, all 'benefits' translate into 'more Profits' for the 1% and the Corporations. The 1% and the 'Corporations' will get 'Fatter'; the 99% will get 'thinner'. Where are the Statesmen?

Friday, February 24, 2017

Democracy can be the best Government in the World; but, the People must protect the 'Political Engine' and the 'Ideologies' that 'drives' it.

A 'Real Democracy' is the best Government in the World; but, the People must 'cultivate' and 'protect' the 'Engine' and the 'Political Ideology' that drives it, viz., the Freedom and Equality of 'each and every Real Individual' situated at the Bottom of the Government Triad. That is not as simple as it may sound. One of the biggest barriers, to a 'real Democratic Engine', is the division into Political Parties. The second barrier is the creation of 'artificial Persons', or the so-called 'Corporate Nature'. The First barrier 'saps' the basic 'energy of democracy', or, the 'Engine itself', into opposite political factions that oppose each Other; while the Second barrier 'diffuses' the democratic 'values' of Freedom and Equality by creating 'artificial human beings', or 'Persons'. The Corporate Nature is not real; it only exists in 'contemplation of law'. Its a Legal Fiction. In relation to the first Barrier, is it possible that the two Parties are both 'Democratic' in Ideology? If that was the case, the 'difference' in the 'Democratic goals' would be 'similar', although the 'means' of achievement might be different. Is that the case, or, are they, in fact, 'in opposition'. Well, there might be some 'similarity' in the Parties Political Ideology, but history tells us, that Political Parties have always been in 'opposition'. In some cases they are even referred to as 'The Opposition'( and never shall the twain meet). The Second Barrier is that the Corporate nature has become a 'Person' like you and I, and that 'Corporate Person' keeps acquiring 'more and more' 'human characteristics'. Today, it can even 'participate in Politics' by 'giving Money' to campaigns and the Political process. The Democratic Party 'purportedly' favors the Freedom and Equality of the 'Real Individuals' at the Bottom of the Government Triad; while the Republican Party favors the 'Republic nature' of the Government; the 'Corporate nature' of the social; and the so-called 1%, i.e.,those Individuals who hold the 'medium of exchange'(money) hostage. Consequently, the 'political engine' of 'Freedom and Equality has been divided into 'opposite Parties'; and the 'democratic values' of being a Government "of the People", "by the People", and "for the People", can now also include 'Legal Fictions" that do 'not really exist'. The First creates 'unnecessary friction', and, the Second creates 'artificial human beings', i.e., 'Legal Fictions', both, of which, 'saps' and 'diffuses' the 'energy' of Real Democracy and actually creates a 'Capitalistic Economy' instead of a 'Real Democratic Government'. Where are the Statesmen?

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Constitution and the White House are the 'centers of gravity' of 'Democratic Government'.

The Constitution and the White House are the 'centers of gravity' of Democracy and 'all political activity'. Since we are a Republic, so are the 'State houses'. Any attempt to move the 'locus' of Political Activity to the 'Personal Domains'; the 'Private Domain'; or the 'Economic Domain'; is an attempt to 'step out of Politics' and to shift the locus of so-called 'Political Activity' to the 'Economic Domain'; That is 'destructive' of Democracy; contributes to a 'Fascistic Attitude' in our 'Leaders', and moves the 'political center of gravity' to the 'Economic Sector'. In other words; 'Politics' becomes 'Economics', and when that happens, the 1% is in Power and Democracy is dead. Its no longer a 'Representative Government'; no longer a 'Democracy'; no longer a Government "of the People", "by the People" and "for the People". The 'so-called Leaders'( The Bandido Cabinet) or, the 'Presidents' of our Nation, living and governing in their own 'personal Resorts', 'private properties'; away from the 'centers of Gravity' of all 'Political', democratic, and 'Governing' activities; have 'elevated' the 'economy', the 1%-ers, the 'Profitable'; the 'Greedy'; to the 'pinnacles of Political Power'. How sad; Greed has prevailed. No longer a Democracy, our Nation is Self-Destructing. All so-called 'Political activity' will now have a 'Profit', or a 'Greedy', component. Freedom and Equality just flew out the Political Window. I always thought that, if we were not careful, Democracy 'could', 'possibly', 'slowly disintegrate'; but, I was wrong, the 'self destruction' is occurring 'overnight'; and its being caused by our so-called Leaders. The shift to Government "by the 1%-er", "by the Corporations", and "by the Economy", is 'Deconstructing' our Democracy; a democracy "of the People", "by the People", and "for the People". Where are the Statesmen?

Friday, February 17, 2017

Our 'Nation' is 'Real'; It has a 'Political Integrity'; 'founded' on Political Principles of Democracy.

The Nation( United States of America) is Real. It is 'founded' on Political Principles of a 'Real Democracy'. Those 'Political Principles' are what 'holds' the 'Integrity of the Bottom' ( the Peoples) in place. Each and Every Individual at the Bottom of Three Branch Government is a 'Real' Individual, a Real Human Being, and 'every human being' is Governed by the Top of the Government Triad. The Top has Political Power, but only when its engaged in 'political activity' and only when 'it' acts in a 'Representative capacity'. At any other time, S/he is just a Real Human Being, like you, and I. The Integrity of the Ship of State is held together by 'Democratic principles' which are 'incorporated' and which 'function' as a Three Branch Structure. No 'Political Office Holder' should be ignorant of 'these Political Principles'. Such ignorance can become problematic, especially when successful 'Businessmen', a 1%-er assumes any Political Office. Business is a 'profit making activity' and every Nation needs a successful Economy. But, business principles and business philosophy 'can never Drive' the Ship of State. The 'purpose' and the 'function' of the 'Two Different Entities are entirely different. 'Profits' may 'energize' the business world, but they 'cannot energize' the Political world. A 'Polity' that is 'solely' focused on 'business at Home' and 'business in the International scene', can only 'destroy' the Integrity of the 'Polity and of Democracy'. Such a 'Polity' will slowly 'unravel' the 'Political ligaments' that 'holds together' a Real Democracy. The Real Democracy will eventually 'self-destruct'. Of course, one way that a Polity can undergo that effect is if the Top of the Administration is led by a '100% Businessman', ignorant of Political Principles, and who selects other Businessmen and Military men, to be in his 'Cabinet'. In other words; if the 'Political Peaks of Power' are occupied by a 'Businessman' and a 'Bandido Cabinet', we are in deep trouble. Where are the Statesmen?

Thursday, February 16, 2017

If, a Political Entity, such as a Nation, is driven by an 'Economic motor', the Nation will Self-Destruct.

Politics has a purpose; that 'purpose' is to drive a 'political entity' with 'Political Principles'. The Principles of such a Government determines if its Democratic, Plutocratic, Oligarchic, or Dictatorial. We know that the Top of a Political entity has the Power to govern. If Democratic, the Government is "of the People"; "by the People"; and "for the People". If Plutocratic the Government is "by the Rich", and "for the Rich"; if Oligarchic, the Government is by the "few", and "for the few"; if Dictatorial, Government is by the 'One' and for the 'One'. Everyone knows this. But, have you considered Government by the 'Economy'? Well, it will be said, the 'economy cannot govern'. Of course, the 'economy' is not a 'political entity'(the reason being that an economy can only 'work', or 'function', if it makes a Profit). Democratic Government is not about making Profits. Democratic Government is about the Freedom and Equality of each and every Real Individual who 'Live', 'Work' and 'Play', at the Bottom of a Political entity. But, Democracies, like all other Forms of Government, also have an 'Economy'. Corporations, to be sure, are important parts of any 'economy', and they are described by Law, as 'Legal Fictions', because they are 'not Real Persons'. Corporations are the only "Fictitious Persons" who, 'Live', 'Work', and 'Play' in the economy'. Beyond that, an economy has no "Real Persons". The 'result' of that reasoning is that we can 'clearly' see that a so-called 'economy' is 'solely driven' by the "Corporate Nature" and the 'Motor' called 'Profits'. It has no other purpose for existing. The motor for Democratic Politics is the 'Freedom and Equality' of each and every 'Real Individual' in the Social. A 'Democratic Political Motor' cannot survive in a purely 'Economic Entity' and an 'Economic Motor' cannot survive in a 'Real Democracy'. They must co-exist in the Nation, but they must be kept 'Separate'. They cannot 'inextricably intermix'. Now, Picture this: ' A 'Democratic Government' run and operated by CEO's at the Top, and who appoint CEO's for the Cabinet, and who will 'run' and 'operate' the 'Democracy' with 'Economic Principles', instead of Democratic Political Principles; what are the consequences for that Democracy? Anyone, and everyone, can see that the 'Democracy' will slowly, but surely, 'Self-Destruct'. Democracy is about Governing with 'political principles', and economies are about 'making Profits'. They can co-exist, but neither can 'drive' the Other.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

A Nation must be 'Governed'; an Economy must be 'successful'.

A Nation is a Political Entity and all Nations must be Governed. A Nations 'Government' is what determines if the Nation is a Democracy; an Aristocracy; an Oligarchy; a Plutocracy; a Dictatorship; or, any other 'form of Government'. A Democratic Nation should be a 'Democracy'. But, its not that easy. Many Nations call themselves Democracies, but or, in fact, not Democracies, or, not 'true' Democracies. Nevertheless, they are autonomous Nations and as such must 'govern' the 'Bottom' of the Entity. Of course, the Bottom of 'any' political Entity 'are the People'. The Top governs the Bottom. But, in a Real Democracy, the Bottom determines who is at the Top, i.e., the Bottom 'elects' the Top. In all cases, the Top must Govern. But, its very important that the Top govern along the lines of so-called 'Political Science'. Even though that 'term' might be questionable, the function of Government is 'clearly' 'to Govern'. There exists 'no other function' for any type of Government; Democratic, or, Otherwise. However, its important to distinguish the act of 'Governing' from the 'act' of having a 'successful economy'. They are Two Separate 'Entities' subject to two different 'Motors'. In a Real democracy, the 'political entity' is 'driven' by the 'Freedom and Equality' of 'each' and 'every' Real Individual at the Bottom of Government. In a 'Successful economy', the end 'result' of 'all economic activity' 'should be' to 'flow' to the 'Bottom of the Political Entity, namely to the People, and to the Social Institutions. Of course, there are 'profits for the entrepreneur'. But, notice that a Political Entity 'cannot' be motored by 'Profits', because there is no 'Freedom and Equality' there; only more, and more, of the same; Profits, Money, Greed. What happens in a Nation where the Top Political Officials are mostly 'Business CEO's', who, evidently, have no idea about Governing? Well, all the 'Political Moves' seem to be 'tainted' by 'Business gains and profits'; hence; Corporations, Legal Business 'Fictions', get bigger and bigger; the 1% get richer and richer; while the 99% struggle to 'make ends meet'. Where are the Statesmen?, and, more important, how did 'that businessman'(1%-er) and his 'Bandito Cabinet' get up there? How sad. The 'human condition' is in 'bad shape'.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

An economic 'Motor' can never 'Drive' a Political Entity that functions with a 'democratic motor'.

A 'Democratic' Political Entity is 'driven' by the Freedom and Equality of 'each' and 'every' real Individual at the Bottom of the 'Government Triad'( Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches). An 'Economic Entity' with an 'economic motor' constantly strives for Profits. A Corporation is such an Economic Entity. A Corporation cannot survive if its 'driven' by Freedom and Equality. It must 'constantly' strive for Profits. A "Corporate Society" is one that has made 'inroads' into Government. How sad; the Corporate Nature has contaminated the Political Nature. The 'condition of togetherness', characterized by Freedom and Equality, has been contaminated with the economic 'Greed' of 'more and more' of the same ( profits). An Economy can grow Bigger and Bigger( more and more of the same), Greed; and the result, i., e., the 1%, while, a Political Entity( A Nation) can grow 'Stronger and Stronger' because of it's 'institutional assimilation' of the 'real Individuals' by means of Social Institutions, characterized by 'Freedom and Equality' of 'The People'. A Nation needs its People; it also needs its Economy; but the 'Economic motor' (Profits. Greed, and the 1%) cannot 'drive' the Nation; only Freedom and Equality can drive the Nation. The Corporations need more 'democratic principles', and the Nation needs to 'work' on its 'motor'; it needs 'Real Equality'( no Racial discrimination; no economic discrimination) and Government needs to improve its 'Social Institutions', in order to allow a 'Real democracy' to 'filter down' to the 'Real People'( We the People...); Corporations are not 'Real Persons'; they're "Legal Fictions".

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Distinctions between a "Corporate Society" and a "Real Society".

A 'Real' Society would be a 'Society' that is constituted of Real Individuals living in "a condition of togetherness". The "condition" preserves the Individuality of each and every Real Individual in the "condition of togetherness". The term "Society" is a high level abstract term that is 'inclusive'; the 'term' that is; but not the reality. In fact, the term 'excludes' many real Individuals, or, many "races, colors, or creeds". The real Individual is left out. Of course, that's the danger of any general 'abstract term'. The terms are always meant to be 'inclusive', but in many cases, they are not. But, the term, "condition of togetherness" does not lose its 'cohesiveness' and at the same time 'includes' each and every 'real' Individual in the condition. In other words ,the Human never loses his/her humanity. Hence, we must be careful when we say "our social is democratic". Is it 'inclusive', or, is it 'exclusive'? Whereas, a Corporate Society emphasizes the corporate nature of the Social. The corporation, being nothing more than 'paper Charters', organized for a particular purpose, are also considered as "persons", within the interpretation of the Constitution. Hence, a corporation is a "person". But, please notice that the "Preamble of the Constitution" begins with the phrase, "We the People of the United States..." etc.. In other words, the 'Real People', wrote the Constitution, "in order to form a more perfect Union". That excludes Corporations. You and I are Real, Corporations are Legal Fictions. They were not at the 'Founding'. Does that mean we must get rid of Corporations? No!, No!, No!: But, they must assume their 'proper position' as 'Fictions'; 'unreal'; arbitrary, economic constructions; in the "Social", and, in the "condition of togetherness". The real Society at the Bottom of Government is 'real', you are 'real', I am 'real', "We the People of the United States..." are Real. Corporations are "Legal Fictions".

Friday, February 3, 2017

A Corporate Society cannot be Democratic.

A corporate society cannot be Democratic because the essence of corporate activity is to make a Profit. A Corporation that does not make a Profit, by its very nature, will not survive in the Social. A corporate Society will always place the survival of the corporation as the primary concern of 'Corporate Functionalism'; whereas,a democratic Society will always place the 'Freedom and Equality' of the 'Individual' as the primary concern of the Society. Of course, the essence of survival in either form of Society or Nation, requires a Three-Forked approach to governing the Social. Why a Three-Forked approach? Simply because, Governing a Social, or, more correctly, 'a condition of togetherness', requires 'laws' for control of the interactions of the Individuals in the 'condition of togetherness'; to wit, an Executive branch; a legislative Branch and a Judicial Branch. If the Social is a 'corporate social', its primary concern will always be the making of Profits. Since, successful businesses cannot be run on a 'motor' of Freedom and Equality in the social, it must strive with the motor called 'making a Profit'. Whereas, a Democratic Social will emphasize the Freedom and Equality of each and every Individual in the 'condition of togetherness'. That's Governing! A Corporate Social will always need to make Profits. There's nothing wrong with Profits, but Corporations are 'legal Fictions' and the basis of Governing is Freedom and Equality of the 'real Individuals'; not the Legal Fictions. The Legal Fictions are 'economic constructions' called "persons" which are entitled to legal protection under the Constitution. But, the 'initial mistake' of calling them "Persons" should not imply that they are "real Human Persons" and that they are entitled to all the protections that 'Real Human Beings' have under the Constitution. They are 'artificial' and they should be recognized as artificial, and they should also be 'compelled', legally, to live 'democratically', like all 'real persons' are compelled. 'Corporations' are an 'invention' of the 'Economy'; and an 'Economy' cannot 'Govern' a People. Where are the Statesmen?
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.