Sunday, December 22, 2019

In a Democracy, the problematic is 'how to enable the 'Institutions' at the 'Bottom' to reach the 'Many'.

IN a Democracy, the problematic is 'how to establish 'Social Institutions' at the 'Bottom', that actually 'reach' and 'benefit' the 'Many'. Its relatively easy for the 'Top' to say the 'Bottom' is 'Free and Equal'. Many 'Autocracies' claim to be 'Democracies'. Of course along with the statement that everyone is 'Free and Equal' is the understanding that 'Law and Order' is also an absolute necessity. No 'One' can Govern 'Many' without there being in place the 'Social Institutions' and 'Law and Order'. Law and Order spells out the 'activities' that are 'prohibited' so as to allow the 'Acceptable' to become 'Institutionalized'. Those 'Acceptable Acts' become the 'Basic Activities' that becomes 'Institutionalized' into the 'Social'. Indirectly, 'Law and Order' establishes 'Social Mores' that become 'Socially acceptable' by prohibiting 'unlawful activity' among the 'Many'. The 'Individual' at the 'Bottom' is 'Free and Equal' and anyone who chooses to Run for 'Public Office' is 'Free' to do so. But, shouldn't there be some 'Requirements and Qualifications' to do so? At present, there is nothing to prohibit someone with 'Autocratic tendencies' from 'Running' for Public Office. Of course, such a tendency is not as obvious as one would think and that is not the 'sole characteristic' to 'guard' against. As we have pointed out, a '100% businessman' will possess certain 'Autocratic Tendencies' to operate a 'Corporate Fiction' successfully. Individuals who have never served the 'Public Good' can also have 'Autocratic tendencies'. No Individual who is a 'Corporate Success' is free from such 'unconscious motivations'. They all 'talk' about improving the 'Economy' but, in most cases, that ambition is limited to some 'favorable treatment' of some favorite 'Legal Fiction' or to giving 'Tax reductions' to the 'biggest Income Producers' in the 'Social'. What about Freedom and Equality, Racial Discrimination, or Class Discrimination? It never includes 'those Individuals' who need it the most or those activities that will 'Balance Out' the 'Social' into a more 'Healthy Social', or that 'Serves the "general Welfare", as provided by the Constitution. Where are the Real Politicians?

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Ancient Problematic of 'The One and the Many' has evolved into the 'Few and the Many'.

The Ancient Problematic of 'The One and the Many' has evolved into the 'Few and the Many'. There has always been an Issue as to how any 'One Individual' can Govern the 'Many Individuals' at the Bottom. What does He or She posses that the Others do not. Of course, The Divine Right of Kings Form of Government relied on the fact that the King was Divine. At first, I imagine, their was a belief that the 'King and the Divine' were in touch with each Other. Later, there evolved a concept that the King had 'Two Bodies'. One was Divine and the other was 'Like Everyone Else'. The 'Divine Right of Kings' concept of 'Rule' comes from this arrangement. Other 'Forms of Government' evolved from this 'basic Concept'. The 'Autocratic' concept retained the idea that the 'Top Ruled the Bottom'. It didn't Govern, it Ruled. There are 'Many' different forms of Governing that retained this 'Line of Authority', but 'thinned it out' by creating 'Agencies' at the 'Top'. But, it was the 'Democratic Form' that really changed the 'Ancient Styles of Governing. Power was in the 'People' and they 'transferred it to the Top' by the Ballad Box and created a 'Three Branch Form' of Government. The Bottom are 'the People' or, the Legislative Branch; The Top is the Executive Branch; and the Third Branch is the Judiciary. This 'Form' allows 'Movement' from the 'Bottom' to the 'Top' of 'Power'. Hence, there was a limitation placed on how long any one Individual could serve in the 'Highest Office' in the Land. But, since any Individual at the Bottom could try to Serve in the Highest Office in the Land, other problems evolved. Was the 'Intent of the Individual' to 'Serve' the People, or to 'Rule' the People, or to 'Govern' the People in accordance with the 'Constitution'. As you can see, the 'Problematic' of the 'One and the Many' still 'visits us', but in a more 'Diluted Form'. It seems that if the 'Intent' is to 'Govern' according to the 'Constitution' and the 'Freedom and Equality' of 'every one Real Individual' at the Bottom, there would be no 'Racial Discrimination'. Real Freedom and Equality would reign. Legal Fictions ( Fictional 'Persons') like Corporations would not be 'favored' over 'Freedoms and Equalities'. Where are the Real Politicians?

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The only thing that can be more powerfull than 'Political Correctness' is 'Creativity'.

The only thing that can be more 'Powerful' than 'Political Correctness' is a 'Creative Politics'. A Creative Politics can really tackle the Old Problematic of the 'One and the Many'; 'Power' at the 'Top' and 'The Many' at the 'Bottom'. An 'Autocratic Government' has 'Power at the Top' and 'People at the Bottom', but the formula is much 'simpler' than a 'Democratic Form'. In such cases, the 'Top has Power' and the 'Bottom' has no 'Freedom and Equality'; and if it does, its never spelled out. Hence, the Autocrat is Free to 'Rule' as he 'wishes'. A 'Real Democracy' has a 'Written Constitution' and the 'Organization of the Triadic Form of Governing' is spelled out in clear language. In a Democracy the Power is in the People at the Bottom and that Power is transferred to the Top via the ballot Box. Any one serving in High Office 'serves' the 'People at the bottom'. Of course, that creates many Problems, because that 'Ancient Problematic' raises its ugly head, viz: the One and the Many. But, that only allows room for the 'Creative Spirit'. Instead of 'just following' the Letter of the Constitution, the approach to Governing becomes 'Creative'; a Creativity that does not depart from the terms of the Constitution. No Longer just 'Politically Correct', but a 'True Spirit' to 'Serve' the People at the Bottom. A Political Entity that actually 'Serves' the People. Of Course, the Bottom is a Multiplicity of Peoples and that makes the Political Task of the 'Top' much more Difficult. No easy Task, the Top must become 'Creative', but within the 'Bounds' established by the Constitution. 'Political Correctness' is mere compliance with certain 'Political Practices'. Its 'empty', 'vacuous', and 'insincere'. 'True Politics' 'serves' the People and tries to establish 'Institutions' at the 'Bottom' that will 'protect and 'develop' the 'Freedom and Equality' of the 'Individual'. Where are the Real Politicians?

Monday, December 9, 2019

Politics is 'not Science'; nor Art, but it's 'Creative' and hence 'closer' to an 'Art form'.

Politics is 'not Science', nor Art, but it's 'Creative' and hence 'closer' to an 'Art Form'. The 'Creative aspect' of Politics requires that the 'Top of Power' should exercise a little 'creativity' to 'Serve' the 'Needs' of the 'Social' and every 'Real Individual' that 'constitutes it'. Of course, that's a 'Tall Order'. How can an 'Institutional Top' possibly 'Serve Millions of Individuals'. We must be careful not to confuse 'Real Individuals' with the 'Condition of Togetherness' in which the 'Social' exists. The 'needs' of the Social does not necessarily mean the 'Needs' of Each and 'every' 'Real Individual' in the 'Social'. Of course, all Real Individuals are Free and Equal and that does mean 'all' 'Real Individuals'. But the Term 'Social' does have its 'definitions' and 'applications'. The 'function' of 'Power at the Top' is to 'create Social conditions' and 'Institutions' that help the 'Real Individuals' at the Bottom 'realize' their 'Freedom and Equality. Of course, the Top has other functions, but none is more important than to 'realize' and 'help' actualize the 'Individuals Freedom and Equality'. That factor is what makes a Democracy a Democracy. But, its important that Each and Every Real Individual situated at the Bottom also realize and understand the 'Function' that 'they' must play. A democracy needs 'Law and Order' and the manner by which 'Individuals' comply with 'Law' helps to create 'Order'. That's the Purpose of Law and that's what 'creates Order' in the Social. Neither exists without the 'Other'. A Top that helps establish Law is a Top that Governs with Democratic Principles, not Economic principles. The reason for that is that Economic Principles are Dictatorial in Nature. An Economy strives in one direction and one direction only; towards 'Profits' and 'More and more of the Same'. A Polity must be governed by 'Democratic Political Principles'. Where are the Real Politicians?

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Politics is closer to an 'Art Form' than to a Political Science.

Politics is closer to an Art than to a Science. Obviously, a Two Party System has different ways of Politic-ing. Of course, Two ways of doing the same thing is not very scientific, nevertheless the Goal is the Same and that is that Both Parties should be 'Governing' the 'Peoples' of a Nation or one of the States of that Nation. So, why the Difference. Well, each Party of a Two Party System has its Ideology. But, each Party 'Governs' the same 'Territories'. The Parties have introduced into these Territories a different approach to the establishment of a Democratic Form of Government. But, our Government, whether Federal or State is a Democracy, a Government "Of the People", "by the People", and "For the People". Its a 'Peoples Government' and it has a 'Written Constitution'. The 'Liberal' and 'Conservative' Tag alludes towards an 'attitude' towards 'Governing', but 'Constitutional Governing', it must. The 'Political Stance' of each 'Party' refers to 'different attitudes' towards 'Governing'. But, they must 'Govern', not 'Rule'. At the moment, our Democracy is unraveling. Sad but True. The 'seat of Power' is occupied by an 'Autocrat' that cannot 'understand' what Democracy is. 'Led' by 'Principles of Economics', 'Freedom and Equality' has been 'sacrificed' to the 'Holy Dollar'. We have never been so close to a 'Plutocracy'. Unfortunately, its the 'Top of Power' that is 'unraveled' and the 'Lack of Democratic Principles' is disrupting the 'Freedom and Equality' situated at the Bottom. We have never needed more 'Sanity' in 'Governing' and 'True Leadership' at the 'Top of Power'. Where are the 'Real Politicians'? Its their 'Job' to correct the 'unraveling' of 'Real Democracy'.
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.