Saturday, June 29, 2019

Government is essential; Corporations are also essential; but each is 'Motored' differently.

Government is essential; Corporations are also essential; but, each is 'Motored differently'. Each must retain its separate Identity and each must be 'motored' differently. One 'Governs' Real Individuals at the Bottom of the 'Political Entity'. That's what in old times was called the 'One', and the 'Many' makes 'Profits' purportedly to create a 'balanced Economy'; that's what in old times was called the 'Many', but today it includes the Business Corporations. 'Each' has a purpose and each must function according to its nature and each must retain their 'Separate Identity', but 'never shall the Twain Meet'. Mixing the 'Motors' creates havoc in the Political Entity and in the 'so-called' Autonomous Economy. Mixing creates 'an effect' of intermixing 'Profits' with 'Governing'. That disables a Democratic Government and it does not balance the Economy. In fact, it creates a 'Plutocratic' or 'Oligarchic' condition in the 'Halls of Government' which 'changes' the characteristics of a 'Real Democracy'. A Democratic Government cannot be motored with 'Profits', and a 'Balanced Economy', cannot exist in a 'Plutocratic' or 'Oligarchic' Polity. Freedom and Equality cannot be mixed with 'Greed' in a Democracy. 'Greed' or 'Economic Greed' eventually calcifies into 'Plutocracy' or 'Oligarchy'. It creates 'Haves' and 'Have nots' and in such cases democracy cannot flourish. Freedom and Equality go out the Window, and Greed 'Flourishes' in the 'Haves' and the 'Corporate Economy'. 'Legal Fiction' overcomes 'Law and Order'. Where are the Real Politicians?

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

A 'Government' cannot exist without 'the Governed'.

A 'Government' cannot exist without 'the Governed'. A Government has 'Political Power', but one must always ask 'over what or whom'. Since a Government is not a 'Natural Phenomena', its an 'Institutional Phenomena', the issue always becomes, 'What' or 'Who' does it Govern? Of course, everyone agrees that a Government Governs 'Its People', and that a Democratic 'Government' was established at a 'Constitutional Convention', being called and organized by 'The People' to be 'Governed'. In other words, the 'Governed' created the 'Government'. Once created, the Government must establish the 'Social institutions' that will hold 'The People', or the 'Governed', together in a 'Condition of Integrity'. That's why a Democracy is a 'Social Institution' held together with 'Law' and 'Order'. The law creates an 'Orderly Social', or a Social governing the 'everyday interactions' of the 'People' while protecting their 'Freedom and Equality'. Without law there would be chaos. With Law, there is 'Social Order'. So, the next question is if a Business Corporation is considered 'a Person' by the Courts, and is protected by the Constitution and Law, why are there no requirements compelling a 'Legal Fiction' to act like a Democratic Citizen? Why does an Economic legal Fiction get protected but is not given any Democratic, Social Duties? All 'Human Citizens' have their 'Freedom and Equality' protected, but they are also required to 'abide by Law'. They are required to be 'Good Citizens', or pay the price. So, why are Money Making Legal Fictions created by Law? They create an Economic Imbalance that benefits the Rich, wealthy Individuals only and not the 'Economy' as a whole. The Business Corporation needs to contribute to the Democracy that allowed for their creation and they should also be 'Good Economic Institutions' that contribute to a more 'Balanced Economy'.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

No democratic 'Political office' can drive a 'Political Entity' with Economic Principles.

No democratic 'Political Office' can drive a 'Political Entity' with 'Economic Principles'. Of course, the reason for that is that a Business Corporate Entity 'incorporated' for the purpose of 'making Profits' is never focused on the 'Freedom and Equality' of the 'Individuals' at the Bottom of the Entity. Its sole and 'primary purpose' for 'existence' is to make a Profit. The corporate Structure gives it Focus, Size, and hence, a Sole purpose for Existing in the Economic Sector. But, 'Business Principles' as 'Business Principles' should 'never' get involved in the Political Sector. Why not? Because, they contribute to the 'Economic Welfare' of the 'Nation' and not the 'Freedom and Equality' of the 'Real Individuals' at the Bottom. A Democratic nation must be driven by Political Principles not business Principles. Its very easy to mix the Two under the guise that it will help the Nation as a Polity. Don't kid yourself. Business Principles are 'Dictatorial' in Nature, not 'democratic', and are designed to be 'Profitable'. They do not contribute to the Freedom and Equality of the 'Real Individuals' in the Polity. A 'Political Office' requires the implementation of Democratic 'Political Principles' at the Bottom of the Polity. Principles and programs that help alleviate 'Racial Discrimination; Huge Economic Inequalities; and hopefully gets us out of the 'mental Framework' that we are a 'Corporate Society'. We are a Society of 'Real Individuals' and not a Society of 'Corporate Fictions'. Corporations make Huge Profits but they 'should also' implement 'Democratic Values'. We need to 'work' on that 'weakness'. After all, we are a 'Democratic Society'.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

If Legal Fictions are "Persons", for Reasons of Economic Protection, why not also give them "Democratic Duties"?

If 'Business Corporations' are 'Legal Fictions' and are to be considered "Persons", for Reasons of 'Economic Protection', why not also give them "Democratic Duties"? After all, they are 'Total Fictional Creations' and hence, not 'Real'. But, the 'Bottom' of a 'Polity' is composed of 'Real Individuals' and hence their 'Birth-Right' of 'Freedom and Equality' must be 'Protected'. The Bottom, constituted of Real Individuals, have Democratic 'Duties', such as being 'Law Abiding', and of 'Participating in Elections'. Of course, Real Individuals are 'born Free and Equal'. No 'Political form' can take that away from them because the 'Polity' is a 'Man made Construction'. Its not a 'Natural Phenomena'. Its an Institution, its 'Human Made', and as 'Such' should have the 'Acquiescence' of the 'Bottom' or the 'Governed'. Why? Because the 'Bottom' of the Polity is the 'source' of the 'Political Power' transferred to the 'Top of a Democratic Political Institution'. No 'Human Institution', 'Political' or 'Otherwise', can deprive a 'Real human Being' of His/Her 'Natural Freedom and Equality'. So, back to the Issue. If Business Corporations are to be considered as Economic 'Persons' and are Protected by the Constitution, as such, why not also require them to 'give back' to the 'Democracy' that allowed them to 'Arise'. Certainly, a Corporation could have a 'Department' whose Function would be to protect the 'Democratic Spirit' that allowed for their 'arising' or 'creation'. In that way, the Corporation can also be a 'Good Citizen' as well as a 'Machine for making Profits'. That should be a 'Requirement', in the Corporate Charters of all 'Business Corporations'. A Democratic Economy needs to 'achieve balance' as best as possible. The way the Business Corporation is 'created' and the 'Protection' it gets from the Constitution, as a Profit making machine, creates an 'Imbalanced Economy'. Business Corporations can be 'Great Profit making Machines', but they should also be 'Good Citizens'. If the Constitution can Protect them as 'Persons', it can also 'require them' to be 'Good Citizens'. The 'Economy' needs to be 'more Balanced' in order to 'Equalize' the 'Injustices' that occur in being a 'Lopsided Monstrosity'. Where are the Real Politicians?

Monday, June 10, 2019

Politicians need to stop, just being 'Politically Correct'; and start being 'Real Politicians'.

Politicians need to stop, just being 'Politically Correct'; and start being 'Real Politicians'. And what might that entail? Well, being 'Politically Correct' might be a start, but that's not whats 'required'. The 'real Requirement' is a complete 'understanding' of the 'Nature' of a 'Political Entity'; what drives 'it' into its 'Realization'; and the 'most important aspect' is a 'complete understanding' of the 'constitutive part' played by all the 'Real People' at the 'Bottom of the Entity'. Of course, a Political Entity is just a Political Entity. Its a Man-Made construction. Its not a part of 'Nature'. No matter how necessary 'getting together' might be, its a 'Political construction' and its created by Humans. It begins 'small', like 'Friends', 'Groups', 'Families', 'Tribes', 'Indian Nations', 'States', 'Nations' or 'Countries', and finally, maybe, even, into a 'United Nations'. What began as 'were all in the Same Boat', evolves into 'were all on the 'Same Planet'. That evolution is inevitable. 'Behind' the 'Condition of Togetherness' of such 'enlarging Entities', is always a 'Genuine Intention' coupled with a 'Genuine Sincerity' to 'hold together' as a 'Collective Identity'. That 'Intention' and that 'Sincerity' is what 'Drives' a 'Genuine Politician'. Political Correctness is a vacuous, empty, wish for the 'Political Power' inherent in 'Political Office' without the 'genuine selflessness' and 'Genuine Knowledge' required of a 'Genuine Politician. A Real Politician knows that the only 'Political Power' there is, is the 'Power' that is 'inherent' in the 'Real People' in their 'Condition of Togetherness' at the 'Bottom' of the 'Political entity'. That Power is 'transferred' by means of the 'Vote' to the 'Top' of the 'Political Entity', for the 'duration of Office'. No human Being can 'Govern' or 'Rule' another unless 'Institutionally' permitted and only for the 'duration of Office'. 'All Human beings' are 'Politically Free and Equal', and hence 'Governing' is the 'establishment and guidance' of the 'Real People' who live in 'Freedom and Equality'. There is 'no other Reason' for the existence of 'Democratic Government' and a Politician serving in Office' in such a Government, should serve the People 'Intentionally and Sincerely' and not just 'Politically Correct'. Where are the Real Politicians?

Saturday, June 8, 2019

No One can 'drive' a 'Democratic Political Entity' with only a 'Capitalistic Motor'.

No One can 'drive' a 'Democratic Political Entity' with only a 'Capitalistic Motor'. The'Two Activities' are entirely 'different' from each other and each requires 'energizing' by 'its own' Separate Motor. Of course, the Economy is energized by the 'Capitalistic Motor' and the Democratic Political Entity is energized by 'Freedom and Equality' of 'Each and Every' 'Real Individual' at the Bottom of the Political Entity. Governing Democratically does not require 'Profits', but a successful Capitalistic endeavor does. In a Democracy both are essential but they cannot be 'inextricably mixed' or 'misused'. So, why do these Two Basic Impulses' or 'drives' get so entangled? One 'Reason' is that the 'Economy', in general, is very 'Lopsided' and 'Unbalanced'. For example, the Economy established 'Business Corporate entities' or, 'Legal Fictions', that function as 'Persons', and 'who' get 'Legal Protection' from the 'Courts' and the 'Constitution'. No 'Real Human Being' can compete with a 'Legal fiction'. Its too 'Big to Fail'. The 'Economic Grasp' of the Corporation is 'huge' and if an 'Important Corporation' is failing, it merely gets help from the Government. Not to mention, that if a 'Corporate Person' is not making enough 'Profits', it can be 'dissolved' and another is 'created' and is given a 'Different Name' and basically 'continues its existence'; a kind of 'Immortality'. But how can it continue its existence? simple, it has the 'Same Owners', or Family Members as did the defunct one. No 'Real Human Being' can compete with that; nor with the 'cumulative Results' of such a 'Continuation'. A successful 'Business Corporation' can exist for over 300 yrs. A 'Business Corporation' has an 'Incomparable Economic Grasp' and, too boot, 'Economic Immortality'. The Political problems arise when Billionaires, Millionaires, the Rich get into Political Office and try to 'drive' a 'Political Entity' with 'Business Principles' or a 'Business Motor', instead of a 'Political Motor' involving Democratic Principles. Where are the Real Politicians?

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Politicians are necessary because they can 'Influence' the Components and Structure of the Social.

Politicians are necessary because they can 'Influence' the 'Components' and the 'Institutional Structure' of the 'Social'. Most other Professionals are concerned with 'smaller Components' of the Social, e.g. Medical, Legal, Business, Familial and other 'Institutional aspects' of the Social. Notice that I call them 'Professional'. And so they should be, because they 'can help pass laws' controlling the use of Firearms, medicines, Familial Relations, and 'many other aspects' of the Social. 'Politics' is an important 'function' of the 'Political Entity' and its 'Political Appendages'. Hence, in a Democracy, politicians should be well-versed in the Institutional make-up of the Social and the 'things necessary' to keep 'Democracy viable'. In other words, Politicians should be knowledgeable in the differences in 'Autocratic' and 'Democratic' Political Entities. Business Corporations function very much like Autocracies Function. Of course, there are differences, but, nevertheless, a Business Corporation has one purpose for existing, as does an Autocracy. The Business Corporation exists to make a 'profit' and an Autocracy exists to 'Rule' the Political Entity. Neither functions Otherwise. Hence, it is important for Politicians to be knowledgeable in both arenas. In a Democracy, we don't need Individuals in 'Political Positions' who are merely concerned with 'Making a Profit', 'Self-Inflation', or 'Self-Aggrandizement'. We need knowledgeable Politicians who can appreciate the difference and who can 'make a difference' in a Democracy. Of course, that's the the 'danger' of having a so-called 'Politician' who is 'more Businessman' and 'less Politician'. When the Top of Power is operated as a Business, that is 'not a Democratic Government', its a 'Powerful Machine' being used for 'advantage', 'Self Perpetuation' and 'Self-Aggrandizement'. 'Democracy' can never be 'viable' in a 'Governmental Entity' operated with 'Business Principles'. In such cases, 'Democratic Principles' die and 'Autocratic Principles' Rule. Where are the Real Politicians?

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Is it too demanding for a Politician to be 'Altruistic'? Why do we have Politicians?

Is it demanding to much for Politicians to be Altruistic? What other 'motive' should a 'Public Official' have and why do we have Politicians? Politics is the most difficult discipline in the World because it requires a 'certain kind' of 'selflessness' and great efforts in the establishment of 'Social' and 'Political' Entities that benefits the 'Whole Bottom' viz. the real Individuals at the Bottom. That's the source of all 'Power' in a 'Democracy'. At the same time this discipline should benefit the 'Strength and Power' of the Political Entity as 'Political Entity' in the World. Of course, Political Offices 'earn' a pretty high Salary; they are not serving 'gratuitously'. Of course they won't get Rich from their Salary. But, if 'Service' in a Democracy, is not the Goal of a Politician, why not do something else? After all, Politics 'is a Service'. Certainly, one way to 'World Recognition' and 'Respect' is through Political Office. But, not all human 'motivations' are 'honest' and 'above board'. Here, of course, we could discuss different Political Systems and how they 'function'. Autocracies are expected to function as Autocracies. But, our concern is 'Democracy' in a Democracy. One very important 'factor' is not so much the 'Autocratic Attitude', in a Real political sense, but an honest 'Business Attitude', i.e., a motivation arising from having being a 'successful Businessman'. As we have already pointed out, the 'Business Engine' in 'Capitalism' is very 'different' from the 'Political Engine' in a Democracy. The Business Engine is energized by 'More and More of the same', or Money, or, if you like, Greed. But, the Political Engine in a Democracy is energized by the 'Freedom and Equality' of 'each and every' 'Real Individual' at the 'Bottom' of the 'Political Entity'. I say, 'Real Individual' at the 'Bottom', because I cannot include 'Corporations' that are 'Legal Fictions', 'not' 'Real Persons', and that received their 'protection' from the Supreme Court. Here, then is a Social Problem. A 'Real genuine attitude', arising 'from success' in 'Capitalistic Activity', imperceptibly, 'slipping into' Democratic Government as an 'Aspect of Freedom and Equality' of Real Individuals... a complete infusion of 'More and more of the same', or Greed, into the 'Social Fabric' of 'Freedom and Equality' of 'Real Human Beings'. A 'Genuine Political Motivation' of 'Freedom and Equality', 'overcome', 'inextricably', by 'Business Motivation', 'Greed', that leads us into a 'Social' that 'Divides' and 'Defines' us as 'Haves' and 'Have-nots'. The 'Sad' part is that the arising of the 'Haves' stems from the 'protection' of the 'Corporation' as a 'Legal Fiction' created by the 'Supreme Court. 'Surrealism' has truly taken over. Where are the Real Politicians?
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.