Monday, March 30, 2020

Party Loyalty has 'Dismantled' Democracy.

Party Loyalty has dismantled Democracy. Division into Parties has done more 'Harm than Good'. Understandably, Political Science is not an 'Easy Science'; of course, everyone knows its 'not even' a 'Science'. But, I use the term in a 'pejorative sense'. Politics 'should not' be about Divisions, it should be about 'Real Governing' and 'Real Governing' means Governing the 'Entire Bottom' of the Political Entity. There is 'no Science' of the 'Bottom' of 'any Political Entity', because every 'Real Individual' is 'Real'. Of course, some 'Autocratic Forms' don't worry about that. They see their 'function' as one to 'Rule the Bottom', not 'Govern it'. For any Person, on either side of the Political Spectrum, to call its discipline a Science' is pretty much an 'Individual' 'Patting Her/himself on the back'. Governing is about 'People' in a 'Condition of Togetherness', not about a 'People' divided into 'Political Parties'. Government 'Governs People' not 'Parties'. The Bottom of a Democracy is not constituted by 'Parties'; its constituted by 'Real Individuals'. That's why its called the 'One and the Many'. Somewhere along the way, someone saw the 'need for an 'Institution of Government'. But, the need for Government does not mean the Bottom has to split. 'Democrat' and 'Republican' are abstractions and a more 'solid foundation' could be an 'Ideology' that 'really addresses' the 'One and the Many'; one that really sees the 'Bottom', 'all of it', as constituted by 'Human Beings', 'not Political Parties'. That could make Politics more Humane.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Political Position at The Top is 'vital' to a Democracy.

The Political Position at the Top is vital to a Democracy. That position 'should only be occupied' by a 'Selfless Politician' or Individual who has the 'Intelligence to Govern' for the 'General Welfare'. 'Prejudicial Politics' and 'inhumane exercises of Power' should not be allowed by 'Law' and there should be a manner of enforcing that Law. There may be different manners of Governing, but that does not mean that anyone in such a Position can exercise 'Political Power' and 'exclude the Bottom'. A 'Republican President' or a 'Democratic President' must 'Govern' the 'Many Peoples' at the 'Bottom'. A 'Republican President' doesn't just Govern Republicans and a 'Democratic President' doesn't just Govern Democrats. The 'Many at the Bottom' has nothing to do with being 'Democrat' or being 'Republican'. The 'Governed' are the 'Real Individuals' being Governed. Some may be 'Democrats' and some may be 'Republicans' and some may 'not care to be either'. But, the Governing applies to the 'Many People' at the Bottom. The 'General Welfare' of the 'Bottom' is the 'Essence of Democracy' and not the 'General Welfare' of the 'Democrats' or the 'Republicans'. 'Party Loyalty' is 'misplaced Loyalty' to a 'Political label'. Of course, being a Democracy, 'anyone' can Run for Office but, just there 'Lurks' the Possibility that the 'Candidate for Power' does not have the 'Intelligence' to be the 'Leader' of a 'Democratic Nation'. Consider this; an Individual has the 'Money, lots of Money', to conduct a 'Political Campaign' for 'High Office'. Assume that Individual belongs to a Political Party, 'either Party', and is backed by the Party, or assume S/he does 'not belong' to any 'Political Party'. How is the 'Individual' at the 'Bottom' to know if the Person is qualified to 'Govern a Democracy'; a 'Democracy' where 'Each' and 'Every' Real Individual is 'Free and Equal'? Remember, 'Business Corporations' are 'Legal Fictions'; they're not 'Real Persons'. The Top Governs a Democracy where the 'Bottom' is composed by 'Real Individuals'. How do we Monitor such a dilemma. There have to be Rules, Laws, Governing the 'Qualifications' for such Office Candidates. Not just Anyone can Govern a Democracy; not just Anyone should be a Candidate.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Individual is Important in a Democracy, but so is the 'Condition of Togetherness'.

The 'Individual' is important in a 'Democracy', but so is the 'Condition of Togetherness'. The 'Real Individual' or 'Person' does not give up his 'Individuality' nor his 'Humanity' by becoming a part of the 'Condition of Togetherness'. The very basis of Democracy are the Many at the Bottom of the Political Entity. But, that 'Many' exists in a 'Condition of togetherness'. No one Individual can exist 'alone' and still claim to exist in a Political Entity. Everyone is an 'Individual' but also a part of the 'Social', and of the 'Condition', and of the 'Polity'. 'Individuality' in 'Togetherness' and 'Togetherness in Individuality'. The result is that Politically, each and every Real Individual is 'Free and Equal'. No Real Individual Losses anything be being a member of the 'Condition at the Bottom'. Hence, Governing means Governing the whole Condition in its 'Togetherness'. No 'Racial discrimination'; no 'Favoritism' and no 'Republican Way' nor 'Democratic Way'. The Top is obligated to treat the Bottom as consisting of 'Real Individuals'. Hence Political Policies and the acts of Governing must apply to all Real Individuals. What better example of a 'Condition' requiring 'Real Governing' than the 'present Pandemic'. No 'discrimination', no 'Favoritism', no 'Democrat', no 'Republican', and no 'Politics' at a time like Today. This is not a time for Politics; for Differences; or Petty political Differences and Political Innuendo. This is a time for 'Real Leadership'. The Top is Power, it must Lead; it cannot ignore the 'Real Individual' at the 'Bottom'. To do so is not Leadership; its not even 'Good Politics', and it certainly is 'not Humane'. Where are the Real Leaders?

Friday, March 27, 2020

In a 'Democratic Polity' the only way to 'Feel' ones 'accomplishments' is to 'experience Freedom and Equality'.

In a Democratic Polity, the only way to 'Feel' ones 'accomplishments' is to 'genuinely experience' 'Freedom and Equality'. Freedom and Equality are the essence of Democracy and Democracy is the 'only Form of government' that can 'organize itself' into a Government 'Of the People', 'by the People' and 'for the People'. Most all Other Forms of Government have a Top that is 'Authoritarian' in Nature or have a 'descending degree' of 'Authority' that runs from the 'Top' to the 'Bottom'. In a Democracy, the 'Power at the Top' 'arises' from the 'Bottom'. 'Experiencing' Freedom and Equality is the only manner of 'experiencing some kind of 'Democratic Spirit'. But, as has been pointed out, 'Quantification' twists things around and we find ourselves preoccupied with 'how much Money do I have'. Of course, not everyone 'Feels' this way, but changing a conversation from the 'Social' to the 'Economic', or the 'Quantifiable', easily 'slides' into the 'Haves' and the 'Have-nots'. Its 'Freedom' and 'Equality' that characterizes the 'Bottom of a Democracy'. Of course, that also requires 'Law and Order'. Without 'Law and Order' the 'Bottom' cannot hold as a 'Condition of Togetherness' and a 'Condition of togetherness' really 'needs' a 'genuine experience' of Freedom and Equality. That 'Genuine Experience' furnishes the 'Social Glue' that 'solidifies' the 'Bottom of a Democracy'. Hence, the 'Real Individuality' of the 'so-called Many' is unified in 'Togetherness', in a 'Social', at the 'Bottom'.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

We 'Count' our successes and we 'Feel' our everyday accomplishments.

We 'Count' our 'Successes' and we 'Feel' our 'everyday accomplishments'. But, our 'everyday accomplishments' should include our 'Successes'. There is no need for separation. To separate 'Success' from 'Accomplishment' is to switch 'Vocabulary' in the 'middle of the Day' or the 'middle of the Road'. Of course, that 'still works', and its 'Great', but the 'switch' is a 'Reorientation' and a 'Reflection' from a 'Quantifiable' to a 'Good Feeling'. A Good feeling is an 'Emotional State'; a person Feels Good' or is Sad, unhappy, or feels down, for many different Reasons. That same Person considers H/her Self a Success if H/S has lots of that 'More and more of the Same',i.e., Money. Money is a quantifiable term and belongs 'more' on the 'Economic side' of 'any discussion'. It certainly has its proper place; and I'm not trying to replace it when used properly, but if its misused it can certainly create a depressing 'Feeling State'. But, notice how 'every 'successful Person' seems to equate success with the amount of Money S/he 'Possess'. That would be the 'Forbes List'. That can also be called the 'Haves and the Have-nots'. That's our Social Condition. Also notice that we have a 'Minimum Wage'. Why is that 'necessary' if not for the Fact that 'employers' would Work the 'Working People' to death, or at a very 'Low Wage'. The Top of Government needs 'some Control' over 'those Factors'. We often admire the 'Pyramids' that were build and say we 'couldn't build one of those' today. ( How much were they getting Paid or is that an Issue?) And consider how much Labor was extracted from Black Human Beings in Early America? We need to stop 'counting' and start considering the 'General Welfare'. The 'General Welfare' includes everyone, regardless of Race, Color or Creed and the factor that holds it together is 'Freedom and Equality'.

Monday, March 23, 2020

To transform a 'Social' vocabulary into an 'Economic' vocabulary is to 'Transform' Democracy into 'Haves and Have-nots'.

To transform a 'Social Vocabulary' into an 'Economic one' is to Transform 'Democracy' into "Haves and Haves-Nots' and the 'Forbes List'. We must retain the 'Unique Language' of 'Democracy for the 'Bottom' of a Democracy. Economic Language is a 'numbers Game' that does not function in Democratic Dialogue. But, a 'Social Vocabulary' refers to the 'Condition of togetherness' that exists at the 'Bottom' of the 'Polity'. That Condition is formed from the 'Many', viz. the 'Real Human condition' that must 'live in togetherness'. Of course, the Economy and Economic Discourse is important when referring to 'production' and 'profits'. But, 'humanity' must exist in a 'Condition' that helps 'perpetuate' the 'General Welfare'. That includes an Economic aspect of the Togetherness. But, its the 'Condition itself' and as a 'whole' that requires the proper 'Mandate' to 'assist' in the 'General Welfare'. That 'Generality' is the 'Togetherness of the Condition'. The economy can be adequate or inadequate in satisfying that Condition. But, calling a 'Business corporation' a 'Person in Contemplation of Law', merely helps the Entity to get Protection as it helps performs its 'Social Obligation'. Nevertheless, we must be careful never to confuse the 'Many' at the 'Bottom' and their need of the 'General Welfare' with the 'Economic Game' of 'Who's' on 'First'?

Sunday, March 22, 2020

A 'Social' should not 'transform' into an 'Economy'.

Every 'Political Entity' has a 'Social' and an 'Economy'; but a 'Social' should never transform into an 'Economy'. A Social is a loosely knit Bottom of 'Real Human Beings' that is always in 'Motion' and enjoys the 'Fruits' of a 'Democratic Political Entity'. Those 'Fruits' are the everyday 'results' of 'Social Interactions' of 'Freedom and Equality' with 'Other' Real Human Beings'. But, an 'Economy', never functions in 'Freedom and Equality' because its motivated and activated by 'Competition'. It requires 'Focus', 'Dedication' and an 'Augmented' 'Corporate Nature'; all of which are 'Wrapped' in a 'Competitive Spirit', which 'generates Profits'. Business Corporations are 'Profit Machines'. Of course, they also generate the necessary 'Items' that 'Real Humans' need for existing in the Social. These 'Factors and Goods' help the 'Social' to exist at a 'certain Economic Level'. The End Result is a 'Social' at a 'definable level' of accomplishment. But, the result of 'Comparison' between 'Real Individuals', on the level of Small Businesses, Jobs, Salaries, employed, unemployed, etc. and the 'comparison' with the 'Corporate Natures' in the 'Social' seems to 'color' the 'Social' with huge amounts of Money. Some Corporations generate more Money than all the 'Human employees' and 'Jobs, and 'professions' in the 'Social'. That gives the 'Social' an 'Economic Façade' of being a 'Corporate Society'. We are not a 'Corporate Society'. We are a 'Civil Society' of 'Real Human Beings' which constitutes the Bottom of a political Entity and we have 'created' 'Artificial Business Entities' formed into a 'Business Corporation'. They are 'Persons' but, only 'in contemplation of Law'. They do not experience 'Life' in the 'Social' like 'Real Humans' do. 'Business Corporations' are 'necessary', but they are not 'Real'.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Business Corporations are 'essential'; but they are not 'Real Persons'.

Business Corporations are 'essential'; but they are not 'Real Persons'. We may be called a 'Corporate Society', but in Reality we are a 'Civil Society' living alongside of 'Corporate Persons'. The 'Bottom' or the 'Condition of togetherness' is Real, its 'Human' and not some Officially Declared 'Person'; and 'All Human-ness' Lives in a 'Condition of Togetherness'. Humanity; Lives, suffers, hungers, need shelters, and needs 'Civil' and 'Political Organization'. 'Every 'Civil Organization' needs a 'Political Organization' and every 'Civil Organization' needs a 'Social', an 'Economy', and 'Civic Organizations'. Fortunately, 'Business Corporations' were 'created' to 'centralize Productivity' and help 'provide' for the 'General Welfare'. But, that is an 'Economic Activity', and we cannot 'mix' the 'Real' with the 'Humanly Constructed'. All 'Human Constructions' are 'not Real'. We can call them 'Persons in Contemplation of Law', for the Purpose of Constitutional Protection, but they are not 'Real Persons'. We cannot forget that distinction because we are mixing the 'Human' with the 'Institutional'. That could create a 'neglect' of the Bottom of the Social that is in need of 'help' and a 'focus on Economic Activity' that 'Equates Monetary Success' with 'Human Success'. If that happens, we have increased the 'importance of the Economic' over the importance of 'Democracy'. Democracy is a 'Polity' "of the People", "by the People", and "For the People". Notice, its 'For the People', not for the 'Corporations' or, 'for the Rich'.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The 'Political Top' is 'Responsible' for the 'Bottom'; i.e. the 'Real Persons' in the 'Condition of Togetherness'.

The 'Political Top' is 'Responsible' for the 'Bottom'; the 'Bottom' are the 'Real Individuals' in the 'Condition of Togetherness'. Those 'Real Individuals' are 'Natural Born Persons' and they constitute the 'Social', A.K.A. the 'Condition of togetherness'. They are Real! But, the 'Business Corporation' is not 'Natural Born', nor is it a 'Real Person'. Its a 'Person' only in 'Contemplation of Law'. Its a 'Legal Fiction', but a 'Fiction' non the Less. Its not even part of the 'Social'. The 'Social' is the 'Bottom' and the 'Bottom' are the 'Many'; the Many 'Real Individuals' living in a 'Condition of Togetherness'. The 'Business Corporation' is 'Part' of the 'Economy'; its an Economic 'Entity' which is 'declared' a 'Person' in 'Contemplation of Law'. How far are we going to take this? Will it have all the same 'Constitutional Rights' as a 'Real Person'? Our Society is already described as a 'Corporate Society'. The Business Corporation has only 'one function'; to make 'Profits'. It's a 'Money Making Machine'. Its 'Huge' and has 'displaced' most of the 'Economic Activity' in the 'Social'. It has re-described the 'Haves' and the 'Have-nots'. The 'Haves' even have a 'List' that describes who's 'Number One' and Who's 'Number Two' on the List of the 'Richest Individuals' in the 'Nation'. Its called The Forbes List. Are we headed towards a Plutocracy?

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

'Persons' is a 'Term' that has come a Long Way: from 'Natural' to the 'Constitutional'.

'Persons' is a 'Term' that has come a Long Way; from a 'Natural Status' to a 'Constitutional Status'. First we had the 'Dilemma' of the 'One and the Many'. Of course that referred to all the 'Human Beings' that occupied the 'Polity'. The 'One', at the Top, was an 'Individual' and the 'Many' were all the 'Individuals' at the 'Bottom'. How does One Individual 'Position Himself' at the 'Top' of a 'Multiplicity of Individuals'; by what 'Right', or by what 'Authority'? If 'everyone' 'seemed' to be the 'same', what 'distinguished' 'someone' who positions 'Himself' at the 'Top' or, for that matter, at the 'Bottom'. The 'Many' have always needed each Other, or at least, they needed to 'get along'. They also needed 'Guidance' or some sort of 'Organization'. It appears that the 'Prolific Nature' of the 'Human Condition', early on, established the need for an 'Institution' that 'Governs' or 'Rules'. Hence, the Arising of the 'Political Institution of Government' established at the 'Top' of the 'Condition of Togetherness'. The end Result was many Different Forms of 'Government', each with a Leader, 'The Wisest', 'the Strongest', the Warriors, 'The Divine Right of Kings', Autocracy, Plutocracy, Oligarchy, and Democracy. But, it was not until the Democratic Form that the 'Many People' at the bottom were characterized as the 'Body-Politic'. The 'People' constituted the 'Political Entity'. It was 'they' who elected 'Someone' to occupy the 'Top of power'. Both the 'Top and the Bottom' constituted the 'Political Entity'. The 'Bottom' were all 'Natural Persons' and the Top was a 'Natural Person'. 'Business Corporations' are not 'Natural'. They are 'Incorporated Business Entities'; They are not even 'Political Entities'. They are 'Economic Entities'. Does this change the 'Nature' of the 'Human Condition'? Of course not! Does it change the 'Nature' of 'Economic Entities'. Of course, it does.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

A 'Top' that does not 'Govern' the 'General Welfare' of the 'Bottom' is not a 'Democratic Top'.

The most important 'Duty of the Top' of a 'Political Entity' is to 'Govern' the 'Welfare of the Bottom'. A 'Top' that does not dedicate itself to 'Governing', is not a 'Political Top' and a 'Top' that does not dedicate itself to 'Governing the General Welfare' is not a 'Democracy'. Of course, there are many different 'types' of Political Entities and 'each' has different views about what constitutes 'Governing'. But, all Political Tops exist 'only' as 'Forms' of 'Government'. A 'Political Top' has no other 'Reason for existing' and any 'Top' that purports to exist without a 'Peoples' at the 'Bottom' cannot, in reality, exist. Why? Because the 'Many' or the 'Peoples' at the 'Bottom' need 'Governing', or 'Someone', or 'Something', to 'Govern' them. It is they who create the 'Institution of the Top'. There are no 'Empty' 'Political Entities'. A 'Top' cannot exist without a 'Bottom'. A 'Bottom of the Many' cannot Govern itself. Hence every 'Political Entity' needs a 'Bottom' and every 'Bottom' needs a 'Top'. The 'Relation' that connects the 'Top' to the 'Bottom' also connects the 'Bottom and the Top'. Of course, some 'Forms of Government' have a 'Relation' that only connects from the 'Top to the Bottom'. That's not a Democracy. In a Democracy that same 'Political Relation' also connects the 'Bottom to the Top'.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

The 'Business Corporation' helps provide for the 'General Welfare'; The 'Polity' is necessary to 'Govern' the Individuals at the Bottom.

The 'Business Corporation' helps provide for the 'General Welfare'; the 'Polity' is 'necessary' to Govern the Individuals at the 'Bottom'. The 'Polity' Governs and provides for the 'Social' and 'Economic Needs' of the 'Individuals' at the 'Bottom'. As the 'Polity' Governs and provides for the 'Needs and Necessities' of the 'Bottom' viz. the 'Real Persons' that exist within the 'Nation-State'; the 'Business Corporation' contributes by providing for the 'Products, Housing, Foods, Clothing', and the 'Medical Necessities' that arise in the daily-struggle to 'live' in the 'Condition of Togetherness'. Of course, the Nation is just as 'Responsible' for the provision of 'Agencies' that 'Preserve' and 'Protect' the 'Populace' as a 'Whole' as the 'Individuals' are responsible to provide for the necessities of the 'Family Unit'. An Individual or 'Person' that does not provide for His/her 'Family Unit' is as derelict as the 'Nation' that does not provide for the 'General Welfare' as well as the 'Health and Prosperity' of the 'Bottom'. So where are the Agencies that should be handling National Problems like 'Pandemics'? The Top 'serves' the Bottom. To say it differently; the Nation is responsible for the Bottom and serves the 'Health and Welfare' of the Many 'Peoples at the Bottom'. The Agencies necessary to provide for such 'health catastrophes' should be the 'Governmental Agencies' most 'prominent and conspicuous' in the 'Polity'. To change the function of those 'Agencies' or to 'not provide' funds for such 'Agencies' and 'catastrophes' is to change the 'Nature' of a Democracy.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

The sole reason for the existence of the 'Business Corporation' is 'Profits'.

The sole reason for the existence of the 'Business Corporation' is 'Profits'. No Profits; no Corporation. The 'Corporate Person' 'expands', grows 'Larger', as it generates 'more Profits'. The 'Corporate Person' 'Grows' as it becomes 'more Productive'. The more 'Profits' the 'Larger' the Corporation. More Profits equals more Growth; Larger Buildings. A Human Being can become 'more Rich' but he cannot 'Grow' as can the 'Corporate Person'. Corporate Growth is 'commensurable' with their Profits. The More Profits the Larger the 'Entity'. Humans can't do that, the 'More Profits' the 'Richer the Owners', but they are never 'Larger'. The Human Condition can acquire 'different characteristics', and can get 'Rich and Richer', but S/He cannot become a 'Larger Human Being'. Once a Human Being, always a Human Being. All Human Beings at the Bottom of any Political Entity are 'Free and Equal'. But, 'Corporate Persons' are 'Economic Entities'. Hence, 'small business' equals small profits; 'larger Business', equals large Profits; Larger Buildings equals 'larger Profits'. The 'Huge Buildings' now becomes a 'Money Making Machine' by producing 'things', 'materials', 'necessities' that 'everyone' at the Bottom of a 'Political Entity' needs. The end result? 'Too Big to fail'. We become dependent on our own 'necessities','Illusions', and 'Creations'. We create our Heavens and our Hells.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Business Corporation or 'Constitutional Person' can be 'modified' by Enlarging Its Purpose Clause.

The 'Business Corporation' or 'Constitutional Person' can be modified by 'Enlarging' its 'Purpose clause'. 'Human Nature' or 'The Human Condition' cannot be Modified. A 'Human Being' will always be a 'Human Being'; but, his 'Personality' or 'Persona' are 'acquired characteristics' and hence, can be 'Constituted', or 'Modified', for 'Better' or 'Worst'. 'Personalities' are multitudinous, but their underlying 'Humanity' always remains intact. A Personality can change and become 'better' adjusted to its surroundings. But, it will always be an 'Expression of the Human Condition'. The Nature of the 'Constitutional Person' is determined by its 'Purpose Clause'. If its a 'Business Corporation' it will always be a 'Business Corporation', but its 'Specific Function' is set out in its 'Purpose Clause'. The only way to modify or change its Purpose Clause is dependent on the Owners or Stock-Holders. It takes a 'Real Human Being', or a 'Few Human Beings' to change a 'Constitutional Person' or a 'Person in contemplation of Law'. But, such a change is Possible. Of course, the change can be in the direction of its becoming a 'better expression' of the 'General Welfare'. As it exists now, its sole Purpose is the 'making of Profits'. It should expand its 'Purpose' to include subsidiary Branches that include 'Non-Monetary Contributions' to the "General Welfare" and the "Blessings of Liberty".

Monday, March 9, 2020

The Human Condition can be 'Improved'; Corporate 'Personhood' can be 'Changed' and 'Improved'.

The Human Condition 'cannot' be 'Changed' but, it can be 'Improved'; Corporate 'Personhood' can be 'Changed' and 'Improved'. The Function of the Political Top is to 'Govern' and to 'provide for the 'general Welfare' and help 'secure the Blessings of Liberty'; but, Human Beings will be Human Beings, hence an 'added incentive' becomes important. Of course, the Top has 'Power, but it also has a 'Responsibility to its Citizens'. The 'Social' and 'Economic conditions' can be a 'very important' inducement to 'change' one's 'Persona'. This is a where a 'Corporate Person' can provide some kind of 'Inducement'. Instead of just being a 'Profits Machine', it can become more 'Functional' and can 'Participate' in the 'Functioning' and the 'attainment' of the 'General Welfare Clause'. In this way, the 'Corporate Powers' are 'expanded' and the 'results' can be included in a more 'Proper Functioning' and to 'help' towards the 'achievement' of the 'General Welfare Clause'. In this way, we can have a 'Corporate Person' also included in the 'Functioning' and the 'Attainment' of the 'General Welfare'. But, we must be careful. This aspect of 'Corporate Personhood' cannot be 'mistaken' for 'governing'. 'Corporations cannot Govern'. But, their 'Functions' can be modified by modifying their 'Purpose Clause'. If a Corporation can be a 'Person' in 'contemplation of Law', it can also be a 'Good Citizens'. Human Beings can compete with other Human Beings, but they cannot compete with a 'Business Corporation'.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Human Condition cannot be 'changed'; Corporate 'Person-Hood' can.

The 'Human Condition' cannot be changed; Corporate 'Person Hood' can. A Human Being will always be a 'Human being', or a 'Real Person', but a 'Corporate Entity' can be 'changed' or 'created' by merely 'modifying' the 'Corporate Charter'. Corporate Person-Hood is a Legal Entity created by Human Beings. We already have 'Many Different Corporate Structures' that exist and that function in many 'different areas' of the 'Social'. Each has its 'particular function' and is pretty much 'tied' to that Function. A Corporate Entity that is not successful 'does not exist'. Its Legally Dissolved. Corporate Entities do not have a 'Life' of their own. Their 'solitary existence' serves a 'certain purpose' and if that 'Purpose' is no longer 'Socially Necessary'; neither is the Corporate Entity. A Corporate Entity does not have a 'Personality'; it has a 'Specific Purpose' for Existence. Hence, if a 'Corporate Entity' is too 'serve another Function' it, on its own, cannot change or improve the direction or character of its 'Charter' or 'Person-Hood'. That's why a 'Business Corporation's Charter' can be changed to include other 'Social Necessities'. Instead of just being a 'Person' in Contemplation of Law, one that just Produces, Manufacture's, and 'Makes Profits', it can be a 'Better Citizen'. Why and what for? Business Corporations create an unbalanced Economy by being a 'money Making Machine'. But, they can also contribute to the "general Welfare" of the Social as well as the Economy. If they're going to be 'Persons', they might as well be 'better Citizens'.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

People can 'change'; Business Corporations need to be 'changed'.

'People' can change their behavior; Business Corporations cannot. 'Human Beings' are capable of 'change', whereas Business Corporations need to be 'changed' by 'Real Persons'. Those 'Real Persons' are the 'Owners' or 'Stock-holders' of the 'Business Corporation'. Although a Business Corporation is considered as 'a Person' in 'contemplation of Law', it has no 'volition of its own'. Its a 'Legal fiction' which means its a 'Legally Fabricated Fiction'. Consequently, we have the 'Social' and the 'Legal Requirements' that it be 'treated as a Person'. The 'Business Corporate Entity' is an ingenious 'Invention'; an Invention that helps perpetuate 'Profits' by enlarging and enhancing their 'Corporate Grasp', and at the same time, by being 'Protected' by the 'Constitution'. 'Real Persons' have 'volition' and can 'Create' or 'Destroy', be 'Successful' or a 'Failure', or 'Greedy. 'Corporate Persons' cannot create or destroy. They can only 'Produce', 'manufacture', and make 'Profits'. They are 'Money Making Machines' and no Natural Human Being can compete with them. Hence, the 'appearance' is created that its the 'Corporate Structure' that is 'Greedy' and not the Humans who operate it. This separates 'economic success' from 'Human Striving'. Of course, the Corporation is a 'Success' because its the 'Largest Economic Entity' in the World; an Economic Entity that can 'Make Profits', or be 'Dissolved'. It cannot help, but to do what it does. So, 'What' or 'Who' is Greedy?

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Business Corporations contribute to the Economic Welfare of the Political Entity.

'Business Corporations' contribute to the 'Economic Welfare' of a Political Entity. But there sole function is to Manufacture, Produce, and make Profits. They have no other 'Democratic Duties'. Of course, there are other types of 'Corporations' that serve more 'Humanitarian Functions' in the 'Social'; but, they are not 'Profit Making machines'. Their Function is 'more Humanitarian'. Their 'particular function' is also a 'sole Function' and limits the activity of the Corporation, which is set out in the 'Purpose Clause' of the 'Articles of Incorporation'. All these Corporations 'populate' the 'Bottom' of a Political Entity and give the Entity its 'Political Tenor'. The 'Corporate Persons' 'live' among the 'Real Persons' at the 'Bottom' of the Political Entity. But, the 'Business Corporation' is the one that generates the most 'Profits' because 'Business' is about 'Staying in 'Business', and because it has no 'Other Democratic Function'. Economic Language 'replaces' Political Language of 'Freedom and Equality' as the 'Dominant' Political language. The 'Language of Politics' is replaced by 'Economic Principles' and 'Economic Language' of the 'Haves and the Have-Nots'. The 'Economy' in the 'Social' becomes 'Lop-sided'; it becomes dominated by 'Profits' and the 'Haves and Have-Nots', and the 'Language of Democracy'; the 'Political Language' of 'Freedom and Equality' is 'Forgotten' and 'Replaced' by 'Money'..... Where are the 'Real Politicians'?

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

How do 'Corporate Persons' become more 'Democratic' ? By helping to "Form a more perfect Union".

How do 'Corporate Persons become more 'Democratic'? By helping to "Form a more perfect Union"; and helping to promote 'the general Welfare', and helping to "secure the Blessings of Liberty". Of course, these provisions are already in the Constitution. True. But the 'Economic Person' or Business Corporation is not a 'Political Entity'; nor a 'Natural Person'; and it does not have to 'carry out' 'Constitutional Duties'. Its an 'Economic Entity' and it has been declared a 'Person in contemplation of Law'. A Business Economic Entity is not a Political Entity and its 'sole Function' is to 'Produce', 'Manufacture' and 'make Profits'; which it does in exemplary fashion. Its an Economic, 'Profit Making' Machine. A 'Real Person' cannot compete with a 'Constitutional Person'; but, a 'Constitutional Person' can help 'Real Persons'. How? By helping to "promote the General Welfare"; and "Secure the Blessings of Liberty". In other words, other than just 'Producing', 'selling' and 'making Profits', it can contribute to the 'General Welfare' by establishing 'Departments' within its 'Incorporated Nature', that 'contributes', 'helps' and 'assists' those 'Real Persons' who are unable to help themselves. They can help to 'Promote the general Welfare', while 'securing the Blessings of Liberty' for the 'most unfortunate'. I'm not referring to 'Equality' and 'Hand-outs'; only a 'Nudge' in the 'Direction' of a 'More compassionate' work effort and not just as a 'Profit Making Machine'.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Law is 'Essential'. Business Corporations are also 'Essential'.

Law is 'Essential'. Business Corporations are also 'Essential'. Without 'Law and Order' the 'Many' at the 'Bottom' would be in a State of 'Chaos'. Without 'Business Corporations', the 'Many' at the Bottom would not get the necessary 'Products', 'Goods', and 'Shelter' for a 'Normal Healthy and Social life'. But, the Corporation is a 'Legal Fiction' that exists only in 'Contemplation of Law' and the 'Many' at the Bottom are Natural Born Humans. We have 'Incorporated Persons' 'Socially' situated alongside 'Real Human Persons'. Of course, Corporations and Real Persons are both Under Law' in 'some fashion'. But, does that mean that 'Both' are 'Human'? Of course not, the Corporation is an 'acknowledged Legal Fiction' that exists only in Contemplation of law. Nevertheless, 'Both' come under 'Legal Scrutiny'. But, the 'Nature' of the Corporation is different from the 'Nature' of the Human. The Business Corporation exist as a 'Person', but doesn't seem to have any 'Legal Duties' as Natural Born 'Citizens' do. 'Real Persons' are under 'Many Laws' and no one can know them all. Laws relating to 'Education, Driving, walking, working'. A 'Human Being' is alive and requires many activities to survive in a 'Civilized Nation'. But all a Corporation does is limited to the 'Production or Manufacturing' of certain 'Items and Goods'. Their sole 'Function' and hence, 'focus' is 'described' in their 'Purpose Clause'. They need More Public, Democratic, Duties. If they want the 'Constitutional Protection' as 'Persons in contemplation of Law', that's fine, but be more 'Realistic' and assume more 'Democratic Duties'.
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.