Wednesday, January 30, 2019

How can an Elected Official in a Democracy, 'shut down' the Government he was 'elected' to Govern?

How can an Official elected in a Democracy, shut down the Government he was elected to Govern? Does that make sense? A Democratic Nation and its Government is a Political 'Institution' that exists by virtue of its 'Constitution' and not by virtue of some High 'Political Office'. No Person elected to High Political Office has the Power to shut down the very Government he or she is supposed to be 'Governing'; particularly in a Democracy. Certainly, an 'Autocrat' can 'shut down' his Government, if he chooses, but that never happens because Autocracies 'nourish' the 'Ego' of the Autocrat. 'Office Holders', in a Democracy, are 'elected' by the 'People' at the 'Bottom of Government', to Govern, not to shut down the Government. In a Democracy, no one can shut down a Government that 'exists' by virtue of a 'Written Constitution' that is still in existence. The 'Constitution constitutes us'. All Politicians, in a Democracy, know or should know, that a 'Shut-Down' of Government cannot be used as a 'threat' to force an 'adverse' Political Party to accept some 'adverse' Political Ideology. That is not a 'Political Act', that's destructive. The Government at the Top is unraveling. Shutting down Government cannot be used to acquire some 'Economic advantage'. A 'Revolution' that 'could' be occurring at the Bottom, is occurring at the Top. That's unheard of. How sad, there's an Official at the very 'Top' that is not a 'Real Politician' and does not know what he's doing. Of course, the 'Bottom' is also 'effected' because the 'Form of Government' is 'Democratic' and the 'Will of the People' is really at the 'Bottom', not the 'Top'. The Top 'serves' the 'Bottom', and even allowing for different 'Ideological', or Party Differences', that does 'not mean' He can 'shut down' Government. We need a 'Real Politician' at the 'Top', not an 'Economist', nor a 'Billionaire', nor a CEO, that does not know what he's doing. A 'Real Politician' is 'motored' by the 'Equality and Freedom' of 'each' and 'every' 'Real Individual' at the 'Bottom' of Government. Where are the Real Politicians?

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Can a Democracy be Shut-Down? Does that mean we no longer have a functional Government?

Can a Democracy be Shut-Down? Does that mean we no longer have a 'Functional' Government? We still have a Constitution, but is anyone 'working' it? In the past, it usually meant there was an 'insufficient amount' of Money to Operate it, and a 'hurried seeking' and 'shuffling' of Funds to 'Run it' resulted. But, when the 'Office Holder' in the 'Highest Office' in the Land 'Shuts it Down', an intentional, willful, act; what 'Effect' does this create in all 'Governmental Activity'? The Highest Civil Servants are not Being Paid to operate Agencies and enforce Laws, so does this also effect the 'Lower Rungs' of 'Government Operations'? Governments Govern. If the Federal Government is inoperable, does that mean that State Governments are also shut down or inoperable. Are we still a Nation under Law? Are Court case set for Trial in Federal Court and in State Courts also 'shut down'? Remember, the 'Shut Down' is 'Intentional'; its not the result of 'lack of funds', so 'We Have To Ask', 'Is all Government Shut Down'? In other words, are we still 'Under Government'? Are we still under Law? If a 'Corporation' shuts Down, will there still be People working it and producing products for Sale by the Corporation? Whats the difference in the Two? You see why we need 'Office Holders' who are 'experienced' in 'Governing' and not just anyone with Lots of Money. Economic threats do not constitute 'Governing' and neither do 'Political Threats'. And why should anyone, in 'Office', have the 'Political Power' to 'shut down' a 'Constitutional Government'? The 'Nation' and its 'Government' is not His! Its the 'Peoples Government'. What has happened to 'Real Governing' and 'Real Freedom and Equality'? Where are the Leaders who serve 'Real Governing' and who serve the 'Peoples Welfare'; who serve the 'Freedom and Equality' of the Bottom of a Democratic Nation. Where are the Real Leaders? When the 'Top' of 'Democracy' begins to 'quibble' with 'itself', Democracy is in 'Shatters'.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

The only 'Individual' who can prevent a take-over by Autocratic, Plutocratic and Oligarchic 'Thinking' is a 'Real Democrat'.

The only Individual who can 'prevent' a 'Take-Over' by Autocratic, Plutocratic, and Oligarchic 'Thinking' is a 'Real Democrat'. And what kind of Individual is that? First, he's a 'Real Human Being' and not a 'Legal Fiction'; he genuinely believes in 'Democracy' as an Ideology of the 'Real People', an not an 'Ideology' of a 'Particular Political Party'. The Bottom of a Political Entity is Peopled by 'Real People'. A 'Corporation' is also a 'Person', but only in 'Contemplation of Law' and is not, admittedly, a 'Real Human Person'. I'm sorry, but that's the only way to 'formulate' that 'sentence'. That 'Person' is an 'Economic entity' and not 'Real' like you and I. ( Actually, they should not be allowed to fund Political Campaigns either; (that would be the Citizens United Case.). You see how we 'exist' in a Democracy that is 'Peopled' by an elusive, nebulous, 'Social Ambient' designed to be 'relaxing' and 'non-critical'. Unfortunately, at the beginning, the 'Many' at the 'Bottom' divided into Political Parties. That already meant 'different' Political Ideologies, and that meant 'antagonism' between 'Parties'. How sad. Once a Bottom, a Social, is 'Identified', it begins to 'Divide'; the Bottom cannot 'agree' or 'live' harmoniously. Then Laws become necessary. But, then again, Laws can only be enacted by Political Entities and all Political Entities and Office Holders in those 'Entities' belong to a Political Party or an already 'Organized Political Entity' viz., a Democracy, Autocracy, Oligarchy, or Plutocracy. There, we've gone 'Full Circle'. Only a 'Real Individual' who lives in a 'Real Democracy' and who has 'Experienced' and 'Tasted' Real deprivation' of 'Equality and Freedom' and 'Understands' the 'elusive' Social Ambient that's Peopled by 'Real Persons' and 'Manufactured Persons' in the 'Economy' can prevent a 'Take-Over' or a 'Shift' into a 'Different' Political Entity. We need Politicians who have 'Lived; with 'Politics', understands the 'Ins and Outs', and who has not been seduced by 'Power', 'Money', 'fame', an 'Political Isolationism'. Where are the Real Politicians?

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Can a Democracy become an Autocracy: a Plutocracy; or an Oligarchy?

Can a Democracy become an Autocracy; a Plutocracy; or an Oligarchy? The answer is 'Yes', but its not so easy. Certainly an 'Individual' who comes from the 'Many' in a Democracy who is 'Equal' and 'Free' has a Right to exercise his/her 'Political Judgement' in whatever 'Direction' or manner that He/She pleases. 'They' also have a Constitutional Right to live in 'Equality and Freedom'. A Real 'Democracy' exercises these Freedoms and Rights in a 'genuine manner', and the People at the Bottom, enjoy their Equality and Freedoms and they will miss them if they are ever taken away. However, the 'Political Positions' of 'Power', at the Top, are 'Open' or 'Available' to anyone or everyone who wishes to participate in Government and that's the 'basic reason' why Political Candidates should be well qualified to 'Govern'. If someone wants to be CEO of a 'Major Corporation', will that be permitted, if the candidate is a 'nice Guy' or 'Women' and is a 'popular' candidate. The answer is No! Of course, you will say, but that's not an 'Elective Position'. True, although there is an element of 'Electoral-ness' as well as an element of 'Qualification'. But, I guarantee you, the 'Qualifications' must be there, or the Board will not choose 'him' or 'her'. The Individual must be 'knowledgeable' in the area in which She or He 'will function'. Governing a 'Corporate Entity' is not a 'Democratic Process'; its more of an 'Autocratic Process', with a little bit of 'Nice Guy' thrown in. That's exactly why a successful CEO cannot just 'Govern' a Democracy, unless he is also qualified to 'Govern' a 'Political Entity'. So why don't we, somehow, monitor or 'set qualifications' for those who want 'Political Positions of Power'? Of course, at this point, you will say, hey, we live in a Democracy and anyone who wants to Run can Run for Office. So, does that mean that if your a Billionaire, or, a successful Businessman you are also 'qualified', by that fact alone, for Political Office? I don't think so! If you don't believe me 'look around'. Today,the 'Top' has been 'taken over' by 'Millionaires and Billionaires'; the 'turn-over' at the Top is unbelievable, and that creates 'instability'. 'Political Instability' in the 'Halls of Power' is never Good. In such a case, the Top becomes 'Dictatorial' and the Social becomes as unstable as the Top. Where are the Real Politicians? Only a 'Real Politician' can restore 'Stability' in 'Democratic Government' and 'Freedom and Equality' in the Social.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Economic threats cannot be the basis for Political Decisions.

Economic threats cannot be the basis for Political Decisions. A Political Decision reflects a particular Political Ideology while an Economic decision reflects a 'Move' designed to make a 'Profit'. Economics is about Profits, Politics is about the General Welfare. Instead of 'crossing' Disciplines, i.e., Politics and Economics, it would be easier to 'Order' the Five or Ten Richest, largest, Corporations to create a 'Fund' to build 'whatever is necessary' to insure the Safety and 'General Welfare' of the People at the Bottom in their 'Condition of Togetherness'. But, why a Wall? The 'Peoples' of the World have already crossed 'Political Boundaries' and 'National Boundaries'. The Internet has 'meshed' all of 'Humanity' 'together'. The 'Internet' and the 'Cloud' have brought Individuals together for the First Time in History. Walls and National Boundaries are less important then ever. Of course, we still need Laws to 'control' improper entries into Other National Boundaries, but the People can 'communicate' and 'enter' via the Internet and the Cloud. Humanity has never been more 'Integrated'. Why are we building Walls? 'Social Cohesion' becomes possible with the 'tearing down' of existing 'Walls', and we are Building Walls? How many 'Walls' have come down? We no longer live in a World that builds 'Walls'. We need more Integration of 'Peoples' and we need to 'benefit', as a Nation, from our 'Entry' into the 'World of Technology'. Our Technology can and should be used to bring 'Peoples together' and stop building Walls where they are not necessary. Its not too smart to build Walls in the Age of the Computer. If a Political Decision needs to be made, it should be based on Political Ideology and the basis of the Ideology needs to be made 'Clear'. Of course, our 'Split-Ideology' has different perspectives on the 'Equality' and 'Freedom' of the 'Real Individual' Guaranteed by the 'Constitution', but it sure doesn't include the 'Building of Walls'. Where are the Real Politicians, not the CEO's and Economists who are concerned with building 'Walls' to separate the 'Haves' from the 'Have-nots'.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

The Top of every Nation is a source of Political Power.

The 'Top' of every 'Nation' is a 'Source of Political Power'. The Political Issue is always, how does the Top 'arranges' or 'distributes' its Power. The 'answer' to that question determines the 'Form' that 'Government' will assume. It will be an 'Autocracy', a 'Plutocracy', an 'Oligarchy', or a 'Democracy'; or, whatever 'else' People can 'Make-Up'. I say 'Make-Up' because 'all' Political Entities are 'Social Constructions'. It probably began with the 'Family' because that's a 'Grouping' with Family-Ties that 'Had' to 'remain Together'. Soon, the Family Groupings were 'out-paced' by Larger Groups which led to 'just plain Groupings', and then 'Tribes', and then Groupings which Identified themselves to a 'Family Origin' or a 'Race' or to a particular 'Territory'. The point being that at some 'place' in this evolution, Governments became necessary. The issue then becomes how are we to 'organize' that 'Government' and from where will the 'Top' get its 'Power to Govern'. The Old problematic of the 'One and the Many'. The 'older Groupings' picked the 'Strongest', the 'Oldest', or the 'Wisest'. Later, came The Divine Right of Kings. Giving a Leader a Divine Right to Govern certainly contributes an 'Aura' otherwise missing from the Human Condition. But, even they had to Rationalize that 'Aura' into "the King has Two Bodies". That worked for awhile. No more. Now, the issue becomes from where does the Top get its Political Power? A Top cannot get Power from anywhere, except from the Bottom, the 'condition of togetherness', a 'cohesive condition' of Humans 'Living next to each Other'. Once a procedure to 'transfer Authority' from the Bottom to the Top, was formulated, the Bottom was prepared to 'select' or 'Elect' a Leader. Now the Real Issue needs to be answered. It takes a Politically inclined Individual who is prepared to 'Lead' and who is 'not selfish', and who is 'capable' of 'Leading and Organizing' the 'Bottom' into a 'Free and Equal Condition'. The Top does have Power, but it got it from the Bottom and only for awhile. The Top must be 'experienced' and 'prepared' to lead the 'Many' into a 'Real Democracy'. Where are the Real Politicians?

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The Term 'Socialism' acquired a 'Bad Connotation'; now, the 'Top' is becoming 'Autocratic'.

The Term 'Socialism' acquired a 'Bad Connotation'; now the Top of Democracy is acquiring a 'Bad Reputation' also; its 'becoming' 'Autocratic'. The term 'Socialism' probably arose from the term the 'Social', which is just another term meaning the 'Bottom' of a Polity'or a Democratic Polity. A 'Social' is a 'People', millions of them. It has nothing to do with the 'Top' owning the 'means of Production', The Top doesn't own anything; it Governs and it gets its Power to Govern from the Peoples at the Bottom. Without People at the Bottom, a Polity has no need 'to Exist' and it 'cannot own anything'. Its just a 'Political Point' of Power with the 'Duty' to 'Govern' Millions of 'Real People'. The Top 'Serves' the 'People' at the 'Bottom'. The Top, as a position of Power is the 'Biggest Fiction' in the 'World'. Just like a Corporation, which is a 'Recognized' and 'Accepted' Legal Fiction and exists 'only' in contemplation of Law. As a Result, the Corporation was 'Given' a huge Economic 'Grasp' that has created an 'Unbalanced Economy' and many 'Billionaires'. Now, Money 'talks' and Bullshit Walks. Now, Big Money tells Government how to Govern. We have replaced the 'Divinity' in the 'Divine Right' of Kings with 'Money', 'Profits', and 'Properties'. When the Candidate for the 'Highest Office' in the 'Land' was asked, and what have you accomplished? He replied, "I build Big Buildings." That's documented. Now, the Top uses 'economic threats' to Dictate to 'Political Policy'; and recently threatened to stop 'funding' the fighting of Forrest Fires. From a 'Political Position' of 'Economic mischief' to a position 'endangering property' and 'Human Life'. What happened to 'Equality and Freedom' for the 'Bottom' of a 'Democratic Polity'? The 'Real Bottom' of 'Real Individuals' got 'forgotten' and that's where the term 'Socialism' got its 'Taint'; and that's where Democracy is being 'transformed' into an 'Autocracy'. Where are the 'Real Politicians'?

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Holding a Government hostage is not a 'Political Maneuver'.

Holding a Government 'Hostage' is not a Political Maneuver, its an Economic Maneuver and a very 'poor One'. Unfortunately, that's an example of 'Economic Leadership' that is 'self-destructive'. Will a Corporation say, 'I'll close the Corporation' if you don't elect a 'Republican' or a 'Democrat'? Of course, not. To be sure, that's poor 'economic thinking' trying to 'relate' to 'Political Structures'. I've said, Politics and Economics are different and although every Polity 'needs' an Economy, the 'thinking required' of 'each' is 'different' from the Other. 'Political Thinking' is for 'Governing', and 'Governing only', and in compliance with the Constitution, i.e. in 'Freedom' and 'Equality'; while the Economic is simply to 'make a Profit'. The Two separate Institutions need each Other, but their 'functions' cannot be mixed. Every 'Polity' needs an 'Economy', but, not every 'Economic Structure' needs a 'Government'. Did the 'Divine Right of Kings' need an 'Economy'? No!, and it didn't have an economy, nor Ownership of property. But, that 'changed' and 'evolved' into a 'Mix' for the 'Polity' and for 'its People'. But, that's History. Government was established so that it could 'Govern'; not make a Profit. The Two Principles must be kept separate and can function optimally, if each keeps to its proper Domain. That's why Economic Principles 'cannot Govern'; and that's why Governments cannot exist to make a Profit. Economic Principles do not belong in 'Politics' and Political principles should protect its Economy; after all it even created a 'Person', that 'only exists' in 'contemplation of Law'. 'Politics' is different from 'Capitalism'. The 'Two' are different. Where are the 'Selfless' Politicians that know 'how' to 'Govern' the 'Condition of Togetherness.'
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.