Thursday, February 25, 2021

Politics requires a certain level of Intelligence and a Definite Moral Attitude.

Politics requires a certain 'level of Intelligence' and a definite 'Moral Attitude'. The level of Intelligence 'addresses' a definite 'appreciation' of the 'Representative Nature' of all Democratic 'Politics'. 'Public Office' is a temporary endeavor and not a 'Professional Position'. Certainly, someone can be a Politician for a large Portion of ones Life, but, it must be understood that its a 'Representative endeavor' and in a Democracy, one of 'Public service'. In a Democracy, no one who does not have the 'Level of Intelligence' nor the required 'Moral Attitude' is 'capable' of Serving in Public Office. So how does someone who 'does not Read' get to the Highest Office in a Democracy? ( 'does not Read and does 'not know how to Read' are two different things, but that Issue has never been cleared up; and it never will be) The end result will be an Office Holder who acts from 'his' or 'her' 'Persona or Personality' and not from the 'Representative Nature of the Office'. All activities emanating from 'such a Representative' will be misunderstood as someone with a 'Political Agenda' but, in actuality, it will reflect a 'Value System' of the 'Personality'. No Personality 'driven act' can be interpreted as a 'Representative Act' or Policy or even a knowledgeable Political Act. Thats why a certain level of 'Intelligence' and a 'Definite Moral attitude' should be required of anyone who wishes to be a 'Politician'. Thats why, in a Democracy, Standards and Requirements should be established which qualifies any, every, and all, Candidates who wish to serve as 'Candidates For Public Office'. Don't Mis-Characterize or Mis-Represent the Acts and Activities of a Persona or Personality for the acts of a true 'Representative' who 'Represents and Serves' the 'People' in a Democracy. 'One', Serves the People, the 'Other', Rules them.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

A Business Corporation is not a Natural Person; Its a created Fictional Entity.

A Business Corporation is not a Natural Person; its a created Fictional Entity. Why are they necessary? Well it consolidates an 'effort' that is necessary for the success of the economy of a Nation. Every Nation has an economy and every Nation needs to consolidate the manufactoring and success of its economy. However, the citizens of a Democracy are Free and Equal and can also participate in the Economic Structure of the Nation. They are Free to work and to be compensated for their Labor. Most 'Jobs' or Professions are competitive and that includes the function of the 'Business Corporation'. But, no 'Human Individual' can compete against a 'Large Business Corporation'. Of course, we all know why thats the case. They are just to Big and they are Money Making Machines. Well, the Government thought it necessary to call a 'Fictional Entity', 'a Person in contemplation of Law'. What does that mean? Does the Corporation need to be protected from the Human Being or does the Human being need to be protected from the Corporation? Business Corporations have become necessary; no question about that; but what has also become necessary is the striking of a better balance between the 'Artificial and the Real'. Corporations can be required to have in their constitution and By-Laws, a 'Department', or a 'Function' whose 'sole purpose' and 'function' is to 'contribute towards Democracy'. As it stands now, most function 'Autocratically' and monopolize 'Business Functions' and 'Profits'. A 'Created Autocratic Fiction' that is protected by Law. Surely, they can create a 'Department', whose 'sole function' is to 'help' and 'contribute' to the 'Democracy' within which they exist.

Monday, February 22, 2021

How can a Business Corporation function more Democratically?

There are many ways a Business Corporation can function more democratically. Most Business Corporations are Huge Corporations. Their Design is to function as Money Making 'Persons'for the benefit of the Corporation and its owners. The Supreme Court's Baptism of the Corporation as 'Person' opens 'protections' to it that are not available to the normal 'Real' 'Business-Person'. A 'Real Business Person', not a 'Legal Fiction' has a limited impact on its Business and the creation of the 'Supply and Demand' and 'Demand and Supply' required of it. The Demand must exist and the supply is limited to a much smaller Market. Most small corporations can supply the demand existing within the area of 'function'. They may well serve the 'Common Good' but only in a 'limited manner'; not the 'General Welfare and Common Good' required by the Constitution. Well, that's good, but the Large Business Corporation is in a better position to serve the 'General Welfare' and the Common Good of the Nation as a whole. Instead they serve the Sole Owner and the few Owners who strive for a place on the 'Forbes List'. Generally, most Large Corporations function as 'Autocrats'. A Constitutionally created Person in a Democracy that 'functions undemocratically', as an 'Autocrat'. Does that make sense? A Democracy that creates a 'Legal Fiction' that 'functions' as an 'Autocrat'. Every Large Business Corporation should have a clause in its By-Laws that require it to also serve the 'General Welfare' and the 'Conmmon Good'. Surely, they can find a way to do 'that' and since they are 'Constitutionally created Persons', and 'failing that', they should lose their 'Constitutionally created Personhood'. Isn't it time for a 'Corporate Society' to become a 'Democratic' Corporate Society?

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Why can't Business Corporations function Democratically?

A 'Business Corporation' is considered as a 'Person' in 'Contemplation of Law'. Of course, Corporations, like other smaller Business entities, have their 'expenses', pays Taxes, as does a 'Real Individual'. They must also 'survive' in the Economic area as all Real Individuals also do. Yet, they are 'Money Making Machines' and are 'created' for a 'specific business purpose by 'By-laws' that states the purpose for their Incorporation, and regulates their Internal Structure, and Function. Their sole purpose, as set out in their by-laws, is for the Specific Production of an Item and its sole goal is to make a Profit'. It cannot exist for any other reason. A Real Individual doesn't have that luxury. A real Individual has a family and his expenses cover a 'variety of necessities'. Those 'necessities and expenses' are essential to living an 'acceptable life'. They must be paid. A Corporation doesn't have a Family, Medical Bills, food expenses, housing expenses and family expenses, such as health of family, education, and for the education of the family members. An Individual does. Is it any wonder we are considered a Corporate Society? Business Corporations are money making machines. Is it any wonder that our economy is lopsided. Why can't a Business Corporation function more Democratically? Parts of their 'money-making' could go towards establishing a more 'balanced Social' and towards a more 'balanced Economy'. Every Business Corporation should have a 'Department and a Function', created by their By-Laws that requires that they 'function' and contribute towards a more balanced Economy and a more balanced Democracy.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

The Trump Years have brought forth 'Divisions' in the 'Social' that 'think' like an 'Autocrat'.

The 'Trump Years' have brought forth 'divisions' in parts of the 'Social' that 'think' like an 'Autocrat'. Autocracy and Democracy are Political Ideologies and should not define the 'Individual Personality'. Of course, the Individual 'Personality' has greater 'freedom of movement' and 'expression' than does a 'Political Ideology'. A Political Ideology is 'fixed; as to 'Political Form' and 'Political Structure'. Whereas, a 'Personality' is never so fixated as to avoid changes caused by the 'Enviornment'and the 'Social' and the 'Political Field'and the 'Economy'. Why? Because the 'Human Being' is a 'Persona' or 'Personality' and has a 'flexibility' not granted to a 'Corporate Structure'. A Human Being is 'born', 'not Created' by another 'Human Being'. He or She is 'Real' and 'not' a 'Fiction' nor a 'Legal Fiction'. But, the Supreme Court, in its 'infinite wisdom' has held that the 'Business Corporation' is a 'Persona' in 'contemplation of Law'. If Business Corporations are considered 'Persons' in the Economy, shouldn't 'they also' exist in the same 'Democracy' that 'gave them' their 'Legal Existence'? Shouldn't they also be considered as 'Existing and Living' within a 'Democratic Social', as are all other 'Persons'. So why don't they engage in 'Democratic activity'? Why is a 'Created Economic Structure', existing within a 'Democratic Social', allowed to be solely 'Autocratic' in 'function'? Why can't they be Democratic in function? Why can't they also help 'contribute' to the 'Democracy' that allows for their creation? Maybe that would be a more 'Proper Capitalistic Function' of the 'Corporate Structure'? Wouldn't that be more 'Democratic' than 'Autocratic'? Maybe that would make us less a 'Corporate Society' and more of a 'Democratic Economy' in a 'Democratic Society'.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

In a Democracy, the 'Bottom' has a 'Multitude of Individuals'; some of whom want to "GO" to the Top.

In a Democracy, the 'Bottom' has a 'Multitude of Individuals'; some of whom want to get to the Top. How is this phenomena controlled? By 'controlled', I don't mean 'absolute control' because that would be Autocratic, but, some kind of 'Democratic Control' that is 'Fair and Equal' to all who want to engage in 'Political Office'. Certainly, 'Rules' can be 'Fair and Democratic'. It has become obvious that Many so-called Politicians have become 'Office Holders' and are not in the least bit 'Democratic', nor interested in Democracy, but are 'Small', 'Uninformed', 'Autocrats'. Of course, some are Educated; some are Rich, and some even Billionaires. ( of course, I do not refer too every Educated, Rich, or Billionaire in the U.S. as I dont refer to everyone in Political Office.) But, the Bottom, during Election Time, has turned into some kind of Bar-Room Brawl.( here again, I use a Metaphor and don't reference Bar Rooms in general)There is no Order, nor requirements in the Political Activity of a Democracy. The activity is completely left up to the person engaged in Politics. Legal Profession has requirements; Medical Profession has requirements, and Many other disciplines have requirements and conditions that have to be met. Why, does the most important Position- being a 'Leader' of a Political 'Democratic Entity'- not have Requirements? Does that make sense? Surely, Honesty, Integrity and Fundamental Knowledge of 'Democracy' and 'Political Activity' should be required. And if a 'Genuine Candidate' should appear and not have the Money, He or She should be provided the Monies and the Means. This Nation finances many things, why not a 'qualified candidate' for President? Is 'Party Loyalty' so entrenched that it can't provide Real Leadership? How do we get someone who is really interested in the 'general Welfare' and the 'Blessings of Liberty'?

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Why is the Human Condition so infatuated with Political Power?

Why is the Human Condition so infatuated with Political Power? There are no 'simple answers' and there have to be 'Many Answers'. There are as 'many answers' as there are Human Beings, at the Top, as well as the Bottom. How Sad. Of course, many Individuals don't really care to become Politicians, and are satisfied with living a 'Democratic Life', in 'Freedom and Equality'. Of course, there are those who wish to serve the Political Entity and Rightfully so, but, in a Democracy, Service 'must be' or 'should be' Democratic and some Politicians do serve in such a Democratic Manner. But, there seems to be those who do not seem to care to much about 'Public Service'; 'Freedom and Equality' at the Bottom; and 'Serving Constitutionally' at the Top. Some seem more concerned with the 'emoluments' of Office or the 'Exercise of Power'. I say, 'more concerned', because there is some 'proper exercise' of Political Power that is essential, practical, and necessary. But, sometimes one can detect subtle statements and some, not so suble, about lengthening the 'Tenure of Office', 'challenging the results of an Election', and even 'seeking help' from sources outside the 'involved' Political Entity. That kind of 'political activity' reflects an exercize of Power that is not Democratic and a 'Personal Attitude' that reflects an 'egoistic preoccupation' with 'Power' and its 'Emoluments' and an attempt to circumvent Democratic Institutions an installing 'Autocratic Institutions'. A Democracy will not last long when there are attempts to change the 'Political Ideology'. Any changes in Ideology and emphasis on 'Personalities', so-called 'Important People', or, 'Rich Individuals', or 'Strong Individuals' usually recognized as 'Desotic Individuals', will destroy Democracy and with that, will 'Destroy America'.
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.