Friday, September 30, 2016

The necessity of Democratic Government should be obvious to everyone.

The 'necessity' of Government should be obvious to everyone. The only issue to be asked is, "what type of Government"? That answer should also be obvious. No one Individual has the power or authority to 'govern' another. One Individual living alone on an Island does not need the Institution of Government. If the population on the Island increases to thousands or millions, then there had better be a Government, or all would be chaos. Then the issue of 'what kind of Government' arises, and also the issue of what "type" would be acceptable to the 'condition of togetherness'. In a 'condition of togetherness'; the Individual never loses his 'Individual Freedom' and 'Individual Equality' as a living Human Being. That 'Term'( 'condition of togetherness') differs from terms like "the Social" or "Society"; which terms have become 'too abstract' and, whether intentionally or not, always tend to leave out certain "races", "colors" or "Creeds". The 'condition of togetherness', instead 'clarifies' the 'uniqueness' and the 'Equality' of all living human beings. Government becomes necessary; but only a Government that 'protects and defends' the 'Freedom and Equality' of all its Citizens. An Individual citizen is Free and Equal and each Individual must have the 'authority' to participate in the 'organization' and 'structuring', if she or he wishes, of the Institution called 'Government'. Only a Democratic form of Government has the 'authority' and 'permission' from 'its People'; to Govern its particular 'condition of togetherness'. That 'form' of Government must be founded on the provisions set forth in the Constitution of the United states.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Government is necessary; Capitalism is necessary; but never shall the twain meet.

Government is necessary and Capitalism is also necessary. However, the two systems are motored and motivated differently. Government must 'govern' the 'condition of togetherness', and Capitalism must generate 'money', or value, for a successful economy. 'Freedom and Equality' hold the 'condition of togetherness' in a state of 'Integrity', and Capitalism generates 'money', a 'medium of exchange', that allows 'value' to be 'held' and 'used' for a 'standard of living'. A medium of exchange must 'circulate' if its to have maximum utility. It cannot be held in the Ratio of the 1% and the 99%. An Individual living in a 'condition of togetherness' can hold money and can use it to provide for his or her standard of living. But, 'governing' cannot be 'implemented' or 'take place' by means of Capitalistic principles; nor can Capitalism be implemented by Democratic principles. In other words, 'Governing' and Government cannot be based on the amount of 'money or possessions' held by any 'Representative' or candidate for office. That's too close to Plutocracy,( Rule by the rich and wealthy), not Democracy. How strange our Government is purportedly Democratic, but our 'economic lives' are 'Plutocratic'. In the same way, Capitalism cannot be based on 'Freedom and Equality', because that would eliminate the 'competition' that generates "profits". Capitalism is basically a 'greedy pursuit' that must generate 'more and more' of 'the same', or profits, because nobody goes into business to lose money. Without the pursuit for profits, there would not be any motivation to go into business. That is the sole basic motivation for going into business. On the other hand, Democracy is not about profits , but about Freedom and Equality of each and every human being in the 'condition of togetherness'; and the Governments duty is to integrate and solidify the 'Integrity' of the 'condition'. The generation of Wealth has absolutely nothing to do with the 'power to Govern'; and the power to Govern is never for the purpose of making a big or a bigger profit. A business mentality 'cannot govern'; and a Government is for the sole purpose of 'protecting and preserving' the Freedom and Equality of each and every Individual in the Social. Government and Capitalism are both necessary, but never shall the twain meet. We must learn to keep them separate.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Democracy is a form of Government; Capitalism is a form of economics.

Democracy is a form of Government; Capitalism is a form of economics. Democracy is motored by Freedom and Equality; and economics is motored by Profits; and never should the twain meet. Neither belongs in the same 'bowl'. They cannot be mixed with each other and each will always retain its identity. Of course, they can 'work together', but, they cannot be 'co-mingled'. Their separate nature can be, and is, problematic. Institutionally, its not difficult to separate the two. However, the 'co-mingling' that arises occurs at the 'Bottom of Government', within the 'condition of togetherness'. That co-mingling is transferred into the political system and contaminates it 'into' a Plutocracy; an Autocracy( Kingship or Dictatorship),or an Oligarchical form of Government. No combination of the two can be 'democratic'. So how can this misuse of 'profits' be eliminated or controlled. Unfortunately, it cannot be eliminated. Money is essential to the function of Government( Its called Taxation.), and real Individuals are entitled to work for their 'General Welfare' as well as for the Welfare of their Nation. But, wait a minute, it can be controlled. So where do we exert that 'control? Certainly not on the 'real human beings' trying to earn a living. However, we do have in the economy 'legal fictions', which are 'not real' individuals, and which have been created by Law. If 'Law' has created them; Law must also have control over its Legal Fictions. It would be ludicrous, if Law could not control, the very 'artificial persons' it has created. How can the Law of a Nation create an 'artificial person' and allow that 'fiction' to destroy the very Nation that created it? Real Individuals live in a Democracy where each and every one of them is Free and Equal. A corporation is 'not real' and should not be allowed to contaminate a real democracy. Corporations need less Rights and more Democratic Duties.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Democratic Government needs Capitalism; but, Capitalism cannot govern a Democracy.

Democratic Government needs Capitalism; but, Capitalism cannot govern a Democracy. The reason being that Government is motored by Freedom and Equality; and Capitalism is motored by profits. That is clear. However, many Individuals living in a Democracy usurp their Freedom and Equality and replace Democratic values with economic values; usually with money and possessions. Too often Individuals living in a Democracy misplace their political loyalties and values with Capitalistic values. Money and possessions are fine and necessary, to an extent, but they can never replace the values of a Democracy and economic values should never attain to the the degree that the economy is divided into the 1% and the 99%. That can be translated into "haves and have-nots". Unfortunately, Corporate profits play a large part in creating this huge imbalance. Even though corporations are necessary to a successful economy, they are "legal fictions" and should not have 'all' the same 'Rights' that a real Individual has under the Constitution. Nevertheless, if its necessary to protect their 'existence' by calling them "persons", under the 14th Amendment, its also necessary that they have Duties and Obligations commensurate with their 'fictional nature'. In other words, Corporations should be Constitutionally obligated to contribute to the Democratic Government, as well as the 'condition of togetherness', (the Social), that gave them their 'arising' and 'protection'. 'Economic Obesity' must be controlled; especially, in the area that allows 'hoarding' of the 'means of production'. The 'means of production' should circulate; and the circulation should augment the same 'democratic values' that allowed for their 'creation' as well as those values which characterize a real Democratic society.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

The 'power' to Govern 'arises' from a 'real Democracy'; not from the 'results' of a 'successful economy'.

Governing requires Power; power 'must arise' from the democratic nature of a real 'condition of togetherness'. Power should not be related to economic principles. Stated differently; Power is not some 'inherent quality' in the economy; its not about 'money and possessions'. As important as a successful economy is, it does not determine the 'inherent Power' of a Democratic, 'condition of togetherness', to govern itself. The reason for that is that a successful economy is motored by 'profits', money, more and more, of the 'same'. Its 'cumulative' in nature. Democracy is motored by 'Freedom and Equality' of 'each and every' Individual in the 'condition of togetherness'. The essence of Power is based on its application to 'each and every' real Individual in the 'condition of togetherness'. Freedom and Equality applies to 'every' real Individual; not to some 'abstract', 'vacuous', 'generality', about the 'condition of togetherness'. The 'condition of togetherness' retains the 'uniqueness', of each and every Individual in the 'condition'. The Individual does 'not get lost' in the 'abstractness' of the condition, as it does in linguistic terms like 'Society', 'Social', etc.. That's exactly how terms like 'Socialism' had their arising. The term 'Socialism' is an oxymoron; a 'social' cannot be governed; only 'Individuals' can be governed. If any 'real Individual' is left out of a 'proper governing' process, then, that would be discrimination. If 'we discriminate'; its time we stopped. All we have to do is look at our 'past footprints' to see 'where we've been' to determine 'where to go'. A Nation must learn from its past. Failure to consider the past can lead to 'self-destruction'. How sad; we create a real political 'Locus of Power', and then we switch our allegiance to a 'cumulative fiction'.
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.