Friday, December 29, 2017

A Democracy can Govern an Economy; but, an Economy cannot Govern a Democracy.

A Democracy can Govern an Economy; but an Economy cannot Govern a Democracy. An Economy is always 'Motored' by Profits, Money and Size. Lacking these three components, an Economy would not be a 'Successful One'. Hence, the only approach 'Government by Economy' can take, would be to further 'fatten' the 1%. In other words, a Democracy would 'self-destruct', if the Economy was to 'Drive' the Ship of State. It should be obvious, that a Government by Economy would never translate into a 'Government by a 99%'. As I've pointed out, the 1% will never be increased, but it would be a 'Fatter' 1%. The 1% get 'Fatter' but 'never increases' the Percentage. The only way to 'change the Percentage' would be to have a Democratic Government driven by 'Freedom and Equality' of 'each and every Real Individual' in the 'Condition of Togetherness'. We must become 'practical' and include every 'Real Individual' within the 'circumference of Governing'. In other words; we must 'Quantify' the 'democratic process' so as to include 'each and every' Real Individual in the Equation of Democratic Government. Democratic Government includes each and every Real Individual, living Next to Each Other, which includes the 'Freedom' and 'Equality' of Everyone in the 'Condition of togetherness'. Now, a Democratic Government can Govern an Economy. However, the Economy must undergo 'Some Changes". Firstly; the Social and the Economy must stop treating Corporations as if they were Real. They are not Real and they create a huge 'imbalance' in the 'Economy', the 'Social', and Democracy. Corporations are Legal Fictions and they 'cohere' only as Imaginary, verbal, Legal Constructs. Now, please listen very carefully!! They are 'absolutely necessary' to the Economy. But, as are all Real Citizens; they 'also' need to be 'better Citizens', 'more Democratic', and, if they are 'artificial Human beings' they should be better 'controlled' by the 'Democratic Economic Process'. What could possibly be wrong with making Corporations better Citizens? After all, they are allowed to 'contribute money' to the Political process; and lets face it, if there's a War, they don't have to go! ......Where are the Real Politicians?

Sunday, December 24, 2017

The 'Economy' takes over Government; while 'Government' consolidates its 'Gains' and 'transforms' Society..

The 'Economy' has taken over the 'Government'; and the 'Government' is rapidly consolidating its 'Gains'. The 1% will be 'Fatter'; Money, Profits and 'Big' becomes the 'New Social'. Government by CEO's and 'Legal Fictions' takes over and Individual 'Freedom and Equality' goes out the Window. Now, closely watch 'Greed' separate and 'classify' the Real Individuals into the 'Haves' and the 'Have-Nots'( 1% and the 99%). Directly and Indirectly, we have a 'Government' of the Rich. Welcome to Plutocracy. Before this, we assumed we lived in a Plutocracy; now, its unquestionable. The New Tax Law rewards the 'Legal Fictions' and the Rich and, as usual, the 'Others'( 99%) are given a 'small taste' for a 'while' which will be taken back, later, by the 'Fatter' 1%. We have become a Society of New Social 'outcomes' that will be 'determined' by the 'Incomes'. We now live in an 'Alice in Money-Land' and the sad part is that we actually 'believe in it'. 'Money', 'Profits', and 'Size' are an 'illusion' as are all Legal Fictions. Money, was supposed to be a Medium of Exchange, an 'invented currency', since one could not 'exchange' a Horse for a Donkey, or, a Cat for a Dog. But, the 'value' of 'each' could be 'exchanged','sold', or 'bought', and a 'Profit' could be made. Value, or money, used to be based on a 'Gold' Standard; no longer the case. Money is a 'Total Fiction'. Since 'Economic Reality' uses Legal Fictions and invented Economic Fictions, to determine economic 'classes', I sometimes wonder, if all 'Real Individuals', I mean 'Everyone', were literally 'Freezing' from an extreme 'Cold Weather'; if they would 'set fire' to all the Paper Money in existence to 'stay alive'; or, would they 'die' instead of burning their paper Money? (No longer on the Forbes List.) Oh well, enough of that. But, when our 'whole existence' is driven by 'legal and economic fictions', its time to revamp our Value System. Where are our Political Leaders; Leaders that really know HOW to Govern; HOW to take care of all the People, and not just some of the People, and all the 'Money'.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Corporate Principles cannot Govern a Democracy.

Corporate Principles cannot Govern a Democracy. They can Govern a Corporation but, the Corporate Structure is not a Political Entity; to be sure, the Corporate Structure is a Business Structure and a Business Structure can only survive if its driven by a 'Profits Principle'. A Business that does not make a Profit will not be in Business for long. Try 'driving a Business' on the Principles of 'Freedom and Equality'. It won't survive! Of course, every Political Entity 'needs' an Economy but, the Political Entity needs 'Political Principles' to 'drive it'. If its a Democracy, the Political Principles are those of 'Freedom and Equality'. A so-called 'Democratic Political Entity' that is not driven by 'Freedom and Equality' is not a Democracy. A Democratic Political Entity driven by 'Business Principles of Profits, Money, and Size', is not a Real Democracy. That is as much a 'Legal fiction' as a Corporation is a 'Legal Fiction'. Legal Fictions are 'not Real', they merely 'hold together' 'imagined Social and Business structures' that exist only in 'Contemplation of Law'. In a 'Real Government', we do not need 'Imagined Structures'. The Bottom of a Democratic Political Entity is its 'People' and 'Each and Every One of Them' is 'Real' and 'Not Imagined'. I am Real and I know you are. When a Political Executive purports to Govern with 'Business Principles', he is 'destroying Democracy' and Perpetuating Business Principles of profits, Money and Size; he is 'fattening' the 1%; creating 'Economic Classes; and the 'Freedom and Equality' of every 'Real Individual' goes out the 'Political Window'. That's 'Politically Unreal' and a form of 'Governing' similar to an 'Autocracy' that is reserved for CEO's in a successful Corporate Society. A Corporate Society cannot survive without 'Autocratic Principles' of Rule. How Sad; a Real 'Democracy' has been overcome by the 'Greedy pursuit' of 'more and more of the same'. What we need is 'more and more Freedom and Equality' and less 'Government by CEO's. To be sure, Business and the Corporate structures have their place; but, leave Real Democratic Governing to the 'Real Politicians'. But, where are the Real Politicians?

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Triadic Nature of Government demands that each Part of Three Branch Government perform its Duty.

The Triadic Nature of Government 'demands' that each of the Three Branches perform its Duty. All Forms of Government are Triadic because they have a Top and a Bottom and a 'Judicial Branch'. A Government may be Dictatorial but it still has 'a People', at the Bottom, and a Judicial Branch, however 'inactive', actual and Ideological, that Branch may be. In a Democracy each Branch plays its Part in an 'Objective Political Order' that should function as a Living Organism, with a 'Brain at the Top', 'a Body at the Bottom' and 'Feelings' or 'Emotions' in the Middle. All Three Branches should 'balance-out' into a condition of 'Political Integrity'. Of course, that's the Ideal. Historically, 'all Revolutions' occur at the Bottom among the People and of course 'Political Revolutions' are meant to bring about some 'change' in the 'Form', or, the 'manner of Governing'. Of course, there's exceptions. Today, we are witnessing a unique Political Phenomena, a Revolution brought about about by 'Gender Discrimination' and 'abuse', and in the 'misplaced' 'Power formations' that originate from the 'Economic sphere', and influences the 'Political Sphere'. Capitalism does not have 'Power', it only has 'influence'. Only Political Entities have Political Power. A lack of 'Personal Integrity' in the 'Representatives' at the 'Top of Government' is being 'misplaced', misused, and mixed, with the 'Political Integrity' at the 'Top of Democratic Power'. There is no 'Political immunity' of 'Personal, Discriminatory, Behavior' at the Top of Government. An 'Unqualified Leader' that 'Discriminates' does not belong at the peak of Political Power. Usually Governments begin to 'Deconstruct' at the Bottom. Today we are witnessing a 'Deconstruction' at the Top. If a 'Democratic Government' continues to Deconstruct at the 'Top', its Triadic nature will no longer exist; it is no longer a Democracy. The Top may have Political Power but, the Bottom has Freedom and Equality and that 'Equality' applied 'Politically', protects Each and Every Real Individual, at the Bottom of Government, from Gender Discrimination, Racial Discrimination, and Economic Discrimination. If the 'Top' of Political Power 'Discriminates', it must be replaced. Where are the Real Politicians?

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Government is an Institution of Power at the Top. The 'Many' People at the Bottom assign that Power'.

Government is a Political Institution of 'Power at the Top'. The 'Many' People at the 'Bottom of Government' assigns that Power, for a 'Period of Time', to the Top. Without the Bottom, the Top has no Power: in fact, without the Bottom of Government, the top would not even 'exist'. That's why it can be said; One 'Lone Individual' on an Island does not need an 'Institution' of Government. The 'ancient dilemma' of the 'One and the Many' cannot be resolved if 'One Individual' is as 'Equal' as the 'Many Individuals' at the Bottom. Hence, a 'Political Institution' becomes necessary. Here, enters the 'Divine Right of Kings' form of Government. Once that 'Divine Right' was rendered dis-functional, the 'Autocratic Form' of Government took over. Its basically the same type of Governing, except that instead of relying on 'Divine Principles', the Individual at the Top just said, " Do it My Way, or else". Its difficult to keep the 'Many' at the Bottom 'in-line', hence, Force, Cruelty, Punishment, all of which constitutes 'control' of all the People at the Bottom of Autocratic Government. In today's Democratic Government, Force, Cruelty, Divinity, does not work. Democracy is a 'Government of Laws'; the Bottom can be described as "the condition of togetherness". All 'Real' Human Beings live together, side by side; separated only by their 'Individual Uniqueness', and Internationally, by 'National Boundaries'. In Democracy, the 'Real Individual' at the Bottom 'votes' for the 'Representative' who is to 'serve' in 'The Office of Power' for a short 'Period of Time'. Without 'Office', the 'Real Individual' does not have 'Political Power'. The only 'Power' that exists in the World is 'Political Power'. Other than that, all Real Individuals, and, of course, that includes You and I, are the same: 'Politically Powerless'. Look closely at a Photo of 'Past Presidents'. The 'emanations of Power' are gone. But, don't get me wrong; 'Individuals' are 'Real'. Each and every one is 'Unique' and each and everyone is 'Free and Equal' in a Political system. Democracy works, but it requires 'stability'; that 'stability' begins with the 'Good Will' and 'Political acumen' of the Candidates for Political Office. Where are the Real Politicians?

Friday, December 1, 2017

A Government "of People","by People", and "for People" is a Government of 'Equal' and 'Free' Human Beings.

A Government "of the people", "by the People", and "for the People" is a Government of 'Equal' and 'Free' Human Beings. Notice that I usually state that Human Beings are 'Free and Equal' or, have 'Freedom and Equality'. The terms 'Freedom and Equality', of course, means the same thing as "Equality and Freedom". But, to avoid some 'Determined Individual' who thinks S/He is 'Free first' and Equal second, from thinking S/He is Free to consider Others Un-Equal, I'm positing-in this paragraph-the Term 'Equality' first and 'Freedom' second. The arrangement or priority of the 'terms' shouldn't make any difference, but nevertheless, there will be those who are so 'wrapped-up' in their 'self-importance' that to be Free 'first' conveys the meaning that S/he is free to do anything S/he feels like doing, and to consider the 'Others' 'in-equality', immediately comes to His/Her mind. In Governmental Institutions that appears to be something like a 'Government' in the nature of a 'Kingship', or an Autocracy, where the 'Top'- the source of Power- proclaims that "God made me do it", or, " that's the way 'I' do things here". Well, enough of that. But, seriously consider the 'Equality' of the 'Human condition'. No one Human being is different from any Other Human Being. Hence, a Democratic Government, 'Of People', 'By People', and 'For People' is a Government 'of', 'by', and 'for' the very People who 'created the Democracy'. The "People", at the Bottom of Government are the 'same People' who are the 'Governed', and the same People, who are 'Governing', for a short period of time. Look at it this way. Its somewhat of a 'circular affair', the 'Top of Power' and the 'Bottom that is Governed' change places periodically. But, whats necessary are 'Candidates' that are 'politically inclined' and 'versed' in the 'workings' of 'Governing a Democracy', 'established' and 'dedicated' to the 'General Welfare' of its People. There is no other reason for a Government to exist. An Economy cannot 'Govern'; a Corporation, a 'Legal Fiction', cannot 'Govern'; 'Money and Profits' cannot Govern; only "We the People" can Govern.
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.