Wednesday, May 30, 2018

A 'Revolution' at the Bottom is different from a 'Revolution' at the Top.

A 'Revolution' at the Bottom is different from a 'Revolution' at the Top. Maybe the use of 'Revolution' is too extreme but, in both cases, it refers to 'Big Changes'. When a revolution begins at the Bottom, it usually begins 'slowly' and in small incremental steps as it begins to grow. Sometimes an Event is so 'definite' and 'powerful' that it immediately 'affects' the 'Condition of togetherness' and changes begin immediately. But, a 'Revolution", or a 'Change' at the Top, immediately 'effects' the 'Structure' and the 'Form' of the Government at the Top. Changes at the Top immediately change the Form of the Government. The changes are more 'immediate' and the changes effect the very Form of the Government. Those kind of changes can occur when Economic Principles are used to Govern instead of Political Principles. Of course, Economic Principles are also important, but Money, Property, and the Forbes List 'cannot Govern'. Democracy carries out the 'Will' of the People, ( at the Bottom) not the Will of the Executive ( at the Top). Democratic Principles must govern in a Democracy. It appears that today all concerns are based on 'who pays for what'( the Fence) and 'who pays less Taxes'( corporations), and a 'focused concern' on the 'importance' and 'survival' of 'Legal Fictions' ( Corporations), instead of a focused concern on Racial, Gender, and Class Discrimination. We still have Racial, Gender, and Class Discrimination. Actually, we have a situation where the Top practices, accepts, and implements Racial, Gender, and Class Discrimination. The center of Gravity of Change in America is at the Top. Today's Revolution is at the Top and the 'Power of Governing' a 'Democracy' is 'unraveling'. Politics and Politicians are losing their 'Power to Govern'. Why?, because 'Political Correctness' has become 'dis-functional' and Government by 'Economic principles' has the upper hand and hence, 'Real Democracy' is dying. We need 'Real Politicians'( not Political Correctness) and real Governing, (according to Political Principles) and not a Government that Governs by 'Economic Principles' and further 'aggravates' and 'perpetuates' Racial, Gender, and Class Discrimination. We are in trouble. Where are the Real Politicians?

Thursday, May 17, 2018

A Political Entity 'Governs'; an Economic entity 'Produces'.

A Political Entity 'Governs'; an Economic Entity 'produces'. Each has a different 'function' and a different 'place' within the 'Condition of Togetherness'( the Social). But the 'Social' exists 'within' the 'Political' and the Two must interact with each other. The Real Individual exists within the Two and must acquire a 'Semiotic'( Sign system) and a 'Semantics'(Meaning system) for each. That acquisition forms a 'Subjectivity' in the 'Real Individual' within the 'Polity' and its 'Capitalistic environment'. This Subjectivity is the 'Attitude' of the Individual towards his/her immediate and 'Total' environment. In other words, in a Democracy a Real Individual exists within a 'Total Linguistic Environment' that conflates the 'Political' and the 'Economic'. The Individual relates to this 'conflation' and must understand the distinction between Political language and Economic Language. Economic language is concerned with 'Producing' more and more of the same, or 'Profits and Monies'. But, these Profits and Monies are a Medium of Exchange that should be kept in circulation. In other words, the Economy is constantly 'changing', 'producing' and being modified. Now, consider the Political System. A Democracy, as a System of Governing, does not change. Its a fixed system i.e. the nature of the Political entity remains democratic at all times. The democratic values of a democracy never change; i.e., the Freedom and Equality of all the Real Individuals is always the Goal. That's fixed; the only change might be that the 'Individuals' 'excluded' from the system should become 'included' Individuals within the system. That's not 'changing' the 'System'; that's 'Perfecting' the Democracy. Government 'Of the People, By the people, For the People, can only 'improve'. What the Real Individual needs to do is 'really experience' what it means to be 'Equal' and 'Free' ( within the confines of Law) under a Political System. What Capitalism needs to do is really experience that it should also serve the 'General Welfare'( not the 1%); that the 'Holy-Dollar' is 'empty and vacuous', that it has 'flown loose' from its Moorings', (no more Gold Standard); that being on the 'Forbes List' is meaningless; and the most important thing is that a 'Corporate Society' should also have 'Democratic values'. A conflated system of Semiotics and Semantics must 'understand' that only a 'Government can Govern'; and a 'Capitalism' within a Democracy should also serve the General Welfare. Where are the real Politicians?

Monday, May 14, 2018

A Political Entity is different from an Economic Entity.

A Political Entity is different from an Economic Entity. Both are very Important, and each has a different 'Nature' and a 'different Purpose'. A political Entity is what is commonly referred to as 'the State'; 'the Nation'; or 'a Country'. All these 'loose terms' refer to a 'Political Entity'. Each refers to a 'collection of Individuals' who are under the 'Power' of a 'Governing Entity'. Of course, there are many types of Governments but, notice how many 'Autocratic Forms' call themselves 'Democratic'. Why? Because that 'usage' creates the 'impression' and 'suggests' that its a 'Government of the People'. But, only a Real Democratic Form of Government is a Government "Of the People", "by the People" and "for the People". The Economy of most Governments is Corporate in Nature. An Economy provides for the 'Economic Welfare' of the 'People' as well as the 'State'. But, a Democratic Form of Government must provide for the 'General Welfare', i.e. the 'Welfare' 'of the People'. That is the 'Purpose' of the economy in a Democratic Form of Government. The Economy in a Democracy should serve the 'General Welfare'. Of course, a Corporate Economy is driven by 'profits and Monies', while a Democratic Form of Government is 'driven' by Freedom and Equality. The 'motors' of the different Entities are different. An Economy 'cannot Govern' and a Government 'cannot create 'profits and Monies'. Each must assume its proper Posture and neither should assume the tasks of the Other. But, they must work together. The basic reason for that is that only a Government has 'Political Power.' An Economy, whatever form it assumes, has great influence but, it can never have Power. Does Ford Motors have Power over you; does Wall-Mart have power over you? Of course, not. Their sole interest is to market their Products. Stated differently; the 'Economy' needs to stay out of politics and 'Government' needs qualified 'Political Thinkers' at the helm. We do not need CEO'S driving the Ship of State; nor do we need Politically-Correct Politicians driving the Ship of State. Where are the 'Real Politicians'?

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

A 'Capitalistic' economy is a 'huge aspect' of 'any' form of 'Political Entity'.

A 'Capitalistic economy' is a 'huge aspect' of any 'Political Entity'. If a Political Entity is Autocratic, Capitalism will reign Supreme. Why? Because both Entities, Political and Economic, will flourish at the Top. The 'Polity' will Rule 'Absolutely' from the Top; the Bottom does not have a say-so in the 'manner of Rule'. The Top is also guided by 'Economic Principles' that are characteristic of Autocratic Rule, i.e., 'More and More of the same', to wit Profits and Monies. In that scenario, there is no 'distinction' between a 'Political Result' and an 'Economic Result'. Power is absolutely at the Top and all economic Results also remain at the Top. Its entirely up to the Autocrat. Of course, it will be said that some Autocrats are 'Thoughtful and Nice' but, whats the likelihood? That sounds like the dis-functional 'Divine Right of Kings' form of Government. But, nevertheless, Absolute Power is at the Top and all Results are determined by the Top. That's why North Korea released the American Prisoners. No one 'told them', and, no one 'convinced' them, to do so. The 'Top' chose to release them. Strategy? probably, but that's the 'End of Story'. Now, we must see how a 'Capitalistic Economy' differs in a 'Real Democracy'. In a Democracy, Capitalism is also the form of the Economy, but it must be kept separate from the Political Entity. Why? because Political Principles in a Democracy are different from Capitalistic principles in an Economy. Political Principles are based on the Freedom and Equality of all the Real Individuals at the Bottom. A Democracy is a Government; 'Of the People', 'By the People' and 'For the people'. Notice, results are 'For the People'. ( That's from the Constitution). A Capitalistic Economy is based on 'economic principles' of 'more and more of the same, or, Profits and Monies. Capitalism 'runs' its Corporations like an 'Autocracy'( there's no room for 'Freedom and Equality') and that's O.K. for an 'Economy', but those Principles have to 'stay out of Politics'. When Business Principles 'motor' a 'Democracy'; democracy is in trouble. You will see 'many Economic decisions' being made, which mostly favors the 'Big Corporations' and the 1%. The 'Haves', have more! and the 'Have Nots', have less! Where are the real Politicians?

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Political Science is not a Science but, it requires 'Objectivity' and a certain quality of 'Selflessness'.

Political-Science is not a Science but, it requires 'Objectivity' and a certain quality of 'Selflessness'. In a Democracy, a 'Politician' must know 'how to Govern' or, at least, have some concept on what 'She/He' hopes to accomplish while in Office. A 'Political Goal' is a very 'General Goal' in that it involves the democratic 'Structure of Governing' and also 'all' the 'Real Individuals' who will benefit from such Governing. In other words, it involves 'the means' by which She/He will 'Govern' as well as the 'end result' of such 'Governing'. The 'end result', of course, involves 'all the Real Individuals' at the Bottom of the Governing process and it also involves the 'Freedom and Equality' of each and every Real Individual at the Bottom. A Real Politician's primary concern is the 'General Welfare" of all the 'Individuals' being Governed. Politicians should not be concerned with any kind of surreptitious self-aggrandizement. In other words, She/He should be Selfless. Of course, that's somewhat Ideal, but a necessary 'Political Characteristic' of a Democratic Office-Holder who enjoys 'Political Power' in a Democratic Form of Government. Political 'Power' should not be used for self-aggrandizement. Political Office is only for a short period of time. Now, weigh those qualities with the qualities required of a successful CEO of a Business Corporation. A Businessman must make a 'Profit'; that's his/her sole Goal. Failing that, She/He is replaced or the Corporate structure goes bankrupt. A Political Entity cannot replace its 'Governors' whenever it likes; nor can it declare 'Bankruptcy'. That is why a 'Business Mentality' cannot run a Political Entity. He/She must be Objective, Selfless, and Democratic. These political qualities may be rare, but they are absolutely necessary. Failing these requirements, a Democracy is in danger of deconstructing. Where are the Real Politicians?
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.