Thursday, August 5, 2021

The division into 'Political Parties' at the Bottom is a 'fracturing' of the Democratic Ideology.

The division into 'Political Parties', at the Bottom, is a 'fracturing' of the Democratic Ideology. Why? Because the 'Freedom and Equality' afforded to the 'Individual' at the Bottom has 'crystalized' into separated divisions at the Bottom. The Bottom is no longer a 'Unified collectivity' of 'Separate Individuals'. Its become a 'divided Bottom' that furhtur creates a contest between the very thing a Democracy should insure, namely 'Real' Freedom and Equality of the 'Individual'. It will be said that the Individual is free to choose between the 'Two' Party System. But, think about it: is that a 'Real Choice' or is that a 'limitation' between two 'Opposing Indeologies'. How about a 'Real Choice' between 'Real Freedom and Equality' that conforms with the 'Democratic Spirit' and any 'subsequent clarification' and 'focus' of the 'exercise' of 'Real Freedom and Equality'. Choosing betwen Two separate Party Ideologies is 'not per se Democratic'. That not the only choices available and thats actualy placing a 'limit' on 'Freedom and Equality'. Our Two Party Political System augments and furthur creates a division between 'Rich and Poor', Haves and Have-nots, Real Individuals and Legal Corporate 'Persons' or 'Legal Fictions'. It 'transmutates' into an underlying 'Economic System' instead of a 'Political System' of Freedom and Equality of the Individual.

Monday, August 2, 2021

We are witnessing the 'self-destruction' of Democratic Politics.

We are witnessing the 'self-destruction' of Democratic Politics. The most harmfull thing to a Democracy that is Free and Equal at the Bottom or in the so-called 'Social', is the disfunctional aspects of the Bottom. Unfortunately, we must ask Why is that the case? The only answer has to be its division into the two-Party System. The problematic is not only 'that aspect' of the 'Social', but the fact that both Parties are at each others throat. The Two- Party System has become as antagonistic towards each other as 'Two Warring political Ideologies. Each wants to litterally destroy the 'Other'. It doesn't have to be that way. Both Parties can compete with each Other and they can each invoke a 'Democratic manner' of resolving differences. But the attempted Resolution must be democratic. It should not be a mere 'striving' for Political Power based on Authoritatism, or Rich vs. Poor, and should not be led by incompetent Politicians. When the very system that allows participation in Politics is 'overrun' by Incompetence, by seekers of Power, by Money, and is aided by division into a Two Party System that does not 'implement' a 'Two Party Democratic Spirit', we are in trouble. We need more Rules for the participants of 'Politics'. It can't continue uncontrolled in such a manner that the Freedoms and Equalities that characterize the Bottom are abused by the very same participants in Politics. Where is the control? Is an Individual qualified simply because She/He is Rich, Socially Powerful, Famous, or is just seeking more Power? Where is the Control?
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.