Monday, March 18, 2019

Sometimes, the only way to discuss the Old Problematic of the One and the Many is in abstract terms.

Sometimes, the only way to discuss the Old Problematic of the One and the Many is in abstract terms. Of course, abstract terms on 'this Level' of discourse are 'large inclusive Concepts'. But, this type of discourse should become 'applicable' and hence the 'need' to be 'a little more specific'. The 'One' easily becomes the 'Nation', the 'State', the 'Top', or 'The Government'. Usually, 'in all these cases' the 'Top' is always an 'Institution', a Governing Institution, because its necessity 'as such' applies to a 'Bottom' which is populated with 'Many Real Human Beings', living in a 'Condition of Togetherness'; usually referred to as the 'Social' or 'Society'. But the latter has acquired a 'Bad Political Connotation'; to wit, 'Socialism', so I prefer the words 'Condition of Togetherness' to help 'loosen ourselves' from 'said connotations'. The so-called 'Many' becomes 'the Peoples', the 'Population'; each and every 'Real Human Being' that's is under 'Government'. The 'One and the Many' is now perceived as the 'Government' and the 'Governed'. Although we use the 'same word'(Government-to Govern) to refer to the Top and the Bottom, the 'Dualism' is not completely 'accurate'. There is a 'great gap' between the 'Two' terms and 'each' is 'very different'. The 'Top' is an 'Institution', an 'Institutional Top' established by 'Real People', and the Bottom is 'Real', consisting of 'Real Human Beings'; the very 'same ones' that 'established Government', as an Institution, in the first place. The Problematic now becomes, 'Who is to Govern'. In a 'Real Democracy', we all know the answer to that, 'The People' Govern. They establish a Government 'of the People', 'by the People', and 'for the People'. But, that also creates a Problem. Who, as Real Individual, is qualified to govern? Or, stated Differently, which candidate is better Qualified to Govern? Of Course, I'm familiar with the statement, "Anyone who wants to Run for Office can do just that". But, does that mean that anyone can assume the duty to Govern the Bottom, whether or not 'She' or 'He' is qualified? Can a Medical Doctor treat you Medically, whether She or he went to medical School or not? Can a Lawyer Represent you in Court, whether he or she went to Law School or not? Isn't it time we start setting qualifications for assuming the Highest Office in the Land? Money, Wealth, and Economic Knowledge and Class is not enough. Haven't we learned anything these past years? Where are the Real Politicians?

Saturday, March 16, 2019

The Bottom needs the Top of Government; but the Top also needs the 'Social' that Instituted it.

The Bottom needs the Top of Government; but, the Top also needs the 'Social' that Instituted it. The Bottom needs Governing; and that's precisely why the 'Bottom', in the first place, 'Instituted' the Top. Without a 'Bottom', you cannot have a 'Top'. Who can Institute a Top, if its not the Bottom? We have run out of the 'Divine Right of Kings', as a 'source of Power'. Historically, the Bottom 'did need' the 'Top' to 'Govern it' and the Top needed the 'Divine Right of Kings' to acquire 'Power to Govern'. Today, in a Democracy, Political Power 'emanates' from the 'Bottom' in a 'Condition of togetherness' and 'through the Electoral Process'. Hence, the Top 'must' Govern, but it must 'Govern Democratically'. Why?, because that's from where it gets its 'Political Power', and such a Top cannot Rule. No Bottom, no Top. If a Political Entity has a Top, it needs a 'Bottom' to grant it the 'Right' to 'Govern' as a Political Entity. In a Democracy, the Top Governs 'democratically' because it cannot Rule. A Political Entity that Rules, does not need a 'Bottom' to authorize 'Rule'. But, a Democracy that 'Governs' needs a Bottom that authorizes 'Governing'. 'Governing' is different from 'Ruling'. In a Democracy, 'Governing' is by a Government "of the People", "by the People", and "for the People".

Governing ' The Many' is not easy, but a 'properly Organized' Top can do it.

Governing 'The Many', at the Bottom is not easy; but a 'properly Organized One', or 'Top', can do it. The Top is a 'Political Institution' and can be organized in various ways. All Governments of 'State Entities', or Nations, are 'Political Institutions'. As Institutions they had to be established. The issue becomes, "'who' or 'what' established it?", for what 'purpose'? and how does it acquire 'Political Power'? Of course, in a Democracy, the 'Bottom', or 'the People', transfers their Individual 'Power', which is at the Bottom, by means of the 'Electoral Process', thereby establishing the 'Top' and its 'Organization'. But, the Organization, or 'Political Agencies' are also Political Institutions. In a Democracy, the Top only exists for the 'sole purpose' of Governing the 'Bottom'. Hence, the Top, including its Agencies, must participate in the process of 'Governing'. Hence, the Top is required, under 'Constitutional Law', to Govern according to the Constitution, and the Bottom is also required to live 'under Law'. The Bottom must obey Law in the exercise of the 'Freedom and Equality' guaranteed by the Constitution.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

How can a 'Dis-Functional Democracy' regain its 'Political values'?

How can a 'Dis-Functional Democracy' regain its 'Political Values'? The truly 'Democratic values' of a Democracy are the 'Freedom and Equality' of every 'Real Individual' at the 'Bottom of the Political Entity'. The Bottom is the reservoir of Power and it is the 'Bottom' that grants Power to the Top. There is no other way to create a 'Political Top' with 'Political Power'. The Bottom establishes a 'Form of Government' to 'Govern the bottom'. Its 'never' 'Someone' are 'Some Few Individuals' that create the Top. The Top comes into 'Institutional Being' as a result of the 'Bottom' and the 'Constitution'. The 'Power Structure' at the Top is established by the 'Many Individuals' at the Bottom. Otherwise, a 'Top' would just be a 'Powerless Institution' that does not get its 'Power' from the People it Governs. Governments are not 'required' or 'needed' for 'Human Beings' to Exist; but 'Many' Human Beings are required and needed for 'Democratic Governments' to Exist. There is no 'dilemma' between the 'One and the Many'; the 'One' never 'creates' the 'Many' but the 'Many' can create the 'One' as an Institution of 'Democratic Government' with 'Power'. Once established, the 'Basic Structure' of Democracy 'must be' Protected; hence, 'Political Parties' are just 'Ideological Parties' that are 'not bound' to the Ideology; but they are 'Constitutionally bound' to 'Protect' the 'Integrity of the Democracy.' That 'Integrity' is the Political 'Freedom' and 'Equality' of 'each and every' Human Being within its Political Jurisdiction. A Democratic Institution must recognize its dependence on the 'Bottom', and the 'realization' that the Top is the 'Result' of the 'Bottom'. The Bottom, in a 'Condition of Togetherness' has 'Power' and 'transfers' it to the 'Top' by the 'Electoral Process'. A 'Dis-Functional Democracy' regains its 'Political values' when the 'Freedom and Equality' of Each and Every 'Real' Human Being at the Bottom is respected, re-instated, and implemented into its Political Ideology.
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.