Monday, August 26, 2019

One cannot 'organize' the 'Human Condition' into a 'Polity' without protecting its 'Freedom and Equality'.

One cannot 'organize' the 'Human Condition' into a 'Political Polity', without protecting its 'Freedom' and Equality'. All 'Political Structures' are 'Institutional' or 'Man Made' and all 'Real Individuals' are 'Nature Made', or 'Natural'. Hence, all 'Natural Individuals' must be 'Respected' and their 'Nature' must be 'Protected'. Hence, an Individuals 'Freedom and Equality' must be protected in any Political, Institutional, Structure for the simple reason that it is only an 'Institution' and not a product of 'Nature'. Man-made Institutions do not have to exist, but when they do, its because they have become 'Institutionally necessary'. Hence, the Institutional organizations of a 'Polity' has a 'Duty' to Protect and Preserve the 'Natural Freedom and Equality' of all the Real Individuals in the Polity. Any Polity that disrespects or fails to protect the 'Natural Condition' and the 'Values' of the 'Human Condition' is not a 'Democratic Polity'. Having said that, it becomes easier to conceptualize the usual dilemmas of Human beings having to exist within Political Entities. All Political 'Tops' have 'Political Power', but that 'Power' is 'Institutional' and 'only' Institutional. The Bottom of the Entity has a 'condition of togetherness', where all 'Real Individuals' have 'Freedom and Equality'. The Top Governs and 'only' Governs a Nation 'Politically' and 'Represents' it on the 'International' sphere. All the real Individuals at The Bottom of every Democratic Polity 'must' be Free and Equal. Failing that, the Nation and its 'Bottom' or 'Social' is transforming into a 'Plutocracy'. That means that the Economy; its Institutions, its 'Language', dominates the Political Entity and its 'Political Discourse'. A Political Entity 'transforms' into an 'Economic Entity' and its accompanying Linguistic usage of 'more and more of the Same', and the 'childish' attitude expressed in the 'childish saying', "My Dad has more Money than your Dad". 'Nature' cannot be changed; but, 'Institutions' surely can. Where are the Real Politicians?

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Maybe Computerization can 'facilitate' a real 'Freedom and Equality'.

Maybe, Computerization can 'facilitate' a 'Real' Freedom and Equality. But in order to work in that direction, the 'Economic dialogue' and 'value system' of "More and More of the Same" ( Money) that dominates the 'Social' and helps create 'economic classes', needs to change into a 'Real Political Dialogue' of 'Freedom' and 'Equality'. The 'Real Individual' at the 'Bottom' of the 'Political Entity' has become 'jaded' to 'Real' Freedom and Equality and no longer seems to be able to 'experience' them in a 'genuine sense'. The 'Domineering influence' of Economic values has 'transformed' the Social into a 'Plutocratic Social'; a 'Plutocratic Social' within a 'Democratic Polity'. A Social 'peopled' with 'Legal Fictions' and the 'Rich' and the 'Very Rich'. What happened? The Bottom i.e. the 'Many'; the 'People' allowed it to happen and 'More and More of the Same' is 'easy' for a 'mechanized' Corporate Economy. But a mechanized Economy needs employees to operate the machines. But, computation can also operate the machines at 'No' to 'Negligible cost', hence, 'operating expenses' are much lower and 'employees' become unnecessary and hence 'cost of production' is reduced. 'Corporate Fictions' can then help provide the 'Democratic Social' with 'essential needs'. After all, if the Corporation is a 'Legal Fiction' and exists 'only' in 'Contemplation of Law', it should also have 'Democratic Duties', as do all Human Beings in the Social. This kind of 'economic move' can help 'Americanize Legal Fictions' from a condition of just being a Huge 'Money Making Machine' to an 'improved level' of 'American citizenship'. We've already said that 'Legal Fictions', if they're going to exist, need more 'Democratic Duties'. Well, Computerization may help. But, the 'Dialogue of Economics', of a 'Plutocratic Social' must change to a 'Political Dialogue' of 'Democratic Governing' and 'Real Freedom and Real Equality' of the 'Real Individual' at the 'Bottom of the Polity'. The Richest Nation in the World should not have People who are Hungry, Homeless, and not provided with the 'essential living conditions' and 'Medical needs' of a Democratic Social. Where are the Real Politicians?

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

How does a 'Democratic Society' transform into an 'Economic Society'?

How does a 'Democratic Society' transform into an 'Economic Society'? Of course, we are still a 'Democratic Polity', but how does the Linguistic Usage of Economics 'dominate' the Democratic 'Political' Dialogue? Or, stated differently, how do People become more 'concerned' with 'Possessions and Money' status and 'Racial Status' than with 'Freedom and Equality'? The distinction is 'subtle' but if we could listen and 'Hear', all at once, the 'Political' conversations of the 'Top', it would have an 'Economic resonance' of 'Money and Possessions', an Economic 'Standard'. Economic Values dominate the Political conversation. Do Individuals who seek High Office in a Democracy focus on Democratic Values or Economic values? Of course, those two factors are difficult to 'isolate' and 'weigh', on any one occasion, but the 'general tenor' of some 'political Conduct' can be 'sensed' in some Individuals and the 'main concern' appears to be 'Economic'. The Economy is 'important' but, where is Freedom and Equality? The emphasis on the economic has helped create 'Economic Classes' and the 'favorable' treatment of the Tax Rates of 'Corporate Fictions' is an insult to the 'Freedom and Equality' of the 'Real' Individual. The 'economic Legal Fictions' are favored over the 'Real Individuals' at the Bottom of a Real Democratic Social. That 'conversation' has created the 'Haves' and 'Have-nots', the Rich and the Poor. Now, please understand, I'm not against Economics, but all the 'advances' in the Economy have been facilitated because we live in a Democracy. The 'Political Conversation' should be on Democracy, not Economics. Today, with the advances in 'Computerization', the possibility of 'equalizing' Production and especially 'costs' has become possible and some inroads into that technology has been made possible. Hence, we must 'make room' for the 'Democratic Dialogue' to 'balance' the 'inequalities' in the Social and the Economy. Today, with Computerization, 'Real' Equality has become possible. But, 'that Dialogue' cannot take place in an 'unfairly structured' 'Economic Social'. Lets change the 'Real Politics' to a 'Real' Political Dialogue. Lets go back to 'real' Politics of 'Real' Freedom and 'Real' Equality. Where are the Real Politicians?

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Language of Politics is 'now very different' from the language of Economics.

The Language of 'Democratic Politics' differs from the Language of 'Economics'. The 'Institutional Function' of 'each' is different. The 'language' of Democratic Politics is 'held together' with the 'Constitutional Freedom and Equality' of Each and Every Living Individual in the Social. The language of Economics is 'held together' with the 'Value System' of Profits. A Corporate Society that makes 'no Profits' does not Exist. 'Democratic Politics' involves the 'Institutionalization' and the 'Legalization of Freedom and Equality'. No small task. The Economy, being very important to a Democracy, is 'Populated' with 'Legal Fictions' that are considered 'Legal Persons' and who are protected by the 'Constitution'. Those 'Economic Fictions', to wit, the 'Business Corporation', is a 'money making' Machine 'designed' to 'Produce' Maximum Profits. But Machinic Production has become 'Computerized' and hence the 'Real Individual' is no longer required to function as a 'Worker'. The Assembly Line has been replaced by the Computer. Of course, not all production is Machinic; nevertheless, 'Machinic Production has lessened the requirement of 'Real Workers' in the Economy. The Workers 'now required' must be 'Educated' in the 'Machinic Functioning' of the 'Modernized Economy'. But, the Computerization of some of the economic activity normally required for production now allows for 'Faster' and 'much more' Productivity and, I might add, 'Cheaper Production' because of the 'Lessening of the Work Force' and the 'Repeatability' of the 'Computational Functions. One 'Good Machine' or 'Computer' can now duplicate the 'Production activity' at a 'Faster Rate' and at a 'much Lesser Cost'. The language of Governing with Freedom and Equality is being hampered with 'Racial Discrimination' and the Economy is being 'magnified' with 'Computer Language' and their 'Tax Liability' is being Lowered. The 'productivity' that results from 'Computation' and the 'Tax reduction' of the 'Corporate Person' ( Legal Fiction) indicates that we live in a Society where 'profits' are more important then 'Freedom and Equality'. Where did 'Democracy Go' and where are the Real Politicians?

Monday, August 12, 2019

The 'Political Pulse' of a Nation involves a 'Language' between the 'Top' and the 'Bottom'.

The 'Political Pulse' of a 'Democratic Nation' involves a 'Political Language' between the 'Top of Power' and the 'Bottom', where the People live in a 'Condition of Togetherness'. That 'Political Relation' is necessary because the Top always 'Represents' the Bottom. Of course, the Bottom always has its own Language, to wit; the Language of 'everyday affairs' as expressed in 'Freedom' and 'Equality' of 'Every-One' in the 'Social Condition' of 'Togetherness'. The Top also has its Language; the Language of a 'Political Entity' as it 'Governs' and as it 'interacts' with 'Other, some 'Different', 'Political Entities' in the 'World'. But, there's a Relation that goes from the Top to the Bottom of a Democracy. The Bottom is peopled with Millions of Real Individuals and there must be communication between the Top and the Bottom of a Democracy, because the Top Represents the People and, its always the 'Bottom' that 'Fights' for 'their Country'. The point I'm trying to make is that there is a 'Language' and a 'behavior' at the 'Top' that 'differs' from the 'Language and Behavior' at the 'Bottom'. A 'Political leader' should never be ignorant of that distinction and a 'Leader' should be 'proficient' in the 'Language' of 'Politics' as well as, familiar, with the Language of 'Every-day Affairs'. But, one cannot 'mix' the language of 'Domestic Personal Affairs' with the 'Language' of a 'Democratic Political Entity' that 'Governs'. A Leader 'Represents' 'his' or 'her' People on the 'National Sphere', or, he represents the 'Nation' on the 'International Sphere'. In either case, He or She must use Political Language to 'Govern' or to 'Represent' the Nation in 'International Affairs'. But, the Language of 'Daily Affairs' is not, in either case, a Political language. A Political Position calls for a Political Language and when a Leader's Language condescends to the Level of a 'Daily Gossip Column', that Language clearly indicates that 'She' or 'He' should not be in a position of 'Leadership'. Political Language has already been contaminated with 'Economic Language' and 'Economic Values' and now we must add, the Language of 'Gossip', 'name calling', or even using 'Nick-Names'. How sad. A 'Political Entity' condescends to the 'Linguistic Level' of 'Every-Day Affairs'. Where are the Real Politicians?

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Why does the 'Top' of a 'Political Entity' sound like the 'Bottom' of a 'Political Entity'?

Why does the 'Top' of a 'Political Entity' sound like the 'Bottom' of a 'Political Entity'? Because the Political Entity is a Real Democracy. A Real Democracy has a Bottom and that Bottom is constituted of Millions of real Individuals. The Top of a Democracy Represents all the Individuals who are situated at the Bottom. It is 'they' who transfer real 'Political Power' to the 'Top' by the electoral Process. In a Democracy, the Top has no other reason for existing except to Represent all the Real People at the Bottom. Hence, the 'Tops' only functions as a Political 'Site' for 'Government and Political Power'. Other than that, there is no reason to have a 'Top'. But, that transfer of 'Power' to the 'Representatives at the Top' is coupled with a 'Political Language'. That 'Political Language' involves the 'exercise of Power' and the 'necessary Language' to express that process and to 'implement' a 'Real Democracy'; one that protects the 'Freedom' and 'Equality' of all the Real Individuals and the 'Institutions' of a Democratic Nation. So, why are we hearing the Top using the 'Language of the Bottom'? Simple. The 'Top' is 'not occupied' by 'Real Politicians' who can 'Do Politics', 'Talk Democracy', and 'Do Democracy', and 'Act' for the 'benefit' of the 'Real Individuals' at the 'Bottom', viz., for You and I. School Yard swearing matches, name calling, Racial distinctions, will not function in a Real Democracy. Neither will Rich vs Poor. Democratic Politics is for those who are 'Unselfish' and who have the 'General Welfare' of the 'Other Human beings' in the 'Nation'. Politics is about a 'Representative Function', but a very 'knowledgeable' function, one that is perceptible when one gazes at the Top of Political Power and sees an 'Unselfish Representative' who is "promoting the General Welfare". Where are the Real Politicians?
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.