Friday, August 25, 2017

Essential political thinking is about Democracy: Economic thinking is about Profits. Human thinking is about the General Welfare.

Essential 'Political Thinking' is about Democracy, about the Freedom and Equality of the Individuals in the Social, or stated more clearly, in the 'condition of togetherness'. Economic thinking is about Profits and 'Size'. The sole purpose of an Economy is to be productive, to be huge, and to be successful. A successful economy is one that contributes or should contribute to the well-being, or the General Welfare, of the 'condition of togetherness', viz., the Real People at the Bottom of Government. A successful economy can be 'housed' in a Real Democracy; but a Real Democracy cannot be 'housed' in a successful economy. Why is that? Because a successful economy is founded on 'competition' and is dependent on 'Legal Fictions', or 'Fictional Persons' i.e., huge Corporations who only exist "in contemplation of Law" and which grow 'larger and larger', based on cut-throat 'competition'; not on Freedom and Equality. Freedom and Equality is a characteristic of Democracy, not of an Economy. An economy can exist within a democracy; but a democracy cannot exist within an economy. Stated differently, each must assume their 'proper place' within the Social or within the 'condition of togetherness'. That condition is about Real Individuals living next to each Other in Equality and Freedom. If the medium of exchange that makes an economy possible is held by 1% of the Real and Fictional 'population', while the 99% of the 'real' population are deprived of a 'currency' or 'medium of exchange' that should circulate, then the economy is in a state of 'imbalance or inequality'. That is not 'human thinking'; that is a 'lop-sided economy' that does not consider the 'General Welfare' of the Social. That's why we need 'Real Politicians' driving the Ship of State, not 'politically correct' politicians, nor CEO's from the Economy. Democracy needs to be 'cleansed' from power hungry politicians and CEO's that have ascended the pinnacles of Power. Where are the Real Politicians or the Statesmen?

The media plays an important part in 'communications' between the Top and the Bottom: It must be Objective.

The Media is an important institution in communications between the Top and the Bottom of Democratic Government. The Top is Power; the Bottom is a 'condition of togetherness' where each real Individual retains his/her unique humanity and his /her Freedom and Equality. Without the Media, the Bottom would never know what the Top was thinking, planning, and doing. The standard of 'responsibility' for the Media must be a 'certain Objectivity'. That's why the term 'Fake News', when used by the highest levels of Power, creates a confusing, bewildering, unhinged communication between the Top and the Bottom. Who decides what is 'fake' and what is not? Its a very dangerous use of language especially when its intentionally used by the highest level of Power. The Media must report this 'intentional' use of words designed to 'confuse and unhinge' communication between the Top and the Bottom. The reporting of this 'misuse' must be Objective, and should point out that 'these terms', as used by the Highest Level of Power, can only be designed to create 'confusion and bewilderment' among the 'condition of togetherness' at the Bottom. It confuses objectivity. It grants to the Top of Power, the option to select, what can be considered True, Objective, and what is 'Fake'. The minute one hears the term 'Fake News', one understands that a 'selection process' has taken place, at the highest levels of Power, that is detrimental to 'Real Democracy'. We cannot have a real Democracy without an Objective media. The media must point out and clarify all the 'linguistic tricks' being used and which are designed to destroy a Real Democracy. Being Objective is not an easy matter, but the media is the only Institution that can inform and awaken all the 'condition of togetherness' at the Bottom of Government. The Bottom, the People, must 'awaken' to the realization that a Real Democracy is being dismantled and the Media is the only Institution that can reach them. "Fake News" is not the only term being used to mislead; how about 'Make America Great Again". You work that one out.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Political thinking is 'essential thinking'; economic thinking is essential thinking also, but different. We must learn the difference.

Political thinking is essential thinking; economic thinking is also essential, but different. To be metaphorical, Political thinking involves the Pot, the 'shape' of the Pot; economic thinking involves the 'contents' of the Pot. It not easy to keep the two separate, but its necessary, lest we become a 'Plutocracy'. The only way to 'protect' a Democracy is to 'think democratically'. If our thinking is 'slipping' into Plutocracy, its difficult to recover. To be sure, its difficult, but not impossible. We must focus on the 'motor'; or, the 'motivations' that 'move' the two phenomena. Politics is about democracy; democracy is about the Freedom and Equality of the 'Real Individuals' at the Bottom of Government. I said Real Individuals, not Legal Fictions. Legal Fictions have their place in the economy and we must be very careful about our ruminations about them. To be sure, we cannot transform them into 'human beings'. They are economic in nature; unreal; they are not 'human beings'. they are fictional. Nevertheless, they are essential to the economy. Corporations are essential to the Pot, but they are not the Pot. The Pot is 'democracy in action'. The Pot is about governing 'real People' in Freedom and Equality. Whereas, the economy is about Profits, money, and Size. The economy belongs in the Pot, but it doesn't have the 'wherewithal' to Govern a political entity. An economy can never Govern, but being a legal Fiction in a Democracy, it should help the 'democratic process'. That should be the economy's sole function. The 1% are living in Alice in Wonderland, they don't exist in a Real Democracy: they exist in an 'Autocracy', where the 'Autocrat' is 'Profits and Money'. Its time that the Pot be full, but its time that the Pot be a Real democracy, so that it can hold a vibrant economy. But, the 'Real People' also have obligations, viz., they need to 'turn loose' of Profits and Money, as the 'sole Ideal', and they need to 'feel' a 'Real' 'Freedom and Equality'. The Pot should be Full, but the 'Fullness' cannot govern us. Where are the Real Politicians?

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The 'Object' of Political thinking are the 'People at the Bottom'; the Object of Economic thinking is the 'Things and Objects' to be produced.

The Object of Political Thinking are the People at the Bottom of Three Branch Government; the Object of Economic thinking are the 'things and Objects' and Services that are 'produced' and 'provided', and which are sold and provided for a Profit. Of course, these include many things: foods, clothing, entertainment, 'means of communication', cars, medical care and 'health care', etc.. The object of political thinking are all the 'Real Individuals' at the Bottom of Government. The object of political thought always remains the same. The 'Object' never changes. A Human Being is a Human Being, and no more bones about it. The thing that requires 'protection' is the 'Equality and Freedom' that is guaranteed by the Constitution. Of course, that's where Politics kicks in. An Economy is always a 'part' of Governing and Governing is never 'part' of an Economy. To be sure, all Governments have an Economy, but they are two separate disciplines and must be kept separate. Nevertheless, economies are important as they provide much of the 'needs' of a People living in a Democracy. But, a Nation cannot be Governed with economic principles. Political Principles and Constitutional Law govern a democratic Nation. Of course, the basis of Constitutional Law is the Constitution. The Constitution constitutes us and establishes a Three branch government, a Government "of the People", "by the People" and "for the People". Business principles cannot Govern a Nation, but they constitute a very important part of a 'strong economy' and a strong Nation. We need 'Leaders' who are knowledgeable in 'political principles'. Business Principles have no place in Governing an Equal and Free people. That's a 'Political Problem'; not a 'Business Problem'. Where are the Statesmen?

Monday, August 7, 2017

Political Thought should embrace the Equality and Freedom of every Real Individual in the Social.

Political thought and Law should embrace, define, and protect, the Equality and Freedom of each and every Real Individual in the Social. Of course, the term 'Social', means the 'Condition of Togetherness'. In the Condition of togetherness, every 'Real' Individual is equal and Politically Free. Although a 'Real person' is born 'Absolutely' Equal and Absolutely Free, in the 'Condition of togetherness' there are 'privileges' and 'Limitations'. However these Limitations only apply because living in a 'condition of togetherness', or in 'Groups' has many advantages, but, it also has many 'limitations'. For example; if one drives one must drive on the Right Side of the road; One must stop at all Stop Signs, and one must obey Speed limits etc.. Of course, we all know some Nations require driving on the left side of the road, etc.,. There will be variations, but the important thing is to 'regulate', by Law, the Interactions of 'the People' in Groups of various sizes. Every time one hears the term 'Law', one usually also hears the term 'order'; viz., Law and Order. The 'Goal' is to maintain 'Order' in all the interactions between 'Equal and Free Individuals' by means of Law. Corporations do not Drive, do not eat, do not need medical attention, etc. because they are Legal Fictions. But, Laws also apply to corporations, but they are different, separate, and mostly relate to how Government allows them to be 'created'; their 'self Governance'; and whether they are for 'Profit' or merely for 'Organizational purposes'. They are 'Economic Machines' that 'produce commodities' and 'Objects' for the General Welfare. They are 100% economic, they are producers, they are self-governed and they do 'not Govern' the Polity. The 'availability' of the 'Products and commodities' is made possible by means of the creation of a 'Medium of Exchange', viz., Money. Money is made by the Government, that's why it will prosecute a counterfeiter. Only Government can establish a medium of exchange.and a Medium of exchange should circulate. We need Laws that relate directly to the 'Hoarding' of a Medium of Exchange. Certainly 'Saving money' should be encouraged and 'saving' is not wrong, but 'hoarding' to the extent that it creates a "1%" and a "99%" should be better controlled. Failure to do so endangers Democracy. It 'slides' Democracy into Plutocracy and Oligarchy. A Corporate Economy needs more democratic Duties. Where are the Statesmen?

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Political Thinking differs from Economic Thinking. They are not the same.

Political thinking differs from Economic thinking. They are not the same and each has its goal, and a different 'means' of achieving that goal and a different 'result' from having achieved it. Political thinking is about 'Equality and Freedom'; Economic thinking is about 'more and more of the same'(Profits and Money). Economic activity and thinking achieves its goal by 'repetition' and by 'growing larger and larger'. Economic activity 'grows' when the 'profits and money' increases proportionately and the results grow 'larger and larger'. These results have been transformed into 'Corporate Persons' and are protected by the Constitution. Government 'protects' the economy and gives it a 'Social Space' within which to grow. Political Thinking doesn't 'create' anything; it protects 'something' that all the Real People already have when they are born into a Democracy. Those 'Real People' grant to the Top of the Governmental structure the 'Political Power' to Govern. Only Government has Power; the economy does not have political Power, it has influence, but that is 'not Political Power'. An economy cannot Govern; it only creates 'more and more of the same'; Viz., 'Profits' and 'Money' and 'Largeness'. An economy is an important part of every Nation or Government. But, don't kid yourself: it cannot Govern. If we grant to the 'economy' the 'Power to Govern', we immediately grant it to a "Plutocracy", or, at least to an "Oligarchy". No, Government can only function with 'Equality and Freedom': a 'Something' that every real Individual has when s/he is born into a Governmental Structure. Every 'Real Individual' is born 'Equal and Free'. No Human Being is 'created' by the Constitution. But, S/he must be protected by the Constitution; after all, 'S/he' are the ones who gave the Top of Government 'political Power'. The only way human beings can be protected by a Constitution is by 'Political Thinking', not Economic thinking, but then Political Thinking is a kind of Thinking characteristic of Real States-Persons, not 'politically correct Politicians' and certainly, not CEO's from the Economy. Where are the States-Persons?

Friday, August 4, 2017

Democracy is about Real people; Corporate 'Persons' is about making a Profit.

Democracy is about You and I; its about 'Real People'. I'm Real, and I know You are too. Democracy is about living together; living in a 'Condition of Togetherness' where 'each Real Individual' retains his/her unique 'humanity'. Corporations are 'Legal Fictions' that exist only in contemplation of Law. Constitutionally, they are considered 'Persons', but they are not Real. If a Corporation violates a Law, it cannot be put in Jail because it 'does not exist'. Only the 'Real owners' behind the Corporate Structure can go to jail, but before that happens, the Law has to 'Pierce the Corporate veil'. What does that mean? It means the Corporation cannot go to jail under any circumstances, because it is not real. That's why it took a decision by the Supreme Court of the United states to declare it a "Person", but only in 'Contemplation of Law'. Its not Real. So, the 'larger the corporation', the larger its 'economic embrace'. A large economic embrace can only compete with another large corporation. So where does that leave the real Individual? A Real Individual cannot compete with a Corporation; S/he can compete with another Real Individual, but only on a small scale. Our economy functions with Legal Fictions; but, our Democracy does not function with Fictions, legal or Otherwise; that's why we have a Democracy; a Government that protects the 'Real People' living in a 'condition of togetherness'. The 'Real people' who live in this 'condition of togetherness', retain their 'unique humanity'; We are not Fictions, legal or Otherwise, we are 'Real'. I am real and I know you are Real. The 'Fictions' in the Economy must be 'controlled'; viz., the Corporations, Profits, and Money. They are 'all Fictions'. The 'Real Individuals' can only be 'Governed' with Equality and Freedom. The Individual Life is Real, and it can only be 'Governed democratically'.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Democracy cannot be 'motored' with business principles and Corporate America cannot be 'motored' with political principles.

Democracy cannot be 'motored' with 'business principles' and a 'Corporate America' cannot be 'motored' with 'democratic political principles'. A corporation can only be 'motored' with Profits and Money and a Democracy can only be motored with 'Equality and Freedom', and 'never shall the twain meet'. The only way that any Government can govern a so-called "Corporate Nation" is for that Government to be a Dictatorship or some 'form' of Autocracy. Of course, even in such a case, a 'Corporate economy' can only 'exist' if the 'corporations' are motored by 'Profits and Money'. However, these forms of Government 'own and control' the corporations and hence allow it to be part of the economy. Of course, these Governments are not Democracies; i.e., they are not Governments "of the People", "by the People" and "for the People". People are not important in a Dictatorship or an Autocracy. But in a Democracy, 'the People' at the Bottom constitute the essence of Government. The Economy and hence, the Corporations, are also important in a Democracy, but they are still motored with business principles, not democratic principles. Business is not democratic and Democracy is not a Business. The two principles must be kept separate. Business knows how to make 'Profits and Money', but they 'cannot' Govern with 'Equality and Freedom'. So, what happened? Why is there such turmoil and confusion, at the highest level of Government? Simply, the Individuals in positions of political Power do not know 'how' to Govern. They come from the 1%; they are Billionaires; and probably 'good business-persons', but they are not 'Statesmen'. Even our so-called 'politically correct' politicians do not know 'how to Govern' but, at least, they have some idea of what 'governing' means. Nevertheless, we need 'States-persons', not 'political correctness'; and certainly; not Business Persons, at the helms of Government. How sad; we have Individuals 'driving' the Ship of State; individuals who do not have the 'proper licence'.
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.