Saturday, December 31, 2016

When Capitalism takes over the reigns of 'Power'; what happens to Freedom and Equality?

When Capitalism assumes the reigns of Political Power; what happens to Freedom and Equality? Capitalism is 'driven' by Profits; not by Freedom and Equality. Hence, in a 'purported Democracy', the Nations motive for establishing democratic 'Governing Principles' and 'democratic Institutions' will be determined by the 'Profits motive' and not the 'Freedom and Equality' of each and every real Individual at the Bottom of Democratic Government. Questions about 'racial discrimination'; about 'low wages'; or about 'Jobs'; about 'Medical care' for those not able to 'buy it' or 'earn it'; Freedom to express ones' opinion about 'Political Parties'; 'economic imbalances' caused by the Corporations 'economic grasp'; the ability of Corporations to 'dissolve themselves' and 're-create' themselves under a different name ( a form of Corporate Immortality); the unregulated growth of 'Corporate Size'; the 'Rights' of veterans who have fought for their Nation; and many other questions about the Power to Govern and the Power of the economy; All these questions and issues, and many more, need to be 'asked' and 'resolved'. How is a Nation governed by 'the Profits motive' or simply Money, going to answer those questions. Its not. A government operated by the 'Profits motor' becomes a Plutocracy or an Oligarchy or is already One. A Government run by business CEO's, who are not familiar with 'Political Principles' or the 'Constitution', is already on the road to Plutocracy, if not, Oligarchy. The 'few' in the economy will prosper, the 1%, but only at the expense of the Political Freedom and Equality promised to 'real Individuals' by the Constitution; the Individuals who are situated at the 'Bottom of Democratic Government'. After all, it is the Bottom, the People, who confers 'Political Power' to the Top. We have all kind of Agencies that 'police' and 'control' products that are being made 'available to the People' at the Bottom; why can't we have an Agency that 'polices' and 'controls' candidates who run for Political Office? We need more control over Politicians; and the Nation needs more control over Corporations. Democracy should not self-destruct because the 1% sends in 'unqualified Politicians', or, because 'Immortal Corporations' are out of control. Our Mortality is not assured, and why should Legal Fictions be 'out-of-control'; we are under control of Law; and why should they be 'Immortal? you and I are not.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Any Economy; Capitalistic, Socialistic, or Otherwise, is not a Form of Government.

Any Economy; whether Capitalistic, Agrarian, Socialistic, or Otherwise, is not a form of Government. A Government can have many Forms. A Democratic Form of Government gets its Power to Govern from the People that are to be Governed; whereas, Capitalism is an 'economic form' that cannot exist without competition. Competition exists in every 'condition of togetherness'; but, competition only exists between 'Equals'. There is no such thing as competition between Individuals that are not Equal. Hence, the Democratic Form of Government is the perfect form that allows competition between 'Equals'. Other forms of Government; that do not 'stress' Equality; do not form a 'good medium' for 'Competition'. Socialistic forms of Government, is a kind of Governing that controls 'economic activity' and 'competition' from the Top; in many forms, of these type of Governments, the 'Governing Part' owns the means of Production. Hence, Democracy is a 'Medium' for the 'proper expression' of Competition. However, the Freedom and Equality enjoyed by the 'Real Individuals', 'translates' into the 'Legal Fictions' called Corporations and produces a 'lop-sided economy' of 'Real Individuals' and 'Fictional Persons'. These 'Fictional Persons' are not Real; and there can be no competition between the Real and the Fictional. As a consequence, we are 'saddled' with a Capitalistic Economy that creates 'in-equality', the 'Haves and the Have-nots'. That, in itself may not be too bad, but, when the 'Economic Institutions' purport to 'Govern' the 'condition of togetherness', it becomes problematic. Democratic Government becomes 'Economic Government', or, 'Capitalistic Government' that merely 'perpetuates itself'. The Real Individuals be Dammed; the 'Legal Fictions' ( Corporations), take over and 'Real Freedom and Equality' goes out the window. Government has been 'overcome' by the Economy. The 1% Governs and ascends to 'higher levels' of controlling a Medium of Exchange. A Medium of Exchange belongs at the Bottom, not the Top.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Have 'Real Individuals' in Democracy been transformed into 'products' of Capitalism?

Have Real Individuals in Democracy been transformed into 'products' of Capitalism? If the Freedom and Equality of the Individual is being ignored ( by 'permissive' racial discrimination; low wages; 'assaults' against 'Other Races' by Immigration policies; and 'Border Fences'; Taxation inequality; 'oppressive' law enforcement) while the Corporations get stronger, bigger, and the 1% increases incrementally into a higher class, 2%, 3%, 20% or higher!; the answer is Yes! Economics has taken over Democracy. The Individual has become a 'Product' in the eyes of a Government. What has happened to Freedom and Equality? Government 'Offices' have been filled by 'Individuals' who have no 'respect' for the 'sameness' of the Human condition, that is, the 'Freedom and Equality' of 'each and every Real Individual' at the Bottom of Government. 'Government power' is now used to make a Profit and is 'operated' by the 1%. Freedom and Equality of the Individual has been sacrificed for the freedom and equality of the 1%; the Corporate Society; the 'fictitious Persons' created by a Branch of Government itself. The Courts have created an 'economic monster' and now do not know what to do with it. Its really simple: you created an economic person, or a Legal Fiction, that has taken over Government; give that creation more Democratic duties, i.e. make it respect the 'Freedom and Equality' of 'all' Real Human Beings. After all, Corporations owe their very existence to the fact that they 'live' in a Democracy. Try having a Corporation 'take over' a Dictatorship within which it was allowed to function. Won't happen. In such a case, the Dictatorship owns the Corporation, or, it won't exist. Where's the Freedom and Equality? When the 'Economy' begins to 'understand' that the 'corporate motor', profits, also needs 'Freedom and Equality', it 'may begin' to understand that Freedom and Equality is a 'Democratic Political value'. You cannot have a Democracy without 'People'; and you can't even have a Corporation( a Legal Fiction) without a 'Real Individual' 'operating' it, and you can't have 'Freedom and Equality' without Democratic Political values. Sacrifice Greed!

Monday, December 19, 2016

A Real Democracy is composed of Real Individuals; not Legal Fictions. Corporations are not 'real'.

A 'Real Democracy' is composed of 'Real' Individuals i.e., Human Beings, not Legal Fictions. Corporations are Legal Fictions and exist only in 'contemplation of Law'. They are not 'Real'; they don't 'eat'; they don't 'live'; they don't breath; they don't reproduce themselves; they don't need medical assistance; they don't need work; they don't need a 'home' in which to "lay its weary head". One would think that Statesmen or Politicians would be very interested in the 'human condition' and its 'real relation' to Government; i.e., if the Freedom and Equality of the 'condition of togetherness' is being 'respected and protected' by the Government. Instead, the Politicians become interested in the 'economic motor'and economic principles. Of course, they are also interested in 'human beings' but, only in relation to the economic aspects of the human condition. They do not seem interested in the Freedom and Equality of the Individual. Why don't they Legislate 'principles' or 'Institutions' that would balance the Inequality between the 1% and the 99%? After all, money is a 'medium of exchange', not a medium for 'hoarding'. Sure, some can be 'saved', but; a medium of exchange must be kept in circulation, and no one should be allowed to acquire 'complete control' of a 'medium of exchange'. Today, the Tax rates between the 'Real' and the 'Imaginary' reflect a certain 'equality', but the fictional corporations are 'fictions', unreal, and the 'economic grasp' between a corporation and a real individual will never be equal. For all 'practical purposes', Corporations have rendered 'competition' obsolete. Hence, Tax proportionately; base it on the difference in the 'economic grasp', not on the premise that they are Constitutional fictions; or 'persons'. Corporations used to pay a tax rate of 70 to 90 %, but the Corporate Lobbies 'reduced' the rates based on their status as 'legal fictions'. They are not 'real Persons' and although entitled to some protection under the Constitution, they are 'not Equal' to 'real human beings', and they never will be. That would be a 'Capitalistic Government', not a 'Democratic Government'. (oops). Is that what we are? Well, it looks like most of our Public Offices are going to be filled with CEO's, so, we're either 'there already' or 'headed there'. Looks bleak. Where are our Statesmen and where is Democracy?

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

A 'Real Democracy' is not a 'Business'.

A Real Democracy is not a 'Business'. A Real Democracy is a Government that needs to be 'governed' according to the basic, underlying, principle of Freedom and Equality of all the 'Real Individuals' at the Bottom of Government. That 'basic principle' excludes the 'business mentality' of doing only what produces a Profit. Governing is not for the purpose of profits; but, for the purpose of establishing a 'form of Government' and 'social Institutions' that protect and defend the 'Freedom and Equality' of all 'real Individuals'. Excuse my use of the term 'Real', but we have 'locked ourselves' into a 'frame of mind' where it becomes important to distinguish the 'Real' from the 'Fictional'. Real Individuals do not live and function in 'Alice in Wonderland'. If a corporation , or a 'fictional business entity', is 'unreal', so is the 'end result' of 'corporate activity'.( that would be 'money' or 'Profits' and 'money' is a Fiction) Obviously, Democracy cannot be 'operated' on a Profits motor. It only functions on a motor of Freedom and Equality. The 'economy' is absolutely necessary, but its 'activities' are 'separate' from the 'activities of Governing' a Democratic form of Government. When 'governing' becomes a 'business', it will effect the International sphere of Governments also. Once the 'political nature' of a Nation's Government is 'dismantled', the 'Freedom and Equality' of the 'real' Individuals in that Nation goes out the window. We need 'Real Politicians', not the 1% mentality.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Democracy cannot survive without 'the People' and an 'Objective' Judicial Branch.

Real Democracy cannot survive without Three Objective Branches of Government. A Democracy needs Three Branches because the Top will house Institutional Power; the Bottom will house the People; and the Third and Judicial Branch will settle Legal Issues involving the Constitution. The major Branch is the Branch that houses all the 'real Peoples' at the Bottom. Since Democracy is a 'Peoples' Government, the Bottom of government is the most important Branch. 'Everything' emanates from that 'Branch' and every Constitutional Issues relates to the Institutional arrangement of the Social and the economy and the Freedom and Equality of each and every Individual that occupies the Bottom. Without a 'grant of Power' from the bottom; viz, from the People, the 'Institutional Political Top' would be without Power. Hence, all Democratic Governments are dependent on their 'Peoples'. The problematic arises when the 'Peoples' divide-up and form opposing 'Political Parties'; 'factions'; and 'economic enclaves'. Division of the Peoples into 'Select Groupings' is harmful to the Bottom of Government because the Bottom becomes 'weak'. If the Bottom is conceived as a 'condition of togetherness' where the uniqueness of the human condition and the Freedom and Equality of each and every Real Individual is recognized, the 'corporate structures' being 'Legal Fictions', would not be as powerful as they are. Corporations are part of the economy, not part of the Government. The economy needs the corporate structure, but the Fictions are not part of the 'Bottom of Government'. The corporation is created by Government, and they might be conceived, for special purposes, as 'Persons', but Government 'cannot create' more 'real persons'. The artificial can never be 'real'. The Judicial Branch should be Objective and place the 'Legal Fictions' in their proper place; in the economy, and they should not be allowed to 'participate' in Politics. The 'Peoples' cannot be Governed by Legal Fictions, or, the 'end products' of the economy, to wit; a medium of exchange, or, money.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Democracy needs Capitalism; but, Capitalism cannot 'govern'; and Corporations must become 'Democratic'.

A Democracy needs a Capitalistic economy, but Capitalism can never Govern a Democratic 'condition of togetherness'. The 'condition of togetherness' is the best 'characterization' of the 'Individual' living in a Democratic society. It is a 'description' of the 'uniqueness' and 'importance' of the 'humanity' in 'each and every Individual' at the Bottom of Government. No one is left out. In a Democracy the Individual counts. He and she lives in Freedom and Equality. Capitalism is different. It describes an 'economic process' by which 'competition' between 'persons' leads to the 'production' and 'sale' of necessary 'products', technology, food, clothing, etc., for the benefit of the Individual in the 'condition of togetherness'. But, it also 'directly' and 'indirectly', leads to the accumulation of 'wealth' for the 'continuation of the means of production' in the economy, and the accumulation of 'profits' for the 'Individuals', in the 'condition of togetherness'. A problematic arises when Government 'creates' 'Legal Fictions', or artificial persons, known as 'Corporations' and affords them Constitutional protection. Now we have a situation where 'competition' between 'Real living individuals' and 'Artificial Fictions', protected by the Constitution, as such, are in competition with each other. Government creates a 'lop sided economy'. That's how we became a 'Corporate Society'. A real Individual can never compete with an Artificial Person called a Corporation. The issue is then, how can the lopsided economy be 'corrected'? Of course, we cannot do away with the Corporate Structure. But, since Government 'creates them', why can't Government require that these 'artificial Persons' also be required to 'function' as 'Democratic Institutions'? They are 'not real', they can pay 'more taxes' to 'offset' the 'artificial advantage' and the increased 'economic grasp' of the corporate structure, that Government gives them, and which 'real Persons' do not have. The economic grasp of a Corporation and that of a real Individual is 'not equal', so why should the 'tax obligations' be equal? If we are to be characterized as a 'Corporate society' why can't we be characterized as a 'Democratic Corporate Society', one that 'respects and defends' the Freedom and Equality of 'every Person', including the 'real Individual'? Where are the 'real Politicians'?

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

When an 'Economy' takes over a 'Democracy', Freedom and Equality 'go out the window.'

When an 'Economy'takes over a Democracy, Freedom and Equality of the Individual, goes out the window. Individuals no longer 'count' in the 'act of Governing'. Economies are driven by 'profits' and 'Largeness'. Economies are quantified and hence can be measured as to 'a large economy', a 'successful economy', etc., and the 'end goal' always seems to be 'more and more of the same', or Profits. The 'Governed' and the Freedom and Equality of the real Individual becomes 'secondary' and only the 'movements of money' become important. As a result, the 'corporate society', and its Capitalistic motor becomes the 'primary concern'. Real Democracy becomes weak an effete and 'legal fictions' become the 'dominant factors' of success or failure, in the 'substituted' act of Government. The 1% overwhelms the 99% and the 'real' Individuals are reduced to 'living in Alice in Wonderland'. The 'real' becomes artificial and the artificial, becomes 'real'. How sad. Capitalism becomes 'dominant' in a Nation that recognizes and respects 'Freedom and Equality' of the Individual, but then, 'greed' monopolizes the 'corporate society' and renders humanity 'inconsequential'. In a real Democracy, the Freedom and equality of the real Individual is controlling. The economy is also important but assumes it proper place in economic institutions and remains aloof of Government. The economy remains an important factor in the Society, but it does not assume primary importance in the act of Governing. An economy cannot Govern; as a Government cannot produce Profits, or, 'more and more of the same'. In other words, a democratic Government has 'an economy', but, 'an economy' can never 'govern' a 'Democratic Government'. A Democratic Government 'protects and defends' the Freedom and Equality of every Individual.

Friday, December 2, 2016

A Real Democracy requires a Real Politics.

A Real Democracy requires a Real Politics. 'Politics' is essential to the democratic process because 'politics' involves the relation of the Top of Government to the Bottom of Government, or the 'Top' to the 'Bottom', or the 'Bottom' to the 'Top'. Of course, the Top houses Power and the Bottom houses 'the People' who are to be governed. In a Democracy, the People at the Bottom vote for the 'Representatives' who are to serve as 'Office Holders'. In order for the People to vote for a candidate, they must be familiar with the 'qualifications' of the candidate and his or her involvement with the 'democratic spirit', and the 'democratic process'. Most 'states-persons', always set-out the 'programs' they claim they will 'establish', and the 'corrections' to be made in the existing 'polity'. In an existing 'social', permeated by an empty, vacuous, 'political correctness', a candidate must establish the 'contents of a 'real transformation' of policy and not become a victim to the existing 'political correctness'. In such cases, the issue is always, how will the 'political correctness', be 'transformed' into a 'real Political solution'. 'Novel political issues' creep into the picture, and its at this juncture, where it becomes important to 'really understand' that the solution to an empty political correctness must be a 'political solution' and not an easy 'economic solution'. A candidate cannot 'buy votes'. A political candidate's 'Political Program' must be based on 'political issues'. This is vital to a democracy. Of course, 'economic issues' may be involved in 'political issues' but, Democracies do not 'function' with 'economic principles'; Democracy is not motored by 'money' and 'profits'. To be sure, economic principles do operate in 'all forms' of Governments. But, the concern with the welfare of the 'Bottom of Democracy' is the 'Freedom and Equality' of every Individual at the Bottom; Democracy is Government "of the People"; "by the People"; and "for the People". Plutocracy is government by the 'Rich'; Oligarchy is Government by the 'few'; Dictatorship is government by 'One'. Democratic Government is not a Business; it cannot be governed by business Principles; Real Democracy is not 'motored' by money, profits, business corporations, businessmen, nor with a 'business attitude'. Democracy is not 'for Profits', Democracy is for the 'Freedom and Equality' of 'every real Individual' at the Bottom.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

A Real Democracy cannot persist without Real Freedom and Equality.

A Real Democracy cannot persist without Real Freedom and Equality. However, the equation of 'Government' sets up a real problem. The problem is that the Bottom of Government i.e., the People, must also appreciate and understand the Democratic form of Government. In other words, a democracy cannot be motored by any other governing principle than the Freedom and Equality of the People at the Bottom of Government. That gives rise to the Voting process. The most pernicious and subtle 'substitute' for a true 'governing principle' is an 'economic principle'. In different words, 'money', 'economic classes', 'have & have-nots', or the so-called 'corporate society'. The 'motor' for a corporate society, 'legislates' and 'protects' its corporate nature; not the Freedom and Equality of the 'real Individual'. Some will say, why do you call Individuals 'real' when everyone already knows that 'all Individuals' are 'real'? Well, why do you call corporations 'persons', when you know they are 'not real' like you and I? When you or I violate a Law, we can go to jail. You cannot put a Corporation in jail. Corporations are 'persons' only in 'legal jargon' that states that they are 'Persons' only in "contemplation of Law". In other words, they are Fictions. They are 'not real', so why can a corporation 'contribute' money to the 'voting process', and not contribute to 'Freedom and Equality' in a 'real democracy'? Real Democracy has become 'overcome' by an economic principle. The 'corporate nature' of society has overwhelmed the real democracy in which we live, or, stated differently, the true 'condition of togetherness' in which the 'real individuals','living next to each other', at the Bottom of Government, live. How sad, politicians cannot 'handle Power'; the 'political Power' they acquire, from the People, in a Democracy, is exercised 'selfishly', instead of 'democratically'. They slowly erode the political principle of democracy and, in its 'place', they situate an economic principle, that I assure you, will 'awaken' the 'International sphere' of Governing. Can you 'picture to yourself', a 'Globe', or 'Earth', striving to exist on an 'economic principle', a principle 'motored by Profits'? Where are the 'States-persons'?
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.