Friday, August 31, 2018

Every 'Political Entity' needs an 'Economy', but not every 'Economy' needs a 'Political Entity'.

Every 'Political Entity' needs an 'Economy', but not every 'Economy' needs a 'Political Entity'. An 'established' Political Entity needs to perpetuate its 'existence' and hence is required to provide for its 'Needs'. One of those 'Needs' is to 'provide' for the 'daily subsistence' of its 'Members' and 'Social Institutions'. Hence, it becomes necessary for the 'Individuals', in the Social, to form Institutions that furnish, create, make, and produce these 'Needs'. The end-result is an 'Economy'. That Economy can take many Forms. Capitalism is an important form. But, not every Economy needs a Government. Capitalism functions because of 'Capital' and 'Profits' and Capital is 'Monies and Properties'. It sustains itself by Profits and without Profits it will crumble. Individuals apply to the Government and the Government issues a Charter and that Charter creates a 'Business Corporations'. The Reverse is not possible. In other words a Corporation or an Economy do not create a Government, its a Government that allows the 'creation' of a Corporation and the corporation 'functions' within the Governments 'Social' which becomes Institutionalized as an 'Economy'. An Economy cannot 'Institutionalize' a Government. 'If' an Economy were to Institutionalize a Government, the Government would have to be a 'Dictatorship'. In 'such a case' the 'Dictatorship' could govern the 'Economy' and the 'Government'. However,in a Democracy, the Economy is 'an aspect' or a 'Part' of the 'Democracy' which Democracy functions with Political Principles of 'Freedom and Equality'. Government 'First', Economy 'Second'. That's why a Democracy protects a 'Business Corporation' by considering it as a 'Person', in 'contemplation of Law'. To be sure, a 'Legal Fiction' is not a 'Real Person', but Government protects the 'Legal Fiction' and the 'Capitalistic economy'. Keep in mind, a 'Democracy'; a 'Democratic Social' 'First', Economic 'entities' and Economic 'Fictions', 'Next'. A Business Corporation 'cannot' Govern, it can only make Profits. In a similar manner, a CEO 'cannot Govern' with 'Business Principles'. He or She needs 'Political, Democratic Principles' to 'Govern' a Political Entity. Democracy First. Where are the Real Politicians?

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

When Politics and Capitalism become entangled, Democracy is endangered.

When Politics and Capitalism become entangled, Democracy is endangered. Capitalism is about making Profits and about making Business Decisions. Business decisions are not 'Democratic' in nature, nor are they considered a 'Governing Process'. Business is Business. Its about 'Profits'. Politics is about 'Real Individuals' being 'elected' to Political Offices that require a 'Representation Of The People' that elected them. The 'Representative' must be a 'Real Individual', not a 'Legal Fiction' that exists as a 'Person' only in 'Contemplation of Law'. In other words a Political Entity cannot be 'Represented' by a 'Business Corporation', because its a Legal Fiction. Of course, some 'Political Offices' also make 'Economic Decisions', but, those decisions refer to a 'stable Economy' within the Social, which every Nation needs. Economies do not need 'Governing', they need 'Autocratic Principles' to function. In Politics, an elected Official must use 'Governing Principles' to Govern, not 'Business Principles', 'designed' to make a Profit. A Government cannot be 'Motored' by Business Principles; Government requires 'Political Principles' of 'Freedom and Equality'. That's why a CEO, 'untrained' in Political Principles, cannot 'Govern' a Political Entity. Government by Business Principles will 'deconstruct' the Political Entity; it will deconstruct the Democratic Process. Instead of Ideological Political arguments on how 'best to Govern', you have 'childish arguments' about 'who's the Boss; I do it my way; if we lose the elections there will be 'rioting' in the streets; 'if we 'lose', 'everyone will be poorer', etc.. The 'End Result' will be a Nation that 'deconstructs Democracy at the Bottom' where Real Democracy should be 'thriving'. Democracy 'deconstructed' by 'Autocratic Business Principles' at the Top. CEO'S can 'run' Business Corporations, but they cannot 'Govern' a 'Political Entity'. Now, please understand, there probably are 'Business People' who can be 'efficient Politicians', but that should 'reflect' and be made 'manifest' in the 'Political Campaign' leading to 'Election'. Failing that, a CEO cannot 'Govern' a Democratic Nation. Where are the Real Politicians?

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Politics and Capitalism should not become entangled.

Politics and Capitalism should not become 'entangled'. 'Each' 'needs' each Other but they can function independent of each other. That is possible so long as each keeps its ultimate 'Purpose' in Mind. But, it also needs to modify its structure 'a little'. The ultimate purpose of Politics is to Govern; whereas the ultimate purpose of Capitalism is to produce 'more and more of the same', or stated differently, to 'generate Profits'. A business Corporation cannot exist if it doesn't make a Profit. Its Size and existence is dependent on its 'Profits'. In that respect, its success is purely 'financial in nature'. A Political Entity, becomes fixed when its 'Created'. Its created as, either a 'Democracy' or an 'Autocracy', or a 'variation' of the Two. The Political Principles that Govern a Democracy are always the Same. They do not change although they can improve the function of its Political principles by becoming more 'inclusive', whereas, Capitalism, being motored by the amount of 'Monies' it generates, can grow 'Larger', by becoming more 'efficient' as a producer of 'more and more of the Same', Profits. But, a Democracy can improve its 'efficiency', or 'Governance' by including 'more People' within its 'Democratic Fold'. In other words, if the case is that it discriminates on certain Individuals, or Races, or Economic Groups, or Religious Groups, it must 'desist' and include them within its implementation of 'Equality and Freedom'. It does not become more 'Democratic'; its already Democratic, but it must become more 'inclusive'. Whereas a Corporate or Capitalistic 'Entity' becomes 'Larger' and 'Larger' by making more 'Profits'. 'Size' is important to a Capitalistic entity; that makes it more 'successful'. A Democratic Government never changes; you either 'have it' or 'you don't'. A Democracy improves its 'status' by 'correcting' its 'already existing Political Nature', by Governing more 'Inclusively'. The 'Natures' of the two entities is very different. A Corporate Society can exist within a Democratic Nation, but it should structure some of its 'practices' and Departments to allow it to 'function', a little more, as a 'Democracy'. The present structure of Corporate existence is solely to 'generate' Profits and that 'contributes' to the pursuit of 'Greed'. Business Corporations are Greed machines. But, they can change and become more 'Democratic' by using its Profits to create 'in house' Departments that 'help' the 'Democratic process'.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Its very important to 'See' and 'Understand' the difference between a 'Political Entity' and an 'Economic Entity'.

Its very important to 'See' the difference between a 'Political Entity' and a 'Business Economic Entity'. A Political Entity has 'Power'-a Power to Govern- an Economic Entity is a Corporation that has 'major influence' in the Social, but not Power. Its influence comes from its ability to create Profits; huge Profits. Its driven by Profits; it has its 'Being' in the 'Profits and Size' it generates. it has no other Reasons for existing. It can be Voluntarily Dissolved by the Individuals who Incorporated or Involuntarily Dissolved -if it violates law- by the Political Entity that allows it to be 'created' and to 'flourish in the Social'. Government allows Corporations to be created. But, a Corporation must keep its 'place' and 'function' in the 'Social'. It cannot 'compete' with Democratic Government because Government is 'Of', 'By', and 'For' the 'People', not for the 'Legal Fictions'. Of course, the 'problematic' is Money. The 1% have taken control of the Government and its Agencies. Hence, the Government functions with CEO's and Economic principles. A CEO is not interested in 'Governing'. He is interested in 'making' and 'manipulating' Money. Hence his focus is on Economic Principles and those who benefit from the Economy are all 'supportive'; especially the Big Business Corporations. The Top of 'Democratic Government' has been taken over by the 'Economy', the '1%', and 'those' who 'temporarily' benefit from new 'Monetary Schemes'. Today, we are no different from a Nation that is in the 'Throes' of 'Revolution'. But, listen carefully, the revolution is 'economic' in nature. The 'Legal Fictions' 'took over' the Nation; the legal Fictions' 'Tax Liability' was reduced so that the 1% could get 'Fatter'; Government has become a 'Business' and those in 'Office' are the 'beneficiaries'. The Individuals in Office 'argue' and 'fight' like 'school children' in a 'Play Yard'. ( Forgive me Children) People, or, Corporations with Lots of Money are 'Right' and the 'Poor and Needy' are 'Lazy' or 'Wrong'. 'Government' and the 'Social' has never been at such a 'Low Level'. Where are the real Politicians? Maybe, a 'much oppressed Group', 'Women', can provide some 'Real Leadership'.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Yes, Democracy can exist in a Corporate Society.

Yes, Democracy can exist in a Corporate Society, but the 'nature' or 'purpose' for Incorporation must be 'modified'. The Business Corporation is a tremendous 'Engine' for generating 'profits'. That's the 'sole purpose' for the 'Business Corporate Structure'. But, its corporate nature is not 'intended' to be a 'Competitor' with the 'Democratic Political Entity'. A Corporation cannot Govern and its purpose for existing in the Economy is not for the purpose of 'Governing'; only the 'State', the 'Nation', a 'Political Entity' can 'Govern', and in a Democracy, it must Govern with Democratic Principles. The 'Motor' of the Corporate Nature or the 'Legal Fiction' cannot be changed or modified. But, the 'utility' and 'organization' of its 'own structure' and some of the 'end results', (Profits), of the Corporate Nature can be re-directed to it's own Structure and hence, make its own Corporate Structure more democratic. Examples; all Business Corporations can establish Departments to do 'medical research', help eliminate 'medical Illnesses'; poverty; it can 'help' the 'stability' of the 'Social' in which it exists and it can help with reference to 'jobs', 'work', and other 'functions' of 'Democracy'; it can help make the Social more 'self-functioning'. Remember, the Political Entity is required to 'enhance' and 'structure' the 'Freedom and Equality' of its 'Real Members' in the Social; that's its 'function' and the Corporation must 'continue' making Profits 'for the Economy'. But, every 'Business Corporate Structure should be modified by creating 'Departments' and 'Sections' within the Business Corporation itself, whose functions are to 'help' and 'contribute' to the 'Democratic Social' in which it exists. After all, it does not have that Freedom in an Autocratic Government. Hence, the Corporate Structure can enhance the strength of the Democratic Social by contributing to its 'stability' and help to 'stabilize' the 'Freedom and Equality' of all 'Real' Human Beings in the 'Democratic Social'. Hence it can still make 'more and more' Profits and at the same time participate in the democratic function of 'contributing to the 'Freedom and Equality' of all Real Individuals'. In other words, it 'cannot Govern'; 'Business Principles' can never Govern, but it can contribute to Government by helping a 'Democratic Social' to be more 'viable'. Why should 'Business Corporations' only create a 'Greedy accumulation' and never help the 'Social' within which they exist?

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Can Democracy exist in a Capitalistic Corporate Society?

Can a viable Democracy exist in a Capitalistic Corporate Society? Sounds like an Oxymoron, yet both a Democracy and a Corporate economy exist within a Social. The Social is constituted by both Real Individuals and Legal Fictions to wit; the 'Business Corporation'. Of course, everyone knows that Corporations are not 'Real Persons' and are protected by the 'Constitution'. The Constitution also 'protects' the Real Individual, but the Real Individual is 'born' in Freedom and Equality and that Freedom and Equality must be protected by the Constitution. The Corporation is not a Natural Entity, its an 'Economic Construction' and it cannot 'function', cannot be 'Motored', with Freedom and Equality. If the Corporate Structure was 'Motored' with Freedom and Equality, it would 'self-destruct'. A Business Corporation must make a 'Profit' and 'Grow Larger' in Size to remain viable. Its a 'Machine' that generates 'Greed'. Nevertheless, the Supreme Court thought it prudent to protect its 'Legal Fiction'. At this point, we must go from there. The Business Corporation is a 'Construction' and it seems possible that it can be constructed to be more Democratic. Why not? Why create an 'Autocratic' Economic Construction in a Democratic Social and protect it with the Constitution? Now, be careful, I'm not saying that the 'entire Construction' should be 'Democratic', but certainly, some of its functions should also serve the 'Democratic Social'. For instance, every Business Corporate Structure should be required to have its own Department where some of its 'own Profits' are used to serve 'Medical Needs' and 'Medical Research'. Why should all Profits just generate 'Greed', 'Size', and 'More and More of the Same' and just make the 1% fatter and fatter? And there are many other areas where a 'Democratic Social' needs 'Help'. And these and 'similar changes' should also be required by 'Law' and by our 'Esteemed Supreme Court'. If the Supreme Court can create an 'economic entity' that 'exists' only 'in Contemplation of Law', it can also create a more 'Democratic Corporate Structure'.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Capitalism( the Business World, Corporate World, Social) functions Great in the Economy; but it cannot 'Govern'.

Capitalism ( the Business World, Corporate Society, the Social), functions great in the Economy but, it cannot 'Govern'. A Corporate Society must have Power, or Control, at the Top, but it 'rules' the Bottom of the 'Legal Fiction' with 'Autocratic' Principles. It does not 'Govern' the Bottom with 'Equality and Freedom'. Its purpose for existing is to have 'Size'; to make Profits, to Grow, 'more and more of the same', and if it should fail, it is 'dismantled' and 'Re-Incorporated'; sometimes under a 'different name'. Of course, a 'Democratic Nation' is not a 'Business Corporation' and it cannot do that. If such a Nation 'dares' to 'try to Govern', it will use 'Autocratic Principles', not 'Democratic Principles' of Equality and Freedom. An 'Economist' or 'CEO' who tries to 'Govern' a 'Democracy' must be 'well-versed' and 'familiar' with 'Democratic Principles' or the 'Nation' will 'Flounder'. Unfortunately, most Individuals in the so-called "1% category" do not seem to have the 'character', 'knowledge', or 'inclination' to 'Govern'; they can try to 'Rule', but Democracy is not about 'being Ruled'. 'Governing' is about 'Service' for a limited Period of Time. 'Ruling' is about Autocratic Principles of Government that endure for as long as the 'Autocrat' 'endures'. There's a big difference between a Democracy and an Autocracy. Democracy 'Governs', Autocracies 'Rule'. In a Democracy 'run' by a 'Business Autocrat' one can begin to 'check the pulse' of the 'Social' and detect elements of 'Control' creeping in. The 'Saving Grace' in such a Democracy is the 'Tenure' of Service. Of course, 'Democracy' is not perfect, but neither is Autocracy. Democracy has Millions of 'Real Individuals' ( not Legal Fictions) at the Bottom who 'yearn' for 'Equality and Freedom' and 'Proper Representation'; Autocracy is 'Pure Power' and has only 'One Real Individual' at the Top who must 'continue Control' of the 'Millions at the Bottom'. Where are the Real Politicians?
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.