Sunday, September 30, 2018

'Revolutions' at the 'Top' are Ideological.

Revolutions at the Top are Ideological. In a Democracy, they involve the very essence of Democracy. The problematic is that the Bottom is already divided into Two Parties and never shall the twain meet. In such cases, the end result will probably be a 'weakening' of Democracy. If Democratic government is a Government "of the People", "by the People", and "for the People", the tensions in the Ideological dispute will create a rift among the Individuals at the 'Top' as well as at the 'Bottom'. The 'Top' should know and should resolve such disputes in favor of the 'People' at the Bottom and not in accordance with 'either Ideology'. But, how is that to happen in a Supreme Court that is also 'Ideological' in Nature. Where is the 'Objectivity' and what happens to the 'People'. The best way is simply not to be too 'Party Loyal' with Majority/Minority 'leverages' in the formations of the Committees, and most important, in the formation of the Supreme Court. If the Committee or Court Majority belong to one Party and the Minority belongs to another, the arguments will 'hold' along 'Ideological lines'. But, in a Democracy its always about the 'People' and not about the 'Party' and the different 'Ideologies'. A Judge in the highest Court of the Land should be a 'Peoples Judge' and not an 'Ideological Judge'. Parties may be 'acceptable', but 'Democracy' is 'essential'. Democracy is about the 'People', not about 'Ideologies' or 'Party Loyalty'. So, how is this to be implemented? Well, it may also be a little too 'simplistic' to say 'forget the Ideology' and 'remember the People', but that is the 'essence of Democracy'. Although its never about 'complete forgetting' the Ideology, but its always about 'being Human' and no 'Human Being' should 'forget' His or Her 'Humanity'. When a 'Representative' or 'Office Holder' forgets his or her Humanity, Democracy is 'never served'. When the Top of a Political Entity is compelled to 'act' from 'Party Loyalty', humanity is 'attenuated'. When the Highest Court in the Land 'decides' from Party Loyalty, 'Humanity' goes out the window. Although Party affiliations are 'normal', there is 'no need' to give up our 'Humanity'. There comes a time when our 'Party affiliations' should be 'Weaker' than our 'Humanity'. We are always 'Human' First, 'Ideologues' Second. Where are the 'Real Politicians'?

Friday, September 28, 2018

Political activity is different from Economic activity. Each must occupy their respective Place within a Polity.

Political activity is different from economic activity. Both are essential aspects of a Political Entity. Yet, a political entity must be governed with Political Principles and an Economy must be 'governed' or 'controlled' with 'economic principles'. The two activities are different and they each are essential to the Integrity of their 'proper Object'. Its 'Object' is dependent on the 'unique function' of the Two Different Motors that propels the Activity. Nevertheless, the two cannot become 'mixed'. It takes a well disciplined Politician to occupy Political Office and Govern a Political Entity and its multiplicity of 'aspects'. The biggest problem is the 'mixing' of Political Principles and Economic Principles. An Economy is vital to every Polity, but great care must be taken not to inextricably mix the two. Look, its one thing for a political entity to have a successful,fully functional, Economy; its another for the Polity to attempt to 'Govern' using Economic Principles. The ultimate goal of any economy is to be 'successful' and generate many 'Profits'. But, that is not the 'sole goal' of a Political Entity. When a Political Entity gets 'enmeshed' with 'economic principles', it can very easily transform into an 'Autocracy', or a 'Plutocracy', or even an 'Oligarchy'. Most Democracies will be oblivious of the transition because of the 'important part' that 'economic Principles' and the economy play in the 'daily routine'. Economic Principles cannot 'Govern' a Democracy; only Political Principles can be used to 'Govern' in a 'Democracy'. But the 'undetectable slippage' will not be perceived until its too late. This phenomena can cause revolts or Revolutions in a Polity that is accustomed to Democratic Government. In such cases, its 'Real Individuals' that must come 'to the Fore' against Autocratic Rule, Plutocratic Rule, and Oligarchic Rule or just simply against 'Rule by the Economy'. As important as an Economy has become, it cannot 'Govern'. Where are the Real Politicians?

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Most Revolutions begin at the Bottom; but, today we are witnessing a Revolution at the Top.

Most revolutions begin at the Bottom; but 'Today' we are witnessing a 'Revolution at the Top'; the 'Seat of Power'. The Top is unraveling. One has to ask, how did this happen? Obviously, the Top is not a Centralized Seat of Power. When the Top or the Highest office of Power cannot control the other People in Offices of Power, although of the same Party, it becomes evident that the Top is not doing its Job. That, is somewhat unheard of, but at the same time it becomes evident that the Occupant of the Highest Office is not qualified to occupy the office. That is also, somewhat unheard of, but it demonstrates that a 'Business mentality', without Political Principles, cannot hold a Political Office. We must ask, how did that happen. A 'Non-Politician', whether a Billionaire, or a CEO cannot Govern a Political Entity. Of course, one of the Problems that arises in a Democracy is that the 'Bottom' has already 'split' into opposing Parties. That further 'muddies the water' because the People cannot be 'One'. The result will be that some 'Members of the Party' or, the Top will still support the 'Office' and are hoping for the best. But, it can only get worse. When the 'source' of Power fractures, or becomes diffused, it becomes 'attenuated' and lacks 'Force', 'stability', 'Integrity', or simply, Power. An 'unconsolidated Top' is Confusion. One can already begin to 'see' the 'consequences' on the 'National Sphere' as well as the 'International Sphere'. But, a Democracy has a built-in Structure to resolve that kind of Issue. If something renders the Highest Office dis-functional, there is always an Elected Official to take His or Her Place. Fortunately, or Unfortunately, one will begin to 'see' the 'revolutionary spirit' 'sift' from the 'Top' to the 'Bottom'. What can one expect at the Bottom; a continuation of the Revolution, or possibly a re-evaluation of some kind of 'standards' for Political Office? 'Politics' requires 'Political Knowledge'; 'Democratic Politics' requires 'Political knowledge' of 'Democracy'. But wait, it also requires 'selfless service' to a Democratic Nation. Where are the Real Politicians?

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

All Political Entities have Political Power; but, we must ask, from where do they get the Power?

All political Entities have Political Power at the 'Top'; but we must ask, from where do they get their Power? A Democracy gets it from the People at the Bottom. An Autocracy or any Other Type of Government, whether Autocratic or some blend of Autocratic, has power at the Top also. All Governments or Nations have Power at the Top. The Question as to from where do they get the Power probably has many Unique Answers. There are some 'apparent' or 'Known' answers. For Example; the Divine Right of Kings, a historical and well known Form of Government, received its 'Authority' to Govern from the 'Divinity'. The King was said to have 'Two Bodies'; the Divine Body and the Natural body. Of course, that doesn't work any more. As for other forms of Power, it doesn't make much difference. The Top Rules and that's it. Notice, the Top in Autocratic Forms, 'Rule', they don't 'Govern'. The Democratic form does not 'Rule', it Governs, and it must 'Govern' because its 'Nature' is a 'Representative Form of Government'. So what are the characteristics of a 'Representative Form' of Government. Well, no one in 'Office' is in 'Office' for 'Himself' or 'Herself'. 'He' or 'She' is there to 'Represent' someone 'else'. The 'Office' and the 'Representative' represents the 'People at the 'Bottom' and then, only for a short period of Time. A 'Rare Quality' of 'Selflessness' and 'Great Knowledge' of the 'Democratic process' is required. Notice how 'Ex-Representatives' appear as 'Helpless' and 'Powerless' as You and I. In a Democracy 'Service to your Nation' is a 'Sacrifice'; not a 'Personal Quest' for 'Personal Power'. Its not about self-aggrandizement, its a 'Service' in Political Office; and for that 'We The People' are Eternally Grateful. So, what happens at the 'Bottom of a Democracy', before the formation of the 'Democratic Government', or, one can say, before the Constitution that 'constitutes us' is 'written'? Well, the 'People' 'split' and 'form' Political Parties and 'Politics is Born'. God help us. Where are the Real Politicians?

Monday, September 3, 2018

How does a Political Entity acquire control over an Economy?

How does a Political entity acquire Control over its Economy? In other words, how does a Democracy acquire Control over Capitalism? The word 'Control' is not a very good term. It implies some kind of 'Power' to give 'direction' to 'Economic Activity'. That's not 'possible'; its not 'permissible' in a Democracy. Economic Activity is a 'pure' Corporate activity, but so is Democratic Activity. Hence, the Two activities are Autonomous. Democracy can 'allow' the passage of Laws to 'create' Corporations and to give some sort of 'direction' to Corporate activity. It does this by passage of 'Articles of Incorporation' and establishing 'Corporate Law'. Hence the 'Business Entity' exists within the 'Social' of the Political Entity. Of course, the Law considers the 'Corporate Nature' as a 'Person' in 'Contemplation of Law' within the protection of the 'Constitution'. Hence its 'Person-ality' is considered as a 'Legal Fiction'. Of course, a Fiction is a Fiction, no matter how you 'wrap' it. A Democratic Political Entity is a 'Real Entity' 'constituted' by the Real 'People' it purports to Govern. Hence, its a 'Written Constitution' and any Human Being can read it; study it; and acquire 'knowledge' of 'Constitutional' Law and 'Democratic activity'. The Highest Court in the Land chose to protect the 'Nature' of the 'Corporate Fiction', but it did not give it any 'control' or 'Power' 'over' the 'Political Entity' that Governs the 'Social' in the 'Nation'. Hence, most CEO's are very knowledgeable about 'Capitalism' or 'Business Principles' which 'motor' a Business Entity. But, that does not mean they have knowledge of the 'kind of thinking' that can 'motor' a Democracy: that requires 'Democratic Political Thinking'. Hence, a Political Entity cannot control its Economy but it can require knowledge of democratic Political Activity that allows its Economy to function within a Democratic Social. It can require that all Candidates for Higher Office, be qualified to 'Motor' a Political Entity. Sure, anyone can Run, but why Run if your only interested in 'Economic Activity' and not 'Democratic Activity; or why Run if your qualifications are only 'having lots of Money'? We need 'Real Politicians'; and, 'Political Knowledge' of Democracy should be a 'requirement' for 'eligibility'. If Candidates do not have knowledge of Democracy, they should not be allowed to Run. We do not need 'CEO's' at the 'Political Helm'; nor Dictatorial Principles; nor 'Politically Correct' Politicians; we need 'Real Politicians'. Where are the Real Politicians?
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.