Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Term 'Hyper-Reality' is somewhat vague, but can it be applied to some 'leve'l achieved in the 'Social'.

The term 'Hyper-Reality' is somewhat vague, but can it be applied to 'some Level' achieved in the 'Social'. The 'Social' is 'Every Human Being' situated at the Bottom of the 'Governmental Structure'. Of course, the Top are the 'Governors' and the Bottom are the 'Governed'. There's 'nothing Hyper' about that 'Institutional Arrangement'; it is an 'abstraction' with 'Power' that 'exists' on that 'Institutional Level', but the 'Relation' that connects the 'Top and the Bottom', although Institutionalized, is 'Real'. The 'Human Condition' at the 'Bottom' referred too as the 'Social' exists as a 'Condition of Togetherness'. It has undergone many 'Scientific and Technological' Advances; some of which has 'modified' and 'Intensified' the 'Conditions, in which the 'Togetherness' is situated. Nevertheless, the 'Togetherness' still consists of 'Real Individuals. 'Real Individuality' cannot be 'modified' into a 'Hyper condition'. Certainly, the 'conditions' in which the Individual 'lives' can be changed and modified. But, that does not change the 'Human Condition'; only the environment. The 'Togetherness' in which the 'Human Condition' exists will always be the 'Bottom' of any 'Form' that Government assumes. That 'Human condition' cannot be 'tampered' with; only 'Governed'. Any changes in the Environment, does not 'effect' the 'Nature' of the 'Human Individuality'. It 'may effect' the 'Adjustment' to the 'Changed Environment', but not the 'Nature' of the 'Adjusting Individual'.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

How does a Top that Governs a 'Democratic Bottom' Govern a 'Social' 'extending' into a 'Hyper-Reality'.

How does a Top that Governs a 'Democratic Bottom'; 'Govern' a 'Social' that is 'extending' into a 'sort' of 'Hyper-Reality'? Of course, the Bottom is always the Bottom and the 'Technological and Computational' accretions superimposed are 'not Human', but 'some' have become 'Social' and rapidly becoming 'Necessary'. The 'basic Idea' of 'Governing' a 'Democracy' is Governing 'Real, Living Human Beings'. There are no 'Artificial Human Beings' and Governing a 'Rapidly Growing Scientific Social' requires a Leader that is up to the Task. Governing is a 'Self-less Task', but it must be 'Intelligent' while protecting the 'Freedom and Equality' of the 'Real Individuals'; not necessarily protecting the 'Constitutional Persons' created by the 'Supreme Court'. While these 'Constitutional Persons' may be 'Socially necessary'; they are 'not' Real Human Beings. Even the 'Law' refers to them as 'Legal Fictions'. Consequently, the only Real 'Persons' are Human Beings. The 'Human Condition' is not a 'Hyper-Reality' and the necessity of Technological and Computational Progress 'purports' to make 'Life' more comfortable. Hence 'Social Reality' based on the 'Human Condition' and 'Freedom and Equality' is subject to some mode of 'Quantification', but how does 'One' 'Govern' a Hyper-Reality. There is still a 'Relation to the Bottom', that doesn't change, but the 'Social' at the 'Bottom' is being 'modified'.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Every 'Individual' included in the 'Many' is 'One' Living Human Being.

Every 'Individual' included in the 'Many' is 'One' Living Human Being. Hence, Politics, the 'Institutionalized Top', must ask itself; "How does an "Institutional Top 'Govern' the Many"? Of course, a 'Democracy' has a 'Democratic Government'; not a 'Kingdom', nor a 'Dictatorship'; and Never a 'Bottom' subject to 'Some Form' of 'Rule'. Instead, every 'Real Individual', situated at the Bottom in a Democracy, is 'entitled too', and is 'subject too,' a 'Form of Government' that acknowledges 'His' and 'Her' Humanity and is considered 'Equal and Free'. The end result is that a Democracy 'must Govern' the Bottom; it cannot Rule nor encumber the 'Freedom and Equality' of the Individual. Hence, the requirement that a Democratic Governing Structure must 'function' with 'Law and Order'. Of course, 'Law and Order' relates to the 'Multiplicity of Movements' in a 'Large Social' that 'regulates' the 'Interactions' 'between' and 'among' the 'Many People'. But, 'Today' that 'Large Social' has become 'Inflated' into a 'Technologized and Computerized Social' and the 'Interactions' 'between' and 'among' the 'Many People' has become a 'Hyper-Reality' of Sorts. The 'Nature' of the 'Social' or the 'Bottom' has changed. But, the 'Nature' of the 'Individual' is still a 'Living Human Being' and 'Freedom' and 'Equality' must continue to be 'protected' at 'all costs'. Consequently, its the 'Law and Order' that must 'change' to allow for their 'Expression'.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Democracy can give 'Rise' to 'Many' Political Problems.

Democracy can give 'Rise' to 'Many Political Problems'. The 'Solutions' to these 'Many Problems' is not 'Simple' nor 'Easy'. The difficulty of 'Many' of the 'Solutions' arises from the 'Fact' that the 'Many', at the Bottom, are 'Real and Human'. Of course, Many of these Problematics arises from that so-called 'Relation' between the 'Top and the Bottom'. Both the so-called 'Top' and the so-called 'Bottom' can be rendered 'Institutional'; but the 'Relation' remains 'Real'. Of course, in any 're-description' of a Top and a Bottom, 'both' can become 'Political Institutions', but the 'Relation' between the 'Two' always remains 'Real'. Despite the 'Reality of the Relation', it also becomes 'Institutionally Necessary' and that makes 'Governments Necessary'. Despite the 'Necessity and the Nature of the Institutions', the 'Many' at the 'Bottom' will always remain 'Real', simply because the 'Bottom' is a 'collection' of 'Human Beings'. The Bottom is a product of 'Human nature' and it cannot be 'Institutionalized' in the 'same manner' as a 'Top'. 'All' the 'Institutionalized Tops' face the same 'Problematic'; 'how' to 'Relate' to the 'Bottom'. Of course, that gives 'Rise' to the 'Different Forms' of Government; do they 'Rule' or 'Govern'? In a Democracy the 'People' at the Bottom Retain their 'Individuality' and their 'Humanity'; hence their 'Freedom and Equality'. In a 'Democracy' the 'Institutionalized Top' must Govern.

Friday, May 15, 2020

A 'Theory of Democracy', cannot be 'Quantified', hence, its not Scientific: it can be called 'Social' or 'Political'.

A Theory of Democracy, 'cannot be Quantified' hence; its not 'Scientific', nor Mathematical. Its 'closer' to an 'Art Form'. I say 'closer' because its 'not' an 'Art'; but, it can be called 'Social' or 'Political'. I venture to say that the 'Political' is a 'Reduction' of that 'Old Dilemma' of the 'One' and the 'Many' into a 'Form' of 'Government', or to the 'Manner' by which a 'Top' 'relates' to a 'Bottom'. That 'Relation' gives 'birth' to the 'Many Different Forms' of 'Governmental Institutions' that exist. The 'Many at the Bottom' need 'Government'. Left to their own, would reduce the 'Many' or the 'Bottom' to a very 'Chaotic situation'. The best arrangement for that 'Governmental Relation' is to Organize the 'Top' and the 'Bottom' into a 'Governmental Institution'. The Top has 'Institutional Power' and the Bottom has a Multiplicity of 'Living Human Beings' with 'Political Rights'. The Bottom must have 'Political Rights' because the 'Human Condition' existed before the 'Institutions'. The Individuals 'Freedom and Equality' is 'not a Gratuity' from an 'Institution'; its the Individuals 'Natural condition'. That 'Natural Condition' is only subject to 'Law and Order'; which allows the 'Many' Individuals to 'exist' and 'interact' in an 'Organized' and 'Orderly Fashion' within an 'established Institution'. Of course, there are many different 'Forms' of Government and each has its History and its Political Structure. But, the Democratic Form is the only one that is constituted; 'of the People'; 'by the People'; and 'For the People'.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

'Democracy' is 'not Scientific', therefore, 'Politicians' should be 'Prepared' for a most 'Difficult Task'.

'Democracy' is 'not Scientific', therefore, 'Politicians' and 'Office Holders' should be Prepared for a 'Most Difficult task'. The Function of the Top with power is to 'Govern' and Governing a Democracy is not easy. It takes 'Intelligence and Judgement', to be situated at the 'Top' and to be 'Governing a Bottom' of Millions of 'Different Human Beings'; 'all' of which are 'Free and Equal'. The 'Top' has always had a 'certain stability 'viz. the 'Constitution'. Literally, the Constitution 'Constitutes us'. It establishes a 'Form of Governing'. But, 'Real Difficulties' arise when our Politicians begin to 'Really Understand' that 'Each and Every Real Individual' is 'Free and Equal'. A 'Unified Top of Institutional Power' and a 'Multiplicity' of 'Free and Equal' 'Human Beings' at the Bottom. Both, the Top; the Office Holders; the 'Politicians' must 'Govern' and the 'Bottom' must be 'Law abiding'. 'Each Level of the Governmental Structure' has a 'Role' to 'Play' in the 'Democratic Organization' of a 'Government'. What an Opportunity to Really Establish Democracy! The arrangement is not Scientific, its 'Political', its 'Institutional'; but the 'Multiplicity of Individuals' at the 'Bottom' are 'Real' and retain their 'Freedom and Equality. Anyone 'serving' in a 'Representative Capacity' must also be 'Law Abiding' and must 'Govern', not Rule. 'Rule is Rule', it is 'not Governing'. 'Governing is Power' and 'Power is Institutional'. Hence, Governing must be 'Intelligent' and it must follow Rules established in the 'Constitution'. So, how can someone not qualified hold Public office? Governing is not a Business; its a 'Selfless' and 'Intelligent manner' of 'Serving and Protecting' the 'Freedom and Equality' of 'Each and Every' 'Real Individual' at the Bottom. So where are the Standards and Qualifications that 'must exist' for 'Politicians and Office Holders'? 'Institutional Power' cannot be 'Unfettered' because the Bottom are "Real Living Human Beings" and 'No Human Being' is 'created' with 'Power' over 'Another'. Each One is Free and Equal.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

An 'Institutionalized Democracy' may not be a 'Science', but its the most important 'Form' of Government.

An 'Institutionalized Democracy' may not be a 'Science', but its the most important 'Form' of Government. Every 'Governmental Polity' has its 'Form' and its 'Structure' and its 'Ideology'. The 'Form' usually 'Structures' an 'Arrangement' of the 'Top and the Bottom' of the 'Political Entity'. That 'structure' delineates the 'Forms of Power' at the 'Top' and the 'arrangements' of the 'Many Peoples' at the Bottom. All Political Entities have 'Power' at the 'Top' and the 'Many' at the 'Bottom'. But, in a Democracy, the 'People' are the 'Many' and there's Millions of them. Each One is an 'Individual' and each 'One' is 'Human' and each 'One' is 'Different'. In a Democracy, that 'Difference' can be expressed by 'each' Individual, so long as it is within the 'confines' of 'Law and Order'. The necessity for Law and Order is Obvious. There's 'Millions of Individuals' at the 'Bottom', and each one is 'Free and Equal'. Hence, the only prohibition is activity that violates 'Law and Order'. Now here is a 'Form of Government' that has 'Power at the Top', and a 'Multiplicity' of 'Free and Equal Individuals' at the 'Bottom'. How is the Top 'Utilized' and How is 'Power Instituted'? The Top has an 'Absolute Right' to 'Govern', but 'Govern' it must, it 'cannot Rule', and the 'Many' have an 'Absolute Right' to 'Remain Free and Equal', but within 'Law and Order'. That's the only 'Form' a 'Democracy' can assume and that 'Form' must be 'Protected' from 'abuse' by 'Unqualified Leaders'. So, where are the 'Standards and Qualifications' required for 'Politicians' and 'Non-Politicians to 'Serve' in that Capacity? Truly, 'Individuals in Political Office' are 'Servants' of 'The People'.
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.