Sunday, November 13, 2016

Government is a necessity; Representative Government is a necessity; being "Politically correct", is politically Objective, not Selfish.

Government is necessary to a 'condition of togetherness'. A 'condition of togetherness' consists of many 'real Individuals', or human beings, living together, 'side by side', 'next to each other'. That 'condition' requires real Individuals to 'represent' the 'condition' as a whole. That's why we call it Representative Government. Representative Government is necessary because Government is an Institution required by the 'condition of togetherness'. A Government is not necessary to one lone Individual living on an Island. However, 'to Represent' requires 'political Power' in the Representative and 'political power' means Power over the 'body politic'; its not Power over Individuals, its Institutional Power over an Institution and that means that 'personal self-interest' is not included in the exercise of political power. The exercise of Institutional Power requires a 'working' and 'functional knowledge' of the Institution as a whole. That's where so-called 'political correctness' comes in. The term as it is currently used, is empty, vacuous, hallow, and insubstantial. Its not accompanied with concrete suggestions of the Institutional changes being brought about, if any. In other words, the talk is 'empty', and real political talk demands 'real changes' in the institutional make-up of the Bottom. But, these changes are not for the sole benefit of the Representative,( himself or herself), nor are they for the sole benefit of any 'one sector' of the Body-Politic. They benefit the whole 'condition of togetherness', and not just 'specific Races' (White), or 'specific economic groups'( the 1%, or, the Legal Fictions called 'Corporations'). That's 'selfish', and not 'political'. Political activity is 'objective', personal activity, can be objective, but in most cases, is 'selfish'. How sad. Politicians cannot handle Political Power. They do not understand political Power. They think they, as individual human beings, are 'powerful', when, in fact, they function only as 'Representatives', and only for their duration as 'Representatives': which, thanks to a Democratic Polity, is not very long.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Plutocracy at the Democratic White House.

Plutocratic principles cannot drive a Democracy. Democracy is driven by the democratic principles of Freedom and Equality. A Government that is not driven by Freedom and Equality is 'transformed' into an economic institution that can only be driven by Profits. How sad; an Institution for the sole purpose of Governing is transformed into an Institution for Profits; an Institution for 'more and more of the same. There is no Freedom and Equality in an economic Institution driven by Profits. The essence of a 'condition of togetherness'( the Bottom of Government) is the uniqueness of each and every 'real' Individual at the Bottom of Government. The 'real people' at the Bottom are the ones who transfer and 'clothe' the institution of the 'Top' with 'political power'. Without that transfer of Political Power, the Top is merely 'the Top'; an empty vacuous, 'political' Institution'. In such a case, the Top is 'empty', 'powerless', and does not have the power to 'Govern'. Hence, a Plutocracy cannot govern and should 'not have power' to Govern. That was the reason why the so-called, "Divine Right of Kings" form of Government was instituted. They needed some source of Power. So, they reached to the very Top. The fact is that there is no 'Divine Right', nor is their an 'economic right', i.e., a 'right' based on an 'economic fiction' called "money", ( more and more of the same) which happens to be 'cumulative', and which should be a 'medium of exchange', and which is 'equally vacuous'. A huge 'shift' from going to the very Top ( "God made me do it") to going to the very 'Bottom', for the wrong reasons, ('I have more than you have'). If Plutocracy is 'alive and well' at the White house, democracy is dead. If democracy is still 'alive and well', the People need to 'speak up', and the Media needs to emphasize that we live in a democracy, where real Statesmen protect the Freedom and Equality of the People at the Bottom of Government. The People do not need more 'deals', they need more Freedom and Equality.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

The "Social Contract" no longer exists; What does exist is "power" at the Top and 'real Individuals' and 'Legal Fictions' at the Bottom.

The "Social Contract" does not exist. The term Social is so general and abstract that it does not even begin to include all the real Individuals at the Bottom of Government. Abstract terms can be so vacuous that they become unmanageable. If anyone asked, "should the term 'social' in 'Social Contract' include every single 'real' Individual at the Bottom of Government, the answer would have to be "yes", but; we still have a 'semblance' of the 'racial problem' and we have a huge 'economic problem', in the form of the 1% and the 99%. So, what happened to the Social Contract? To begin with, only 'real Individuals' can be said to be able to enter into a contract. So, why do we include Corporations( legal fictions), and protect them as if they were real, in the Social Contract, and why do we include them as "Persons" in the sense of 'contributing' to economic activity by 'participating' in politics? Law does not even recognized them as 'real', yet, Citizens United considers them 'Persons' and entitles them to Constitutional protection, as such. The proper manner to consider the 'Bottom' is to consider it as 'constituted' as a 'condition of togetherness', formed by real Individuals, and not as a 'vacuous Social'. This way, all real Individuals retain their human uniqueness and are 'counted' as 'individual elements' forming a 'condition of togetherness', which permits every real Individual to be 'counted'.This is one way to 'quantify' democracy. Corporations can be protected, but should not be considered as constituting 'Persons' entitling them to the same 'Constitutional Rights' as real persons. How sad. Economic principles have usurped the 'political principles' of Freedom and Equality by creating imbalances in the economy. Money has taken over Politics and the principles of Freedom and Equality. Greed drives our Democracy; or should I say, our Plutocracy.
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.