Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Democracy must 'Govern'; Corporate Capitalism 'generates' Greed; and that must be controlled.

A characteristic of Democracy is that it needs to 'Govern' and apply 'Democratic Principles' to each and every 'Real' Individual in the 'Condition of Togetherness'. A characteristic of Capitalism is that it can generate Greed. Democracy must apply to every real Individual in the 'Condition of togetherness'( hereinafter, the Social). In a Democracy, regardless of Race, Color, or Creed, every real Individual must be 'counted' or, 'accounted for'. The Bottom of Democracy, or the 'Social', must be 'quantified' and every real 'Individual' must be included in the 'establishment' and 'distribution' of 'Rights', Juridical and Economic, that must be attributed to the 'Freedom and Equality' of the Individual. On the other hand, 'Capitalism' and business 'Corporations' are 'money making machines'; that's their sole function. They can only function with a 'motor' of 'Profits and Money'. To be sure, they belong in the Economy, as an 'essential Part' of the Polity. But, a 'Democratic Polity' is motored by 'Freedom and Equality'. Hence, the tension between Democracy and Capitalism. Capitalism has a great advantage over Democratic Government because its sole function is Profits and Money, and for that purpose, it has created 'Legal Fictions' called 'Corporations', and they are considered as a 'Person' subject to the protection of the Constitution. The 'Democratic Polity' doesn't have 'fictional Individuals'. They are all 'Real human beings' and the Freedom and Equality applies to each and every real human being. These real human beings constitute the Social and no real Human Being can compete with a 'Corporate Person'. The corporate 'economic embrace' is beyond measure. Capitalism has destroyed healthy competition. Of course, the increased 'economic embrace', or, 'economic Grasp', contributes to the 'lop-sided' economic 'balance' in the Social. That economic balance dominates the economic field and leads to 'Greed' and the 1%. So, do we get rid of Corporations? NO!,No!, No!, we give Corporations more democratic duties and we control Greed, or, the 'hoarding' of the Medium of Exchange. The democratic duties could include provisions in their Charters to provide more 'democratic Functions' with a 'newly formed internal structure'. With respect to hoarding, a medium of Exchange must circulate. That's its sole purpose. Hoarding by 'Corporations' or their "Owners" should be made Illegal, or, their Tax bracket should return to where it was some years ago, 70%-90%. A corporation is not a 'Real Person'; its a Fiction and hence, its not entitled to be treated as a 'Real Person'.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Democracy's greatest problem is the 'Capitalistic attitude' and hoarding a 'Medium of Exchange'.

Democracy's greatest problem is the Capitalistic attitude of the 'People' at the Bottom. There is nothing wrong with Capitalism as an economic system. Its the best economic system. But, the system, as a whole, is motored by Profits and Money. Hence, Capitalism has its place in a Democracy. nevertheless, it must stay within its 'own social boundaries'. That may not be too easy; because all the 'Peoples', at the Bottom of Government, and all Politicians also live within the same Governmental, Economic, Social, Capitalistic system. The two systems must function 'separately'. But. it becomes imperative for the 'Governmental part' and the 'Political Part', to function with Freedom and Equality for all the Individuals in the Social. Politicians must be 'conversant' and 'functional' within the Political system and hence, must function with 'political principles' of Democracy. The Problematic arises when we 'mix' the Two, or, sometimes, when Government is infiltrated with a 'Capitalistic attitude' that 'creeps' into Governing. In all Probability, there is no such thing as a Billionaire Politician. The reason for that is that an economy cannot function with the Motor of Freedom and Equality and a Democratic Government cannot function with a motor of Profits, Money, and Bigness. Hence, a Political candidate must be a Politician. Normally, a Billionaire is motivated by Profits, Money, and Bigness, whereas, a Politician should be motivated by 'political principles'; 'political Ideology'; and the altruistic 'wish' to Govern with 'Democracy'. A Billionaire 'Politician' wants 'more and more of the same' and builds 'Big Buildings', and makes decisions based on Profits, money and 'a Good Deal'. A 'Real Politician' wishes to eliminate 'discrimination' of all kinds; particularly, Racial, Economic; and Educational; and to arrange the Social in a 'form or structure' that protects and respects the Freedom and Equality of 'all real Individuals' in the Social. His first priority should be to 'rearrange' the 'internal form' of the Corporation, so that it 'reflects' a more 'democratic' form of existence. After all, Law creates Corporations. Its time Corporations also become 'motored' by some Democratic Political principles and not solely, by economic principles. Business Corporations are Money Making Machines and hence those Profits and monies should go to some 'Democratic ideals' and 'functions', instead of the 1%. 'Hoarding' a 'Medium of Exchange' should be a punishable Legal Offence. After all, its only a 'medium of exchange', and its only created for that 'sole function'.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

The Democratic 'motor' works upon 'each' Individual; the Capitalistic 'motor' works upon 'Economic Institutions'.

The Democratic motor works upon 'each' and 'every' Real Individual in the 'Condition of Togetherness'( hereinafter referred to as 'the Condition'). Every Individual must be 'accounted' and 'provided for', within the 'Condition'. The reason for that is that 'each Individual' retains his/her unique 'Individuality', and must 'count' in the establishment of 'Democratic governing'. One cannot 'count' within 'general abstractions' like Social, Society, The People, the Bottom, etc.. General abstractions cannot be 'verified'. Unfortunately, they leave 'too much wiggle room' for 'duplicity' and they do not provide any mode for 'accountability'. In a 'Real Democracy', each 'real' Individual must be 'counted', and S/he cannot be swept under the 'rug of 'abstract generality'. That means that when we say every Individual is Free and Equal, we must 'include', i.e., 'count' 'every' Individual, regardless of 'Race', 'Color', 'Creed', 'Class', Social, or Economic standing. If, You or I, are not 'counted' in formulating Freedom and Equality in the 'condition of togetherness', we do not live in a Democracy. When we 'Quantify Democracy', every Real Individual is 'Counted' and every 'Leader' is 'Accountable'. In Capitalism the goal is to 'Produce', 'more and more of the Same', i.e., Profits and Money. That created the 1%. Capitalists want Big, Huge, never-ending 'more and more'. They even went to the extent of creating Legal Fictions called 'Persons', like you and I, and afforded them Constitutional protection. Capitalists don't 'Govern'; they 'Produce': on the Other hand, Politicians don't 'produce', they 'Govern' with 'Freedom and Equality'. A good Politician probably wouldn't make a very Good Businessman; and a good Businessman would never make a 'good Politician'. The point is don't 'inextricably' mix the Two. Keep 'Big Business' out of Politics, and get rid of Citizens United.

Friday, June 9, 2017

The 'Democratic Motor' establishes Law and Order to 'drive' Freedom and Equality of the Individual.

The Democratic 'Motor' establishes Law and Order to 'further' drive the Freedom and Equality of the Individual. Only a democratic Motor can do that. Law and Order 'establishes' and 'arranges' an 'orderly' and 'effective' 'condition of togetherness' that 'protects and defends' the freedom and equality of all the 'real' Individuals in the Nation, or the 'Social'. This arrangement of the 'condition of togetherness' must originate at the 'Top of Government', or, stated differently, at the 'inception of the Governmental Entity'; i.e., its 'Constituted nature', or, its Constitution. Constitutional Law 'governs' the constituted nature of the Nation and the 'place' of the Real Individual of the Social. The 'economic motor' is also a 'necessary part' of the 'National scheme'; but, the 'economic motor' is part of the 'Political' or 'Democratic motor'. The Nation and the real Individuals need an Economy but, at this point, great care must be taken. The Economy is 'part' of the political and not the other way around. There are 'political terms' like 'Political Economy' that can be used to 'confuse' the priority of the Terms. There's a great danger to misunderstanding the priority of the 'two Institutions'. If we place the Economic 'prior' to the Political, we are placing their respective motors at the point of Origin. The motor of the Economic is 'profits and money' and the motor of the Political is 'Freedom and equality'. Neither Institution can function with the 'Motor' of the Other. Try making a 'Profit' with Freedom and Equality, or, try implementing 'Democracy' with profits and money. Another problem is that the Economic sector has Legal Fictions or, 'artificial persons'. They are not 'Real Persons'. Hence, they should not be 'equated' to the 'Real'. In a real Constitutional Democracy, all the 'real persons' are protected by the Constitution. The Legal Fiction can also be protected, but only 'up to a point'. They are not Real!; and 'should not' be 'equated' to the Real. There goes 'Objectivity'. Get rid of Citizens United!

Thursday, June 8, 2017

A Democracy requires Law and Order to protect the 'Freedom and Equality' of the Individual.

A Democracy protects the 'Freedom and Equality' of each and every 'Individual', in the 'Condition of Togetherness', through Law and Order. Law and Order is both a 'positive statement' and a 'negative statement' of what an Individual 'can' and 'cannot' do. The term Law and Order refers to the 'structure' or 'form' of the 'condition of togetherness', as it is 'circumscribed', and 'structured', by Law. That's why it is said that we are a 'Nation of Laws'. There are many kinds of Law. Constitutional Law 'delineates' the 'establishment' and the 'Power' in the Three Branches of Government. The Constitution 'constitutes us' as a Nation. Civil and Criminal Law delineates the Laws governing Civil Society or the 'condition of togetherness'. It sets out general Rights and structures a 'Social'. Whereas, Criminal Law sets out, in negative fashion, what we cannot do. If we violate a criminal statute, we can be punished and even put in jail. If a Corporation violates a Criminal Law, it cannot be punished or put in jail, because it does not exist. Its a Legal Fiction and exists only in contemplation of Law. Of course, there are Laws that govern corporations; their creation, and their structures. The 'Fiction' is created by Law. A Corporation is not a Natural entity. If a corporation does something wrong, it can be corrected, but, if in violation of Criminal Statutes, it cannot be put in jail. Its possible to get behind the corporate structure to punish the real Individual behind the infraction, but first one must "pierce the corporate veil", to get to the Individual. That's not an easy task. Corporations are "Persons" and entitled to protection by the Constitution, but they are not 'real' Persons. A real Person cannot compete with a Corporation. Hence, the economy is 'out of kilter'. The motor that drives a Democracy is freedom and equality. The motor that drives the Economy and Capitalism is Profits, and money. The Two motors must be kept separate because Democracy cannot survive with profits and Money; and Capitalism cannot survive with Freedom and Equality.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Democracy is not perfect; but its a viable system for implementing its Principles.

Democracy is not perfect; but its a viable system for implementing its Principles. The fact that it has Three Branches of Government is already a 'different approach' to Governing; an approach that allows for the 'participation' of each of the Three Branches to function in their different capacities. Of course, the interaction between the Branches is not a perfect one; but its a 'means' which allows for the 'expression' of the 'will' of the 'Individual', or, stated differently, for the 'expression' of 'the Bottom', of Government, or, of the 'will of the People' in their 'condition of togetherness'. The Bottom, the People, 'legislates'; the Top, the Government, 'Governs'; and the 'sides' or the Third Branch, 'Adjudicates'. Its the best system of Government around; not Perfect, but then we live in a 'real World'. The system has many areas that need improvement. But, that is not a reason for discarding the system. To be sure its a reason to 'better it' or to try to 'perfect it'. But, the division into Three Branches further requires that the 'function' of each 'Branch' must remain 'separate'. A 'Separation of Powers' is necessary for the 'Structure' or 'Form' of Democracy to 'retain' its 'democratic nature', i.e., a Government "of the People", "by the People" and "for the People". No 'One Branch' can interfere with the 'Other Branch'. If the System is to remain 'viable', the System must 'respect' and be 'Bound' by the 'function' of the 'Other' Branches of the System. A Three Branch Government can only function by means of 'Law and Order'. Law and Order governs the Social, or, the Bottom, or 'the condition of togetherness'; Law and Order governs the function of the 'Executive Branch' by Constitutional interpretation. At this point, great care must be taken, because the Third Branch must decide, objectively, if possible, what is 'Law'and 'Order' in a Three Branch form of Governmental interaction. The problematic is that the members of the Third Branch already belong to different 'Political Parties', and the 'Social' is further organized into 'Federal' and 'States' groupings, or into a 'Republic' form of Government; so the question is what constitutes 'Objectivity' in Adjudication?
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.