Saturday, August 29, 2020

The Problematic between the Top and the Bottom is not easy to resolve.

The Problematic between the Top and the Bottom is not easy to resolve. The Top needs to be establihed as an Institution that 'Protects' and 'Governs' the 'Real Individuals' at the Bottom. Of course, there are many 'Forms of Government' for doing that. Purportedly, there's the Autocratic Form, the Plutocratic Form, and, of course, the Democratic Form. If the Form Chosen is the Democratic Form the Real Individuals at the Bottom play a very important part in the Institution. Hence; its called 'Governing', not 'Ruling'. Democracy doesnt Rule; it 'Governs'. The Democratic Form Governs the 'Freedom and Equality' of the 'Real Individual'. It emphasizes the 'Freedom and Equality' of the Real 'Person' as contrasted with the 'Democratic Rights' of the 'Corporate Person'. The 'Corporate Person' is recognized by Law as a 'Legal Fiction' and is 'not' a 'Real Human Person'. The 'Rights' it may have, may be called 'Business Rights', but, never 'Human Rights'. Its not 'Human'. Another Form of Government is the 'Socialistic Form'; it 'owns' the 'means of Production'. Its 'not Socialistic' to 'Govern' and 'promote the General Welfare' and 'secure the Blessings of Liberty' for the Real Individuals at the Bottom. Thats Governing. Politicians are calling a Democratic Form of governing Socialistic because it 'helps' the 'Real Individual' at the Bottom; and that is a blatent, intentional fabrication. Politics has been reduced to 'name calling', coarse language, misrepresentations, and an attempt to 'Rule', instead of 'Governing'.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Politics requires a high degree of Knowledge and Wisdom.

Politics requires a high degree of 'Knowkledge and Wisdom.' Democracy may accept the fact that anyone can 'Run for Office', but that should not include anyone that lacks the 'Knowledge and Wisdom' to 'do Politics'. Its one thing to say that anyone can Run for Office, its another to say that an Individual with an 'Autocratic or Dictatorial Personality', in our midst, can 'Run' and 'implement' his or her 'Dictatorial Attitude into the 'Proper Functions' of Democratic Office. 'He' or 'She' may have the 'Money', and maybe the 'Influence', but not the 'Right Knowedge' and 'Wisdom' to 'Govern' a Democracy. Thats why, it's important to have Basic requirements to 'participate' in Democratic Politics. Anyone interested in being a 'Politician' is Free to do so and its difficult to assume that such a Person would 'not be interested' in having the 'Knowledge and Wisdom' to do so. Where are the Requirements? All Proffessionals are required to be knowledgeable, qualified, and Licensed to Practice their discipline; why not Politicians? 'Absolute Freedom' to participate in some 'discipline' should not include the 'Unqualified' and 'Autocratic disposition' to 'destroy' the 'Democratic Process'.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

'Politics' is not just about 'Political Power'; its also about 'Political Foresight'.

'Politics' is not just about 'Political Power'; its also about 'Political Foresight'. But, Political Foresight requires a 'thorough knowledge' of the Political Entity. All Political Entities 'didn't' just 'get there'. They 'evolved' into a location on the Planet alongside Other Political Entities. They have a history and hence, political Hindsight is also important. Hence, Politics is about the 'exercise of Political Power' with full knowlede of 'where its been' and where it 'wants to go'. In a Democracy, the 'Freedom and Equality' of the Individual, at the Bottom, is 'always' a political consideration. Freedom and Equality 'drive' the 'Democratic Entity'. Of course, its very easy for a Political Entity to be driven by Economic Factors. That shifts the Motor of the Social towards the creation and maintenance of a 'Corporate Society' and that 'creates' Economic 'Classses' and a 'Social Motor' that contributes to 'More and More' of the 'Same', to wit; Money and Property. These 'Behemoths' have already been 'elevated' to being a 'Person' in 'Contemplation of Law'. Great care must be excercized to insure that the evolution of the Social 'protects' and 'Expand's' the 'Freedom and Equality' of the Real Individuals at the 'bottom' of 'the Bottom'. After all, Democratic Political Entities are 'Institutions' that were 'Establihed' and were given 'Political Power' to 'provide for the General Welfare'.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

There will always be Political Issues about 'How to Govern'.

There will always be Political Issues about 'How to Govern'. But the different Isues must be 'resolved' within an 'Ideology' that is Democratic in nature. There can be no variation from the basic Principle of the 'Freedom and Equality' of all Individuals at the Bottom. Freedom and Equality is basic and must be considered in the Resolution of the problem. For example: a 'Social Demonstration' that has arisen properly must be 'addressed' and not 'quashed' with the Military. To quash it with the Military would be the Autocratic Way; not the Democratic Way. Thats precisely why so-called Political Science and 'Politicians' need some kind of 'preparation' that 'qualifies' them to 'Run for Office'. It fine to say that anyone can Run for Office but great care must be exercised in choosing between Candidates. Hence, some 'background'; some 'Preparation' and 'Requirements' need to be established. Of course; anyone can Run for 'Political Office', but not everyone ' wants too, and not everyone is qualified to 'lead a Democracy'. Its Time to 'Wake-up'.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

In a Democracy, Political Power at the Top cannot be Absolute Power over the Bottom.

In a Democracy, Political Power at the Top cannot be Absolute Power over the Bottom. To allow Absolute Power at the Top would be to allow a Top which can change its Democratic Character. The Power at the Top is a 'Transferred Power'; the 'Freedom and Equality' of 'each Individual' at the Bottom is transferred to the 'Institutional Top' for the sole purpose of 'Governing'. No Institution, 'per se', has 'Power'. It may have 'Authority' in certain 'Areas', but not Power. Certainly, Authority allows for certain types of 'Control' but, it does not allow for 'Power'. The 'Only' Institutional Instrument that can establish Power is the 'Constitution'. Freedom and Equality of each Individual is granted by a 'Democratic Constitution' and the 'Constitution' constitutes our 'Freedom and Equality'. It constitutes 'Us' and it can 'only Govern' us according to 'Law and Order'. It cannot Rule. Any 'Democracy' that purports to 'Rule' is 'not a Democracy'.
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.