Thursday, December 24, 2015

An economy is essential; but a 'democratic economy' can 'fly' loose from its 'moorings'.

An economy in the 'condition of togetherness' is essential; but, it cannot 'fly loose' from its moorings. Although, an economy is 'more' quantifiable than Equality and Freedom, it must have a 'foundation' that keeps it in check. That foundation used to be the 'gold standard', but, that no longer applies. Its difficult to conceptualize, but Money, the 'ultimate fiction', has flown into a 'fictitious realm' labeled as 'derivatives'; once referred to as "financial weapons of mass destruction". The 'unchecked' ascendancy of a 'fiction' into a 'higher level of abstraction', one that 'tramples' on the line separating 'morals' from 'economics'. It cannot be kept in check unless the Government begins to require more democratic duties from corporations. How sad, the fictitious realm has taken over a 'genuine life' of human Equality and Freedom. Of course, the 'Individual' in a democracy also has 'duties',but, fortunately and unfortunately, the Equality and Freedom of the human condition can become 'greedy'. That's real sad; because, in the economic realm, that 'greed' is 'motored' by a fiction that is totally empty. The bottom line is that both Government and the Individual must learn not to give up their 'real life' for a 'fictitious life'. Maybe some 'degree' of so called 'Socialism' is needed. I say 'so-called' because the term, in a political context, is misunderstood. The term is on so high a level of abstraction, that it is 'dis-functional'. The term needs to become 'more connected' to the act of governing (less abstract) that it actualizes the duty of Government to 'really govern' the 'condition of togetherness', and each and every Individual 'in' the 'said condition'.

Monday, December 14, 2015

The 'tensions' in Democracy 'generate' Law; the 'tensions' in Capitalism 'generates' greed.

The 'tensions' in Democracy generates Law; the tensions in Capitalism generates Greed. Democracy demands Freedom and Equality and the freedom and equality of each and every Individual, subject to democratic Government, brings about the necessity of Law to 'regulate' and monitor' the exercise of that assured freedom and equality. Individuals are prone to 'individualism' or 'self-rule' and very often that individual attitude 'overflows' into the 'governing aspects', within the social, or the 'government', into some form of Autocratic-rule. Individuals do not distinguish between individual-self-rule and 'social' or 'government rule'. Stated differently, 'control'over 'ones-self' and 'power' over the condition of togetherness are two entirely different matters. Hence, established rules for the interactions of an individual living within the 'condition of togetherness' becomes essential, hence the necessity of Law. Of course, Law regulates and controls interactions of Individuals, in such a manner, as to hold the 'condition' together, without violating anyone's basic 'human rights'. Capitalism is different. The motor that drives Capitalism is not the freedom and equality of the Individual. Capitalism is driven by profits. No profits, no chance of survival in the economy. Hence, the 'self-rule' of 'democratic freedom' translates into 'more and more' of the same, or Greed. Capitalism creates Greed, and Greed establishes the 1%. It has become necessary for Government to establish institutions and possibly Laws, that require the 'fair' 'circulation' of the 'medium of exchange'. After all, the reason we have 'money' is because it is a 'medium of exchange'. If it was 'not' a medium of exchange, it would be a worthless piece of paper. Hence, it shouldn't be 'locket' up, or kept from circulating. Of course, the 'biggest culprit' that creates Greed is the Corporation; that 'legal fiction' that only exists in 'contemplation of law'. We create our own monsters and then we lose control over them.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Government is a political Institution; as such, it has a 'Persona'.

Democratic Government is a Political Institution, as such, it has a 'public persona'. Many Governments call themselves Democratic, but, not all so-called Democratic governments have a 'public posture' that practices the 'essential elements' of 'equality' and 'freedom' of the Individual. Many Nations can be judged to be 'democratic or not', by the 'social practices' acceptable within their 'established' political structures or, stated differently, by their 'Public Persona'. Of course, what is normally called an 'established' Democracy often-times fails the test of a 'true democracy'. How many Nations can say their practices do not, in fact, allow 'racial', religious, or economic', discrimination? Often-times, these so-called 'tolerable' public practices merely tolerate Individual, personality, characteristics with 'plutocratic leanings'. We all have 'plutocratic leanings'. Fortunately, or, unfortunately, every Individual needs a certain amount of 'money' to survive in our society. The problematic, arises when the so-called essential 'need for money' accelerates itself into the Plutocratic, public domain. At that point, an essential striving translates itself into a 'more and more of the same' type of striving characteristic of the 'Plutocratic Leanings' that lead to Plutocracy. How sad, we cannot live 'alone' and we cannot live in a 'condition of togetherness'.
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.