Saturday, August 27, 2016

Government is essential to the 'condition of togetherness', but; Government must govern the 'real individual'.

Government is essential to the 'condition of togetherness. But 'Government' and its functions can very easily be misunderstood and misconstrued. "To Govern" means to 'order', 'structure', and 'guide', on a daily basis, the 'condition of togetherness', in its governmental functions. Government is a 'guide' not a 'rule'. It passes 'Laws' to structure the movements of the populace and its Institutions. Of course, that includes the 'economy' and its Institutions, as well as the Institutions of Religion and of the so-called 'Social'. Government must govern the 'condition of togetherness. It has no other function. As we've said before, one man, maybe even two men, on an Island, do not need Government. They may need Morals, rules of behavior, but they do not need Government, nor Laws. But, unlike the 'term' "the social", the term the 'condition of togetherness' retains the 'Individuality' of each person. The Individual does not blend into some nebulous 'abstract term' devoid of 'the reality of each and every human being' constituting the 'condition'. As such, Government governs the 'real individual', not the 'social', in all its abstract, surreal, nebulous, manifestations. In other words, Government governs 'real People', not 'nebulous abstractions'. Its very easy to fool ourselves into believing the 'words', and ignoring the reality. We must also be very careful not to confuse the 'terms' of government with the terms of the economy. Government is 'motored' by 'Freedom and Equality', and the economy, is 'motored' by profits. Today, it appears, that even 'politics' is in danger. When politicians conduct a campaign according to the unwritten rules of a 'bar-room brawl', and 'personality assassination', Democracy is in trouble. Where are the 'Governors'; the 'States-persons'; where is 'real' Democracy?

Thursday, August 11, 2016

What does 'Politically correct' really mean?

What does "politically correct" really mean. Today, obviously, the term is being thrown around as if being 'political' is, in itself, inappropriate. The problem with the term is that it is used in an 'empty vacuous' manner. In other words the term is used only as 'words' free-floating in social space and completely unfounded in the 'real level' of the social. Its empty talk that is designed to persuade, but that has no foundation in reality. That's the 'political correctness' that must be remedied. A real political 'program' or 'suggestion' must accompany any political suggestions about, for example, Freedom and Equality, and the 'empty terms' should not be allowed to free-float in empty social space. If 'racial discrimination' exists, it must be corrected. If 'economic discrimination' exists, it must be corrected with a 'real program' for improvement. Today 'some politicians' condemn 'political correctness' and apparently do not understand what the term means. That is obvious because the opposite of political correctness, to them, seems to mean 'economically correct', which just focuses on 'more of the same',or, promises of more money. Apparently, they do not have a real 'political vocabulary'. They, admittedly, are not political at all, and yet purport to 'correct' the political situations that need to be improved. A 1% er, running for office is motored by the economy, and money, and usually, has no political motives, for seeking office. Just listen to the terms being used and you will hear the 'language of the economy'. The Nation and the social cannot be nourished by money or the economy. What becomes necessary is 'real' political language; the language of democracy; a language that helps the Nation and the social to become more 'integrated', and more 'social'. Show me the 'meat'; the programs; the 'institutions; the elimination of all the 'faults' that still exist in our social. Show me, 'real' Freedom, and 'real' Equality. That's 'real' politics.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Lets face it; Democracy is not perfect, but its preferable to any other form of Government.

Democracy is not perfect, but neither is any other form of Government. Nevertheless, Democracy is Government "of the People", "by the People" and "for the People". No other form of government gives 'the People' at the Bottom of Government, the privilege of 'ascending' to the 'pinnacle of Power'. Its the 'Peoples Government'. However, great care must be exercised in designing the means by which any one Individual may ascend to power. Of course, a Government is as 'proper', practical, and 'Just', as the People who 'run' it. Some Individuals believe the 'vocabulary' of Government and, of elections, has lost its efficacy. That may be the case, but that vocabulary cannot be 're-established' from the terms and vocabulary of the economy. There's a reason for that; it being, that the economy runs on 'profits', and not on 'political' principles of Freedom and Equality. Freedom and Equality of the Individual, 'organizes' and 'structures' the 'condition of togetherness' that the Peoples live in. That 'condition of togetherness' is a National condition, not a State or 'local condition'. Democracy is not a State or local function only. Its National in scope and totally inclusive. To assume that States have a 'privilege' to set up there own Government is O.K., but a State cannot set up a Dictatorship form of Government. The reason for that is that the U.S. Constitution governs the 'condition of togetherness on a National scale. States must also comply, and not be antagonistic, to the provisions of the Constitution of the United States. A Democratic form of Government, governs the whole Nation, and all the States must also comply. A Democracy depends on 'its People'; other forms of Government depend on 'their Ruler'.
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.