Sunday, January 24, 2016

"Socialism" will not work; Equality and Freedom of the Individual, in a 'condition of togetherness', will work.

"Socialism", as a form of Government, will not work. The term is a misnomer; and an Oxymoron, because the Top of Government governs the human Individual, as an Individual, living in 'a condition of togetherness'. A 'condition of togetherness' always retains the 'individual elements' who are real, and who 'constitute' the 'togetherness' of the condition. Government cannot govern a general abstraction called the 'social' in its condition of 'abstraction'. The abstract nature of the term leaves too much 'wiggle room', at the Bottom of Government, among the real Individuals who are being governed, and leads to much abuse of power. If such was the case, racial discrimination could be justified by saying, "we have a socialistic form of government", where everyone is Equal and Free; when, in fact, Government discriminates between the individuals constituting the 'different' human races; or, sets standards that benefit one group of Individuals, but, discriminates against the Other groups. A "Social", in its 'condition of abstraction', cannot be governed; whereas a 'condition of togetherness' can be governed if each and every real Individual is included in the 'condition'. Governing is not easy, because it requires an Individual Representative who is capable of respecting the uniqueness of the individual human condition; and is able to govern the 'condition of togetherness', in its 'collective' condition without 'forgetting' and eliminating the Individual as a unique human being. Government must never forget that 'its a People' that is being governed.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Democracy is about each and every 'real' Individuals Equality and Freedom. Capitalism is about profits.

Democracy is about each and every 'real' Individual's Equality and Freedom. The Top 'governs' in a Democracy and every Individual counts; nobody can be left out and everyone must be included. Capitalism is about profits and competition between Individuals and Corporations. Everyone is Free to engage in Capitalistic activity, but only the 'Large' and the 'Rich' can compete with the other 'Large' and 'Rich'. Hence there is no such thing as Equality in the Economy and the so-called Freedom to engage in economic activity is a farce. Capitalism and its underlying Economic activity is an entirely different 'value system' from the 'value system' of a Democratic 'Political Institution'. Capitalism cannot be motored by Freedom and Equality and a Government cannot be motored by the profits motor. Hence, it becomes important to keep them separate. Unfortunately, the two value systems are intermingled; this becomes glaringly obvious during elections. Many other 'terms' also creep into the electoral process. For example, the term 'Socialism'. The term is an oxymoron. There is no such 'thing' as governing a 'social'. The term is an abstract generalization that applies to the 'entire Bottom' of the governing process, and which does not 'compute' the real individuals that constitute the 'condition of togetherness'. The 'condition of togetherness' is not an abstract term; and the condition 'includes' each and every 'real Individual' in the 'condition'. Hence, everyone is included and nobody can be left out of the so-called 'social' in a democratic government. Of course, it is said, that corporations are to big to fail. That's baloney. If Corporations are not 'doing' their democratic duties; or if they 'violate Law', ( A Fictions cannot be put in jail) they can be dismantled, and, by Law, their Articles of Incorporation can be 'involuntarily dissolved' until they comply and exist by the rules of a Democracy. You say that's extreme; isn't being a 'member' of the 1% being extreme?

Friday, January 15, 2016

A democratic Government is a necessity; a Capitalistic economy is also a necessity.

A Democratic form of Government is necessary because democracy is a Government of the People; by the People, and most important, for the People. A Capitalistic economy is necessary because 'competition' among the Individuals is a necessary component of the 'drive', or 'energy' towards profits that must be a necessary attribute of a successful economy. However, corporations are legal fictions and exist only in 'contemplation of law'. Otherwise, they do not exist. They are not real. Democracy 'for the People' can never lose sight of the fact that Freedom and Equality is always an 'Individual thing' and must always be 'for the People', or better yet, 'for the Individual' in the 'condition of togetherness'. Otherwise, the concept of freedom and equality becomes a, 'too general, abstract, concept' and becomes, in a practical sense, meaningless. Equally important, is the economic 'drive' towards profits which can be easily transformed into 'capital', ownership, or just 'huge profits'. However, this 'drive' ,if left uncontrolled, can become 'greed', which is not 'good' when it is based on a 'medium of exchange'. How can 'greed' be controlled? The only way is to establish more 'democratic obligations', or, 'official duties' on the part of the 'corporate structure'. This huge fictional, legal structure generates the profits and some Individual keeps the profits. That would be the 1%. Although, both Democracy and Capitalism are essential, the competitive nature of the economy is impossible where one of the competing Parties is 'real' and the other is a 'legal fiction'. More control over the legal fictions, in the form of 'democratic duties', becomes imperative. Democracy requires Freedom and Equality with respect to every 'real Individual'; this does not include 'legal fictions'. Legal Fictions are not real, they are 'constructions', and as such, they can be democratically controlled, or, in the alternative, be terminated.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

A new concept of the State, or, how the One governs the Many.

The old concept of the "State" was considered a " persona ficta, because not a man". Obviously, "man"(also women) is real in a sense that the State is 'not real'. The State became recognized as a "legal fiction" which existed only in "contemplation of Law". Everyone now accepts, the fact that the State is a "political Institution" and "must exist". A "State", 'any State', 'all States' are 'political Institutions', whether organized as Autocracies, differing 'variations' of Autocracy, Kingdoms, Plutocracies, or Democracies. All of the above were historically instituted by an Individual or Individuals to serve as a 'Pivotal Point' for the 'Authority to Govern'. Of course, that is the source of all political power. But, a fiction, in whatever disguise it might assume, soon becomes obvious as a non-existent 'thing'. A 'fiction'cannot hold together the integrity of Government, especially when the 'governing' is real. To be sure, its a very important political concept, but that must not distract us from attempting to establish a more 'valid description' of the 'actual thing' called The state or the Government. Of course, it has to be an Political Institution and it 'must govern' the 'Many People' at the 'Bottom' of the established structure. That 'need' creates a relation between a Top and a Bottom. Of course, the 'Top' is the State, and the 'Bottom', are the millions of People, that are the 'Governed'. But that primitive structure, alone, is inadequate. It needs another 'aspect'; one that determines the correctness of the Governing. Of course, this would be a Judiciary that determines the Constitutionality of the 'Institutionalized Laws'. That is a 'Triadic form of government' where the Top governs according to the Constitution and the Bottom is governed by Law. The Top must govern according to Law; the Bottom must follow the law; and the sides must clearly 'define' the Law, i.e., keep the triadic nature of the Governing process in 'constant motion'. This relation is real; the form of Government is real, and the People governed are real. There are no 'fictional components' to the triadic nature of the Governing process.

Friday, January 8, 2016

The 'condition of togetherness' must retain the 'Individuality' of the human condition.

Obviously, we must live in a 'condition of togetherness'. The general formulation of 'the social' has created many problems. Our use of the terms,'Social', or, 'society', creates a huge linguistic generalization which can, too often, be said to 'signify' a term that is 'vacuous', and 'empty'. The concept is not grounded in a real, human 'individuality'. Too often we use the term 'social' as if it was inclusive of the human condition. Of course, we may be using 'the term' to include the human condition, but it actually neglects the 'specific', nature of 'individuality', which is the essence of Democracy. Democracy, in actuality, is a Government, 'of the Individual' in a 'condition of togetherness'; a Government, 'by the Individual', and most importantly, a Government 'for the Individual' in said condition. That description is a little different from the sweeping generalizations of 'political correctness' which, to be sure, rises to high levels of abstraction, but never seems to 'come down' to the every-day nature of the real, human, individual. That's the problematic. The solution must lie in a sphere where Legislation touches each and every human being, as the Individual s/he is, in the 'condition of togetherness'. Not easy, but worth struggling towards. Regardless the outcomes, the Individual cannot be forgotten. 'Peoples', 'individuals', 'human beings' need Government, but Government cannot and must not abuse the 'political power' that accrues to every 'political Institution', that becomes necessary, because we must live in a 'condition of togetherness'. Government is about 'governing', about legislating, about enforcing laws, in the 'condition of togetherness'; but Government must understand that it only exists because the 'People' were here first. People 'create governments'; Governments exist only for the purpose of governing, otherwise, they would not even exist.
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.