Friday, December 29, 2017

A Democracy can Govern an Economy; but, an Economy cannot Govern a Democracy.

A Democracy can Govern an Economy; but an Economy cannot Govern a Democracy. An Economy is always 'Motored' by Profits, Money and Size. Lacking these three components, an Economy would not be a 'Successful One'. Hence, the only approach 'Government by Economy' can take, would be to further 'fatten' the 1%. In other words, a Democracy would 'self-destruct', if the Economy was to 'Drive' the Ship of State. It should be obvious, that a Government by Economy would never translate into a 'Government by a 99%'. As I've pointed out, the 1% will never be increased, but it would be a 'Fatter' 1%. The 1% get 'Fatter' but 'never increases' the Percentage. The only way to 'change the Percentage' would be to have a Democratic Government driven by 'Freedom and Equality' of 'each and every Real Individual' in the 'Condition of Togetherness'. We must become 'practical' and include every 'Real Individual' within the 'circumference of Governing'. In other words; we must 'Quantify' the 'democratic process' so as to include 'each and every' Real Individual in the Equation of Democratic Government. Democratic Government includes each and every Real Individual, living Next to Each Other, which includes the 'Freedom' and 'Equality' of Everyone in the 'Condition of togetherness'. Now, a Democratic Government can Govern an Economy. However, the Economy must undergo 'Some Changes". Firstly; the Social and the Economy must stop treating Corporations as if they were Real. They are not Real and they create a huge 'imbalance' in the 'Economy', the 'Social', and Democracy. Corporations are Legal Fictions and they 'cohere' only as Imaginary, verbal, Legal Constructs. Now, please listen very carefully!! They are 'absolutely necessary' to the Economy. But, as are all Real Citizens; they 'also' need to be 'better Citizens', 'more Democratic', and, if they are 'artificial Human beings' they should be better 'controlled' by the 'Democratic Economic Process'. What could possibly be wrong with making Corporations better Citizens? After all, they are allowed to 'contribute money' to the Political process; and lets face it, if there's a War, they don't have to go! ......Where are the Real Politicians?

Sunday, December 24, 2017

The 'Economy' takes over Government; while 'Government' consolidates its 'Gains' and 'transforms' Society..

The 'Economy' has taken over the 'Government'; and the 'Government' is rapidly consolidating its 'Gains'. The 1% will be 'Fatter'; Money, Profits and 'Big' becomes the 'New Social'. Government by CEO's and 'Legal Fictions' takes over and Individual 'Freedom and Equality' goes out the Window. Now, closely watch 'Greed' separate and 'classify' the Real Individuals into the 'Haves' and the 'Have-Nots'( 1% and the 99%). Directly and Indirectly, we have a 'Government' of the Rich. Welcome to Plutocracy. Before this, we assumed we lived in a Plutocracy; now, its unquestionable. The New Tax Law rewards the 'Legal Fictions' and the Rich and, as usual, the 'Others'( 99%) are given a 'small taste' for a 'while' which will be taken back, later, by the 'Fatter' 1%. We have become a Society of New Social 'outcomes' that will be 'determined' by the 'Incomes'. We now live in an 'Alice in Money-Land' and the sad part is that we actually 'believe in it'. 'Money', 'Profits', and 'Size' are an 'illusion' as are all Legal Fictions. Money, was supposed to be a Medium of Exchange, an 'invented currency', since one could not 'exchange' a Horse for a Donkey, or, a Cat for a Dog. But, the 'value' of 'each' could be 'exchanged','sold', or 'bought', and a 'Profit' could be made. Value, or money, used to be based on a 'Gold' Standard; no longer the case. Money is a 'Total Fiction'. Since 'Economic Reality' uses Legal Fictions and invented Economic Fictions, to determine economic 'classes', I sometimes wonder, if all 'Real Individuals', I mean 'Everyone', were literally 'Freezing' from an extreme 'Cold Weather'; if they would 'set fire' to all the Paper Money in existence to 'stay alive'; or, would they 'die' instead of burning their paper Money? (No longer on the Forbes List.) Oh well, enough of that. But, when our 'whole existence' is driven by 'legal and economic fictions', its time to revamp our Value System. Where are our Political Leaders; Leaders that really know HOW to Govern; HOW to take care of all the People, and not just some of the People, and all the 'Money'.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Corporate Principles cannot Govern a Democracy.

Corporate Principles cannot Govern a Democracy. They can Govern a Corporation but, the Corporate Structure is not a Political Entity; to be sure, the Corporate Structure is a Business Structure and a Business Structure can only survive if its driven by a 'Profits Principle'. A Business that does not make a Profit will not be in Business for long. Try 'driving a Business' on the Principles of 'Freedom and Equality'. It won't survive! Of course, every Political Entity 'needs' an Economy but, the Political Entity needs 'Political Principles' to 'drive it'. If its a Democracy, the Political Principles are those of 'Freedom and Equality'. A so-called 'Democratic Political Entity' that is not driven by 'Freedom and Equality' is not a Democracy. A Democratic Political Entity driven by 'Business Principles of Profits, Money, and Size', is not a Real Democracy. That is as much a 'Legal fiction' as a Corporation is a 'Legal Fiction'. Legal Fictions are 'not Real', they merely 'hold together' 'imagined Social and Business structures' that exist only in 'Contemplation of Law'. In a 'Real Government', we do not need 'Imagined Structures'. The Bottom of a Democratic Political Entity is its 'People' and 'Each and Every One of Them' is 'Real' and 'Not Imagined'. I am Real and I know you are. When a Political Executive purports to Govern with 'Business Principles', he is 'destroying Democracy' and Perpetuating Business Principles of profits, Money and Size; he is 'fattening' the 1%; creating 'Economic Classes; and the 'Freedom and Equality' of every 'Real Individual' goes out the 'Political Window'. That's 'Politically Unreal' and a form of 'Governing' similar to an 'Autocracy' that is reserved for CEO's in a successful Corporate Society. A Corporate Society cannot survive without 'Autocratic Principles' of Rule. How Sad; a Real 'Democracy' has been overcome by the 'Greedy pursuit' of 'more and more of the same'. What we need is 'more and more Freedom and Equality' and less 'Government by CEO's. To be sure, Business and the Corporate structures have their place; but, leave Real Democratic Governing to the 'Real Politicians'. But, where are the Real Politicians?

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Triadic Nature of Government demands that each Part of Three Branch Government perform its Duty.

The Triadic Nature of Government 'demands' that each of the Three Branches perform its Duty. All Forms of Government are Triadic because they have a Top and a Bottom and a 'Judicial Branch'. A Government may be Dictatorial but it still has 'a People', at the Bottom, and a Judicial Branch, however 'inactive', actual and Ideological, that Branch may be. In a Democracy each Branch plays its Part in an 'Objective Political Order' that should function as a Living Organism, with a 'Brain at the Top', 'a Body at the Bottom' and 'Feelings' or 'Emotions' in the Middle. All Three Branches should 'balance-out' into a condition of 'Political Integrity'. Of course, that's the Ideal. Historically, 'all Revolutions' occur at the Bottom among the People and of course 'Political Revolutions' are meant to bring about some 'change' in the 'Form', or, the 'manner of Governing'. Of course, there's exceptions. Today, we are witnessing a unique Political Phenomena, a Revolution brought about about by 'Gender Discrimination' and 'abuse', and in the 'misplaced' 'Power formations' that originate from the 'Economic sphere', and influences the 'Political Sphere'. Capitalism does not have 'Power', it only has 'influence'. Only Political Entities have Political Power. A lack of 'Personal Integrity' in the 'Representatives' at the 'Top of Government' is being 'misplaced', misused, and mixed, with the 'Political Integrity' at the 'Top of Democratic Power'. There is no 'Political immunity' of 'Personal, Discriminatory, Behavior' at the Top of Government. An 'Unqualified Leader' that 'Discriminates' does not belong at the peak of Political Power. Usually Governments begin to 'Deconstruct' at the Bottom. Today we are witnessing a 'Deconstruction' at the Top. If a 'Democratic Government' continues to Deconstruct at the 'Top', its Triadic nature will no longer exist; it is no longer a Democracy. The Top may have Political Power but, the Bottom has Freedom and Equality and that 'Equality' applied 'Politically', protects Each and Every Real Individual, at the Bottom of Government, from Gender Discrimination, Racial Discrimination, and Economic Discrimination. If the 'Top' of Political Power 'Discriminates', it must be replaced. Where are the Real Politicians?

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Government is an Institution of Power at the Top. The 'Many' People at the Bottom assign that Power'.

Government is a Political Institution of 'Power at the Top'. The 'Many' People at the 'Bottom of Government' assigns that Power, for a 'Period of Time', to the Top. Without the Bottom, the Top has no Power: in fact, without the Bottom of Government, the top would not even 'exist'. That's why it can be said; One 'Lone Individual' on an Island does not need an 'Institution' of Government. The 'ancient dilemma' of the 'One and the Many' cannot be resolved if 'One Individual' is as 'Equal' as the 'Many Individuals' at the Bottom. Hence, a 'Political Institution' becomes necessary. Here, enters the 'Divine Right of Kings' form of Government. Once that 'Divine Right' was rendered dis-functional, the 'Autocratic Form' of Government took over. Its basically the same type of Governing, except that instead of relying on 'Divine Principles', the Individual at the Top just said, " Do it My Way, or else". Its difficult to keep the 'Many' at the Bottom 'in-line', hence, Force, Cruelty, Punishment, all of which constitutes 'control' of all the People at the Bottom of Autocratic Government. In today's Democratic Government, Force, Cruelty, Divinity, does not work. Democracy is a 'Government of Laws'; the Bottom can be described as "the condition of togetherness". All 'Real' Human Beings live together, side by side; separated only by their 'Individual Uniqueness', and Internationally, by 'National Boundaries'. In Democracy, the 'Real Individual' at the Bottom 'votes' for the 'Representative' who is to 'serve' in 'The Office of Power' for a short 'Period of Time'. Without 'Office', the 'Real Individual' does not have 'Political Power'. The only 'Power' that exists in the World is 'Political Power'. Other than that, all Real Individuals, and, of course, that includes You and I, are the same: 'Politically Powerless'. Look closely at a Photo of 'Past Presidents'. The 'emanations of Power' are gone. But, don't get me wrong; 'Individuals' are 'Real'. Each and every one is 'Unique' and each and everyone is 'Free and Equal' in a Political system. Democracy works, but it requires 'stability'; that 'stability' begins with the 'Good Will' and 'Political acumen' of the Candidates for Political Office. Where are the Real Politicians?

Friday, December 1, 2017

A Government "of People","by People", and "for People" is a Government of 'Equal' and 'Free' Human Beings.

A Government "of the people", "by the People", and "for the People" is a Government of 'Equal' and 'Free' Human Beings. Notice that I usually state that Human Beings are 'Free and Equal' or, have 'Freedom and Equality'. The terms 'Freedom and Equality', of course, means the same thing as "Equality and Freedom". But, to avoid some 'Determined Individual' who thinks S/He is 'Free first' and Equal second, from thinking S/He is Free to consider Others Un-Equal, I'm positing-in this paragraph-the Term 'Equality' first and 'Freedom' second. The arrangement or priority of the 'terms' shouldn't make any difference, but nevertheless, there will be those who are so 'wrapped-up' in their 'self-importance' that to be Free 'first' conveys the meaning that S/he is free to do anything S/he feels like doing, and to consider the 'Others' 'in-equality', immediately comes to His/Her mind. In Governmental Institutions that appears to be something like a 'Government' in the nature of a 'Kingship', or an Autocracy, where the 'Top'- the source of Power- proclaims that "God made me do it", or, " that's the way 'I' do things here". Well, enough of that. But, seriously consider the 'Equality' of the 'Human condition'. No one Human being is different from any Other Human Being. Hence, a Democratic Government, 'Of People', 'By People', and 'For People' is a Government 'of', 'by', and 'for' the very People who 'created the Democracy'. The "People", at the Bottom of Government are the 'same People' who are the 'Governed', and the same People, who are 'Governing', for a short period of time. Look at it this way. Its somewhat of a 'circular affair', the 'Top of Power' and the 'Bottom that is Governed' change places periodically. But, whats necessary are 'Candidates' that are 'politically inclined' and 'versed' in the 'workings' of 'Governing a Democracy', 'established' and 'dedicated' to the 'General Welfare' of its People. There is no other reason for a Government to exist. An Economy cannot 'Govern'; a Corporation, a 'Legal Fiction', cannot 'Govern'; 'Money and Profits' cannot Govern; only "We the People" can Govern.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

A Democracy does not Govern when it ignores the Freedom and Equality of the People.

A Democracy does not 'Govern' when it ignores the 'Freedom and Equality' of its People. A Democracy must concern itself with the economic conditions of a Democratic Nation, but it must also concern itself with the 'Freedom and Equality' of its People. To focus on the economy and not address the issues of 'racial discrimination', 'racial inequality', 'economic inequality', the 'Lop-Sided' nature of 'economic benefits' in the Economy; is to ignore the very nature of what it means 'to Govern' in a 'democratic manner'. We are a Democratic Government first and 'then' a successful Economy. If all our 'political achievements' further perpetuate our 'economic imbalances', our racial discrimination, our inequality, we are not 'governing' a democracy. The present economy has 'flourished' because it 'exists and functions' within a Democracy. That cannot be done in an Autocracy; a Plutocracy; or an Oligarchy. Those forms of Governments are not Democratic. As a matter of fact, such a 'concentration' on economic matters gives birth to Plutocracy, to Autocracy, to Oligarchy. It gave birth to the 1%. Democratic Government cannot ignore economic matters, but it can't concentrate solely on 'economic matters' either. When the Leader of a Democratic Nation comments, on a visiting Leader from another Nation; with the statement, "he's got a bigger airplane than I do", one has to wonder, what kind of 'Democracy' he has in mind. An Economy cannot Govern. A Democratic Government can Govern with Freedom and Equality and if we forget that, we're completely lost. The only "fake News" today is that a Corporation is a 'Person'.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

When Capitalism 'Governs', the 'Form of Government' is Autocratic.

When Capitalism 'Governs', the 'Form' of Government is Autocratic, or, simply, Dictatorial. The 'end product' of Capitalism is 'more and more of the same', viz., Profits and Money. Its a 'quantitative Goal' achievable only by a huge increases in Profits, Money, and Size. Capitalism has no place for Freedom and Equality. Freedom and Equality 'motors' a Real Democracy. A 'Real' Individual is not 'Free' to compete with a 'Legal Fiction', called a 'Business Corporation'; nor is a Real S/HE Equal to the 'task'. When the 'Reins' of Government are taken over by an 'Economy', you will notice an 'increase' and a 're-shuffling' in 'Trade Policies', Tax reductions for the 'Business Corporate Structure', and increases in 'some areas' of 'money circulation'; but you 'will not see' an increase in the Minimum Wage. Oh, you will see and hear statements of 'more Jobs' for the 'Worker Bees', but its the 'Legal Fictions' (corporations) that are getting 'Fatter and Fatter'. The 1%-er's get 'Fatter and Fatter' until the 1% holds all the Medium of exchange. In other words, the so-called 99% no longer hold any 'Medium of exchange'; they just manage to survive, and the Political result will be a Plutocracy, or at least an Oligarchy. The Irony is that a 'Political entity', with Power at the Top, doesn't need 'Profits and Money' to 'function effectively'. It already has 'Power at the Top'. That's the 'Nature' of Political Entities. Oh, it needs money to establish 'social entities' and 'functions', but it doesn't need the 'whole ball of Wax'. If Capitalism Governs, the People at the Bottom, still need 'Monies' and 'social Institutions' to 'have a good life'. Maybe its time to try a 'Real Socialism', not the kind of Socialism practiced by most Nations where the Nation owns the 'means of Production'; or even where the 'People' purportedly own the Means of Production;( That sounds like a 'Legal, Governmental, Fiction' also.) . I've said that the term "Social" is Too General, vague, indefinite, and nebulous. Instead of using that term why not use 'the condition of togetherness'. In such a Term, the Real Individual doesn't lose his/her 'Individuality' as a 'Real Human Being'. The term applies to the 'Condition of togetherness' as an 'Entity'; of course, it can be called 'Social', so long as the Real Individual does not lose His/Her Real Individuality. Each Individual retains His/Her Individuality in the 'Condition'; it does not include Corporations because they are 'Legal Fictions' that only exist in 'contemplation of Law'. Its time to understand that Government would not exist but, for, the 'Many People' at the Bottom.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Capitalism is a great economic system but, it is not motored by Freedom and Equality.

Capitalism is a great economic System but, it is not motored by 'Freedom and Equality'. Remember, Democracy is 'motored' by 'Freedom and Equality'. So, whats the problem? The problem is we have tried to substitute an 'economic motor' for the functioning of a Democracy. That will not work. Remember, the 'Economy' is situated 'within' the Democratic Polity. Why? Because the Capitalistic system can only function effectively in a Democratic Polity. Try forming a 'genuine Capitalism' in a Dictatorial Nation. It will work so long as the Government acquires control of the 'Results' or Profits of the economic activity. Economics is a 'cut-throat' business and can only function with Profits and Monies. Whereas Democracy functions with Freedom and Equality. The General Welfare of the Individuals, in a democracy, is not 'ignored' and 'set aside'; instead their 'Freedom and Equality' is balanced out; both, in the 'Polity' and in the 'Economy', and hence, the 'General Welfare' is equilibrated and harmonized. That's Real Politics. The Problematic seems to be that we 'value Profits and Money' more than Freedom and Equality. That's a human failure. We are trying to get 'more and more of the same'; viz.,profits and Monies. Sad but true. In place of political Freedom and Equality, we wish to acquire 'Profits and Money'. Notice, the 'goals' and the 'conversations' coming from the Top of Government. Its about 'economics'; its making Corporations, legal Fictions, stronger. Where is the talk about Freedom and Equality? There is none! We only read about 'racial discrimination'; about 'gender' and 'sexual' abuse and discrimination; about 'economic inequality'; and about the 1%. Of course, everyone wants a living wage; a fair share of economic activity; a nice home; etc., but if we stop 'demanding' the 'core' of democracy, i.e., Freedom and Equality in the 'whole Social' fabric, we run the risk of being 'governed' by 'Capitalistic Autocracy'. Where are the States-Persons?

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Capitalism, as such, is not Democratic but; the 'End Results' of Capitalism can 'become Democratic'.

Capitalism, as such, is not Democratic but; the 'end results' of 'Capitalistic activity' can become 'more Democratic'. As things are now, the end results of Capitalistic activity results in the Gap between the 1% and the 99%. Corporate activity leads to Capitalistic 'systems' and they lead to that Gap. A Corporation is a "legal Fiction" that "only exists in contemplation of Law". Its 'Surreal' and it does not have the same Democratic Principles and Duties as a Real Individual. A Corporation has a huge 'economic grasp'; a grasp no 'Real Human Being' can have. There is no such thing as 'competition between a Corporation and a real Individual'. Then, the Profits and Monies, a 'Medium of Exchange' gets 'held' by the 1%. Is that lopsided? Is that fair? Of course, it will be said that 'corporate activity' leads to a 'Great economy'. But, shouldn't a Great Economy benefit the People? Instead, a Corporate society 'locks in' the Medium of Exchange. Why should they be allowed to 'lock in' a medium of exchange? That leads to a 'class society', and class societies lead to 'Plutocracy', and Plutocracy leads to a Government of the Rich, and a Government of the Rich, leads to a Government 'for the Rich' or for the 1%. Where's Democracy? No, if corporations are 'not Real', if they are 'economic Legal Fictions' created by the Government, they can also be given 'Democratic Duties'. Why give them an 'artificial existence' and not 'democratic duties'? Why create an 'Economic Autocrat' within a 'Democratic Society'? It doesn't make 'democratic sense'. Our Democracy is Real; "We the People" are Real; our 'economic Institutions' are Real; so why create an 'Economic Alice in Wonderland'? Originally, the Corporate Tax was 90%, then reduced to 70%, then got down to 30% and now being reduced to 20%. More than ever corporations need "Democratic Duties". Where are the Real Politicians?

Friday, November 17, 2017

The Goal of capitalism is 'more and more of the same'; the Goal of Democracy is Freedom and Equality for 'Everyone'.

The 'Goal' of Capitalism is 'more and more of the Same' i.e. 'Profits and Monies'. Capitalism cannot function without its 'motor' or its goal. Profits and Monies 'move' all economic activity. The 'Nation' or 'Democratic Government' cannot 'really move' without Freedom and equality. Of course, any Government can move as some 'self-contained principle' of Governing, but that would be an Autocratic or Oligarchic form of Government, not a Democratic Form of Government. Why is that? Simply because democracy has its 'motor', or 'Power of Movement' in the People at the Bottom of Government. In other words; a Democracy is a Government "of the People", "by the People" and "For the People". Democracy is a 'Peoples Government' and all Government Power comes from the Bottom. Whereas, Autocracies and Plutocracies also have 'Power at the Top', but that Power is an 'alienated Power' that does not 'reside' or 'come from' the People at the Bottom. The Power of Government, or of the Top, resides at the Top but it has to get that 'Power' from 'somewhere else', other than, some 'Arbitrary or Invented source'. In Ancient Times it was said that 'Kings' ( Autocrats) had a Divine Right to Govern. That theory of Government got so problematic that they even sought to justify it by saying that the "King had Two Bodies". Anyway, that does not concern us anymore. Today's Problematic is the 'misuse of Economic principles' and the reason for that is that Capitalism has gotten 'so powerful' and the economy is so 'Lopsided' that Money is equated with the 'Intelligence to Govern'. Economic principles are not Government Principles and 'never shall the Twain meet'. The economy is about 'making money'; Governing is about 'governing' with 'Freedom and Equality' of each and every 'Real Individual' at the Bottom. 'Governing' by the 'Economy' is Government by the 'Forbes List', or, by the 1%. Its 'empty, vacuous', and it can be 'characterized' as Government by 'Legal Fictions'. Governing by 'Democracy' is Government with Freedom and Equality, by the 'Peoples at the Bottom'. Real Government is 'Peoples Government'.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Capitalism could become a 'potent force' for 'Democracy'.

Capitalism could become a 'potent force' for Democracy. Now, understand this, Capitalism is an 'economic system', not a Government system, and it is driven by Profits and Money, not by Freedom and Equality. But, rightfully understood, and rightfully utilized, it can become a huge 'assist' in the 'democratic process'. As it is now, Capitalism drives 'Profits and Money', and 'Profits and Monies', 'creates Greed': it doesn't have too, but it does. Why? Well, it's responsible for creating that 'huge Gap' between the 1% and the 99%. Now, if the 'results' of Capitalism,i.e.,Profits and Monies, could become 'Democratic in Nature' i.e., if some of the 'results' could be used to set up 'Democratic Institutions' that would assist the 'unfortunate', e.g., homeless, veterans, 'sick and injured', 'jobless', children, and those, born physically deficient, and, 'generally', those in 'economic Need'; those 'Monies' could be utilized 'Democratically'. Now, its easy to imagine that some 1%-er will say, 'that's my money, I worked hard for it'; but did S/he? I've heard "quoted" Political Candidates that say, "I'm worth 10 Billion dollars". Now, if we take 2 Billion of that for democratic Institutions; that would leave 8 Billion to the Candidate. That doesn't 'seem' too bad. But, then again, I'm not used to being a Billionaire. Others, more politically oriented, would say "that's Socialism". Well, isn't Government supposed to help its Citizens, especially those 'in need' and who cannot 'help' themselves. But, keep in mind, I'm talking 'establishing' democratic Institutions, not 'hand-outs' and keep in mind that Corporations are 'unreal', legal fictions. Didn't Democratic Institutions, viz., the Third Branch, hold that a corporation was a 'Person' within the 'protection' of the Constitution and thereby help its accumulation of great wealth? Some of that wealth should inure to the establishment of 'democratic Institutions' that benefit the 'Needy'. It should 'extend democracy' into useful Institutions that help those in Need. The Third Branch could establish 'democratic duties' for those Legal Fictions it created. Maybe, just maybe it would balance out our 'lopsided Economy' and 'help' those who really need the 'help'. The 'Corporate World' is an 'illusory World', it cant be put in Jail; but, Real Persons can!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Real Political Dialogue cannot be 'replaced' by Political Correctness', nor by Economic dialogue.

Real Political dialogue cannot be replaced by 'Political Correctness', nor by 'Economic' dialogue. Politics and Economics are Real. Each has its own 'dialogue' and its own 'Language' and its own 'Motor'; and "never shall the twain meet". Political Correctness is 'empty talk' and takes on the 'characteristics' of the Speaker. Political Correctness is 'vacuous' and if reported correctly by the Media, sometimes sounds like a 'two children argument in the playground'. One says "your a Fat Lunatic" and the Other says " I'm not Fat". Empty political talk may be 'empty', but sometimes it reflects the 'ego structure' of the speaker. 'Political Language' must reflect the 'democratic nature' of the Polity or Nation. It also reflects the 'sincerity' of the 'Office Holder' and the 'Speaker'. 'Language use' can 'give away' the so-called 'interior' of the speaker. Some language can reflect the 'emptiness' of the 'political talk'; some can reflect the 'economic nature' of the talk; and some reflects the 'childish absurdity' of the talk. Political Dialogue should 'reflect' the 'Democratic Nature' of the Polity. Of course, it can't always be perfect and we all know that the actual dialogue of some Office Holders, behind the scenes, is much more 'mundane'. Of course, we can only know what the media reports. But, the Media is 'obligated' and 'duty bound' to be impartial and Objective in its reportage. The People in a Real Democracy need to hear the 'Real democratic dialogue', especially from the 'Office Holders', and more-so, from the Highest Office in the Land. 'Political Journeys' that only discuss 'Trade issues' and not 'other political issues', do not 'sound' democratic. Of course, Trade is important also, and relates to the International Sphere. But, International Trade is an Economic discourse, and should be 'economically democratic'. The International Sphere is no place for 'childish behavior'. Where are the Real Politicians? If I were a 'Real Politician', I would feel 'insulted' by what passes as 'Real Political Discourse'. We need Political Sincerity. The emphasis is on the word "Sincerity"; not 'Empty talk', not 'Economic talk', and certainly not 'childish talk'.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Political failure cannot be remedied with Economic Principles.

Political failure cannot be remedied with economic principles. Of course, their are some aspects of Governing that can be helped by the Economy, such as issues involving the Minimum Wage, etc.. But, that's a Political Principle that is applied to the Economy. The economy does not apply that on its own; its compelled to do so by the Laws of Government. As a general rule, political success calls for 'political Principles' involving Freedom and Equality and Principles of Governing. Issues that can be resolved Politically may call for contributions from the economy but, that does not mean that economic principles were involved. Remember, the economic 'motor'involves 'profits and money'; those are the movers of the economy. The economy is not going anywhere without Profits and Money and the economy is not a Democratic Institution; its a Capitalistic Institution; its job is Profits and money. An Economy cannot Govern. If the economy does not produce 'Profits or money' for the economy, it will cease to function as a Capitalistic Institution. Corporations that do not make Profits will not survive in the economy. That's one of the reasons why the Judicial Branch created "Persons" in the Economic Institutions. Political Issues can only be resolved by the 'Essence of Government', which is the 'Freedom and Equality' of the 'Real Individual', not by Economic Principles. The problem is that the Third Branch created 'Artificial Economic 'Persons'' and gave them the Right to participate in Politics (Citizens United). We live in a lopsided economy; that's what created the gap between the 1% and the 99%. Basically, Citizens United institutionalized 'Greed'. The Huge Money Makers are the 1%'er's. The economy needs to stay out of Government and Government needs to 'rectify' racial 'discrimination issues'; economic 'discrimination issues'; and it needs to have better control over the 'Corporate Structure'. If Government can control its 'Citizens', why can't it also control its Corporate Citizens? After all; it 'created' them.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Economic success is not as difficult as Political success. Political success should come first.

Economic success, in Capitalism, is not as difficult as Political success in a Democracy. The problematic is that we are a 'Polity First' and then we are an Economy. The 'Economy' exists 'within' the 'Polity'. A Democracy does 'not grow' within an Economy. The Economy grows within the Democracy. Try growing a Great economy in a Dictatorship; or, in a Plutocracy. The reason for that is that the Real Individuals in the 'condition of togetherness', in the Democracy, are able to 'protect' the Economy. That's what happened when the Judiciary declared the 'Corporation a 'Person' within the protection of the 14th Amendment. Without that move, the economy could not have been as successful as it is. Essentially, the Government protected the Corporation. The economy was successful because the Courts created an Artificial Person, a non-real-Person. Wouldn't it be nice if the Courts could Judicially declare some manner of 'perfecting Freedom and Equality' of each and every living Human Being within the Polity. Instead, each case is adjudicated separately and as it arises in the Social. Its ridiculous to 'say how great the economy is, when there is still 'racial discrimination', economic inequality, and a 1% and a 99%, in the Polity. We are a Democracy First!, then we are a Capitalistic Economy. Why can't Corporations also be Democratic in 'function'? It seems that the Courts have created the 1% and the 99%. The Judicial Branch needs more control of the Corporations or the 'Artificial Persons' it created. All this 'fake-noise' about how great our economy is, and we still have racial discrimination, police brutality, and the existence of a 1% and a 99% ? Something is wrong with our basic Institutions. Where are our States-Persons?

Saturday, November 4, 2017

'Political Correctness' and some CEO's seeking Political Office, are after the same Goal, 'Political Power'.

Politicians using 'Political Correctness' and CEO's seeking Political Office are after the same 'Goal'; 'Political Power'. The problem with 'Political Correctness' is that its not Political. Political Correctness uses and manipulates 'high level abstractions' dealing with 'Democracy', but which are not really anchored on anything 'Real'. The concepts themselves may be full of 'significance' and 'real meaning', but they are 'uttered and used' in an empty and 'vacuous manner', according to the 'Rules of Advertising'. They are 'used' to manipulate the People in the 'Social', or, at the Bottom of Government. Political Correctness is empty. Real Politics is full of significance and the language used by a Candidate is founded on real Principles of Democracy. So the problematic is to go from 'empty generalizations', or, the Rules of Advertising, to a Real Conversation full of significance that is really 'anchored' on the 'Freedom and Equality' of the 'Real Individuals' living 'next' to each other, in a 'Condition of Togetherness'. Power exists only in Political Office, and Political Office is founded on a 'Real' Democracy. 'Political Correctness' is a 'generalized falseness' which tries to acquire Real Power. Business CEO's, interested in Political Office, are in the same boat. They have ascended the ladder of success in the Business world and are now seeking Political Office. Why? They are worth Billions. They are at the acme of the Business world, so why such a 'thankless' pursuit? Its very simple; they have all the Money in the World, now they want 'Power'. But why? because Money, as such, is not 'Power', its only a 'medium of exchange', and 'Money' may have lots of 'influence', but it does not have 'Power'. Power exists only at the Top of Government in its relation to the Bottom of Government, i.e., to the Many People that constitute the 'Governed'. Business Principles do not belong in Democratic Politics and Democratic Politics can only function with Political Principles of Freedom and Equality. We must separate the Two.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Every Nation, needs an Economy, hence, Capitalism and Business entities.

Every Nation needs an Economy; hence Capitalism and 'Business Entities'. Please don't get me wrong. I'm not against a 'Capitalistic form' of an Economy. An economy should be strong and self-sufficient within its Capitalistic form. What I'm against is using the Capitalistic Form as the 'driver' of a 'Democratic Political Entity'. A Democratic Political Entity can only be 'driven' by 'Freedom and Equality'. Profits and money cannot drive a democratic Political Entity. A Dictatorship or a 'Kingdom' may have used 'Profits and Money', but that is no longer the case. Neither form of Government was a Democracy. The 'Divine Right of Kings' drove Kingdoms and anything the Dictator wants to 'use' can be used to drive a Dictatorship, even Force. An Oligarchy functions in the same way. But, none of those forms of Government is a Democracy. Democracy can only be 'driven' with the Freedom and Equality of all its 'Peoples' at the Bottom. Of course, a democracy also needs an Economy and the Economy is free to use the Capitalistic principles in its formation and establishment. But, the two Principles apply to 'different aspects' of the social in a Democracy. Democratic Principles apply to the Political Entity and Capitalistic Principles apply to the Economic Entity and never shall the twain meet. Democracy requires Freedom and Equality. Hence, Economic Principles must stay out of Politics. A democratic Political Entity must be driven by Freedom and Equality. Of course, this fact does not disqualify all Millionaires and Billionaire Candidates. But, Candidates must be Politically informed and s/he must know the 'requirements of Democracy' before they can assume the 'Positions of Political Office'. Unfortunately, most Millionaire Businessmen are too involved in their Businesses to be concerned with the Freedom and Equality of the 'Bottom'. The 'Poor' do not have the 'requirements of leadership', but neither do most Millionaires. So, in a Democracy, we must always be on the 'alert' with 'all Candidates' for Higher office. They may not be thinking the same as you and I.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

A Politician needs a 'Political Engine' not an 'Economic Engine'.

Its not the 'voting process' that's blind; its the 'voter'. The Individual's 'Right to Vote' is essential to the 'democratic spirit'. But, the Individual voters knowledge of the Candidates 'sincerity and knowledge' of the 'Political process' is never made clear and the media does not often clarify that issue. In most cases, the media is unfamiliar with the candidates qualifications, except for, what the Candidate claims in his/her political speeches. It seems that the most important thing 'required' of a Candidate is a 'working knowledge' of the 'political process' or 'some experience' in Political Office. When CEO's run for Political Office, it should be made very clear, by the media, that the Candidate 'does not have' Political Experience. CEO's in Political Office are prone to make 'mistakes' or to use economic principles instead of Political principles. Politics is 'political' in Nature, not 'economical' in Nature. In a case of 'misplaced Businessmen', or, a 'misplaced 1%-er', Indictments will soon follow. They are 'motored' by 'Profits' and 'economic engines', not Freedom and Equality. Being a Politician is not easy. We do not appreciate Politicians sufficiently. That's our loss, because they drive the Ship of State with Political principles of Freedom and Equality, not economic principles of Profits and Money. Unfortunately, most CEO's only know Profits and Money. They cannot drive a Ship of State, because they are unfamiliar with 'Political Principles'. Of course, I'm not saying all Politicians will govern with Freedom and Equality. The act of Governing requires a certain kind of 'selflessness'. Unfortunately, many Politicians are prone to be just as 'selfish' as a 'businessmen' trying to govern a political entity. Nevertheless, we have a 'better chance' of finding a 'selfless States-Person' in the Political Sphere, than we have finding a businessman who can Govern a Political Entity with Freedom and Equality. Business and Politics do not mix. Its only fair to state that most Businessmen are not interested in running for Political Office; So, when you find a Billionaire interested in running for Democratic Office, Beware!, Indictments may not be far behind. 'Politics' may be a 'Game', but it should be a 'Selfless Game', not a 'Selfish Game', and if a Businessman is 'seriously' interested in 'Political Office', S/He needs a 'Political Engine' of 'Freedom and Equality'; not a Business engine of Profits and money.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Is the 'voting process' in a Democracy blind? Can the 'Bottom' really 'know' what 'motivates a Candidate'?

The Social is composed of Real Individuals; each of whom must live in Freedom and Equality. These Real Individuals are the ones who become Candidates for Political Office. In elections, how are the Individuals at the Bottom of Government, expected to determine the 'qualifications', and 'thought processes' of a Candidate for Public Office. What Qualifications??? There are 'no qualifications', other than being a Citizen and having copious amounts of Money, and, the most important thing, can we really know what goes on in the 'mind' of a Candidate? Where are the Rules governing the qualifications and process for being a Politician? A Physician has many 'educational qualifications'; an Attorney has many 'educational qualifications'; an Accountant has 'many qualifications'; an Engineer has many of them also, and there are 'many others'. So what happened to the Politician? S/He will Govern the Bottom of Democracy i.e., the Social; the economy; Health and Well-Being of the Individual; and the Safety and General Welfare of the Real Individuals at the 'Bottom' of the Governing process. So, what qualifies a 'Citizen' to 'Run' for Public Office? Absolutely Nothing! The Highest Public Offices in the Land require only that you have the Money and the Gall to purport to know how to Govern. Well, not everyone has the Gall, but there are some Millionaires and Billionaires that seem to like the idea. Where does that leave the ability to Govern. Money, in itself, is insufficient. That's why the 'Economic Principles' of a Corporate Society cannot be used to 'Drive' a Democracy. If you put Corporate CEO'S and Billionaires behind the 'Drivers Wheel', Democracy's in trouble. Democracy is about Freedom and Equality, not 'Nickles and Dimes'. Democracy is about 'Everyone'; not about a 'Social' severed between the 1% and the 99%. We, of course, expect candidates to 'campaign' and tell us his/her qualifications. But, do they, or, do they 'Politic' like 'Advertisers' do, i.e., manipulate, convince,'sell it', no matter the truth; even 'Advertisers' have Agencies monitoring them. What can the Bottom do? To begin, the Bottom must require Candidates to be sincere in their quest for Power. That quest is only available to a candidate 'demonstrating' a 'familiarity' with the 'Principles of Governing' the 'Many' at the Bottom. S/He must have some degree of 'personal selflessness'; a degree that reflects the 'Love of Nationhood' and the 'wish' to serve the 'General Welfare' required by the Constitution; not the 'Balance Sheet' of the 'Economy'. A Candidate doesn't have to be a Democrat or a Republican; S/He must be an 'American' that 'truly cares' for the 'Bottom' of Democracy; after all, the Top doesn't have any Political Power, if it doesn't have a 'Bottom'.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Civil Society, if it is to reflect a Democratic 'Social', must also change.

Civil Society, if it is to 'reflect' a Democratic 'Social', must also change. Its common knowledge that the social must provide the 'Opportunities' for the 'Individual' to find His/Her place in Society. It takes 'many different types' of 'Individuals' to fully 'fill a functional Society'. The Goals of a 'Free and Equal Democracy' is to provide those 'opportunities'. That means that every aspect of a democratic Social must be institutionally organized in such a manner as to include such 'Opportunities'. Of course, 'Opportunities' can be situated in the Social, 'the Economy', and the 'ownership of Property'. An 'economy' is essential to a democracy because it provides a 'place' and 'opportunity' to work and earn a living. Everyone earns his/her living, except the 'unfortunate' who because of health, sickness, disability, or age, are not able to 'earn a living'. Nevertheless, the 'latter' must be 'provided for'. But, the 'Social', or the 'condition of togetherness', is not a static phenomena. It changes continuously and very rapidly. Many of the changes are brought about by the advances in technology. The old 'pick and shovel' 'economy' is obsolete. The Laborer no longer 'sweats it out', s/he 'computes'. Even 'money' had to be invented, and its a great means for 'exchanging value'. An economy needs a 'Medium of Exchange'. But, why do we have a 1% and a 99%? If Money is a medium of Exchange, why is it not in 'circulation'? In other words, why did we create a 1% and a 99%. Of course, everyone is entitled to a 'savings account' for emergencies, etc., but how can a 'medium of exchange' be held 'captive' in a democratic economy. Civil Society needs new Laws to keep money circulating and to keep the economy in a 'balanced', and 'healthy' condition; an economic condition that provides 'opportunities' to those who need them. When a 1% 'hoards' a medium of exchange, designed to circulate in a Society, something is very wrong. We need new 'definitions' to 'clarify' the 'nature' of the hoarding: the amounts; their 'use' or 'disuse'; their functionality, if any. The Law controls all money in circulation and must also control all excesses being hoarded. We are a democracy; keep the "Medium" 'circulating'. We are a Democracy, we have an Economy; we are not 'An Economy'.

A Triadic or Three Branch Government is essential to Real Democracy.

A Triadic or Three Branch Government is essential to Real Democracy. Three Factors are absolutely necessary. One with Power; One that allows Individuals to ascend from the Bottom to a Top that has Political Power. A Democracy is a 'Peoples' Government; hence, a Government "of the People", "by the People" and "for the People". The 'People' are always at the Bottom, regardless the type of Government. The 'Peoples' are the Governed. There is a 'political relation' that goes from the Top to the Bottom and from the Bottom to the Top. The Top must relate to the Bottom because it is the 'Bottom' and 'its Institutions' that are being Governed. Hence, the three 'Branches' are necessary. Each Branch plays a Part in the Government. The Top Governs; the Bottom are Governed; and the Judicial Branch monitors the relation from the Top to the Bottom and from the Bottom to the Top. The Three Branch Government is established by the Constitution. Each Branch has Laws governing its particular function and hence Three Branch Government is a Government of Laws; a Government "of People"; "by People" and "for the People", all of which is under 'Law and Order'. But, its very important to understand that the 'Constitutional' Structure is a 'Political Structure', not an 'Economic Structure'. Of course, an economy is also necessary, but the economy is not motored by 'Freedom and Equality' as is the 'Polity'. 'Economic Structures' and 'Corporate Persons'(corporations) are economic in nature and are 'motored' by 'Profits and Money', while 'Political Structures' are 'motored' by 'Freedom and Equality'. The nature of the Polity is different from the nature of the Economy. Consequently, Politicians are essential to Politics and CEOs are essential to the economy. CEO's unfamiliar with the Political nature of Government have no business in political Office; unless they are knowledgeable in Politics. Today's so-called political decisions 'smell' economical, and are usually justified 'economically'. How sad. Present Office-holders do not even 'sound' Political; they use Power to manipulate money as if they were 'running a corporation' for Profit. Very sad. The 'economy' has taken over Government and if this kind of so-called 'governing' continues, 'Democratic Government' and 'Democratic Institutions' will 'self-destruct'.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Individual living at the 'Bottom' of Government, in the 'Condition of Togetherness', also has a Duty in Democratic Government.

The Individual living in a 'condition of togetherness' also has duties in Democratic Government. A Peoples Government must have active Individuals participating in the Democratic process. Since, Democracy is a 'Peoples Government', it must have 'active Individuals' participating in the Governmental Offices. These 'active Individuals' are the ones who run for political Office. Once in Office they serve for a limited period of time in political Office and implement a Democratic form of Government. An 'Active Individual' who participates in the 'activity of Governing' is seriously concerned with the implementation of 'Freedom and equality' of all Individuals in the Social. S/he does not discriminate racially; does not favor parts of the Social or the economy as against Other parts; and is not so wrapped up in 'Political Ideology'( Democratic vs. Republican) that he favors one, solely on the basis of Ideology, to the exclusion of the 'Other'. These 'political forms' of Ideology must level their preferences down to one of 'Basic Freedoms and Equality'. Governing involves all the Real Individuals at the Bottom of Government and not just 'certain Individuals' and certain 'economic preferences'. The 'corporate structure' is not a 'real Person', its a Legal Fiction. The 'times' when corporations needed protection, have passed. Maybe what is needed is for Government to participate in 'economic activity' in pursuit of 'Freedom and Equality' of all the Individuals in the Social. I know that's a 'taboo word', but if Government sets the Tax rates for corporations and Individuals, why should the corporation enjoy a bigger Tax Break than the Individual? The only reason for that is that the Government is being run by Businessmen and CEO's, not Politicians who know how to Govern. What a shame, the Government has been taken over by the 'Economy' and the CEO's don't know how to Govern. The CEO's should go back to 'Ruling' or being 'Dictators' over the Corporate structure and leave Governing to Real Statesmen.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Governments govern; Economies 'create' profits'. They must be kept separate.

Governments govern; economies make profits. When Democratic Government governs, they use a political Engine. A Democratic engine respects and defends the Freedom and Equality of each and every Individual that is being Governed. An Economy doesn't really care much for the People; it only cares about making a Profit. Hence, when a 'State', Nation, Country, or 'Political Entity' has been devastated by a Hurricane and needs help to rebuild, it is downright cruel to refer to 'funding' aid, as a basis for the 'help'. The only issue should be, 'how and how quickly' are we going to help. A Real Democratic Nation will apply 'democratic political principles' to help its members with the aid. No delays; no conditions. That is part of Rebuilding. The economy cannot Govern; that's a completely 'different Engine'. An Economic Engine can create tremendous profits but it can never Govern. Government runs on Political Principles of Freedom and Equality. Economies run on Profits and Monies. Why can't our Leaders recognize the difference. Government is about Governing with Freedom and Equality and structuring the Social democratically with Law and Order. No Nation can be governed with Economic Principles. Not even a Plutocracy. A Plutocracy is government by the Rich, but its still not the 'economy' that Governs. Of course, in a Plutocracy the rich will be taken care off; but its not the 'Economic Principles' that are Governing, its a Political Engine that governs. In most such cases, the government will be Autocratic or Oligarchic. Of course, all Nations need a successful economy; but we cannot make that a 'condition' for 'extending help' to a 'needy People' devastated by a Hurricane. That sounds too much like a CEO driving a Corporation not a Politician or 'Office Holder' driving a Nation with Political Principles. Economic Principles of Profits and Monies must be kept out of Democratic Government. Their independent functions must be respected and their 'proper engines' must be kept within the 'parameters' of each 'separate discipline'.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Governments are political Institutions with Power; People are Real and they 'run' for political Office.

Nations and Governments are absolutely 'necessary' political Institutions. They have, and they need, Political Power, to function. But, the Individuals they Govern are Real. When you weigh the difference between an Institution and a Real Human Being, the Institution has to take 'Second Place'. Human Beings are more important than Institutionalized political ideologies. Why? Simply because no Ideology, of whatever kind, ever created a Human Being; human beings create Ideologies. Humans were here before Political ideologies arrived. True, a Human Being is 'born into' a Political ideology, or a 'form of Government', but the 'human condition' never loses his/her 'humanity'. It is equally true that any 'form' of Government can be Democratic, if it so chooses. But, is that ever the case? Does an Autocratic Government respect, defend, and organizes itself, around the 'Freedom and Equality' of 'its People'? Does a Plutocratic Government do that, or, does an Oligarchic Government do that? In the interest of fairness, does a Democratic Government do that? Unfortunately, they do not! Why not? The age old saying "Power corrupts; absolute Power corrupts absolutely" is true. Also true, 'economic values' have taken over the 'political system'. How sad. The problems of Governments are due to the 'weakness' of the Human condition. All Heads of Governments are Human. All Governments have Power at the Top. All Politicians seek Political Power. Evidently, Human Beings do not 'understand political power'; and they cannot 'handle Political Power'. Can a 'Political Institution' be 'purged' of its 'economic infections'? How sad. Where are the "Real States-persons"?

Friday, September 22, 2017

The exercise of Power by Government must respect and protect the Freedom and Equality of the Individual.

Government, all forms of Government, have Power. There's no issue there. However the many Individuals that are governed are all Real. The Human condition is the same everywhere. Whether Democratic, Plutocratic, Oligarchic, or Dictatorial, the 'Real Individuals' that are governed are all Real Human Beings. ( I use the term "Real" when referencing a 'human being' because the Supreme Court, in its infinite wisdom, has ruled that a Corporation is a "Person" within the meaning of the 14th Amendment. Corporations are not 'Real Human Persons'. They may be 'Economic Beings', but that does not make them 'Real'; The characters in Alice in Wonderland are 'metaphorically Real' in relation to the 'Story-line' as a whole. The Individuals that are Governed in all forms of Government are Real. They may need Government, but that does not mean that they give up their authenticity. Its very simple. Governments are necessary, but they are 'Institutions', not 'Real Persons', in any sense of the Term. 'Essential' does not mean 'Real'. Individuals all live in a 'condition of togetherness', a 'condition' in which they do not give up their 'real Individuality'. Individuals cannot be 'quantified' into some 'collective condition' called 'Social', 'Society', 'Citizens', 'Network', or whatever Term you want, and then related to as a 'whole', as if, S/he is a "collective Entity" of some sort. The 'Human Being' is already in a 'condition of togetherness' in which S/he does not lose their 'Real Individuality' or their 'Realness'. 'People', in a 'condition of togetherness' are not 'Numbers', or some form of 'Quantification'; they are Real and in the 'condition of togetherness', they retain their 'Individual Freedom and Equality'. They cannot be reduced to some 'quantifiable' Computer Language that treats them as 'bits', or bytes. Governments have Power, but they cannot treat the 'human condition' as if it is 'not Real', and disregard their 'Freedom and Equality'. Its very Simple. Governing is not a 'Birthright', and the Power to Govern should not 'disrespect', nor 'abuse' the 'Freedom and Equality', that is the 'Birthright' of the Real Individuals. Governing is not easy, but Government is a Servant of the People.

Friday, September 8, 2017

All Nations; all Governments; all Political Entities; have a 'Political Form'.

All Nations; all Governments; all Political Entities; have a 'Political Form'. That 'Form' is a 'Triad'; a 'Triangle'; or a 'Trinity'. Call it what you wish, the 'reality' is always a 'Political Power' at the Top; 'a People' at the Bottom; and a 'Relation' that goes from the Top to the Bottom, which same Relation also runs from the Bottom to the Top. That Relation exercises Power from the Institutional Top to the Real Bottom and that same Relation should 'reflect' a 'Representation' from the 'Bottom to the Top'. The Top is always the governing Power; the Bottom is always the Real People who are Governed; and the 'Relation' is always Objective. A certain 'Objectivity' is essential in the Three Essential Branches of a Democratic 'Governmental Institution'. However, therein lies a Problematic of Democratic Politics. The Branch, in a Democracy, that requires absolute Objectivity is the Third branch, or the Judicial Branch. The 'Interpretive Practices' of the Judicial Branch should be Objective and in keeping with the Structure of the Constitution and the 'Equality and Freedom' of its 'Real People'. The Constitution 'constitutes' us. Its a Constitution of Laws. The Individuals at the Bottom must obey the Laws; the Executive Branch must Govern Lawfully; and the Judicial Branch must resolve issues with respect to Legal Interpretation. That's where Interpretive Practices kicks-in. The Problematic in 'Interpretive Practices' is that the Justices, who must be Objective, are already split into two different Political Parties. Of course, they are always asked if they will follow the Constitution and they always state that they will, but, is that the Case? One Party 'leans' in favor of Corporations; the Other, in favor of 'the People'; and never shall the twain meet. Neither Party has 'seen fit' to do away with Citizens United. Where's the Objectivity? The Economy has taken over Politics and hence, Government. We live in 'Legal Fictions'; 'Corporations', 'Money', and Alice in Wonderland. Where are the Statesmen?

Monday, September 4, 2017

All Forms of Government can be evaluated from the perspective of a 'Triadic Form'.

All Governments can be evaluated from an 'Institutional Form' that is Triadic in nature. The Top of all Governments have Institutional Power; the Bottom of all Governments are all the 'Peoples' subject to 'being Governed'; the Relation between the Top and the Bottom should provide a 'Political Means' by which the Peoples being Governed are Represented. There is no other purpose for the existence of a Government. We return to our Thought Experiment, " one 'sole Individual' living on an Island, all by Him/Her-self, does not need an 'Institution of Government'. However, if there are thousands or Millions of People living along-side each Other; in a 'condition of togetherness', He/She will need Government. Since most Individuals are born within an 'established Nation or Government', they will automatically be part of the 'Bottom'. In a Democracy the 'Peoples' elect 'Representatives' who will be voted on, and who will ascend to the pinnacles of Political Power. In 'other forms' of Government, the Top always Governs the Bottom. The Bottom always has Millions of people living in a 'condition of togetherness'. The question, then becomes, "What are the duties or obligations that all Governments have to the People they Rule? Since Governments depend for their 'Existence' on the Peoples they Rule, Governments must Govern in some fair and equitable manner. That issue raises the question of what form should a Governing Political entity take? Of course, the Democratic Form is the 'most equitable' because it covers 'all the bases'; i.e. it covers the Executive, the Legislative and the Judicial branches. In other words, it is Triadic in nature. It is not perfect, but its Functional. A Three branch Government can be carefully examined to determine which of the Three Branches is dis-functional. Once the dis-function is located, it must be 'corrected'. We must remember every Top has a Bottom and every Bottom has a Top. Nationhood and Government is a 'Polity of Power'. But, the Bottom is a 'condition of togetherness', where each and every 'Real Individual' lives in 'Equality and Freedom'. All Nations and Governments are Triadic in nature. They all have 'a People'. Their people live in 'Equality and Freedom'.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

A Triadic or Three Branch Government generates and protects Democracy.

A Triadic or Three Branch form of Government protects Democracy; but, each of the Branches must properly execute its respective function. A Democracy is about the 'Peoples'. Without 'Peoples' there can be no Democracy; in fact, without People, no Form of Government would exist. An Autocracy cannot exist without People to 'Govern'. No matter the form of Government, People, Real Individuals, are essential to that Form of Government. Dictatorships, Autocracies, Kingdoms, or any Other Form of Government, needs People, lots of People. Without 'Peoples' who are they going to 'Rule'? The basic requirement for a 'Form of Government', any Form of Government, is always the 'Peoples'. Hence the importance of the People in any Form of Government. Now, the important question becomes "what form should the Governing Institution assume"? Well, since Governing is about 'Governing Peoples', the form of Government should be 'Democratic in Nature'; it should be a Government, "of The People", "by the People" and the most important part, "for the people". This last requirement is what makes a Democracy a 'Real Democracy'. 'Every Form' of Government has Institutional Power at the Top. If 'a Form of Government' is merely exercising 'Institutional Power', its not even a Government. Its 'Force', 'Pure Force', 'Institutionalized Power'. Institutionalized Power is impossible without 'Peoples'. Some Individual or Individuals assume the 'Office', or 'Institutional Position', of Power, and completely forgets 'from where' and 'from Who' S/He gets the Power. S/He gets 'Institutional Power' from the 'many Peoples' of that Nation. Without a 'Peoples' there cannot be a Nation; and without a Nation, there cannot be Institutional Power. 'Political Power' is an Institutional Phenomena, not a natural Phenomena. All Political Power emanates from a 'People' and all Real Individuals living in a 'condition of togetherness' are Equal and Free. As such, they deserve to live in a Democracy.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Essential political thinking is about Democracy: Economic thinking is about Profits. Human thinking is about the General Welfare.

Essential 'Political Thinking' is about Democracy, about the Freedom and Equality of the Individuals in the Social, or stated more clearly, in the 'condition of togetherness'. Economic thinking is about Profits and 'Size'. The sole purpose of an Economy is to be productive, to be huge, and to be successful. A successful economy is one that contributes or should contribute to the well-being, or the General Welfare, of the 'condition of togetherness', viz., the Real People at the Bottom of Government. A successful economy can be 'housed' in a Real Democracy; but a Real Democracy cannot be 'housed' in a successful economy. Why is that? Because a successful economy is founded on 'competition' and is dependent on 'Legal Fictions', or 'Fictional Persons' i.e., huge Corporations who only exist "in contemplation of Law" and which grow 'larger and larger', based on cut-throat 'competition'; not on Freedom and Equality. Freedom and Equality is a characteristic of Democracy, not of an Economy. An economy can exist within a democracy; but a democracy cannot exist within an economy. Stated differently, each must assume their 'proper place' within the Social or within the 'condition of togetherness'. That condition is about Real Individuals living next to each Other in Equality and Freedom. If the medium of exchange that makes an economy possible is held by 1% of the Real and Fictional 'population', while the 99% of the 'real' population are deprived of a 'currency' or 'medium of exchange' that should circulate, then the economy is in a state of 'imbalance or inequality'. That is not 'human thinking'; that is a 'lop-sided economy' that does not consider the 'General Welfare' of the Social. That's why we need 'Real Politicians' driving the Ship of State, not 'politically correct' politicians, nor CEO's from the Economy. Democracy needs to be 'cleansed' from power hungry politicians and CEO's that have ascended the pinnacles of Power. Where are the Real Politicians or the Statesmen?

The media plays an important part in 'communications' between the Top and the Bottom: It must be Objective.

The Media is an important institution in communications between the Top and the Bottom of Democratic Government. The Top is Power; the Bottom is a 'condition of togetherness' where each real Individual retains his/her unique humanity and his /her Freedom and Equality. Without the Media, the Bottom would never know what the Top was thinking, planning, and doing. The standard of 'responsibility' for the Media must be a 'certain Objectivity'. That's why the term 'Fake News', when used by the highest levels of Power, creates a confusing, bewildering, unhinged communication between the Top and the Bottom. Who decides what is 'fake' and what is not? Its a very dangerous use of language especially when its intentionally used by the highest level of Power. The Media must report this 'intentional' use of words designed to 'confuse and unhinge' communication between the Top and the Bottom. The reporting of this 'misuse' must be Objective, and should point out that 'these terms', as used by the Highest Level of Power, can only be designed to create 'confusion and bewilderment' among the 'condition of togetherness' at the Bottom. It confuses objectivity. It grants to the Top of Power, the option to select, what can be considered True, Objective, and what is 'Fake'. The minute one hears the term 'Fake News', one understands that a 'selection process' has taken place, at the highest levels of Power, that is detrimental to 'Real Democracy'. We cannot have a real Democracy without an Objective media. The media must point out and clarify all the 'linguistic tricks' being used and which are designed to destroy a Real Democracy. Being Objective is not an easy matter, but the media is the only Institution that can inform and awaken all the 'condition of togetherness' at the Bottom of Government. The Bottom, the People, must 'awaken' to the realization that a Real Democracy is being dismantled and the Media is the only Institution that can reach them. "Fake News" is not the only term being used to mislead; how about 'Make America Great Again". You work that one out.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Political thinking is 'essential thinking'; economic thinking is essential thinking also, but different. We must learn the difference.

Political thinking is essential thinking; economic thinking is also essential, but different. To be metaphorical, Political thinking involves the Pot, the 'shape' of the Pot; economic thinking involves the 'contents' of the Pot. It not easy to keep the two separate, but its necessary, lest we become a 'Plutocracy'. The only way to 'protect' a Democracy is to 'think democratically'. If our thinking is 'slipping' into Plutocracy, its difficult to recover. To be sure, its difficult, but not impossible. We must focus on the 'motor'; or, the 'motivations' that 'move' the two phenomena. Politics is about democracy; democracy is about the Freedom and Equality of the 'Real Individuals' at the Bottom of Government. I said Real Individuals, not Legal Fictions. Legal Fictions have their place in the economy and we must be very careful about our ruminations about them. To be sure, we cannot transform them into 'human beings'. They are economic in nature; unreal; they are not 'human beings'. they are fictional. Nevertheless, they are essential to the economy. Corporations are essential to the Pot, but they are not the Pot. The Pot is 'democracy in action'. The Pot is about governing 'real People' in Freedom and Equality. Whereas, the economy is about Profits, money, and Size. The economy belongs in the Pot, but it doesn't have the 'wherewithal' to Govern a political entity. An economy can never Govern, but being a legal Fiction in a Democracy, it should help the 'democratic process'. That should be the economy's sole function. The 1% are living in Alice in Wonderland, they don't exist in a Real Democracy: they exist in an 'Autocracy', where the 'Autocrat' is 'Profits and Money'. Its time that the Pot be full, but its time that the Pot be a Real democracy, so that it can hold a vibrant economy. But, the 'Real People' also have obligations, viz., they need to 'turn loose' of Profits and Money, as the 'sole Ideal', and they need to 'feel' a 'Real' 'Freedom and Equality'. The Pot should be Full, but the 'Fullness' cannot govern us. Where are the Real Politicians?

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The 'Object' of Political thinking are the 'People at the Bottom'; the Object of Economic thinking is the 'Things and Objects' to be produced.

The Object of Political Thinking are the People at the Bottom of Three Branch Government; the Object of Economic thinking are the 'things and Objects' and Services that are 'produced' and 'provided', and which are sold and provided for a Profit. Of course, these include many things: foods, clothing, entertainment, 'means of communication', cars, medical care and 'health care', etc.. The object of political thinking are all the 'Real Individuals' at the Bottom of Government. The object of political thought always remains the same. The 'Object' never changes. A Human Being is a Human Being, and no more bones about it. The thing that requires 'protection' is the 'Equality and Freedom' that is guaranteed by the Constitution. Of course, that's where Politics kicks in. An Economy is always a 'part' of Governing and Governing is never 'part' of an Economy. To be sure, all Governments have an Economy, but they are two separate disciplines and must be kept separate. Nevertheless, economies are important as they provide much of the 'needs' of a People living in a Democracy. But, a Nation cannot be Governed with economic principles. Political Principles and Constitutional Law govern a democratic Nation. Of course, the basis of Constitutional Law is the Constitution. The Constitution constitutes us and establishes a Three branch government, a Government "of the People", "by the People" and "for the People". Business principles cannot Govern a Nation, but they constitute a very important part of a 'strong economy' and a strong Nation. We need 'Leaders' who are knowledgeable in 'political principles'. Business Principles have no place in Governing an Equal and Free people. That's a 'Political Problem'; not a 'Business Problem'. Where are the Statesmen?

Monday, August 7, 2017

Political Thought should embrace the Equality and Freedom of every Real Individual in the Social.

Political thought and Law should embrace, define, and protect, the Equality and Freedom of each and every Real Individual in the Social. Of course, the term 'Social', means the 'Condition of Togetherness'. In the Condition of togetherness, every 'Real' Individual is equal and Politically Free. Although a 'Real person' is born 'Absolutely' Equal and Absolutely Free, in the 'Condition of togetherness' there are 'privileges' and 'Limitations'. However these Limitations only apply because living in a 'condition of togetherness', or in 'Groups' has many advantages, but, it also has many 'limitations'. For example; if one drives one must drive on the Right Side of the road; One must stop at all Stop Signs, and one must obey Speed limits etc.. Of course, we all know some Nations require driving on the left side of the road, etc.,. There will be variations, but the important thing is to 'regulate', by Law, the Interactions of 'the People' in Groups of various sizes. Every time one hears the term 'Law', one usually also hears the term 'order'; viz., Law and Order. The 'Goal' is to maintain 'Order' in all the interactions between 'Equal and Free Individuals' by means of Law. Corporations do not Drive, do not eat, do not need medical attention, etc. because they are Legal Fictions. But, Laws also apply to corporations, but they are different, separate, and mostly relate to how Government allows them to be 'created'; their 'self Governance'; and whether they are for 'Profit' or merely for 'Organizational purposes'. They are 'Economic Machines' that 'produce commodities' and 'Objects' for the General Welfare. They are 100% economic, they are producers, they are self-governed and they do 'not Govern' the Polity. The 'availability' of the 'Products and commodities' is made possible by means of the creation of a 'Medium of Exchange', viz., Money. Money is made by the Government, that's why it will prosecute a counterfeiter. Only Government can establish a medium of exchange.and a Medium of exchange should circulate. We need Laws that relate directly to the 'Hoarding' of a Medium of Exchange. Certainly 'Saving money' should be encouraged and 'saving' is not wrong, but 'hoarding' to the extent that it creates a "1%" and a "99%" should be better controlled. Failure to do so endangers Democracy. It 'slides' Democracy into Plutocracy and Oligarchy. A Corporate Economy needs more democratic Duties. Where are the Statesmen?

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Political Thinking differs from Economic Thinking. They are not the same.

Political thinking differs from Economic thinking. They are not the same and each has its goal, and a different 'means' of achieving that goal and a different 'result' from having achieved it. Political thinking is about 'Equality and Freedom'; Economic thinking is about 'more and more of the same'(Profits and Money). Economic activity and thinking achieves its goal by 'repetition' and by 'growing larger and larger'. Economic activity 'grows' when the 'profits and money' increases proportionately and the results grow 'larger and larger'. These results have been transformed into 'Corporate Persons' and are protected by the Constitution. Government 'protects' the economy and gives it a 'Social Space' within which to grow. Political Thinking doesn't 'create' anything; it protects 'something' that all the Real People already have when they are born into a Democracy. Those 'Real People' grant to the Top of the Governmental structure the 'Political Power' to Govern. Only Government has Power; the economy does not have political Power, it has influence, but that is 'not Political Power'. An economy cannot Govern; it only creates 'more and more of the same'; Viz., 'Profits' and 'Money' and 'Largeness'. An economy is an important part of every Nation or Government. But, don't kid yourself: it cannot Govern. If we grant to the 'economy' the 'Power to Govern', we immediately grant it to a "Plutocracy", or, at least to an "Oligarchy". No, Government can only function with 'Equality and Freedom': a 'Something' that every real Individual has when s/he is born into a Governmental Structure. Every 'Real Individual' is born 'Equal and Free'. No Human Being is 'created' by the Constitution. But, S/he must be protected by the Constitution; after all, 'S/he' are the ones who gave the Top of Government 'political Power'. The only way human beings can be protected by a Constitution is by 'Political Thinking', not Economic thinking, but then Political Thinking is a kind of Thinking characteristic of Real States-Persons, not 'politically correct Politicians' and certainly, not CEO's from the Economy. Where are the States-Persons?

Friday, August 4, 2017

Democracy is about Real people; Corporate 'Persons' is about making a Profit.

Democracy is about You and I; its about 'Real People'. I'm Real, and I know You are too. Democracy is about living together; living in a 'Condition of Togetherness' where 'each Real Individual' retains his/her unique 'humanity'. Corporations are 'Legal Fictions' that exist only in contemplation of Law. Constitutionally, they are considered 'Persons', but they are not Real. If a Corporation violates a Law, it cannot be put in Jail because it 'does not exist'. Only the 'Real owners' behind the Corporate Structure can go to jail, but before that happens, the Law has to 'Pierce the Corporate veil'. What does that mean? It means the Corporation cannot go to jail under any circumstances, because it is not real. That's why it took a decision by the Supreme Court of the United states to declare it a "Person", but only in 'Contemplation of Law'. Its not Real. So, the 'larger the corporation', the larger its 'economic embrace'. A large economic embrace can only compete with another large corporation. So where does that leave the real Individual? A Real Individual cannot compete with a Corporation; S/he can compete with another Real Individual, but only on a small scale. Our economy functions with Legal Fictions; but, our Democracy does not function with Fictions, legal or Otherwise; that's why we have a Democracy; a Government that protects the 'Real People' living in a 'condition of togetherness'. The 'Real people' who live in this 'condition of togetherness', retain their 'unique humanity'; We are not Fictions, legal or Otherwise, we are 'Real'. I am real and I know you are Real. The 'Fictions' in the Economy must be 'controlled'; viz., the Corporations, Profits, and Money. They are 'all Fictions'. The 'Real Individuals' can only be 'Governed' with Equality and Freedom. The Individual Life is Real, and it can only be 'Governed democratically'.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Democracy cannot be 'motored' with business principles and Corporate America cannot be 'motored' with political principles.

Democracy cannot be 'motored' with 'business principles' and a 'Corporate America' cannot be 'motored' with 'democratic political principles'. A corporation can only be 'motored' with Profits and Money and a Democracy can only be motored with 'Equality and Freedom', and 'never shall the twain meet'. The only way that any Government can govern a so-called "Corporate Nation" is for that Government to be a Dictatorship or some 'form' of Autocracy. Of course, even in such a case, a 'Corporate economy' can only 'exist' if the 'corporations' are motored by 'Profits and Money'. However, these forms of Government 'own and control' the corporations and hence allow it to be part of the economy. Of course, these Governments are not Democracies; i.e., they are not Governments "of the People", "by the People" and "for the People". People are not important in a Dictatorship or an Autocracy. But in a Democracy, 'the People' at the Bottom constitute the essence of Government. The Economy and hence, the Corporations, are also important in a Democracy, but they are still motored with business principles, not democratic principles. Business is not democratic and Democracy is not a Business. The two principles must be kept separate. Business knows how to make 'Profits and Money', but they 'cannot' Govern with 'Equality and Freedom'. So, what happened? Why is there such turmoil and confusion, at the highest level of Government? Simply, the Individuals in positions of political Power do not know 'how' to Govern. They come from the 1%; they are Billionaires; and probably 'good business-persons', but they are not 'Statesmen'. Even our so-called 'politically correct' politicians do not know 'how to Govern' but, at least, they have some idea of what 'governing' means. Nevertheless, we need 'States-persons', not 'political correctness'; and certainly; not Business Persons, at the helms of Government. How sad; we have Individuals 'driving' the Ship of State; individuals who do not have the 'proper licence'.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Bottom Line of a Real Democracy is the Individual. The Individual is politically Equal and Free and is protected by the First Amendment.

The Bottom Line of a Real democracy is the Individual. S/He is politically 'Equal and Free'. Although normal usage is "Freedom and Equality", I use the term "Equality" first, to clarify and to avoid, the 'absurd position' that if I am Free first, then I can be 'Free to consider Others less Equal than Me. That's Absurd, you say; well, be very careful; if I am Free 'first', then I am free to consider myself 'Superior' to 'everyone else' and hence, can 'discriminate' Racially, discriminate Economically, be Greedy, and, if in political 'Office', can 'Govern Unequally'. No, Equality must be 'First', then, all Individuals, including different Races, different economic 'classes', etc., are 'Free' to do as they please within the 'confines of Legal Structure'. A democracy must have a Legal Structure. The Legal Structure is the structure that determines and defines the expression of Equality and Freedom within the 'legal boundaries' of the 'State'. One of the biggest 'understated' Problems of 'democracy' is its 'proximity' to Oligarchic Government; a Government by a 'select few'. That is not a Democracy. Now, just 'add' to that 'form of Government', a Government of the 'Few', who just happen to be Millionaires, or, Billionaires', and you have a Plutocracy, or, stated differently, a Government of the 1%, by the 1%, and 'for the 1%'. If this happens, and it has, the Real People at the Bottom of Government are no longer 'Equal'. 'Absurd', you said? No, that's where we are. But, think about it, the 'Real People' who are looked upon as being Unequal, are still, in a Real Sense, 'Equal and Free'. This Equality places a tremendous Responsibility on the Real Individual. That responsibility is to express ones Freedom, Verbally and Behavior-wise, in a 'Democratic manner', within the confines of Law; because, Real People live in a 'condition of togetherness', and each and everyone is 'Equal and Free'. But, don't fool yourself, we are in deep trouble; normal linguistic usage, or, normal political and Social terms are being 'changed', 'modified', 'confused', and, unfortunately, we have reached a 'daily-stage' where we cannot distinguish between 'reality' and 'bull-shit'. The stage for Real News has been destroyed. There is no longer a connection between the 'Media' and what is happening 'Up There'. The People at the Bottom are being manipulated; the Culprits?, the so-called 'Leaders at the Top'! Its time to remember 'parts' of the First Amendment; "the right of the People.... to assemble ...and Petition for redress of grievances." That, is the Right of Revolution.

Monday, July 17, 2017

A Democratic Political Structure is different and functions differently from a Capitalistic Economic Structure.

A Democratic Political structure differs from a Capitalistic Economic structure. Political activity differs from economic activity. Political structures, of all kinds, and of different political Ideologies are designed to 'Govern' with 'Political Power', while Economic structures are designed to produce 'more and more of the same, to wit; Products, Profits, and Money, which is only a "Medium of Exchange". A 'Medium of exchange' is just as fictional as is a Corporation, but, to be sure, they are 'functional fictions' and create 'Value'. The two ( Political and Economic)Institutional Structures differ so much from each other that it can be said that, "never shall the twain meet". Each discipline has its proper 'social domain' and neither can function as the 'Other'. One Governs; the Other 'produces an economy'. A 'Social domain' is a 'condition of togetherness' where each and every Real Individual retains his Freedom and Equality in the said 'condition'. A Corporation is a legal Fiction and hence is not a Real Individual. Hence, Corporations cannot vote; but, nevertheless, receive 'a helping hand' from the Governmental Branches that are occupied by a divisive 'social' characterized as 'Democrats and Republicans', or, 'Conservatives and Liberals'. Obviously, these political 'Ideologues' also, "shall never meet". The Real Individuals are the Ones who vote for the Representatives that assume positions of Power. Government has Power; the economy, money and Profits have 'influence'. So why are all the Top Governmental Offices occupied by Business CEO's and Billionaires? Is it possible that they are concerned with the Freedom and Equality that Real Democracy is about? Very unlikely. Sad, but true, democracy has lost its grip on its 'reason for existing' and in its place we have an Oligarchy, or, a 'budding' Plutocracy. The 1% will get the 'Roses', we'll get the 'Sun Flowers'.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

The Political Interactions between a Real Democracy and a Corporate Economy must be re-defined.

The Political interactions between a Real Democracy and a Corporate Economy must be re-defined. The economy will always be part of the Democracy. However, the two entities are driven by different 'motors' and hence require that each of the 'motors' be related to their separate independent goals. The economy can 'Never' drive the Political Entity, and the Political Entity can never survive on an 'Economic Motor' of Profits and Money. Hence each must stay out of the 'functional domain' of the Other. However, the Political Entity can 'help' and 'legislate' with relation to the Economy: this becomes evident by the creation of Legal Fictions, viz., a 'Corporate Person'. Needless to add, this move not only 'helps', but gives the Corporation a huge boost to its 'economic embrace'. A real human Person can no longer compete with a Corporate giant. The corporate entity is now judicially considered 'a Person', like you and I, within the protective embrace of the Constitution. But wait, that person is not like you and I. The Judicial Branch of Government must stop trying to create 'Judicial Fictions' that are 'more and more human'. It cannot be done. A Legal Fiction will always be a Legal 'Fiction'. Our 'Advanced Technology' is trying to do the same thing and the best they've come up with is either, Robots or Cyborgs. ( Machine or 'half-machine') Surreal, but True. The Constitution was designed to apply to Democratic 'Political Institutions 'motored' by the Freedom and Equality of each and every 'Real Human Being', living within the Nation-State. 'Politics' must also assume its real 'posture' and be driven by 'Freedom and Equality'. No more Political 'Correctness', its 'empty and vacuous', we need Real States-Persons. The Economy must assume its Real posture also and 'serve' the Social, or 'condition of togetherness'. ( not the 1%). We also need to make distinctions between 'Hoarding' a medium of exchange and 'Savings'. One is proper ,the Other is Not. We cannot 'lose sight' of the 'Genuine Feeling' of 'living' in a Real democracy. The 'remainder' is Alice in Wonderland.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Democracy is founded on Real Individuals; a Corporate Economy is founded on Legal Fictions.

Democracy is founded on 'Real Individuals' whereas, a Corporate Economy or, Corporate America is founded on Legal Fictions. A political Democracy relates to the Real Individuals that constitute the 'Bottom of the Governmental Structure'. The 'Top of Democracy is defined and described in the Founding Document establishing the Democracy, viz., the Constitution. A Three Branch Government of 'Real People' is a Government "of the People", "by the People", and, most important,"for the People". A Government 'for the People' is a 'Growing Government', or, a 'Mature Democracy' and that is one that 'expands' its Political Institutions to 'include' more and more of the Real Individuals within its Democratic Institutions. It eliminates Racial Discrimination; it eliminates 'economic imbalances'; it creates Jobs, more opportunities; it eliminates disease, sickness, poverty, and it truly, must include, the Equality of the Human Condition. Of course, every Democracy must also have an Economy. But, its a Democracy that 'has' an Economy and not an Economy that 'has' a Democracy. Try 'creating' a successful 'Business Corporation' within an Autocratic form of Government, and watch what happens. Democracy is basic. A Business Corporation is 'unreal', its a Legal Fiction'; its recognized by Law as a Fiction that 'only exists in contemplation of Law'. It exists solely for the creation of Profits and Money. It has no other goal. As an Economic Entity within an Economy, it's not a problem. But, it and its Economic Principles must stay out of Politics. 'Political Principles' and 'Business Principles' do not mix. Profits, Money, and Greed are harmful to the Democratic process. That's why we must do away with Citizens United. Corporations have no business in Politics. Their purpose for existing as Fictions is different. They have 'no interest' in Freedom and Equality, or stated differently, in Democracy. A Political Cabinet consisting of Business CEO's is problematic. We need 'Real' Politicians or, States-Persons; not 'Greedy Politicians', or 'Political Correctness', or Greedy Businessmen. If Democracy is to flourish, Corporate America must stay in its proper economic Place. That's where it can do its 'most Good'.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Democratic Government ( Top) gets Political 'Power' from the 'condition of togetherness'; not from Corporate America.

Democratic Government( Top) gets its 'Political Power' from the 'condition of togetherness' at the Bottom. That 'Condition' is composed of Real Individuals living together, next to each 'Other', in the said 'Condition'. Usually, the 'Condition' is referred to as the 'Social', but that abstract 'term' has acquired a 'deceptive' reputation when its referencing a Political Structure. Its better not to lose sight of the 'real Individuals' at the Bottom of Government. The real Individuals elect the Representatives who will serve in Office at the Top. By so doing, they 'empower' the 'Real Individuals' who will occupy Office, but only for the duration of Office. That's why there are 'term limits' for Office. A Corporation can never be elected to serve in Democratic Office, because its a 'Legal Fiction' and exists only in 'contemplation of Law'. In other words, its not Real, it does not exist as a 'Real Person'. It cannot vote either. Of course, it doesn't get 'sick'; it doesn't need Medical Attention; it doesn't 'eat' and it doesn't 'work'. We can go on all day with what it can't do, but, to be sure, it can generate Greed; that means more and more of the same, to wit, Profits and Money. But, a corporation cannot have Political power. It has influence because it has Money, but that is not Political Power. A Democratic Government can be 'motored' only with 'democratic Principles'; i.e. the Freedom and Equality of every Real individual in the 'Condition of togetherness'. Business Principles cannot, and should not, govern a Democracy. It can surely shuffle Money and benefits; it can create the illusion of progress, because there is 'more money' in 'some sector' of the economy in the Social; it takes 'from One' and gives to the 'Other'; but, in no case does it 'Insure and Protect' the 'Freedom and Equality' of 'every' Real Individual in the 'Condition' of togetherness. Business is not Government; business cannot Govern; only Government can govern the Individuals and the Businesses in the Social. Lets go back to 'Real Democratic Government'; lets get away from 'some twisted form' of Plutocracy.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Democracy must 'Govern'; Corporate Capitalism 'generates' Greed; and that must be controlled.

A characteristic of Democracy is that it needs to 'Govern' and apply 'Democratic Principles' to each and every 'Real' Individual in the 'Condition of Togetherness'. A characteristic of Capitalism is that it can generate Greed. Democracy must apply to every real Individual in the 'Condition of togetherness'( hereinafter, the Social). In a Democracy, regardless of Race, Color, or Creed, every real Individual must be 'counted' or, 'accounted for'. The Bottom of Democracy, or the 'Social', must be 'quantified' and every real 'Individual' must be included in the 'establishment' and 'distribution' of 'Rights', Juridical and Economic, that must be attributed to the 'Freedom and Equality' of the Individual. On the other hand, 'Capitalism' and business 'Corporations' are 'money making machines'; that's their sole function. They can only function with a 'motor' of 'Profits and Money'. To be sure, they belong in the Economy, as an 'essential Part' of the Polity. But, a 'Democratic Polity' is motored by 'Freedom and Equality'. Hence, the tension between Democracy and Capitalism. Capitalism has a great advantage over Democratic Government because its sole function is Profits and Money, and for that purpose, it has created 'Legal Fictions' called 'Corporations', and they are considered as a 'Person' subject to the protection of the Constitution. The 'Democratic Polity' doesn't have 'fictional Individuals'. They are all 'Real human beings' and the Freedom and Equality applies to each and every real human being. These real human beings constitute the Social and no real Human Being can compete with a 'Corporate Person'. The corporate 'economic embrace' is beyond measure. Capitalism has destroyed healthy competition. Of course, the increased 'economic embrace', or, 'economic Grasp', contributes to the 'lop-sided' economic 'balance' in the Social. That economic balance dominates the economic field and leads to 'Greed' and the 1%. So, do we get rid of Corporations? NO!,No!, No!, we give Corporations more democratic duties and we control Greed, or, the 'hoarding' of the Medium of Exchange. The democratic duties could include provisions in their Charters to provide more 'democratic Functions' with a 'newly formed internal structure'. With respect to hoarding, a medium of Exchange must circulate. That's its sole purpose. Hoarding by 'Corporations' or their "Owners" should be made Illegal, or, their Tax bracket should return to where it was some years ago, 70%-90%. A corporation is not a 'Real Person'; its a Fiction and hence, its not entitled to be treated as a 'Real Person'.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Democracy's greatest problem is the 'Capitalistic attitude' and hoarding a 'Medium of Exchange'.

Democracy's greatest problem is the Capitalistic attitude of the 'People' at the Bottom. There is nothing wrong with Capitalism as an economic system. Its the best economic system. But, the system, as a whole, is motored by Profits and Money. Hence, Capitalism has its place in a Democracy. nevertheless, it must stay within its 'own social boundaries'. That may not be too easy; because all the 'Peoples', at the Bottom of Government, and all Politicians also live within the same Governmental, Economic, Social, Capitalistic system. The two systems must function 'separately'. But. it becomes imperative for the 'Governmental part' and the 'Political Part', to function with Freedom and Equality for all the Individuals in the Social. Politicians must be 'conversant' and 'functional' within the Political system and hence, must function with 'political principles' of Democracy. The Problematic arises when we 'mix' the Two, or, sometimes, when Government is infiltrated with a 'Capitalistic attitude' that 'creeps' into Governing. In all Probability, there is no such thing as a Billionaire Politician. The reason for that is that an economy cannot function with the Motor of Freedom and Equality and a Democratic Government cannot function with a motor of Profits, Money, and Bigness. Hence, a Political candidate must be a Politician. Normally, a Billionaire is motivated by Profits, Money, and Bigness, whereas, a Politician should be motivated by 'political principles'; 'political Ideology'; and the altruistic 'wish' to Govern with 'Democracy'. A Billionaire 'Politician' wants 'more and more of the same' and builds 'Big Buildings', and makes decisions based on Profits, money and 'a Good Deal'. A 'Real Politician' wishes to eliminate 'discrimination' of all kinds; particularly, Racial, Economic; and Educational; and to arrange the Social in a 'form or structure' that protects and respects the Freedom and Equality of 'all real Individuals' in the Social. His first priority should be to 'rearrange' the 'internal form' of the Corporation, so that it 'reflects' a more 'democratic' form of existence. After all, Law creates Corporations. Its time Corporations also become 'motored' by some Democratic Political principles and not solely, by economic principles. Business Corporations are Money Making Machines and hence those Profits and monies should go to some 'Democratic ideals' and 'functions', instead of the 1%. 'Hoarding' a 'Medium of Exchange' should be a punishable Legal Offence. After all, its only a 'medium of exchange', and its only created for that 'sole function'.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

The Democratic 'motor' works upon 'each' Individual; the Capitalistic 'motor' works upon 'Economic Institutions'.

The Democratic motor works upon 'each' and 'every' Real Individual in the 'Condition of Togetherness'( hereinafter referred to as 'the Condition'). Every Individual must be 'accounted' and 'provided for', within the 'Condition'. The reason for that is that 'each Individual' retains his/her unique 'Individuality', and must 'count' in the establishment of 'Democratic governing'. One cannot 'count' within 'general abstractions' like Social, Society, The People, the Bottom, etc.. General abstractions cannot be 'verified'. Unfortunately, they leave 'too much wiggle room' for 'duplicity' and they do not provide any mode for 'accountability'. In a 'Real Democracy', each 'real' Individual must be 'counted', and S/he cannot be swept under the 'rug of 'abstract generality'. That means that when we say every Individual is Free and Equal, we must 'include', i.e., 'count' 'every' Individual, regardless of 'Race', 'Color', 'Creed', 'Class', Social, or Economic standing. If, You or I, are not 'counted' in formulating Freedom and Equality in the 'condition of togetherness', we do not live in a Democracy. When we 'Quantify Democracy', every Real Individual is 'Counted' and every 'Leader' is 'Accountable'. In Capitalism the goal is to 'Produce', 'more and more of the Same', i.e., Profits and Money. That created the 1%. Capitalists want Big, Huge, never-ending 'more and more'. They even went to the extent of creating Legal Fictions called 'Persons', like you and I, and afforded them Constitutional protection. Capitalists don't 'Govern'; they 'Produce': on the Other hand, Politicians don't 'produce', they 'Govern' with 'Freedom and Equality'. A good Politician probably wouldn't make a very Good Businessman; and a good Businessman would never make a 'good Politician'. The point is don't 'inextricably' mix the Two. Keep 'Big Business' out of Politics, and get rid of Citizens United.

Friday, June 9, 2017

The 'Democratic Motor' establishes Law and Order to 'drive' Freedom and Equality of the Individual.

The Democratic 'Motor' establishes Law and Order to 'further' drive the Freedom and Equality of the Individual. Only a democratic Motor can do that. Law and Order 'establishes' and 'arranges' an 'orderly' and 'effective' 'condition of togetherness' that 'protects and defends' the freedom and equality of all the 'real' Individuals in the Nation, or the 'Social'. This arrangement of the 'condition of togetherness' must originate at the 'Top of Government', or, stated differently, at the 'inception of the Governmental Entity'; i.e., its 'Constituted nature', or, its Constitution. Constitutional Law 'governs' the constituted nature of the Nation and the 'place' of the Real Individual of the Social. The 'economic motor' is also a 'necessary part' of the 'National scheme'; but, the 'economic motor' is part of the 'Political' or 'Democratic motor'. The Nation and the real Individuals need an Economy but, at this point, great care must be taken. The Economy is 'part' of the political and not the other way around. There are 'political terms' like 'Political Economy' that can be used to 'confuse' the priority of the Terms. There's a great danger to misunderstanding the priority of the 'two Institutions'. If we place the Economic 'prior' to the Political, we are placing their respective motors at the point of Origin. The motor of the Economic is 'profits and money' and the motor of the Political is 'Freedom and equality'. Neither Institution can function with the 'Motor' of the Other. Try making a 'Profit' with Freedom and Equality, or, try implementing 'Democracy' with profits and money. Another problem is that the Economic sector has Legal Fictions or, 'artificial persons'. They are not 'Real Persons'. Hence, they should not be 'equated' to the 'Real'. In a real Constitutional Democracy, all the 'real persons' are protected by the Constitution. The Legal Fiction can also be protected, but only 'up to a point'. They are not Real!; and 'should not' be 'equated' to the Real. There goes 'Objectivity'. Get rid of Citizens United!

Thursday, June 8, 2017

A Democracy requires Law and Order to protect the 'Freedom and Equality' of the Individual.

A Democracy protects the 'Freedom and Equality' of each and every 'Individual', in the 'Condition of Togetherness', through Law and Order. Law and Order is both a 'positive statement' and a 'negative statement' of what an Individual 'can' and 'cannot' do. The term Law and Order refers to the 'structure' or 'form' of the 'condition of togetherness', as it is 'circumscribed', and 'structured', by Law. That's why it is said that we are a 'Nation of Laws'. There are many kinds of Law. Constitutional Law 'delineates' the 'establishment' and the 'Power' in the Three Branches of Government. The Constitution 'constitutes us' as a Nation. Civil and Criminal Law delineates the Laws governing Civil Society or the 'condition of togetherness'. It sets out general Rights and structures a 'Social'. Whereas, Criminal Law sets out, in negative fashion, what we cannot do. If we violate a criminal statute, we can be punished and even put in jail. If a Corporation violates a Criminal Law, it cannot be punished or put in jail, because it does not exist. Its a Legal Fiction and exists only in contemplation of Law. Of course, there are Laws that govern corporations; their creation, and their structures. The 'Fiction' is created by Law. A Corporation is not a Natural entity. If a corporation does something wrong, it can be corrected, but, if in violation of Criminal Statutes, it cannot be put in jail. Its possible to get behind the corporate structure to punish the real Individual behind the infraction, but first one must "pierce the corporate veil", to get to the Individual. That's not an easy task. Corporations are "Persons" and entitled to protection by the Constitution, but they are not 'real' Persons. A real Person cannot compete with a Corporation. Hence, the economy is 'out of kilter'. The motor that drives a Democracy is freedom and equality. The motor that drives the Economy and Capitalism is Profits, and money. The Two motors must be kept separate because Democracy cannot survive with profits and Money; and Capitalism cannot survive with Freedom and Equality.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Democracy is not perfect; but its a viable system for implementing its Principles.

Democracy is not perfect; but its a viable system for implementing its Principles. The fact that it has Three Branches of Government is already a 'different approach' to Governing; an approach that allows for the 'participation' of each of the Three Branches to function in their different capacities. Of course, the interaction between the Branches is not a perfect one; but its a 'means' which allows for the 'expression' of the 'will' of the 'Individual', or, stated differently, for the 'expression' of 'the Bottom', of Government, or, of the 'will of the People' in their 'condition of togetherness'. The Bottom, the People, 'legislates'; the Top, the Government, 'Governs'; and the 'sides' or the Third Branch, 'Adjudicates'. Its the best system of Government around; not Perfect, but then we live in a 'real World'. The system has many areas that need improvement. But, that is not a reason for discarding the system. To be sure its a reason to 'better it' or to try to 'perfect it'. But, the division into Three Branches further requires that the 'function' of each 'Branch' must remain 'separate'. A 'Separation of Powers' is necessary for the 'Structure' or 'Form' of Democracy to 'retain' its 'democratic nature', i.e., a Government "of the People", "by the People" and "for the People". No 'One Branch' can interfere with the 'Other Branch'. If the System is to remain 'viable', the System must 'respect' and be 'Bound' by the 'function' of the 'Other' Branches of the System. A Three Branch Government can only function by means of 'Law and Order'. Law and Order governs the Social, or, the Bottom, or 'the condition of togetherness'; Law and Order governs the function of the 'Executive Branch' by Constitutional interpretation. At this point, great care must be taken, because the Third Branch must decide, objectively, if possible, what is 'Law'and 'Order' in a Three Branch form of Governmental interaction. The problematic is that the members of the Third Branch already belong to different 'Political Parties', and the 'Social' is further organized into 'Federal' and 'States' groupings, or into a 'Republic' form of Government; so the question is what constitutes 'Objectivity' in Adjudication?
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.