Wednesday, November 29, 2017

A Democracy does not Govern when it ignores the Freedom and Equality of the People.

A Democracy does not 'Govern' when it ignores the 'Freedom and Equality' of its People. A Democracy must concern itself with the economic conditions of a Democratic Nation, but it must also concern itself with the 'Freedom and Equality' of its People. To focus on the economy and not address the issues of 'racial discrimination', 'racial inequality', 'economic inequality', the 'Lop-Sided' nature of 'economic benefits' in the Economy; is to ignore the very nature of what it means 'to Govern' in a 'democratic manner'. We are a Democratic Government first and 'then' a successful Economy. If all our 'political achievements' further perpetuate our 'economic imbalances', our racial discrimination, our inequality, we are not 'governing' a democracy. The present economy has 'flourished' because it 'exists and functions' within a Democracy. That cannot be done in an Autocracy; a Plutocracy; or an Oligarchy. Those forms of Governments are not Democratic. As a matter of fact, such a 'concentration' on economic matters gives birth to Plutocracy, to Autocracy, to Oligarchy. It gave birth to the 1%. Democratic Government cannot ignore economic matters, but it can't concentrate solely on 'economic matters' either. When the Leader of a Democratic Nation comments, on a visiting Leader from another Nation; with the statement, "he's got a bigger airplane than I do", one has to wonder, what kind of 'Democracy' he has in mind. An Economy cannot Govern. A Democratic Government can Govern with Freedom and Equality and if we forget that, we're completely lost. The only "fake News" today is that a Corporation is a 'Person'.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

When Capitalism 'Governs', the 'Form of Government' is Autocratic.

When Capitalism 'Governs', the 'Form' of Government is Autocratic, or, simply, Dictatorial. The 'end product' of Capitalism is 'more and more of the same', viz., Profits and Money. Its a 'quantitative Goal' achievable only by a huge increases in Profits, Money, and Size. Capitalism has no place for Freedom and Equality. Freedom and Equality 'motors' a Real Democracy. A 'Real' Individual is not 'Free' to compete with a 'Legal Fiction', called a 'Business Corporation'; nor is a Real S/HE Equal to the 'task'. When the 'Reins' of Government are taken over by an 'Economy', you will notice an 'increase' and a 're-shuffling' in 'Trade Policies', Tax reductions for the 'Business Corporate Structure', and increases in 'some areas' of 'money circulation'; but you 'will not see' an increase in the Minimum Wage. Oh, you will see and hear statements of 'more Jobs' for the 'Worker Bees', but its the 'Legal Fictions' (corporations) that are getting 'Fatter and Fatter'. The 1%-er's get 'Fatter and Fatter' until the 1% holds all the Medium of exchange. In other words, the so-called 99% no longer hold any 'Medium of exchange'; they just manage to survive, and the Political result will be a Plutocracy, or at least an Oligarchy. The Irony is that a 'Political entity', with Power at the Top, doesn't need 'Profits and Money' to 'function effectively'. It already has 'Power at the Top'. That's the 'Nature' of Political Entities. Oh, it needs money to establish 'social entities' and 'functions', but it doesn't need the 'whole ball of Wax'. If Capitalism Governs, the People at the Bottom, still need 'Monies' and 'social Institutions' to 'have a good life'. Maybe its time to try a 'Real Socialism', not the kind of Socialism practiced by most Nations where the Nation owns the 'means of Production'; or even where the 'People' purportedly own the Means of Production;( That sounds like a 'Legal, Governmental, Fiction' also.) . I've said that the term "Social" is Too General, vague, indefinite, and nebulous. Instead of using that term why not use 'the condition of togetherness'. In such a Term, the Real Individual doesn't lose his/her 'Individuality' as a 'Real Human Being'. The term applies to the 'Condition of togetherness' as an 'Entity'; of course, it can be called 'Social', so long as the Real Individual does not lose His/Her Real Individuality. Each Individual retains His/Her Individuality in the 'Condition'; it does not include Corporations because they are 'Legal Fictions' that only exist in 'contemplation of Law'. Its time to understand that Government would not exist but, for, the 'Many People' at the Bottom.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Capitalism is a great economic system but, it is not motored by Freedom and Equality.

Capitalism is a great economic System but, it is not motored by 'Freedom and Equality'. Remember, Democracy is 'motored' by 'Freedom and Equality'. So, whats the problem? The problem is we have tried to substitute an 'economic motor' for the functioning of a Democracy. That will not work. Remember, the 'Economy' is situated 'within' the Democratic Polity. Why? Because the Capitalistic system can only function effectively in a Democratic Polity. Try forming a 'genuine Capitalism' in a Dictatorial Nation. It will work so long as the Government acquires control of the 'Results' or Profits of the economic activity. Economics is a 'cut-throat' business and can only function with Profits and Monies. Whereas Democracy functions with Freedom and Equality. The General Welfare of the Individuals, in a democracy, is not 'ignored' and 'set aside'; instead their 'Freedom and Equality' is balanced out; both, in the 'Polity' and in the 'Economy', and hence, the 'General Welfare' is equilibrated and harmonized. That's Real Politics. The Problematic seems to be that we 'value Profits and Money' more than Freedom and Equality. That's a human failure. We are trying to get 'more and more of the same'; viz.,profits and Monies. Sad but true. In place of political Freedom and Equality, we wish to acquire 'Profits and Money'. Notice, the 'goals' and the 'conversations' coming from the Top of Government. Its about 'economics'; its making Corporations, legal Fictions, stronger. Where is the talk about Freedom and Equality? There is none! We only read about 'racial discrimination'; about 'gender' and 'sexual' abuse and discrimination; about 'economic inequality'; and about the 1%. Of course, everyone wants a living wage; a fair share of economic activity; a nice home; etc., but if we stop 'demanding' the 'core' of democracy, i.e., Freedom and Equality in the 'whole Social' fabric, we run the risk of being 'governed' by 'Capitalistic Autocracy'. Where are the States-Persons?

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Capitalism, as such, is not Democratic but; the 'End Results' of Capitalism can 'become Democratic'.

Capitalism, as such, is not Democratic but; the 'end results' of 'Capitalistic activity' can become 'more Democratic'. As things are now, the end results of Capitalistic activity results in the Gap between the 1% and the 99%. Corporate activity leads to Capitalistic 'systems' and they lead to that Gap. A Corporation is a "legal Fiction" that "only exists in contemplation of Law". Its 'Surreal' and it does not have the same Democratic Principles and Duties as a Real Individual. A Corporation has a huge 'economic grasp'; a grasp no 'Real Human Being' can have. There is no such thing as 'competition between a Corporation and a real Individual'. Then, the Profits and Monies, a 'Medium of Exchange' gets 'held' by the 1%. Is that lopsided? Is that fair? Of course, it will be said that 'corporate activity' leads to a 'Great economy'. But, shouldn't a Great Economy benefit the People? Instead, a Corporate society 'locks in' the Medium of Exchange. Why should they be allowed to 'lock in' a medium of exchange? That leads to a 'class society', and class societies lead to 'Plutocracy', and Plutocracy leads to a Government of the Rich, and a Government of the Rich, leads to a Government 'for the Rich' or for the 1%. Where's Democracy? No, if corporations are 'not Real', if they are 'economic Legal Fictions' created by the Government, they can also be given 'Democratic Duties'. Why give them an 'artificial existence' and not 'democratic duties'? Why create an 'Economic Autocrat' within a 'Democratic Society'? It doesn't make 'democratic sense'. Our Democracy is Real; "We the People" are Real; our 'economic Institutions' are Real; so why create an 'Economic Alice in Wonderland'? Originally, the Corporate Tax was 90%, then reduced to 70%, then got down to 30% and now being reduced to 20%. More than ever corporations need "Democratic Duties". Where are the Real Politicians?

Friday, November 17, 2017

The Goal of capitalism is 'more and more of the same'; the Goal of Democracy is Freedom and Equality for 'Everyone'.

The 'Goal' of Capitalism is 'more and more of the Same' i.e. 'Profits and Monies'. Capitalism cannot function without its 'motor' or its goal. Profits and Monies 'move' all economic activity. The 'Nation' or 'Democratic Government' cannot 'really move' without Freedom and equality. Of course, any Government can move as some 'self-contained principle' of Governing, but that would be an Autocratic or Oligarchic form of Government, not a Democratic Form of Government. Why is that? Simply because democracy has its 'motor', or 'Power of Movement' in the People at the Bottom of Government. In other words; a Democracy is a Government "of the People", "by the People" and "For the People". Democracy is a 'Peoples Government' and all Government Power comes from the Bottom. Whereas, Autocracies and Plutocracies also have 'Power at the Top', but that Power is an 'alienated Power' that does not 'reside' or 'come from' the People at the Bottom. The Power of Government, or of the Top, resides at the Top but it has to get that 'Power' from 'somewhere else', other than, some 'Arbitrary or Invented source'. In Ancient Times it was said that 'Kings' ( Autocrats) had a Divine Right to Govern. That theory of Government got so problematic that they even sought to justify it by saying that the "King had Two Bodies". Anyway, that does not concern us anymore. Today's Problematic is the 'misuse of Economic principles' and the reason for that is that Capitalism has gotten 'so powerful' and the economy is so 'Lopsided' that Money is equated with the 'Intelligence to Govern'. Economic principles are not Government Principles and 'never shall the Twain meet'. The economy is about 'making money'; Governing is about 'governing' with 'Freedom and Equality' of each and every 'Real Individual' at the Bottom. 'Governing' by the 'Economy' is Government by the 'Forbes List', or, by the 1%. Its 'empty, vacuous', and it can be 'characterized' as Government by 'Legal Fictions'. Governing by 'Democracy' is Government with Freedom and Equality, by the 'Peoples at the Bottom'. Real Government is 'Peoples Government'.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Capitalism could become a 'potent force' for 'Democracy'.

Capitalism could become a 'potent force' for Democracy. Now, understand this, Capitalism is an 'economic system', not a Government system, and it is driven by Profits and Money, not by Freedom and Equality. But, rightfully understood, and rightfully utilized, it can become a huge 'assist' in the 'democratic process'. As it is now, Capitalism drives 'Profits and Money', and 'Profits and Monies', 'creates Greed': it doesn't have too, but it does. Why? Well, it's responsible for creating that 'huge Gap' between the 1% and the 99%. Now, if the 'results' of Capitalism,i.e.,Profits and Monies, could become 'Democratic in Nature' i.e., if some of the 'results' could be used to set up 'Democratic Institutions' that would assist the 'unfortunate', e.g., homeless, veterans, 'sick and injured', 'jobless', children, and those, born physically deficient, and, 'generally', those in 'economic Need'; those 'Monies' could be utilized 'Democratically'. Now, its easy to imagine that some 1%-er will say, 'that's my money, I worked hard for it'; but did S/he? I've heard "quoted" Political Candidates that say, "I'm worth 10 Billion dollars". Now, if we take 2 Billion of that for democratic Institutions; that would leave 8 Billion to the Candidate. That doesn't 'seem' too bad. But, then again, I'm not used to being a Billionaire. Others, more politically oriented, would say "that's Socialism". Well, isn't Government supposed to help its Citizens, especially those 'in need' and who cannot 'help' themselves. But, keep in mind, I'm talking 'establishing' democratic Institutions, not 'hand-outs' and keep in mind that Corporations are 'unreal', legal fictions. Didn't Democratic Institutions, viz., the Third Branch, hold that a corporation was a 'Person' within the 'protection' of the Constitution and thereby help its accumulation of great wealth? Some of that wealth should inure to the establishment of 'democratic Institutions' that benefit the 'Needy'. It should 'extend democracy' into useful Institutions that help those in Need. The Third Branch could establish 'democratic duties' for those Legal Fictions it created. Maybe, just maybe it would balance out our 'lopsided Economy' and 'help' those who really need the 'help'. The 'Corporate World' is an 'illusory World', it cant be put in Jail; but, Real Persons can!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Real Political Dialogue cannot be 'replaced' by Political Correctness', nor by Economic dialogue.

Real Political dialogue cannot be replaced by 'Political Correctness', nor by 'Economic' dialogue. Politics and Economics are Real. Each has its own 'dialogue' and its own 'Language' and its own 'Motor'; and "never shall the twain meet". Political Correctness is 'empty talk' and takes on the 'characteristics' of the Speaker. Political Correctness is 'vacuous' and if reported correctly by the Media, sometimes sounds like a 'two children argument in the playground'. One says "your a Fat Lunatic" and the Other says " I'm not Fat". Empty political talk may be 'empty', but sometimes it reflects the 'ego structure' of the speaker. 'Political Language' must reflect the 'democratic nature' of the Polity or Nation. It also reflects the 'sincerity' of the 'Office Holder' and the 'Speaker'. 'Language use' can 'give away' the so-called 'interior' of the speaker. Some language can reflect the 'emptiness' of the 'political talk'; some can reflect the 'economic nature' of the talk; and some reflects the 'childish absurdity' of the talk. Political Dialogue should 'reflect' the 'Democratic Nature' of the Polity. Of course, it can't always be perfect and we all know that the actual dialogue of some Office Holders, behind the scenes, is much more 'mundane'. Of course, we can only know what the media reports. But, the Media is 'obligated' and 'duty bound' to be impartial and Objective in its reportage. The People in a Real Democracy need to hear the 'Real democratic dialogue', especially from the 'Office Holders', and more-so, from the Highest Office in the Land. 'Political Journeys' that only discuss 'Trade issues' and not 'other political issues', do not 'sound' democratic. Of course, Trade is important also, and relates to the International Sphere. But, International Trade is an Economic discourse, and should be 'economically democratic'. The International Sphere is no place for 'childish behavior'. Where are the Real Politicians? If I were a 'Real Politician', I would feel 'insulted' by what passes as 'Real Political Discourse'. We need Political Sincerity. The emphasis is on the word "Sincerity"; not 'Empty talk', not 'Economic talk', and certainly not 'childish talk'.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Political failure cannot be remedied with Economic Principles.

Political failure cannot be remedied with economic principles. Of course, their are some aspects of Governing that can be helped by the Economy, such as issues involving the Minimum Wage, etc.. But, that's a Political Principle that is applied to the Economy. The economy does not apply that on its own; its compelled to do so by the Laws of Government. As a general rule, political success calls for 'political Principles' involving Freedom and Equality and Principles of Governing. Issues that can be resolved Politically may call for contributions from the economy but, that does not mean that economic principles were involved. Remember, the economic 'motor'involves 'profits and money'; those are the movers of the economy. The economy is not going anywhere without Profits and Money and the economy is not a Democratic Institution; its a Capitalistic Institution; its job is Profits and money. An Economy cannot Govern. If the economy does not produce 'Profits or money' for the economy, it will cease to function as a Capitalistic Institution. Corporations that do not make Profits will not survive in the economy. That's one of the reasons why the Judicial Branch created "Persons" in the Economic Institutions. Political Issues can only be resolved by the 'Essence of Government', which is the 'Freedom and Equality' of the 'Real Individual', not by Economic Principles. The problem is that the Third Branch created 'Artificial Economic 'Persons'' and gave them the Right to participate in Politics (Citizens United). We live in a lopsided economy; that's what created the gap between the 1% and the 99%. Basically, Citizens United institutionalized 'Greed'. The Huge Money Makers are the 1%'er's. The economy needs to stay out of Government and Government needs to 'rectify' racial 'discrimination issues'; economic 'discrimination issues'; and it needs to have better control over the 'Corporate Structure'. If Government can control its 'Citizens', why can't it also control its Corporate Citizens? After all; it 'created' them.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Economic success is not as difficult as Political success. Political success should come first.

Economic success, in Capitalism, is not as difficult as Political success in a Democracy. The problematic is that we are a 'Polity First' and then we are an Economy. The 'Economy' exists 'within' the 'Polity'. A Democracy does 'not grow' within an Economy. The Economy grows within the Democracy. Try growing a Great economy in a Dictatorship; or, in a Plutocracy. The reason for that is that the Real Individuals in the 'condition of togetherness', in the Democracy, are able to 'protect' the Economy. That's what happened when the Judiciary declared the 'Corporation a 'Person' within the protection of the 14th Amendment. Without that move, the economy could not have been as successful as it is. Essentially, the Government protected the Corporation. The economy was successful because the Courts created an Artificial Person, a non-real-Person. Wouldn't it be nice if the Courts could Judicially declare some manner of 'perfecting Freedom and Equality' of each and every living Human Being within the Polity. Instead, each case is adjudicated separately and as it arises in the Social. Its ridiculous to 'say how great the economy is, when there is still 'racial discrimination', economic inequality, and a 1% and a 99%, in the Polity. We are a Democracy First!, then we are a Capitalistic Economy. Why can't Corporations also be Democratic in 'function'? It seems that the Courts have created the 1% and the 99%. The Judicial Branch needs more control of the Corporations or the 'Artificial Persons' it created. All this 'fake-noise' about how great our economy is, and we still have racial discrimination, police brutality, and the existence of a 1% and a 99% ? Something is wrong with our basic Institutions. Where are our States-Persons?

Saturday, November 4, 2017

'Political Correctness' and some CEO's seeking Political Office, are after the same Goal, 'Political Power'.

Politicians using 'Political Correctness' and CEO's seeking Political Office are after the same 'Goal'; 'Political Power'. The problem with 'Political Correctness' is that its not Political. Political Correctness uses and manipulates 'high level abstractions' dealing with 'Democracy', but which are not really anchored on anything 'Real'. The concepts themselves may be full of 'significance' and 'real meaning', but they are 'uttered and used' in an empty and 'vacuous manner', according to the 'Rules of Advertising'. They are 'used' to manipulate the People in the 'Social', or, at the Bottom of Government. Political Correctness is empty. Real Politics is full of significance and the language used by a Candidate is founded on real Principles of Democracy. So the problematic is to go from 'empty generalizations', or, the Rules of Advertising, to a Real Conversation full of significance that is really 'anchored' on the 'Freedom and Equality' of the 'Real Individuals' living 'next' to each other, in a 'Condition of Togetherness'. Power exists only in Political Office, and Political Office is founded on a 'Real' Democracy. 'Political Correctness' is a 'generalized falseness' which tries to acquire Real Power. Business CEO's, interested in Political Office, are in the same boat. They have ascended the ladder of success in the Business world and are now seeking Political Office. Why? They are worth Billions. They are at the acme of the Business world, so why such a 'thankless' pursuit? Its very simple; they have all the Money in the World, now they want 'Power'. But why? because Money, as such, is not 'Power', its only a 'medium of exchange', and 'Money' may have lots of 'influence', but it does not have 'Power'. Power exists only at the Top of Government in its relation to the Bottom of Government, i.e., to the Many People that constitute the 'Governed'. Business Principles do not belong in Democratic Politics and Democratic Politics can only function with Political Principles of Freedom and Equality. We must separate the Two.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Every Nation, needs an Economy, hence, Capitalism and Business entities.

Every Nation needs an Economy; hence Capitalism and 'Business Entities'. Please don't get me wrong. I'm not against a 'Capitalistic form' of an Economy. An economy should be strong and self-sufficient within its Capitalistic form. What I'm against is using the Capitalistic Form as the 'driver' of a 'Democratic Political Entity'. A Democratic Political Entity can only be 'driven' by 'Freedom and Equality'. Profits and money cannot drive a democratic Political Entity. A Dictatorship or a 'Kingdom' may have used 'Profits and Money', but that is no longer the case. Neither form of Government was a Democracy. The 'Divine Right of Kings' drove Kingdoms and anything the Dictator wants to 'use' can be used to drive a Dictatorship, even Force. An Oligarchy functions in the same way. But, none of those forms of Government is a Democracy. Democracy can only be 'driven' with the Freedom and Equality of all its 'Peoples' at the Bottom. Of course, a democracy also needs an Economy and the Economy is free to use the Capitalistic principles in its formation and establishment. But, the two Principles apply to 'different aspects' of the social in a Democracy. Democratic Principles apply to the Political Entity and Capitalistic Principles apply to the Economic Entity and never shall the twain meet. Democracy requires Freedom and Equality. Hence, Economic Principles must stay out of Politics. A democratic Political Entity must be driven by Freedom and Equality. Of course, this fact does not disqualify all Millionaires and Billionaire Candidates. But, Candidates must be Politically informed and s/he must know the 'requirements of Democracy' before they can assume the 'Positions of Political Office'. Unfortunately, most Millionaire Businessmen are too involved in their Businesses to be concerned with the Freedom and Equality of the 'Bottom'. The 'Poor' do not have the 'requirements of leadership', but neither do most Millionaires. So, in a Democracy, we must always be on the 'alert' with 'all Candidates' for Higher office. They may not be thinking the same as you and I.
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.