Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Politicians must understand 'Governing'; Businessmen must understand 'money and Profits'.

Politicians must have a clear understanding of what 'Governing' means. Businessmen must clearly understand what it means to make a 'Profit'. Governing relates directly to the 'Bottom' of a Democratic political structure ( Three Branch Structure) and effects all the Individuals at the Bottom. One can only Govern when s/he understands the 'effect' it has on each and every Individual at the Bottom (The Real People). Freedom and Equality is the goal of all democratic governing. There is no Racial discrimination; no economic discrimination; no 'preferential treatment' of so called "Classes", neither Racial nor Economic classes; and it doesn't involve Money nor Profits. Money and Profits do not come into the picture. But, Businessmen solely concentrate on the 'end product' of all economic activity, which is 'Profits'. A businessman who does not make a Profit will not survive in the Business World. So, what does a Businessman do when S/he occupies a Political position? Well, the truth is that S/he does not belong there. A Politician should have the sole concern (an 'impulse') to Govern 'all' the 'People'. Being a Politician is a difficult matter. Its no 'pie in the sky'. I assume the most difficult aspect is to be 'Selfless' or, at least 'relatively selfless'. All genuine political activity directly effects all the People at the Bottom of Government. Its not a "Job". It involves a sincere concern for 'all' the human beings living "in a condition of togetherness" who are situated at the Bottom of Government. Politics involves Governing; not making a Profit. Government and Business may need each Other, and they may be in the 'same boat'; but they have different 'motors'; and in a Real Democracy; each must play its 'proper role', and "never shall the twain meet". Should they ever 'meet'? "Hello" Plutocracy; or is it Oligarchy? For sure, its "Good-by" Democracy.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

A 'Statesman' is not a Businessman; and a 'Businessman' is not a Statesman.

A Statesman or a Politician has an entirely different function to play in the Social from that of a Businessman. The Politicians 'major' duty is to Govern. An Economist or a 'Businessman's major function' is to manipulate existing business Institutions in such a manner that the effect is profitable. S/he is not concerned with the act of Governing millions of People, except, maybe, to the effect that a 'business decision' might indirectly have on the Political Structures. The effect on the political structures, if any, might be 'indirect', and 'not directly' related to the 'business decision'. But, since the priority of every businessman is to make a 'profit', its unlikely that some beneficial political decision made by the Businessman, does not result in Profits. Business decisions, whether directly or indirectly, is always motored by Money and Profits. A Politician 'should' be 'motored' with the 'direct effect' a political decision has on the 'democratization' of the Social or the Nation. Politics should be, by its nature, 'selfless'. Being 'politically correct' is not sufficient. 'Business' is by 'nature' 'selfish'. That's why businessmen do not belong in the 'political arena', unless certain specific precautions have been taken. If these precautions have not been taken, the Political is in danger of becoming dominated by 'economic considerations'. In such cases, the political arena becomes a mere vehicle for the generation of Profits. These Profits benefit the 1% at the expense of a properly functioning democracy that benefits the 99%. Politics must be 'genuine' and not just 'politically correct', and it must be 'motored by Freedom and Equality'. Businessmen have no business in Politics, and Politicians have no business in 'political correctness.' 'Political correctness' is empty and vacuous. Where are our Statesmen?

Friday, January 27, 2017

A Democratic Nation is a 'political entity'; a Capitalistic economy is an 'economic entity'.

A Democratic Nation or Government is a political entity. A Capitalistic economy is an economic entity. Each is driven by a different 'engine'. In other words, freedom and equality drives a democratic political entity: Democratic Governments govern and are required to protect the Freedom and Equality of each and every real Individual. Governing does not relate to economic holdings or economic classes. Everyone is governed 'equally' and 'fairly'. The sole function of a democracy is to Govern in a 'democratic manner'. An Economy cannot be 'motored' by Freedom and Equality. It is motored by Profits and that is a form of 'inequality'. When Individuals compete with each other; its to make a 'bigger profit' than the 'Other'. Economic competition involves a certain 'inequality of striving'; some Individuals have more money than others and competition is usually very unequal. To add to this 'natural inequality', the Government Entity creates corporations, i.e., legal Fictions that only exist in 'contemplation of Law'. Even the Law knows and accepts them as Legal Fictions, i.e., they are not 'real Human Beings'. Nevertheless, the Courts gives them the same basic 'Rights' that real individuals have under the Constitution; they even get to 'contribute' to the political process. How 'Unequal' can you get? The Law; the Courts; create much of the inequality that exists in the Democratic social. They create economic corporations that have a 'huge economic grasp' and then, taxes them, by the 'same standard' that a 'real human Being', who works and labors everyday. Of course, business corporations are necessary to create a 'high standard' or a 'healthy standard' of living. Fine. But, since they are considered 'fictional entities', why can't they be given more democratic 'conditions for existing', like a 'higher tax bracket'; a bracket that reflects more accurately their 'increased economic grasp'. After all, they don't have a 'real family' to house, raise, educate and feed and to protect against sickness. They're pure, abstract, economic institutions, namely, Fictions. A Capitalistic Economy cannot 'drive' a Democratic Nation. it can create a 'healthy economy' in a Democratic Nation, but it can't drive it. Corporations must assume their proper place; as merely, 'Fictions' in a Capitalistic economy that must function more Democratically.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Can 'Real' Democracy survive a 'Plutocratic White House'?

A 'Real' Democracy, by definition, includes 'each' and 'every' 'real human being' situated at the Bottom of Government. In such a democracy, the entire Bottom would live in Freedom and Equality. At least, that is the goal of a 'real democracy'; and the Top would be an elected Body of Representatives. To the contrary, a Plutocracy is Government by the rich. In our situation, that would be the 1% and then 'some'. If, and only if, the 1% decide to govern all the People at the Bottom in a 'democratic' manner, i. e. by Freedom and Equality, a Democracy 'could' be possible. Of course, that is very unlikely. Remember, the Top is the Government and the Bottom is the 'Governed'. In the relation of the Top to the Bottom of Government, the Bottom remains relatively helpless with respect to the way the Top chooses to Govern. The problematic that arises is two-fold. In our 'assumed' situation, the Top is 'Plutocratic' and the engine that drives Plutocracy is Economics,i.e., Profits and Money. It is unlikely that the Top would not take advantage of the Political, Executive positions that they hold to increase their Profits and their hold on money. Economics is 'organized' in a manner that the end product of all economic activity is Profits. The problematic is that the economy cannot drive a 'political entity'. Only Democracy, or a form of democracy can drive the Bottom with Freedom and Equality. Hence, a Plutocracy, constituted by only 1% of the People, could 'awaken' the 99% at the Bottom and that would be millions and millions of 'Real' People. That gives rise to the Second factor; i.e., the awakening of the Bottom in a real democracy can result in a continuous organization of demonstrations in the social. There is no way that a Plutocracy could survive the 'awakening' of the Bottom of a democracy. The People have a Constitutional Right to implement the First Amendment and hence, a Plutocracy would be powerless to function as such. In a 'contest' between the two forms of Government, a Democracy would prevail. A Democratic White House could never become a 'Plutocratic White House'. That would be an oxymoron. In time, a 'Plutocracy' would self-destruct.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Constitutional Democracy needs to be 'clarified' and we need to 'Feel' its absence.

Constitutional Democracy needs to be 'clarified', or, at least, the 'term' needs to be continuously repeated by the 'Real People', until they can actually 'begin to feel' it's absence. Only the 'Real People' can do this; not the Legal Fictions. The Legal Fictions, or Corporations are vacuous, empty, abstract, linguistic generalizations, that exist only as 'Fictions', and then, only in the universe of 'Legal Discourse'; they do not have 'emotions' or 'Feelings'. Democracy is based on the Constitution and must be modeled in the 'legal form' of a 'Three Branch government'. The Bottom Legislates laws; the Top executes them; and the Middle interprets them. Notice that the Bottom, the People, legislate laws. The reason for that is that democracy is a form of Government where the Top has power to govern, but only because the 'Bottom' has elected the Representative of the Top. Democracy is a Government, ( I'm going to 'add' a 'little' to the Constitution; hoping that the Founding Fathers forgive me) "of the 'Real' People", "By the 'Real' People", and most, most, important, "for the 'Real' People", at the Bottom of Government. The Nation is a 'Political entity'; not an 'Economic system'. To be sure, it needs an economy, but the economy does not have the 'tools' or the 'structure' to 'Govern'. The Capitalistic economy 'cannot Govern'; it can produce more and more of the same, ( Profits) but cannot Govern. We must understand clearly, very clearly, that the 1% does not know 'how to govern'. They know 'how' to 'make Money'; and they have 'Money'; but that's all. Their interest of being on the 'Forbes List', must be their only interest. 'Greed' is a strange creature. God save us from greed. How sad. The Nation has the ability to be the greatest Nation in the World; and we allowed 'Capitalism' to 'seduce' Democracy. Its the peoples fault. We need to wake-up. We need to 'Feel' the 'absence of democracy' and 'really understand' that living in a Democracy is not about 'nickles and dimes', or 'greed', its about Freedom and Equality. But, the 'Top' also needs to play its 'democratic part'. If the Top is not going to do that; remember the First Amendment; "...the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances". 'Think' Democracy; 'Feel' Democracy: 'Do' Democracy.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

A Nation is not a 'Business entity'; its a Political entity fueled by 'democratic principles'.

A 'Democratic Nation' is not a 'Business'; its a 'Political entity' fueled by 'Democratic Principles'. That's one reason why 'Politicians' who occupy political Office, at a high level, must place their Businesses in a 'Trust'. A 'Political Officeholder' must be free from the 'requirements' of operating a 'business corporation' for Profits. Obviously, not complying with that requirement, places the 'Officeholder' in a precarious 'political position'. Obviously, a 'Politician Officeholder' in that position cannot 'operate his businesses' and 'Public Office' at the same time. Why? Simply because Business is motored by 'Profits' and Public Office is motored by the 'Constitution'. 'Freedom and Equality' of all 'real' Individuals is the motor of a Democracy. So, what happens when a 1%-er occupies Public Office and refuses to place his business interests in a Trust situation? That clearly 'signals' that 'Democracy' is in for a rough ride. Unfortunately, and to begin with, Democracy is already in a bad position when the 'People' in a 'condition of togetherness' divide-up into 'Political Parties'. Whats the difference between a Republican and a Democrat? Well, apparently one is still a 'businessman' and seeks 'profits' and the 'Other' is only 'Politically Correct'. In other words, neither is a 'genuine' 'statesman' or 'states-person'. How sad. A Great Nation is going to pot because those who decide to represent the People cannot be genuine 'Representatives' of the 'People'. We do not need 'Businessmen' 'driving' the Nation and we do not need 'Political Correctness' in Public Offices. We need genuine States- persons who still believe in a Constitution and who really want to Represent 'all' the People and who will help Legislate for the 'General Welfare'. A Nation is not a Business; its a political entity motored by Freedom and Equality. A Nation needs an Economy; but, an Economy is not a Political Entity. The 'two entities' are driven by different 'motors'.
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.