Thursday, March 29, 2018

Law and Order should be an Aspect of every Political Entity.

Law and Order should be an aspect of every Political Entity. A Political Entity exists only because it has Real People to Govern. Without People to Govern, there is no such thing, as a Political Entity. Whom would it Govern? Who would defend it in case of War? Who would pay Taxes for its 'continued existence', and who would Represent it in its Governing Functions. Hence, the necessity of a Top and a Bottom. The Top is the place of Political Power and the Bottom is the 'Condition of Togetherness', or, the Place of the 'Many People'. Hence, the difficult situation of the One and the Many. That situation or 'Condition' needs to be 'Governed' and it needs 'Law and Order' to 'develop' the 'Governing Relation'. That's why it can be said that a Democratic Nation is a 'Nation of Laws'. Those Laws should help in the Administration of the Freedom and Equality of each and every Individual in the Polity. Since every Nation depends on its people to even be considered a Political Entity, every Nation should have Laws that protect its People. However, Political Ideologies differ and some Nations are Autocracies, some are Plutocracies, some are Aristocracies, etc and each has Laws but the Laws are not 'crafted' to protect the 'People'; they are crafted to protect the 'Political Entity'. Of course, all so-called Democracies claim to Represent and Protect the People, but that is not necessarily the Case. Democracies still practice Racial Discrimination, Economic and Class Discrimination and Religious Discrimination. Discrimination is still 'out there', but its more subtle. How sad. if we don't start Governing with Political Principles of a 'Democratic nature', we are headed towards Plutocracy. We already have the problem of the 1%; we already have Economic Decisions that are making the Rich, Richer. We are being Governed by 'Economic Principles instead of Political, Democratic, Principles. Corporate Societies are extending their 'Business Tentacles' into the 'Democratic Political Entities'. Of course, the so-called Representatives want more and more 'Profits'. The Ironic aspect is that 'Profits' are only an accumulation of a 'Medium of Exchange' and are just as 'Fictional' as the Corporate structure. Where are the Real Politicians?

Saturday, March 24, 2018

'Politics cannot be a Science,' but, it must strive to be more 'Functional'.

Politics cannot be a Science, but it must strive to be more 'Functional'. We have all heard the term "Political Science", but the reality is that Politics cannot be reduced to a Science. Politics 'cannot' be quantified and all Sciences are quantified i. e. they deal with 'Fixed Quantities'. The reason it 'cannot be quantified' is because the 'Bottom' of the 'Political Sphere' are the 'Many Individuals' that constitute the 'Social'. The Social is always considered as a 'Unity' of sorts. That's a very 'Generalized', 'abstract', 'linguistic, term', but the term cannot be considered as a 'whole', when 'such usage', excludes the 'Real Individual' within the 'Term'. The 'Political Characteristics' in the 'Social' is that 'each and every' Real Individual at the Bottom is to be 'included'. Hence, to speak about the 'Freedom and Equality' of the Individual is to speak about 'Qualities' in the 'Living Individual', i.e., in His/Her 'Unique Life', that cannot be reduced to some 'Quantity'. 'Freedom and Equality' is a characteristic of 'every Living Individual' and cannot be reduced to a 'Quantity'. Everyone has it; that is why a 'Real Democracy' cannot discriminate on the basis of 'Race, Color or Creed'. Unfortunately, so-called 'Political Correctness' only gives 'Lip Service' to these 'Democratic Characteristics'. Of course, there are many Other dangers in a Democracy. Sometimes a 'Non Politician' gets into Public Office. Now, that's a Big Danger. The biggest Danger, in a Democracy, is 'Who' is running for Office, and what are 'Their' qualifications? A Democracy says "anyone can run for Office". But, what are the Qualifications to 'lead' a Nation? There 'should be' some 'general qualification' that a Candidate has the 'Polity' or the 'National Interest' and 'Real Democracy' in mind. Where are these Qualifications, and why not? Our current President was asked his 'Qualifications' and he said "I build big Buildings". We do not need a Businessman, or CEO, or a famous Entertainer, or movie Star who is Unfamiliar with 'Real Politics', in the same 'vein', we do not need a 'Politician' that practices 'Political Correctness' either. Where are the Real Politicians? Fame, Fortune and Prosperity, are not 'sole qualifications' for Public Office. There must be 'complete Knowledge' about the Political Entity and how 'it functions' and the 'Understanding' that 'No 'Human Being' can be Left Out' of a Political Entity; and most important, that 'Public Office' is not a means for 'self-aggrandizement'. Where ARE the Real Politicians?

Monday, March 19, 2018

Every Nation has a Top and a Bottom. They also have a 'Political Relation' that runs from the Top to the Bottom.

Every Nation has a Top and a Bottom. Every Nation also has a 'Political Relation' that 'runs' from the Top to the Bottom; i.e., from the 'seat of Power' to the Social or the 'Place of the Peoples'. That 'same Relation' also 'runs' from the Bottom to the Top. Every Government is about the means by which a Nation Governs its People. But, in a Democratic Nation, or 'the People' in the Democracy, must also be aware of the Laws of the Land, as they apply to their behavior, and also to the 'conduct' of the Representatives who govern them. Of course, there is 'no way' that any one Real Individual, at the Bottom of a Democracy, can be personally aware of the 'occurrences' or 'conduct' of the 'Representatives' at the Top. The only way to resolve that problem, a problem characterized as one of the problems of the 'One and the Many', is to have a Social Institution like the 'Media'. The Media should report on what takes place at the 'Top' as well as the 'Bottom'. It must be 'Objective'; and it must report; 'what', 'where', 'when' and 'why' any one thing takes place and it must do that without 'embellishment' and without being 'opinionated'. It must report 'Accurately' and 'Objectively' what is happening at the 'Top of Power' as well as at the 'Bottom'. How else can a People be able to Judge the activities of its 'Leaders' and the 'condition of the Social? Now listen very closely. To be sure, there are different types of Media. We all know that but we always look forward to 'Serious' and 'Objective reporting'. But, when the 'Top of Power', or the occupant of the 'Highest Office' in the Land hollers, 'Fake News' every time he hears 'something' He doesn't like, or agrees with, the Top is 'programming' the People who hear those so-called 'Fake news'. He is also undermining 'Objective Reporting'. Unfortunately, there are People who believe everything they 'hear' or 'read', especially if it comes from the Top, and who are incapable of 'sensing' the 'arbitrary nature' and the 'danger' of using those 'words'. Those 'words' can easily create 'havoc' in the Social and can render the Institution of the Media 'totally useless'; everything will be so 'muddled up' that the Bottom will never know, at any point in time, and no matter how hard they try, what is 'really happening'. A 'Social' without an 'Objective media' is the same as a Government that Governs a 'Social' in which the 'People at the Bottom' don't have the slightest idea of 'How' the Government is 'Governing'. To show how dangerous that practice can be, imagine someone saying, "We live in a Democracy"... and the Top of Government responding, 'Fake News'. That is not Politics and that is not even 'good Business'. We need Real Politicians...not 'Fake Politicians' nor 'Fake CEO's'. We do not live in an Autocracy. We still live in a Democracy, "of the People", "by the People" and "for the People'.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

A Democratic Government is Complex, but it should protect the Freedom and Equality of the Individual.

A Democratic Government is Complex, but it should protect the Freedom and Equality of the Individual. Other Forms of Government are 'simpler' but they do not emphasize the 'Freedom and the Equality' of the 'Governed'. Of course, they 'claim' to be democratic, but the actual case does not support that. In Democracy, the Power at the Top is 'granted' by the People at the Bottom and hence the Top 'Must Be' more accountable to the People at the Bottom. Nevertheless, Democracies can be problematic because an elected Official can serve in that capacity for at least Four(4) years. Only after the expiration of 'Service' can an elected official be replaced by the Electoral Process. During that period of time, many 'Business Principles' can 'creep' into the Political Process. For instance; the Rich become Richer i.e. the 1% become 'Fatter', while the 99% are fed a few 'morsels' to keep them 'happy'. A 'happy victim' is less inclined to complain about his 'economic' and 'social conditions'. The Corporations, which are recognized and accepted 'legal Fictions', get 'Fatter and Fatter' and 'increase their grip' on the Medium of Exchange', i. e., on the Money and Properties' in circulation. That transforms the Social into a Corporate Society. A Corporate Society does not concern itself with the Freedom and Equality of all the 'Non-corporate' Real Individuals; it concerns itself with 'more and more of the same'; Money, Profits, and 'Largeness'. The Legal Fictions have helped transformed a 'Government Entity' into a 'Business Entity' motored by the 'Medium of Exchange', or, by 'more and more of the same'. Today, 'Government', or, the 'Representatives' in Government, are more concerned with 'Economic Principles' than with Principles of Democracy. Notice, the Lower Tax Rates for big Corporations; notice how many small corporations are going out of Business; notice how many Social programs are being attacked and discontinued; notice how 'Greed' has taken over the 'Freedom and Equality' of the Real Individual. Notice how a Democratic 'Government Entity' is becoming 'more and more' like a 'Big Autocratic Corporation'. Where are the real Politicians?

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

'Autocratic Principles' motor a Capitalistic Economy; 'Political principles' of Freedom and Equality motor a Democracy.

'Autocratic Principles' motor a Capitalistic Economy; 'Political Principles' of 'Freedom and Equality' motor a Democracy. A Capitalistic Economy always strives (motors) for 'more and more' of the 'same'; i.e., profits, increased production, and Bigger and Bigger. The Corporate Structure, a Legal Fiction helped Capitalism to achieve 'Unprecedented Success'. But, that 'success' translates into the so-called 1%. The 99% get the 'trinkets and 'excesses', of an Advanced Capitalism that is 'far removed' from the 'Real needs' of the People, i.e. Shelter, Housing, Health Care, Foods, clothing, and the basic 'Necessities'. Much of 'Advanced Capitalistic Productions', for the sake of 'Profits', 'Size', and the 'accumulation of the Medium of Exchange,(the 1%) removes us from the 'Natural State' and creates 'Warped Needs' and 'Necessities' and 'reconstructs an 'artificial', system of 'Needs', 'Social Values'( Class Consciousness), and the Fictitious Goal of 'wanting to be on the Forbes List'. We Live, Work, and enjoy ourselves from the satisfaction of these 'artificial commodified needs' and still wonder why living in a 'condition of togetherness' is 'empty and vacuous'. Life, as such, becomes meaningless, because the pursuit is for 'economic things'. The Economic becomes commingled with the Political to the degree that a system of 'artificial needs' becomes 'indistinguishable' from a system of 'Real Freedom and Equality'. Hence, the only way out is to return to a Political Freedom and Equality and address the Real needs of the People or of the Real Individuals. Freedom and Equality cannot be sacrificed for the sake of satisfying the 'artificial needs' of a commodified Capitalism. We need Real Politicians at the Helm and not CEO's. We need Political Principles at the helm, not Economic Principles. A successful economy can be very useful to a Real Democracy, but it cannot drive a Real Democracy. Where are the real Politicians?

Saturday, March 3, 2018

When the 'Top' of Democracy begins to 'Deconstruct'; 'Autocratic Principles' begin to flourish.

When the Top of Democracy begins to 'Deconstruct', Autocratic Principles begin to flourish. When a Nation structured with Law and Order 'relaxes' or begins to Deconstruct, the 'Autocratic impulses' begin to 'simmer'. Statements like, "get the guns first and then apply due process" is the most ignorant and uninformed statement that can be made by anyone at the 'Top' of Government; or, at the 'Pinnacle of Power'. Every High School Graduate knows that 'Due Process' is always 'First' and that any 'State Action' without 'Due Process of Law' is Unconstitutional. Also, there is no such thing as a 'Third World Country'. That may be a nice metaphor but, there is only 'One World', and we all live 'on it'. Also, the term 'Immigrant' is a 'Political Word' and 'grows politically' from an impulse of 'hubris', excessive pride and misplaced 'self-importance'. The creation of Legal Terms, like 'Law of Immigration' may be politically necessary, to establish Citizenship, etc., but to use those terms to 'imply', 'suggest', and 'implant' some sort of 'moral degradation' or 'inferiority' in a Nation that is 'different', is asinine. Human beings are human beings and All are Free and Equal. The 'Real Problem' is the usage of the 'language of Business and Morality' in the Political sphere. Every Nation has a 'Bottom' and that Bottom is a 'Condition of Togetherness'. The World has a 'People' and 'all the Peoples', regardless of the Nation, forms a 'Condition of Togetherness', and 'all' are Human Beings. Nations have different forms of Governments, but Governments are 'Institutions' and Institutions can be 'changed' and 'improved'. 'Real Peoples' are 'not Institutions'; they are all 'Real'; and 'Human Nature' cannot be 'changed'; their 'conditions of existence' can only be 'improved'. That is the purpose of Government. Where are the Real Leaders?
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.