Saturday, April 23, 2016

Capitalistic values are displacing Democratic values of Freedom and Equality.

The Capitalistic values of 'more and more of the same',viz., profits and money, are displacing the Democratic values of Freedom and Equality. Democratic values cannot be 'driven' by profits, money, and possessions. Democracy can only be driven by the democratic values of Freedom and Equality. Money, possessions, and profits cannot drive democracy; they can only 'drive' Capitalism. Its shameful and sad to think that money, profits, and possessions, or stated differently; the 1%, can drive democracy. The 1% can only produce more of the same, or more money, or, more Capital. The 1% cannot protect Freedom and Equality; the 1% can only destroy the Freedom and Equality that allowed Capitalism to flourish. Without Freedom and Equality, Capitalism would never have been able to survive. It was the Democratic values that allowed it to flourish. So why can't Capitalism be required to protect the very Freedom and Equality that allowed it to flourish. If Freedom and equality are 'abused', the Law 'curtails' their expression. For Example; 'Freedom of speech' does not allow an Individual to cry "fire" in a crowded theater. In the same manner, an Individual in the economy should not be allowed to 'hoard' the medium of exchange, to the point where most of the 'medium' is 'held' by the 1%. A 'medium of exchange' should do 'just that'; it must 'circulate' both 'Governmental' and 'economic values'. 'Rules' and Laws should be established to 'help' the circulation of the 'medium' in the economy. Otherwise, the 'end result' of profits as a 'motor', and, 'if left unchecked', is to generate 'more and more' of the same, or, stated differently, it 'generates Greed'. If Government can create economic Fictions, it can 'establish control' over the cumulative aspect of profits, or, 'that accumulation' called 'Greed'. After all, they are only Fictions; and if they do not comply, yank their Articles of Incorporation. Government must 'solve' that problem; if not, Government will be 'ruled' by Corporations. Its not too late to pass new Laws to 'clean up the economy', or, to curtail Plutocracy.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

An economy is necessary to Democracy; but the division into 'haves' and 'have-not's' is not.

An economy is necessary to Democracy, and so is Capitalism, but the further division into 'haves' and 'have-not's' is not 'necessary'. Of course, the motor for Democracy is Freedom and Equality and the motor for Capitalism is profits. But, profits can function without 'Greed'. The accumulation at the Top 1% is not necessary to the 'Capitalistic Spirit'. The cause of that 'accumulation' is two-fold. One, personal Greed, which probably, cannot be overcome, or, at least, becomes a 'personal'matter'. Two, the Other is Institutional and Legal. By now, everyone knows that Corporations are considered as 'persons' withing the grasp of the Fourteenth Amendment. That's not 'too bad', but, the further 'humanization' of the fictional nature of the corporation into 'participants', in their own 'economic process' of 'self-evolution', or, 'self-inflation', i.e. into becoming 'fictional behemoths', in the economy, is certainly something that can be 'institutionally' and 'Legally' controlled. In a Democratic society, the human condition, itself, cannot be 'controlled'; i.e. the personal 'human emotions', and value systems, are not subject to 'control. But, most certainly, a 'Fictional creation', like the corporation, can be controlled. The fictional entities in our social need more democratic duties. If a fictional 'person' can be created, for the sake of giving it more 'economic permanence', more 'focus' and 'greater economic grasp', in the economy, why can't the corporation be given 'democratic duties'? If a corporation is a 'personal fiction', the Government should have more control over the democratic duties of the 'created fiction'. Why should a democratic Government create a 'despot', an Autocrat, a Dictator in its own Capitalistic economy? That does not make sense. The end result is 'haves' and 'have-not's', the 1%, and the further cultivation of a Plutocratic 'attitude' in the social that leads to 'economic classes', and the 'Deification' of 'profits and money'; a politics that becomes 'motored' by money, and the 'inching', closer and closer,( if not already there), to Plutocracy. Why has Capitalism taken over our social? where are our Leaders? and where is our Democracy?

Sunday, April 10, 2016

There's a fine line between "news-worthy" events and "gossip".

In the Media, there's a fine line between "news-worthy" events and "gossip'. Most news-papers report 'political events', entertainment, 'every-day' occurrences, births, deaths, and even a 'comics' section.( of course, there's more) But when it comes to political events, the media must be objective. That's not easy, because the newspapers are owned by Individuals who have a political preference. Every daily 'news-paper' is a 'complete picture', or a 'micro-cosmos' of 'one day' in the continuum of Time. One has to look at a daily newspapers as a 'somewhat accurate' reflection of the occurrences within any 'one day' in the 'condition of togetherness'. Media must report the 'complete occurrences' of the day. That's why media is important to politics. Of course, its not easy to capture the 'whole day' in any 'form of completeness'. Nevertheless, the 'condition of togetherness' must be informed about the 'daily happenings' in the Nation. Hence, 'political reporting' becomes necessary. But, political reporting can easily slide into 'gossip', instead of the political issues of the day. Some newspapers are read for entertainment; some for 'information'; and some for a 'reflection' of the 'status' of the Freedom and Equality of the Peoples in the 'condition of togetherness'. That's the area where "politics" can descend into gossip. Obviously, 'Personality' is important to politicians, but politics must adhere to a level of discourse that 'elaborates' on democratic Ideals, and programs, that are being suggested by candidates, and which are designed to improve the democratic institutions in our social. Political language should be persuasive and convince the electorate, but it should not 'wallow' in the language of 'gossip' and 'Advertisement'; nor, should political language ascend to a 'vacuous level' of 'political correctness'. Empty, vacuous, linguistic generalizations, about the democratic status of the social are dangerous assertions. Democratic Institutions are essential to a social that purports to be democratic. The People are Real; the Governmental structure is real; Democracy is real; 'political language' should also be real.

Friday, April 8, 2016

The Media is important in any 'condition of togetherness'; it's also vital in a democracy.

The media is important in any 'condition of togetherness' because there is no other way that Individuals can be 'privy' to all or most 'happenings' within the 'condition. At best, Individuals can communicate individually, or be privy to 'information' within a small area of mutual influence. Hence. the necessity of Media to report and make available, so-called, 'news-worthy' events and activities. Reporting on such events, to the 'condition of togetherness', becomes necessary because 'the Peoples' need to be informed about anything happening within the condition, or threatening the condition. However, within the context of 'Politics', the media should not wallow in 'personality attacks'; 'preferential reportage'; or information that is unrelated to the 'qualifications', or, 'intentions' of prospective candidates for political Office. Office holders in a 'condition of togetherness', serve in a 'representative capacity' and only the essential aspects of that capacity should be made available to the 'Peoples' by means of the Media. When Media picks an irrelevant 'fact' or 'incident' and continually focuses on it, and repeats it, it creates a 'preoccupation with it'; which can be 'unhealthy' to the 'condition of togetherness', and which destroys its 'coherence', and contributes to its 'self destruction'. The Media's influence can be devastating to the 'condition of togetherness'. That's why, Media should report the Ideals of real Democracy. These Ideals help Democracy to keep the democratic structure together; enables the Ideals of Freedom and Equality to circulate at the 'Bottom' of the structure; which serves as a 'real foundation', for the abstract Top of the structure. That establishes a real foundation at the Bottom of a 'Peoples Government'. Democracy is a 'Peoples' Government, but the People must 'take care' of it; and the Media must report the democratic Ideals of the Government, to help 'solidify the Bottom' of Government. Democracy is "of the People"; "by the People"; and "for the People". You do not need a Government, if you don't have a 'People'. But, if you are a 'People', you need a Democratic Government.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

A 'State'; a 'Nation'; a 'Country', is a political Institution that exists only for the purpose of exercising political 'Power'.

A Nation or a State only exists for the 'sole purpose' of 'exercising' political Power. The 'condition of togetherness' cannot govern itself without the postulation of a political institution with Power. Of course, there are many ways in which to organize a political Institution. Those distinguishable forms, situate the 'form' for 'exercising political Power'. Only Government, in this 'political' context, has power. The 'condition of togetherness', i.e. 'the Peoples', only have the 'Rights' attributed to the 'condition of togetherness' by the Government. The 'political forms' organize the relation, perceived politically, as the Top and the Bottom. That relation distinguishes the Autocratic Forms, the Aristocratic Forms, the Plutocratic forms' the Oligarchic forms, and the Democratic forms. Each form can become a 'mixture' with other forms and hence, not be a 'pure form'; in other words, there are many variables in the construction of political Institutions. However, in every case, its an Institutional form and in every case, its a form by which the Many (Peoples) are governed. Government is an arrangement of the Bottom by the Top, and regardless the arrangement, its always about the 'exercise of political power'. Since the 'condition of togetherness' cannot govern itself, a political Institution becomes necessary, but the sole and only reason for its existence, is the 'condition of togetherness'. Individuals have no 'say-so' about the 'Life' they have; about the Life they're 'immersed' in; they can only organize it as best as possible. Its never about 'living' or 'not living', its always about 'how to live'. We are 'already here', and so are 'Others'; hence, the 'condition of togetherness'. But, in a 'constructed political Institution', each Individual is 'Free and Equal', as is the 'Other'. Consequently, all political Institutions should 'respect' and 'never interfere' with the 'political Right' of Freedom and Equality of all Individuals within any Political Organization. We're all in the same boat; hence, we must learn to live with each Other; and Government must 'learn' to respect and protect the Freedom and Equality of each and every Individual living within its political Institution. All Life is sacred; Government is just a 'construction'.
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.