Thursday, October 31, 2019

Why do 'Business Corporations' need to be Considered as 'Persons', in 'contemplation of law'?

Why do Business Corporations need to be Considered as 'Persons' in 'Contemplation of Law', and why only in 'Contemplation of Law'? Does that mean, that they are not really 'Persons'. How can a Constitution create a 'Person'? Of course, everyone knows they are 'Legal Fictions' and hence not 'Real Persons'. So, why consider them 'Persons' and give them the same 'Constitutional Rights' that 'Real Human beings' have? Of course, they are 'Economic Money Making Machines', and hence huge and very productive. No 'Real Human Being', or 'Real Person' can compete with a 'legal fiction' that is 'protected' by the Constitution. Of course, if corporations really 'need Protection', they are 'certainly entitled' to it, but why 'Personhood'. That move places it right alongside a 'Real Person' who is entitled to 'His, Her' 'Human Rights' as a 'Member' of the 'Condition of Togetherness' in which they exist. 'Real Human Beings', at the 'Bottom' of a 'Political Democracy' need protection from the 'Institutional Government' established by the 'Constitution'. Of course, the question arises, Why? Simply because no Human Being or 'Real Individual' can protect 'Himself or Herself' from an 'Institutionalized Political Power'. 'Government' is too Powerful and the 'Bottom' of the 'Political Entity' has split into 'opposing Parties' and the question 'always arises', why can't a 'Government' agree that 'Human Beings' are Natural, Real,( not Institutional) and hence 'more valuable' then 'Business Economic Institutions' established by a 'Social' or a 'Government', deployed by a 'system of Political Power' that is 'Split' along Business Power distributions set in motion by the 'Different Adversarial Parties'. Evidently, there are Politicians who seek to protect the 'Corporate Motor' instead of the 'innate Human Rights' of 'Real Individuals'. That 'establishes' a 'Polity motored' by Money and 'Economic Principles' instead of a Polity motored by 'Political Principles' of 'Freedom and Equality'. Creating Legal Fictions and giving them 'Constitutional Protection' creates an 'Economic Institution' instead of a Political Institution. Its O.K. to protect Business Corporations but, its ridiculous to call them 'Persons' and then simply to say 'Oh, they are 'Legal Fictions' and then giving them the 'same' or 'similar' 'Protections' that a 'Real Human Being' has. No Law can create a 'Real Human Being', or a 'Real Person'. We live in a Real World and we don't need 'Imaginary Persons' alongside us. Its O.K to protect Business Corporations, but why augment our already existing 'Computerized Hyper-Reality'? Where are the real Politicians?

Thursday, October 24, 2019

When a 'Top of Power' fractures, and substitutes 'business Principles' for Governmental Principles , it begins to 'behave' like a 'Plutocracy'.

When a Top of Power 'Fractures', it begins to 'behave' like a 'Bottom' without 'Political Principles'. A 'Political Top' is very 'Organized' and, of course, has its own 'Political Language' and 'Ideology' that 'holds it together'. It is a very 'Coherent Political Institution'. All 'Different Forms' of 'Government' use their 'particular Language' and follow their 'particular Ideology'. Their 'Identity' as 'Governmental Agencies' is characterized by their use of a 'specific Language' with an 'Identifiable Power'. An 'Individual' in a 'High Position of Power' must use that 'Political Language' to 'Govern' or to 'Rule', depending on whether its a 'Democracy' or an 'Autocracy'. When a 'Top' uses the 'Language of a 'Bottom', it has 'lost' its bearings and its 'coherence'. It is floundering, and is 'drowning' in a 'Language of impropriety'. The Top becomes 'Institutionally Weak' and condemns the Bottom to a 'chaotic Condition'. In such a case, the Top loses 'control' and the Bottom becomes 'disorganized', 'confused', and loses its sense of 'propriety' and its sense of 'direction'. A Democratic 'Top' of Power 'must Govern' its 'Democratic Bottom with Political Principles of Freedom and Equality. If the Political Top loses 'control' of its 'Government', the Bottom will misuse its 'Economic Principles' and 'transfer' 'Autocratic Mechanism', and 'chains of control' to the Bottom. If a 'Democratic Bottom' mixes or misuses the 'Principles of Business' with the 'Principles of Government', it will transform into a 'Plutocracy' and that's a Government 'Of the Rich', 'By the Rich' and 'For the Rich'. Where are the Real Politicians?

Monday, October 21, 2019

'Political Science' is not a Science; then what is it?

'Political Science' is not a 'Science'; then what is it? Well, its kinda difficult to say what it is but we can certainly give it a try. Does a 'Democracy' need to be a Science? Well, no because 'Politics' deals more with 'Human Behavior' than with the 'Hard Sciences', like 'Physics' or 'Anatomy' or 'Chemistry'. Of course, 'Psychology' is considered a 'Science', but then, its 'behavioral' in nature, and its not a 'Hard Science', which, I think, means that it has many 'variables'. Obviously, there's no 'definite way' to 'do Politics', but that does not mean a Politician can do 'whatever he pleases' and still be considered a 'Politician'. Every 'Person' is a 'World'; and, by that, I mean 'Everyone' becomes what 'She or He' takes in through his 'Five Senses' and 'organizes it' into a 'Personality' or 'Persona'. I know that's an 'oversimplification', but that's why its not a 'Hard Science'. But, then a Person who 'chooses' to 'do Politics' comes from a certain definite 'Background' and is a definite 'Persona'. So, what are the 'Constraints' that characterize 'behavior' to be 'Political in Nature'. 'Politics' is about 'ascending' to the 'Pinnacles of Political Power' and 'Governing'. Its not 'Natural' in the sense that 'something' is Part of 'Nature', like 'Physics', 'Anatomy', or 'Chemistry'; but, its 'Constitutional'. The 'Constitution' 'Constitutes Us' as a 'Political Entity' with 'Power at the Top' and 'Three Branches' of 'Governmental Activity' that 'connects' the 'Bottom', constituted of the 'Many Peoples', with the 'Top Representatives' of Power. This 'Human Institution' relates the 'Top to the bottom', and the 'Bottom to the Top', hence a 'Democratic Institution'. 'Politics' is the 'activity' within that 'Relation' and every 'Democratic Relation' 'Runs' 'Both Ways'. Of course, that is not the case in every 'Polity'. For example, in an 'Autocratic Institution' the 'Relation' runs from the 'Top to the Bottom', but 'not' from the 'Bottom to the Top'. Why not? Because, an 'Autocracy 'Rules' its 'People'; it does not 'Govern'; end of story. Unfortunately, not to many Individuals can cope with an 'ascension to Political Power'. In some Individuals, there seems to occur an 'unbalancing' of the 'Power' and the 'Humane' in the 'Persona'. 'Power' takes over and the 'Humane' goes out the Window. Sad but True. The 'Fake' Politician becomes an exploiter of 'Political Power'. That's why 'Democratic Institutions' establish Democratic 'forms' of 'Institutions' and 'Laws' that 'structure' and 'helps' the 'Top of Power' to 'Govern the Many' at the Bottom. But, 'Govern' it must; it cannot 'Rule' because the 'Real Individuals' at the 'Bottom' of a Democracy retain their 'Freedom and Equality'. That makes the Democratic Form of Government, the Best. But, we cannot forget the 'Duties' and 'Responsibilities' of the 'Real Individuals' at the 'Bottom'; they must 'understand' and 'cherish' that 'Freedom' and 'Equality'. If they don't, it can be 'taken' away. 'Political Science' may not be a 'Science' but, it behooves us to be 'familiar' with it, 'lest we be deprived of our Equality and Freedom'. Where are the Real Politicians?

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Theres always a 'Relation' between a 'Political Top' and a 'Political Bottom'.

There's always a 'Relation' between a 'Political Top' and a 'Political Bottom'. That relation is a 'Top/Bottom' Relation, but it also Runs from the 'Bottom' to the 'Top'. That Relation establishes a 'Form of Government'. That 'Form of Government' determines how the 'Relation Functions' and the 'distribution of Political Power' in the 'Form of Government'. For Example, an Autocracy has 'Power' at the Top and the Bottom is Governed by that Power. But, the Bottom does not have any power. In a 'Democratic Form' the 'People' at the Bottom are the 'essence of Government' and the 'essence' determines where the 'Power' is situated. In other words; the Relation of an Institutional Government is from the Top to the Bottom , but that same Relation also runs from the Bottom to the Top. The Relation runs both ways. The 'Bottom', or the People, exist in a 'Condition of togetherness'. But, The Bottom 'elects' a Representative to the Top who will Govern and authorizes Him/Her to 'Govern in accordance with the Structure established by the 'Constitution'. That's the Power of the Top. The 'Electoral Vote' transfers 'Political Power' from the 'Bottom to the Top', but only for a certain Period of Time. The Structure of the Government is established by the Constitution as a 'Three Branch' Form of Government and the Relation from the Top of that Structure to the Bottom of the Structure is the 'Relation that Governs'. In a Democracy, the Bottom relies on the Character, Qualifications, and the Political Knowledge of the Elected Top Officeholder. A Politician must be qualified to Govern. He, She, must posses the Qualifications of a 'Democratic Leader'. Since no Human Being, regardless Race, Color, or Creed, is 'Superior' to 'Another' Human Being, the Institution of Government 'becomes necessary', and the 'qualifications of the Leader' at the Top becomes 'very Important'. Political Knowledge of Democracy is vital to a Democratic Leader. A Leader who is not familiar with 'Political Ideology' cannot function as a Political Leader. That's the Problem with electing some 'CEO's and Businessmen' whose Lives 'solely function' with 'Business Principles'. There's nothing wrong with having knowledge of Business Principles, but they simply are not 'Political Principles', and that's the 'Problematic'. The 'Economic Motor' cannot 'Motor' a 'Political Entity'. They are separate functions and they 'Motor' different value systems. 'Money' must be kept out of 'Politics'. Where are the Real Politicians?

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

A 'Political Problematic' always involves that 'Ancient Problematic' known as the "One and the Many".

A Political Problem always involves that ancient 'Problematic' known as the "One and the Many". The Top of 'Political Power' has to be filled in with 'Political Institutions of Power'. Of course, there are many 'forms' a 'Governing Institution' can assume. In all cases 'The Top' is designed to either 'Govern' or 'Rule' the 'Bottom'. In a Democracy, the 'Bottom' is 'Governed', hence the Bottom is 'Institutionalized' into a 'Body Politic' that reflects the 'Institutions of a Democracy viz., Institutions of 'Freedom and Equality'. Its at that point, that the 'Power' issue is raised; how can a 'Political Top' govern a 'Multitudinous Bottom'; or, in historical terminology, which is that 'Ancient Problematic of the 'One' and the 'Many'. It took a long time for 'Social Institutions' to evolve. The earliest was the 'Family', 'a Group', 'a Tribe', 'larger Groups' and 'larger Tribes', until the stage was reached where 'States' and 'Nations' were established by 'Human Beings' and 'Constitutions'. They are 'described and Defined' as 'Political Entities' with 'Political Power' at the 'Top' that could 'Rule', or 'Govern'. Autocracy or 'Diluted Forms' of 'Autocracy', Rule; whereas; 'Democracies Govern'. Neither 'Ruling' nor 'Governing' is easy. But, the 'resolution' of a 'Political Problem' is always different. An Autocracy usually 'quashes' the Problem; a Democracy tries to 'Resolve' the problem, which also raises different issues. If a Democracy is being Driven by 'Economic Principles', how can that be 'transformed' back to being 'driven' by Political Principles of 'Freedom and Equality'? 'Democracy' cannot be 'driven' by 'Economic Principles' of 'More and More of the same', or by the 'Haves and the Have-Nots'. That's closer to Plutocracy, not Democracy. But, When that happens one begins to see 'Political Conflicts' occurring at the 'Top' between 'Officials' instead of at the 'Bottom' among the 'Many Peoples'. When 'Political Conflicts' ascend to the 'Top of Power', the 'Political Entity' is 'beginning' to 'unravel' and the 'Democratic form' of Government, Suffers. 'Petty Quarrels' and 'Maneuvers' begin to dominate the 'High Levels' of 'Political Language'. The Top 'lowers itself' to a 'Language and maneuvers' of a 'Backyard Barbeque' with its 'Backyard Language'. The 'Top' is no longer a 'Representative of the Bottom'; the 'Top' is transformed into a 'Few Individuals' that want to stay in 'Political Power'. 'Pettiness' overcomes 'Power'; and 'Real' Political Power 'weakens'. 'Plutocratic Egos' overcome 'Political Principles' and 'Political Language' and destroy Democracy. Where are the Real Politicians?

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

A Political Top of Power without a 'Political Language' cannot Govern. Is there such a thing as a 'Political Algorithm'?

A 'Political Top of Power' without a 'Political Language' cannot 'Govern'; its Top will not be 'Cohesive'. But, 'The People' at the Bottom need 'Governing', and the 'Language of Economics' will not suffice. Why not? Simply because that will 'launch' the 'Bottom' of the 'Political', or Social, into 'Economic Principles' of 'Haves' and 'Have-nots', or, more generally, 'economic Principles' that 'characterize' a 'Plutocracy' and that have 'no business' being utilized in a 'Political Democracy'. Well, a 'Top without control' is a 'Political Situation', and 'must be' corrected; a Social cannot be 'Governed' or 'stratified' solely by 'Economic Principles' and 'still claim' to be 'Democratic'. The 'Two systems', Government and Economics' are 'motored' differently and hence, will never have the 'same result'. Hence, we must be very careful. Is there such a thing as a 'Political Algorithm'? 'Algorithms' work, function, in the 'Universe of Computers'; can they work, function, in the 'Universe of Politics'? I have to admit, I'm not a 'Computer Geek' by any stretch of the Imagination, but Algorithms do work in conducting searches for Knowledge in a Computer. In a Democracy the Top of Power 'Represents' all the 'Real Individuals' at the Bottom and certainly that can be 'quantified'. That resolves that ancient problematic of the 'One' and the 'Many'( The Top and the Bottom). Hence, a 'properly formulated' Algorithm. But, it must Govern with Equality and Freedom. Certainly, the Bottom can include 'each' and 'every' 'Real Individual' in its computation; that should also be easy to quantify. But, can 'Equality and Freedom' be computerized? That probably requires an algorithm that includes some kind of 'Institutional Set-Up' that 'insures' that 'Individual Freedom and Equality' to each 'Real Individual'. Oh well; I'll just leave this to someone else more versed in Computer Languages. Lets do it the 'old fashion' way, Where are the 'Real Politicians'? We need 'Real Politicians' versed in 'Democratic Principles' and not 'Economic Principles'. We need Politicians that can do the 'Talk' and the 'Walk'.
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.