Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Why isn't there a 'Legal Cause of Action' for 'Negligence' or 'Incompetency' in Political Science?

Why isn't there a 'Legal Cause of Action' for 'Negligence' or 'Incompetency' in 'Political Science'? Of course, everyone Knows that 'Politics' is not a 'Science'. But then, neither is the 'Everyday Conduct' of the 'Human Condition'. Yet, the 'Human Individual' can be found Negligent with respect to His/her human Conduct. An 'Individual is Responsible' for his 'Conduct' and if He/she doesn't live up to a certain Level of 'Reasonable Conduct' and causes 'Injury', S/he can be sued for 'Negligence'. Of course, 'Personal Conduct' and 'Politics' is 'not the 'Same Thing', but 'Pretty Much' the Same thing'. There are standards for the 'Ordinary Life'. Why not 'Standards for Politics' and the 'Individuals' in 'Political Office'. It requires a certain 'Responsibility' to 'Live' and 'Exist' in a 'Democracy'. An 'Autocracy' also requires a certain manner of 'Living' and 'Existing'. But, it seems obvious that the 'Living and Existing' is not the 'Result' of a 'Freedom and Equality' acceptable to 'Autocratic Ideology'. But, lets return to the basic Issue. All 'Political Offices' should have 'Qualifications' and 'Standards'. Failing that, 'the People' can Initiate a cause of Action. Its Ridiculous to say the 'Senate and the House' can 'Impeach' and then say that 'only the Senate and the House' must 'Agree'. Hey, the 'Bottom' has already 'divided' into 'Political Parties'! They already caused a 'division'; add to that 'Party Loyalty'; and be 'assured' that there will never be a 'Meeting of the Minds'. It seems 'Logical' that once 'Incompetency' or 'Disloyalty' has been 'Identified', there should be a Remedy; 'not a Political Remedy' that allows the 'Incompetency and Disloyalty' to continue until the 'End of the Term of Office'. To continue Incompetency and Disloyalty until the expiration of the 'Term of Office' is 'Dangerous'.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Any Citizen; any Gender; can 'Campaign' for Political Office.

Any Citizen; any Gender; can 'Campaign' for 'Political Office'. That was not always the Case, or maybe we should say; Equality, for a Long Time, and even today, never seemed to 'live up' to its 'Democratic Meaning'. In a Democracy, it means the 'Entire Human Condition' is Equal. There are 'No distinctions' between 'Rich', Poor, Educated, Uneducated, Racial differences, sick, crippled, color of skin, large or small. A Human Being is a Human Being and every 'Human Citizen' is 'Equal and Free'. That 'Equality' and that 'Freedom' is both a 'Natural Equality' and a 'Natural Freedom' and an 'Institutional Equality' and an 'Institutional Freedom'. Everyone lives within 'Political Boundaries' and the 'Polity' describes the 'Nature' of the 'Governmental Institution' and its 'Powers'. Since the Crafting of the Constitution, that has always been the Case. Nevertheless, Democracy has 'Grown and Matured' as the 'Human Condition' has 'Changed' and 'Matured'. Today, we 'understand' 'many Things' we never 'understood before', or maybe we did, but 'never did anything about it'. Democracy has 'Matured', why can't the 'Human Condition' become more 'Mature'? Surely, if all Democracies are evolving to a 'better understanding' of 'Freedom and Equality'; so can the 'Human Condition'!. Certainly we are 'Human First' and then 'Institutional Nationalists'. But, 'Institution's' and 'Governmental Polities' are guided by 'Rules, Regulations, and Laws'. Its Democratic to allow 'anyone' to 'Run for Political office'. But, where are the Requirements, Rules, Regulations and laws for that Honorable Quest? Certainly the Highest and 'Most Powerful Offices' in the 'Land' requires comparable 'Moral Qualities' and 'Intellectual Ability'.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Why do Professionals have to go through 'Many years of Studies' to be Licensed and Politicians don't?

Why do 'Professionals' have to go through 'Many years of Study' to be Licensed and 'Politicians Don't'? 'Political Offices' are very important and it takes a 'dedicated Individual' to fill the Offices. Its not just a 'Job', its a 'Life-Style'. Politicians should be the 'Real Individuals' that 'Genuinely appreciate' their 'own Freedom and Equality' and hence, that of 'every Real Individual' at the 'Bottom' of the 'Political Entity'. Living and 'Occupying Political Office' in a 'Democracy' is no small Thing. It takes a 'Wide Perspective' and a 'Tremendous amount of knowledge', both Local and International to 'Fill' 'Political Office'. Of course, on the 'Moral Side' one can also add, 'some degree' of 'Humility'. There's no Room for 'Egotism' at that 'Level' of 'Functioning and Importance'. In a 'Democracy', the 'Most Important aspect' of 'Governing' is the 'Freedom and Equality' of the 'Real Individuals' at the 'Bottom of the Entity'. Leaders of 'Poor Moral Stature' and 'Limited Intellectual Capacity' to 'Govern' do not belong at that 'Level of Functioning'. At that 'Level' its no longer about 'Ego, its about 'Service' and 'that Service' is to the 'Bottom' of the 'Political Entity'. 'Political Office' is a 'Great achievement', and it should be 'Limited' to 'Morally and Intellectually' 'Qualified Real Individuals'.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

It should be obvious that any 'Candidate', familiar with 'Persuasion', can 'Influence' the Bottom.

It should be obvious that any 'Candidate for Office', that is familiar with 'Persuasion', can 'Influence' the 'Bottom'. The Bottom exists as a 'Political Entity', or as a 'Political Unit'. Of course, the 'Nature' of the 'Unitary Character' of the Bottom is 'Political', not 'Actual'. However, the 'Political' is split into 'two Political Parties'. Although the 'Many', as Individuals, 'constitute the 'Bottom', the variety of 'Voters' exist as 'Small' or 'Large Groups' of 'Individuals' within the 'Many', or the Individuals constituting the 'Bottom'. The Bottom is 'not One Individual' nor is it the 'Whole Collection' of 'Individuals', or some kind of 'Unit' which can be persuaded 'as a Whole'. 'Each Individual' has a 'Mind', a Body, Emotions and 'Each' is 'different'. Of course, all 'Humans' are 'Equally Human' but, as 'Real Individuals', each has many Personal 'variables'. Each is different. A 'Political appeal' for a 'Vote' in a Democracy is not a 'Science'. There is no 'Political Science'. Its more of a 'Psychological factor' than a 'Scientific one'. The 'Many' at the 'Bottom' consists of 'Individuals' with 'Many Individual Preferences'. Therein lies a dilemma. The 'Many Individuals' at the 'Bottom' are so different that the Bottom is beyond approach and Many 'Candidates for Office' know that. They also know that it takes a 'Lot of Money' to 'organize a Campaign'. That's why the Rich, the affluent; the 'Owners' of the Corporate structures, jump in the Race. They have the Money; the Bottom has the 'needs', so they make 'Promises' that appeal to certain sectors of the 'Population' and do so, for the sole purpose of getting the Vote. Sometimes they even give them a small 'Advantage' so long as its 'Financed' by 'Tax Money'. The 'Bottom' can be Influenced, but it has 'as many Variables' as it has 'Real Individuals'.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

The 'Importance of a Democracy' is that 'Every Real Individual' is 'Free and Equal'.

The 'Importance of a Democracy' is that 'Every Real Individual' is 'Free and Equal'. Every 'Political Entity' is a 'Political Institution' that has a Top and a Bottom. In our Democracy, the 'Form' of the 'Democracy' is set out in a 'Written constitution'. 'Other Forms' are also in writing and 'some are not'. A 'vital aspect' of 'any Government' are the 'distinctions' allowed between the 'Governors' and the 'Governed'; stated differently, the 'Top of the Institution' and the 'Bottom' of the Institution. That 'aspect of Government is what 'establishes' the different 'Types of Government': Democracy, Autocracy, Plutocracy, etc. The 'Top' of every Government has 'Political Power'; that is the 'Power' is 'Institutional', never 'Personal'. Only the 'Divine Right of Kings' had 'Personal Power'. The 'Bottom' of 'every Government' are the 'Many Peoples'. They are the 'Governed' and in a Democracy, the People have 'Institutional Freedom' and 'Institutional Equality'. Of course, the responsibilities of being 'Institutionally Free and Equal' are tremendous. Those Responsibilities are the 'aspects' of Institutional Government that allows 'Democratic Government' to function in keeping with its 'Descriptive Nature'. But, that 'Freedom and Equality' places 'tremendous pressures' on the 'Individuals' at the 'Bottom'. The 'Individuals'; Individually and as a Whole, are responsible for their 'Vote' and must bear the 'Consequences' of their 'choice'. No easy matter and the 'Politicians', the Candidates, the Rich, being aware of the Power of 'Persuasion', and of 'Advertising', and having 'Endless Monies', do not hesitate to use that 'Persuasion' and those Monies to get Elected. So that Freedom and Equality is not 'Free' and 'Immune' from those abuses. Its 'Easier' to 'convince' a 'Crowd' than an 'Individual'.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The 'Danger' in a 'Democracy' is that 'any Individual' can become its 'Leader'.

The 'Danger' in a 'Democracy' is that 'any Individual' can run for 'Election' and become its 'Leader'. We have to ask, What are the Qualifications for Running? Well, there are no Qualifications as regards 'Knowledge and Competency'. The only criteria we have is that the Top must 'Govern' the 'Bottom'; 'not' 'Rule the Bottom'. In other words, being a Democracy, the Top must "promote the General Welfare". It must also Respect and Defend the 'Freedom and Equality' of every 'Real Individual' at the 'Bottom'. So how does the 'Bottom' determine if this 'Candidate' is qualified to do that? Its not easy to determine. There may be a few things to look at, and to consider, but we never know the 'inner workings' of the 'Human Mind'. What should be obvious is that the Individual must understand that s/he must 'Govern', 'not Rule'; and s/he must reflect a certain 'Selflessness'. Selflessness and a desire to 'Serve the People' at the 'Bottom'. The most 'Powerful Office' at the 'Top' must Serve and Govern, and not Rule. It must 'Protect' the 'Freedom and Equality' of all Individuals. That raises a serious issue in a 'Corporate, Capitalistic Economy'. 'Business Corporations' generate lots of 'Profits'. They are 'designed' to do that; and only that; and being 'selfless' and practicing 'Freedom and Equality' at the Bottom will not 'motor the Economy'. 'That' is not 'very Profitable'. A Successful Businessman has a lot of trouble 'thinking Outside the Box'. So great care must be exercised by the 'Electorate' in 'choosing' a Leader who has been a 'Successful Businessman', a 'Billionaire', or a 'Millionaire'. 'Democratic Politics' and 'Governing' is an 'entirely different Game' from that of the 'Economy'.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Party 'Loyalty' does not have to exist.

Party 'Loyalty' does not have to exist. The terms 'Republican' and 'Democrat' are just 'Political labels'. 'Both Parties' admit that they are 'democratic'; so why the distinction? Political terms are 'sometimes' chosen to emphasize a 'difference'; sometimes a 'small difference'. But, if 'Both Parties' are resolving a 'democratic Issue' and 'claiming' to have a 'democratic resolution', why the opposition? Unfortunately, behind every 'Political' Decision' or 'Resolution' there seems to lurk 'something else'. For example, the 'Virus' which involves, not only one Political Entity, but 'all the Political Entities' in the World. The 'Control' or 'cure' of the Virus involves the 'Human Condition' in the World. Its a 'terrible misunderstanding' to 'situate' the 'Viral problem' with a 'Political decision' or 'Party Loyalty'. Its a 'Human Problem' and I hope the 'Politicians' won't 'Divide Up' and 'Identify Themselves' along 'Party Lines'. Party 'Loyalty' does not have to exist, but it seems to raise its 'Egotistical Head' every-time a Human Being 'Thinks' and 'Talks'; not just in 'Politics', but in our 'Diurnal lives'. We have many 'Dichotomies' in 'Language usage'. Up/Down; Left/Right; Dark/Light; Small/Large; and also, 'Right/Wrong'; and 'Many' more. How Sad, we do not have the Intelligence to distinguish between some trivial, 'inflated Usage' and 'Political Party Affiliation'; nor between 'Political Usage' and the 'Human Condition'. I don't think the 'Virus' will ask if your 'Democrat or Republican'.

Friday, April 17, 2020

A 'Dangerous Virus' is the 'same' Everywhere; a 'War' betwen 'Nations' is 'Ideological'.

A 'Dangerous Virus' is the 'same' everywhere; a 'War' between 'Nations' is 'Ideological'. The reason for that is that a Dangerous Virus does not discriminate between 'Human Beings'. 'Wars' are 'National' in nature and hence limited to 'National' and 'Political Boundaries'. Wars usually arise from 'Political Trivialities', I repeat, the Virus does not 'discriminate'; it spreads everywhere; across 'Political Boundaries' and is 'Naturally' inclusive. 'Politicians' who see the 'Battle against the Virus' as a 'War' do not understand the 'Problem'. The Battle is not 'Ideological'; its 'Natural'. Politicians and Ideologues always 'differ' among themselves, usually on 'Ideological Grounds'. There are 'no Ideological distinctions' to be made on the 'Required Defense' to a 'Virus'. A Virus is a Virus; is a Virus; and it 'effects all of Humanity. The 'Defense' must be 'Natural' and 'Medical', not 'Political', i.e. not limited to 'National Boundaries' and particular 'Ideologies'; it must include all 'Human Beings'. Its a Time for 'Politicians' to work with 'Scientists' and the 'Medical Field'. Already, one begins to see and hear the 'Rumblings and Posture-ings between 'Democrats' and 'Republicans'. 'Agreements' and 'disagreements' with the so-called 'War' against the 'Virus'. If only they could really understand that the Labels 'Democrats', 'Republicans', are 'purely imaginary', 'Linguistic', 'Political' Labels'; look in the Mirror, what do you see, A 'Democrat'; a 'Republican'; or a 'Human Being'? How Sad: all 'Medical and Health' issues are becoming 'Politicalized'. The Virus is a Human Issue; Wake up.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Fighting a World Wide Virus is not the same as Fighting a War over ' Political Differences'.

Fighting a 'World Wide Virus' is not the same as Fighting a War over 'Political Differences'. In the Past, the causes of 'Wars between Nations' have taken many different forms, but most of them were 'Political Differences'. But, the 'Virus' does not have a Nationality; neither does the Human Condition in the World. The effect of the Virus is World Wide. It does not discriminate; nor is it 'Racially' nor 'Nationally Selective'. The Test the World Faces is the Supreme Test; are 'Nations' able to set aside their 'Political Differences' and come together as 'Human Beings'. No Individual who faces the Virus today will understand any 'effort' that is 'not coordinated' between all the 'Peoples of the World'. The World, Humanity, must confront the Virus and eliminate its 'devastating effects'. Humanity can do 'no less'. Its a 'Time to set aside' Political Differences. Leaders of all Nations and their scientific Knowledge are highly qualified to confront the Virus, and any Nation whose Leader thinks more about the 'Political Situation' than the 'Human situation' should no longer serve as a 'Political Leader'. The 'People' of 'every Nation' know who they are and the People 'shall require' a 'Proper Response' to the 'People' of that 'Nation'. At the Proper Time, the People should condemn 'Politics' and its 'Political Ideology' for disregarding the 'Human Condition'. Its not a Time for 'Ignorance nor Misplaced Efforts'. The Human Condition 'must survive' and their 'Leaders' must 'answer to them'.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Its Time for 'Political Entities' to 'Relax' and give 'Priority' to the 'Human Condition'.

Its Time for 'Political Entities' to 'Relax' and give 'Priority' to the 'Human Condition'. Now, I didn't say to become 'Non-Operative' or 'Relinquish' their 'Institutional Ideology'. But, surely all 'Political Entities' acknowledge that they 'Represent' a People and that the 'Bottom' of their 'Institutional Structure' is the 'Actual Human Condition' of their 'Institutional Polity'. As Political Entities they are Responsible, to differing degrees, for the 'Base of Humanity' within their 'Political Boundaries'. After all, its 'their Part' of 'Humanity' and 'their People' also. Of course, I also refer to our 'Democracy'. After all, the very 'Essence of Democracy' is the 'Human Condition' being 'Governed'. All Polities must Relax their Institutional Structure, whether 'it' 'Governs' or 'Rules', and give 'Priority' to the 'Human Condition'. We're all in the 'Same Boat'. The 'Boat', the 'World', 'Humanity', is in Danger. This is no longer 'Politics', nor does it endanger the 'Political Differences' between our 'Political Structures', it endangers You and I. 'Some of 'us', and maybe You and I, will Survive, but we'll never be the Same. What happened? Well, our Technology has become so sophisticated that we have become 'Neighbors', 'no longer Strangers', nor 'Humans' from a 'Different Nation'. You and I can 'visit' any Part of the 'World' in a 'matter of Minutes' and we visit the 'Humanity' as well as the 'Polity'. Its time we Wake Up and 'Understand', our 'Nationalities' may be 'different', but we are 'all' Human Beings and we live in the 'same World'. Lets Hope and Pray that all the 'Political leaders' can 'End' the 'Political Machinations' and 'focus' on 'Our Humanity', after all, We're all in the Same World.

Friday, April 10, 2020

The Human Condition has to Survive; Government can be 'Relaxed' and 'Politics can be Replaced'.

The 'Human Condition' has to Survive; 'Politics' can be Replaced. 'Democrats' and 'Republicans' can be Replaced. Any 'Political Entity' can be replaced and so can 'Its Ideology'. Consider this Possibility. All Political Ideologies and Leaders begin to emphasize the importance of the survival of the 'Bottom' of 'their Political Entity, or, more specifically, the 'Human Beings' that 'occupy' such Bottom. That does not mean they 'forget', 'change' or 'give up' their 'Ideology'; it only means that the 'Political Nature' of its 'Institutional Entity' is 'relaxed' and a 'different aspect' of the same Entity is 'emphasized'; not changed, not replaced. In other words, the 'Human Condition' takes priority. This applies to the Big Corporations also. Its said we live in a 'Corporate Society'; so now is the 'Time' to 'demonstrate that'. Have you noticed how some very 'Rich Individuals' have begun to 'contribute, towards the 'Eradication' of the 'Virus'? They don't have too, yet 'there they are'. Where are the 'Huge Corporations' or the so-called 'Constitutional Persons' that actually 'function' in the 'area' of 'medical Care' and the 'Production of Drugs and Medicines'. Why do they wait on 'Government actions', and 'Most Important', where is the 'So called' 'Democratic' Government, a Government 'Of the People', 'By the People' and 'For the People'. 'Of the People' only means the 'Individual' at the 'Bottom' has 'occupied the Top of Power'. 'By the People' only means that 'Individual' 'runs' or 'does' the 'Governing'. What happened to 'For the People'? That means 'all Governing' is 'For the General Welfare'. If the 'Top' is not concerned with 'protecting the general Welfare', its time to change the 'Top'. The Top has the 'where-with-al' to 'apply' 'Intelligent Governing' to the 'Problematic'. Where is the 'Humanity' and the 'Intelligence' of all our Leaders?

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Survival of the 'Human Condition' is the 'Bottom Line'.

Survival is the 'Bottom Line' for the Human Condition. That Issue has become important in todays World. Todays Humanity is being threatened by 'Disease'. The 'Human Condition' consists of 'Real Individuals', 'Real Persons', not 'Constitutional Persons'; who rapidly 'Gathered' into a 'Condition of Togetherness'. At First, 'small Groups' were Formed and 'finally', they Formed into 'Political Entities'. As Political Entities each established its own 'Form of Government' with 'Political Power' at the 'Top' and the 'Condition of Togetherness' at the 'Bottom'. The 'Top' is 'Institutional' and the 'Bottom' is 'Natural'. But, all Political Entities have 'Political Power' at the Top. Hence, each 'Political Entity' Governs the 'Bottom', or its 'People' at the Bottom. But, its the Human Condition, or the Natural, that is being threatened by the Virus. In spite of the 'Differences' of the 'Governmental Nature' of each 'Institution' and the 'Nature' of the 'Human Condition', their has to be a 'Response' and that must be either 'Political' or 'Humanitarian', or a Combination of 'Both'. Clearly, this is not a case for 'Politics'. Its a case for World Survival of the 'Human Condition' or the 'Natural'. Nature does not 'discriminate' between 'Human beings'. The 'Problematic' involves the entire Human Condition. Humans 'must consolidate' and use every aspect of their 'knowledge' to Win the Battle against the Virus. It's a Human Problem, hence its a 'Human Decision'. This is not a time for Politics. Surely all Political Entities are able to 'relax' their 'Political Postures'; and exercise a little 'Human Compassion'. Where are the 'Genuine' Human Beings?

Sunday, April 5, 2020

'Cooperation' between 'Political Entities' doesn't occur too often. .

'Cooperation' between 'Political Entities' doesn't occur too often. Of course, each 'One' is Different and Each assumes a different 'Form' of Government. But, then again, neither do the 'Real Individuals' at the 'Bottom' of 'each Entity'. 'Political Ideologies' are the 'fundamental structures' that 'underwrite' all Political Entities. They are all 'Governmental Institutions' and Each one is Different and each assumes a separate 'Ideological' 'Form of Governing'. All 'Problematics' within any Nation requires a Response which, normally, is in keeping with the underlying 'Ideological Structure'. That makes each Nation 'Politically Independent'. But, when the 'World' or 'Humanity' is threatened by a 'Common Enemy' such as the 'Corona Virus, its time to 'relax' 'Political Stances' and Assume a more 'Humane Stance'. 'All' Human Beings are in Danger. The Issue becomes, how do we resolve this issue? Our Politics is 'Institutional', our Humanity is 'Natural'. Our Nature Binds us into a 'Condition of Togetherness' which 'cannot be separated' by 'Political Units' or 'Ideologies'. Although all Humans exist within 'Political Boundaries', our 'Nature' is all the 'Same' and clearly 'distinguishable' from Ideologies. Neither 'Nationality, Race, Color, or Creed' separates the 'Natural Condition'. Nature is just Nature and Human Nature is being threatened. Our 'survival depends' on the 'Human Condition' and not 'Political Ideologies'.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

The 'Many' is in Danger; not Political Entities per se, but all Human Beings.

The 'Many' is in danger; not just Political Entities Per Se, but all Human Beings. This is not a War between 'Ideologies' or 'whatever' precipitates Wars between Nations. This is not Political. It seems that 'The Many Peoples' at the 'Bottom' of 'every' Political Entity could combine their efforts to 'Combat the Virus'. Its a 'World thing' not a 'National Thing'. Since its not Political, it cannot be Ideological and hence effects 'all Humanity', and that requires a 'World Effort' to combine their 'scientific knowledge' and 'contribute' to finding a way to stop this terrible Virus. Surely, Humanity is capable of setting aside 'Petty Political Differences', or, 'Not so Petty Differences' to combat a threat to the 'Human Condition'. The Culprit is 'Dangerous', the Culprit is 'Invisible' and the 'Culprit' Wants 'Humans', 'not Ideologies', and the Human Condition is 'not Prepared' to engage it in 'Combat'. 'All Political Entities' should work together and combine all their 'Individual Scientific knowledge'. Of course, the 'First Step' is to Understand what 'causes it' and then to 'Share the Results' and then, contribute towards its Eradication. The 'Bottom' of all 'Political Entities' must work with each Other and all Political Differences must be set aside, even if its just for the 'Duration'. The 'Peoples of the World', 'all People', and the 'Planet', are 'more Important' than any 'Particular Political Ideology' and a way to fight this Virus must be Found. Truly, we're all in the 'Same Boat', but that 'Boat' is in Danger. We cannot have any 'Big Ego's' in the Boat, nor 'Uninformed', nor 'Misinformed Leaders'. Its no longer about 'Politics', nor about 'Boats', its about 'Humanity'.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The 'Many' precedes the division into 'Groups'; then Groups form into 'Political Entities'; now, the 'Many' is under 'Siege'.

The 'Many' 'precedes' the division into 'Groups'; then, into 'Political Entities'; now the 'Many' is under 'Siege'. In all likelihood, the 'Condition of Togetherness', originally, afforded some kind of 'Protection' against 'various intrusions' into the 'Welfare of the Individual' and later, against 'small groupings', like the 'Family'. 'Political Entities' acquired 'Identifications' and 'Reputations' in 'accordance' with the 'Type of Government' each 'selected', whether out of 'Necessity or Choice'. Each Political Entity remains autonomous within its Boundary; and 'Each Other Nation' respects that 'Boundary' and that 'Autonomy'. Understandably, there's 'Safety in Numbers'. Today there's also 'Political Groupings' between Nations and a 'Different Politics' 'Governs' each 'Nation'. So much for 'Politics'. But, now the 'World' has a 'Common Enemy'. It doesn't respect 'Political Boundaries', nor 'Differences' in the 'Human Condition'. Both, Nations and their 'Politics', and the 'Human Condition', are its 'Target'. Yes, the 'World' has a 'Common Enemy'. Is the 'World' capable of fighting a 'Common Enemy'. One would think that under such circumstances, The 'Many' or 'The Peoples' of the 'World' could 'Unify' their 'effort' to 'combat this Virus'. But, its not that simple. The People or the Bottom now have an Identity and a 'Polity'. A 'Polity' and a 'Politics' that 'seems more important' than the 'Human Condition'. The basis of all 'Political Entities' is to 'Organize' and 'Protect their People'. But, now its no longer about 'Political Ideology', it, literally, has become a 'Matter of Life or Death'. Where is the 'Humanity' in 'Human Leaders'?
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.