Monday, July 29, 2019

The Political Top of Power has lost its Mobility, Efficiency, and 'sense' of Purpose.

The Political Top of Power has lost its 'Mobility', 'Efficiency', and sense of 'Purpose'. It has lost its 'Political Grasp' of the 'Many'. A Political Language is a General Language that includes the 'Many' in its 'Generality' and the 'Specificity' of the Individuals in their 'Condition of Togetherness'. A Political Language is also an International Language. As such, it always includes the International Sphere because the 'International Sphere' includes Other 'Political Power Structures' and 'Individuals'. When a Top loses its ability to use a Political Language, it cannot function on the 'National' or 'International Sphere'. The end-result will be a loss of 'Reputation' on the 'International Sphere' and a loss of 'function' on the 'National Sphere'. The 'National' will become 'dis-functional' and the 'International' will be perceived as 'Weak'. A Nation should never be Weak for the simple reason that it cannot speak the proper 'Language of Politics'. That's why we need a 'Real Politician' at the helm. Navigating Political Waters cannot be achieved by using the language of 'Back-Yard Brawls'. It takes a 'Real Politician', not a Businessman to drive the Ship of State. When the Political Top uses the language of the Bottom to 'drive' the Ship of State, its headed towards 'murky Waters'. The Language of the Bottom cannot drive a Political Entity of Power. A Political Entity needs a vocabulary of Politics, Generality, and respect for the 'Freedom and Equality' of the 'Real Individuals' at the 'Bottom'. A Democratic Political Top of Power is 'never' Greedy, or Self-Serving. Its there to 'Serve' the 'People', not to Rule them, nor to 'speak' the language of 'Back-Yard Brawls'. Where are the Real Politicians?

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sad. The 'Top' no longer has a 'Proper Language' to 'steer' a Nation with 'Diversity at the Bottom'.

Sad, the Top no longer has a 'Proper Language' to steer a Nation with 'Diversity at the Bottom'. A 'Real Democracy' has a 'Diverse population' at the 'Bottom'. The most important characteristic of such a Democratic Bottom is the different Races, Peoples, and belief systems at the Bottom. It is inevitable that 'Political aspirations' 'would' and 'should' motivate 'any' and 'All Different Peoples' at the Bottom. That's what democracy is all about. The language of the Constitution states We the Order to form a more perfect Union,...promote the general Welfare....etc. It does not say, We the 'Democrats' or We the 'Republicans'. Its a 'People Thing', not a 'Political Party' Thing. Individuals who hold 'Political Office' should be very much aware of the fact that they only 'Represent' the People at the Bottom. They have no other function. But they're using the language of the bottom, incorporating 'Racial slurs', etc. and combining it with the 'Language of Advertising' to persuade and to create demands at the Bottom that should not have a 'Right to exist'. Public Office Holders should fight for the Freedom and Equality of everyone at the Bottom. Instead, they have 'escalated', 'elevated' and increased the 'temperature' of the every-day 'Language' of 'Hate', 'Criticism', and 'Racial Prejudices' to 'color' the so-called 'Political Language' of a Political Democracy. And all this, to Win an Election. That is not a Language of Democracy; its not a language of 'Freedom and Equality'. If the Representatives at the Top do not represent all the Real People at the Bottom, the Bottom is without 'Voice' or 'Representation'. The Bottom is not being 'Governed'; and those who 'choose' to 'Run for Office' are being 'Insulted'. That is not Democracy and the sad part is that the Individuals in 'Public Office' are the ones 'perpetuating the destruction' of the Democracy that 'elected them'. Where are the Real Politicians?

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The 'Political Pulse' changes daily; but today, the Political language of the Top has been replaced by the 'Language of the Bottom'.

The 'Political Pulse' changes daily; but today, the Democratic 'Political language' of the Top has been 'replaced' by the 'Political Language' of the Bottom. How strange, what was once 'spoken' at the 'Bottom' by the 'Individual Person' is now 'used' at the 'Top'; and it is being used by Individuals in Public 'Office'. It seems as if the 'Formality of Office' or 'linguistic propriety' expected from Political Office holders is no longer implemented. Why is that? 'Political Office requires 'Political Knowledge' and 'Political Language'. No one would run for Office if She or he did not know what Politics is about. But, be careful, I do not mean being 'Politically Correct'. That is hypocrisy, Politically Vacuous, and insincere. I refer to a genuine sense of 'Serving a Nation' and the 'Many People' at the Bottom. 'Political Activity' can only be 'functional' and be 'described' on a certain 'level of Propriety'. Political Language is about 'Governing', not 'Ruling'. There are no Rulers in a Democracy, and there should be no CEO's, or 'Business Minded Office Holders'. Business is not 'Democratic'. Business is about 'Profits'; not about 'Democratic Political Policy'. Businessmen do not Govern 'Political Entities'. They 'Own and Run' Business Corporations, or, more accurately, 'Legal Fictions'. Today we 'Hear and See' 'High Office Holders' arguing like children at some 'Back-Yard barbeque', instead of a 'Political debate' about 'Democratic Values'. I refer to 'Name-calling', 'Direct and Indirect Racial referencing', and 'Petty Party criticism'. The 'Bottom' of the Nation is being divided and the Division is being caused by the 'Language' being used at the Top. How sad; A 'Political Top', a place of 'Political Power', that should be concerned with the 'Many Real Individuals' at the Bottom, in the Social, who form an 'Integrated Society'. The 'Integrity of the Nation' is at risk. Instead of 'correcting' the Racial Divide, the economic 'Class Consciousness', or the divisions of the 'Haves' and 'Have-nots', Individuals in Offices of Political Power are contributing to the further 'attenuation' of the 'Political Relation' that connects the 'Top and the Bottom', or, the 'One' and the 'Many'. That 'attenuation' destroys 'Real Democracy'. That attenuation separates the 'Top' from the 'Bottom' and those 'Real Individuals', at the 'Bottom', find themselves 'navigating' the 'Social' without a 'Real Government'. Where are the Real Politicians?

Sunday, July 14, 2019

How Sad. Remember when 'People' were encouraged to 'Immigrate' to the U.S.: now, Immigration has become a Problem.

Remember when 'People' were encouraged to 'Immigrate' to the U.S.?: now, Immigration has become a Problem. Like 'Socialism', 'Immigration' has gotten a 'Bad name'. What has happened to these 'old Political concepts'. Once Immigrating to the U.S., was a 'Good Thing'. Of course, todays use of the term 'Socialism' is not the same as the 'older concept' of a 'Nation owning the 'means of Production'. Today the term is used to refer to the 'Social' as an 'Institutional place' where all the Institutions and 'Real Individuals' at the Bottom are situated. Immigrants are still allowed to come in so long as the proper Procedure is followed and the term Social is used, generally, as a reference to the Individuals, both Real and Fictional, at the Bottom of the Political Entity. What happened? The old metaphor of " We are all in the same Boat" no longer seems to apply and rightfully so. Today, its more like "we are all on the same Planet". Its a larger place; it involves many different 'Peoples' from different Nations and different Races. Why are our "so called Politicians" unmindful of that fact? Our 'World' has become 'larger' and 'smaller' at the same time, because of 'Technology' and many 'Political issues' cross 'National Boundaries'. Why isn't the United Nations involved? 'Political Issues' have changed. National Boundaries have become 'less necessary' and more Human cooperation has 'become essential'. That situation calls for 'relaxing National Boundaries' and not 'Building Walls' to encourage 'Political Isolation'. How arrogant to think any one 'particular Nation' or 'race' is entitled to the 'Planet' we live on. 'Technology' has 'enlarged' our 'perception and experience' of the 'World' we live on. Why hasn't our 'Political Knowledge' kept up with the 'changing World'? How sad, it seems that as the 'Political World' changes and should become more 'Unified', the 'Human Condition' falters and becomes less 'Human'. As 'Politics changes', the 'Human Condition' changes for the worse. National Boundaries were created to establish 'National Identities', not to create 'Haves' and 'Have-nots' among 'Nations' on the Political Stage. All Human Beings are the Same and All are 'Free and Equal'. Why do we lock up Men, Women, and Children, just because they are "Immigrants"; and Why are Nations, 'all Nations'; so against the 'Human Condition'? Where are the 'Real Leaders' and the 'Real Politicians'?

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

An 'Unstable' Top of Power cannot 'emit' Power.

The Political 'Top' cannot 'emit' Power if its Unstable. A Political Top is always a Top of Political Power. A Political Entity is stable to the extent it 'manifests stability' at the Top. That's why the Autocratic Form of Government is deemed to be a very Powerful 'Political Entity'. In an Autocracy, all the Power is at the Top. An Autocrat merely 'eliminates' the 'obstacle' creating whatever 'instability' may exist. However, a Democracy has Political Power at the Bottom when the 'Bottom' is considered 'Free and Equal' and when that Social is Institutionally established in such manner as to both, 'express and manifest' that 'Power' or 'Unity'. Of course, in a Democracy the Power of the Bottom is transferred to the Top. But, the Political Top is expected to manifest its Power in the manner in which it 'establishes', 'organizes' and 'manifests' the 'Social Stability' in the Political Entity. That requires a certain 'coherence' between the 'Top' and the 'Bottom' which 'manifests' and becomes 'evident' at the 'Top'. In such a case, the 'Top of Power' in a 'Democracy' emits 'Political Power'. The Top is always 'Institutional' and 'reflects' the 'Power of the Many' in a 'condition of togetherness', or, 'the People'( "WE The People") as a Whole. Hence, the 'Top is Powerful'. But, consider a Political Top that always 'bickers' with the Other Agencies, Departments, and Branches of Government, and is 'acting' as if he was still 'at the Bottom', and is trying to establish his own 'self-importance', and reflects his own 'instability', and 'engages' and is 'accused of engaging' in questionable activities; that is a sign of 'Personal Instability'. That does not occur often. When it does, it weakens the 'Top of Power' which should manifest Political Power at the 'Top'. An 'unstable Top' cannot emit 'Political Power' in an 'Institutional Entity'. An 'Unstable Top' does not emit 'Political Power', it emits weakness, Instability, and uncertainty. Where are the Real Politicians?

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Democratic Government is Government "of all the People" and all of their 'Social Institutions'.

Democratic Government is Government "of all the People"; and 'all their Social Institutions'. That includes all the 'Social', 'Political', and 'Economic' Institutions 'established' to make Government 'functional' as a 'Democracy'. A Democracy should not 'only' be 'Functional', it must establish all 'necessary Institutions' to 'insure' that 'Real Democracy' has an 'Institutional foundation' for the 'materialization of a 'Real Democracy'. Of course, that includes the 'Economic arrangements' and 'functions' within Society. The 'Primary' concern of a Democracy is the 'Freedom and Equality' of all the 'real Individuals' in the 'Social'. Of course, that includes the Real Individuals in the Economy also, but the Government saw fit to 'create Legal Fictions' in the Economy and those Fictions are also to be considered 'Persons' and are Protected, as such, by the Constitution. The Judicial Branch of the Government protects those 'Persons' as Legal Fictions that exist "only in contemplation of law". The end result of that has been that no Real Human being can compete with a Corporation; or produce more than a Corporation. What happened to the Equality of the Real Individuals? Well, we could stretch a little and say, OK, so the 'Real' works alongside the 'Legal Fiction', but why not also protect the 'Real' from the 'Fictional'. Today, those fictions also produce huge 'imbalances' in the Economy by contributing to the creation of Economic Classes. Recently they even had their Tax Liability Reduced. Of course, that only applies to the Legal Fictions. So, we have a scenario where the 'Government' creates 'Legal Fictions' and then 'protects' them as 'Persons' and then does 'not require' them to pay their 'share of Taxes. There is no problem with creating 'Money Making Machines' so long as one creates 'Protections' for the 'Real Human beings' from them also and from the 'creation' of huge 'Economic classes'. And who creates this mess; the Government? Which Government? The 'Democratic One' or the 'Republican One'? Rest easy, there is no Distinction in 'Real Governing'; there is only Governing 'Real People' and 'Real necessary Institutions' that are motored by 'Freedom and Equality'. Unfortunately, the 'Political Parties' only play 'Political Games' which are 'motored by Money'. How Sad. Where are the Real Politicians?
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.