Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Bottom Line of a Real Democracy is the Individual. The Individual is politically Equal and Free and is protected by the First Amendment.

The Bottom Line of a Real democracy is the Individual. S/He is politically 'Equal and Free'. Although normal usage is "Freedom and Equality", I use the term "Equality" first, to clarify and to avoid, the 'absurd position' that if I am Free first, then I can be 'Free to consider Others less Equal than Me. That's Absurd, you say; well, be very careful; if I am Free 'first', then I am free to consider myself 'Superior' to 'everyone else' and hence, can 'discriminate' Racially, discriminate Economically, be Greedy, and, if in political 'Office', can 'Govern Unequally'. No, Equality must be 'First', then, all Individuals, including different Races, different economic 'classes', etc., are 'Free' to do as they please within the 'confines of Legal Structure'. A democracy must have a Legal Structure. The Legal Structure is the structure that determines and defines the expression of Equality and Freedom within the 'legal boundaries' of the 'State'. One of the biggest 'understated' Problems of 'democracy' is its 'proximity' to Oligarchic Government; a Government by a 'select few'. That is not a Democracy. Now, just 'add' to that 'form of Government', a Government of the 'Few', who just happen to be Millionaires, or, Billionaires', and you have a Plutocracy, or, stated differently, a Government of the 1%, by the 1%, and 'for the 1%'. If this happens, and it has, the Real People at the Bottom of Government are no longer 'Equal'. 'Absurd', you said? No, that's where we are. But, think about it, the 'Real People' who are looked upon as being Unequal, are still, in a Real Sense, 'Equal and Free'. This Equality places a tremendous Responsibility on the Real Individual. That responsibility is to express ones Freedom, Verbally and Behavior-wise, in a 'Democratic manner', within the confines of Law; because, Real People live in a 'condition of togetherness', and each and everyone is 'Equal and Free'. But, don't fool yourself, we are in deep trouble; normal linguistic usage, or, normal political and Social terms are being 'changed', 'modified', 'confused', and, unfortunately, we have reached a 'daily-stage' where we cannot distinguish between 'reality' and 'bull-shit'. The stage for Real News has been destroyed. There is no longer a connection between the 'Media' and what is happening 'Up There'. The People at the Bottom are being manipulated; the Culprits?, the so-called 'Leaders at the Top'! Its time to remember 'parts' of the First Amendment; "the right of the People.... to assemble ...and Petition for redress of grievances." That, is the Right of Revolution.

Monday, July 17, 2017

A Democratic Political Structure is different and functions differently from a Capitalistic Economic Structure.

A Democratic Political structure differs from a Capitalistic Economic structure. Political activity differs from economic activity. Political structures, of all kinds, and of different political Ideologies are designed to 'Govern' with 'Political Power', while Economic structures are designed to produce 'more and more of the same, to wit; Products, Profits, and Money, which is only a "Medium of Exchange". A 'Medium of exchange' is just as fictional as is a Corporation, but, to be sure, they are 'functional fictions' and create 'Value'. The two ( Political and Economic)Institutional Structures differ so much from each other that it can be said that, "never shall the twain meet". Each discipline has its proper 'social domain' and neither can function as the 'Other'. One Governs; the Other 'produces an economy'. A 'Social domain' is a 'condition of togetherness' where each and every Real Individual retains his Freedom and Equality in the said 'condition'. A Corporation is a legal Fiction and hence is not a Real Individual. Hence, Corporations cannot vote; but, nevertheless, receive 'a helping hand' from the Governmental Branches that are occupied by a divisive 'social' characterized as 'Democrats and Republicans', or, 'Conservatives and Liberals'. Obviously, these political 'Ideologues' also, "shall never meet". The Real Individuals are the Ones who vote for the Representatives that assume positions of Power. Government has Power; the economy, money and Profits have 'influence'. So why are all the Top Governmental Offices occupied by Business CEO's and Billionaires? Is it possible that they are concerned with the Freedom and Equality that Real Democracy is about? Very unlikely. Sad, but true, democracy has lost its grip on its 'reason for existing' and in its place we have an Oligarchy, or, a 'budding' Plutocracy. The 1% will get the 'Roses', we'll get the 'Sun Flowers'.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

The Political Interactions between a Real Democracy and a Corporate Economy must be re-defined.

The Political interactions between a Real Democracy and a Corporate Economy must be re-defined. The economy will always be part of the Democracy. However, the two entities are driven by different 'motors' and hence require that each of the 'motors' be related to their separate independent goals. The economy can 'Never' drive the Political Entity, and the Political Entity can never survive on an 'Economic Motor' of Profits and Money. Hence each must stay out of the 'functional domain' of the Other. However, the Political Entity can 'help' and 'legislate' with relation to the Economy: this becomes evident by the creation of Legal Fictions, viz., a 'Corporate Person'. Needless to add, this move not only 'helps', but gives the Corporation a huge boost to its 'economic embrace'. A real human Person can no longer compete with a Corporate giant. The corporate entity is now judicially considered 'a Person', like you and I, within the protective embrace of the Constitution. But wait, that person is not like you and I. The Judicial Branch of Government must stop trying to create 'Judicial Fictions' that are 'more and more human'. It cannot be done. A Legal Fiction will always be a Legal 'Fiction'. Our 'Advanced Technology' is trying to do the same thing and the best they've come up with is either, Robots or Cyborgs. ( Machine or 'half-machine') Surreal, but True. The Constitution was designed to apply to Democratic 'Political Institutions 'motored' by the Freedom and Equality of each and every 'Real Human Being', living within the Nation-State. 'Politics' must also assume its real 'posture' and be driven by 'Freedom and Equality'. No more Political 'Correctness', its 'empty and vacuous', we need Real States-Persons. The Economy must assume its Real posture also and 'serve' the Social, or 'condition of togetherness'. ( not the 1%). We also need to make distinctions between 'Hoarding' a medium of exchange and 'Savings'. One is proper ,the Other is Not. We cannot 'lose sight' of the 'Genuine Feeling' of 'living' in a Real democracy. The 'remainder' is Alice in Wonderland.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Democracy is founded on Real Individuals; a Corporate Economy is founded on Legal Fictions.

Democracy is founded on 'Real Individuals' whereas, a Corporate Economy or, Corporate America is founded on Legal Fictions. A political Democracy relates to the Real Individuals that constitute the 'Bottom of the Governmental Structure'. The 'Top of Democracy is defined and described in the Founding Document establishing the Democracy, viz., the Constitution. A Three Branch Government of 'Real People' is a Government "of the People", "by the People", and, most important,"for the People". A Government 'for the People' is a 'Growing Government', or, a 'Mature Democracy' and that is one that 'expands' its Political Institutions to 'include' more and more of the Real Individuals within its Democratic Institutions. It eliminates Racial Discrimination; it eliminates 'economic imbalances'; it creates Jobs, more opportunities; it eliminates disease, sickness, poverty, and it truly, must include, the Equality of the Human Condition. Of course, every Democracy must also have an Economy. But, its a Democracy that 'has' an Economy and not an Economy that 'has' a Democracy. Try 'creating' a successful 'Business Corporation' within an Autocratic form of Government, and watch what happens. Democracy is basic. A Business Corporation is 'unreal', its a Legal Fiction'; its recognized by Law as a Fiction that 'only exists in contemplation of Law'. It exists solely for the creation of Profits and Money. It has no other goal. As an Economic Entity within an Economy, it's not a problem. But, it and its Economic Principles must stay out of Politics. 'Political Principles' and 'Business Principles' do not mix. Profits, Money, and Greed are harmful to the Democratic process. That's why we must do away with Citizens United. Corporations have no business in Politics. Their purpose for existing as Fictions is different. They have 'no interest' in Freedom and Equality, or stated differently, in Democracy. A Political Cabinet consisting of Business CEO's is problematic. We need 'Real' Politicians or, States-Persons; not 'Greedy Politicians', or 'Political Correctness', or Greedy Businessmen. If Democracy is to flourish, Corporate America must stay in its proper economic Place. That's where it can do its 'most Good'.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Democratic Government ( Top) gets Political 'Power' from the 'condition of togetherness'; not from Corporate America.

Democratic Government( Top) gets its 'Political Power' from the 'condition of togetherness' at the Bottom. That 'Condition' is composed of Real Individuals living together, next to each 'Other', in the said 'Condition'. Usually, the 'Condition' is referred to as the 'Social', but that abstract 'term' has acquired a 'deceptive' reputation when its referencing a Political Structure. Its better not to lose sight of the 'real Individuals' at the Bottom of Government. The real Individuals elect the Representatives who will serve in Office at the Top. By so doing, they 'empower' the 'Real Individuals' who will occupy Office, but only for the duration of Office. That's why there are 'term limits' for Office. A Corporation can never be elected to serve in Democratic Office, because its a 'Legal Fiction' and exists only in 'contemplation of Law'. In other words, its not Real, it does not exist as a 'Real Person'. It cannot vote either. Of course, it doesn't get 'sick'; it doesn't need Medical Attention; it doesn't 'eat' and it doesn't 'work'. We can go on all day with what it can't do, but, to be sure, it can generate Greed; that means more and more of the same, to wit, Profits and Money. But, a corporation cannot have Political power. It has influence because it has Money, but that is not Political Power. A Democratic Government can be 'motored' only with 'democratic Principles'; i.e. the Freedom and Equality of every Real individual in the 'Condition of togetherness'. Business Principles cannot, and should not, govern a Democracy. It can surely shuffle Money and benefits; it can create the illusion of progress, because there is 'more money' in 'some sector' of the economy in the Social; it takes 'from One' and gives to the 'Other'; but, in no case does it 'Insure and Protect' the 'Freedom and Equality' of 'every' Real Individual in the 'Condition' of togetherness. Business is not Government; business cannot Govern; only Government can govern the Individuals and the Businesses in the Social. Lets go back to 'Real Democratic Government'; lets get away from 'some twisted form' of Plutocracy.
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.