Saturday, April 29, 2017

Corporate CEO's are 'driving' the Ship of State; democracy is in 'trouble'.

Corporate CEO's are driving the Ship of State;... Democracy is in trouble. An 'economic engine' cannot drive a 'Political Entity'. First and foremost, we are a Political Entity and then we have a 'successful economy'. The Political Entity is the Can; the Economy is the contents of the Can. The economy functions with 'Profits'; and it functions on a Huge scale. The motivations for having and creating a 'huge Corporation' are different from the motivations for Governing a Nation; particularly a Democratic Nation. A Democratic Nation is motored by Freedom and Equality and it must also exist on the International scene with other Governments that may not be Democratic. If a business CEO controls a Democracy and he wants to control and enlarge the 'sphere' of influence of the Democracy, on the International scale, he cannot do it with a 'Profits motor'; he needs a 'Freedom and Equality' motor. For example; sending weapons to an allied and then 'billing' them for the weapons will not work; that is ludicrous. That's an 'Economic move' not a 'Political move'. 'Wrong motor' for a Political Entity. Heaven helps us. We are 'doing business' with 'Political entities'. To be sure, business is possible between political entities, but the two motors cannot be 'confused' or 'mixed', and they certainly cannot be 'misused'. We need 'Statesmen' or 'Stateswomen' at the helms. We usually criticize Politicians, but we sure need some right now. Even 'political correctness' is better then a 'Businessman' doing 'business as usual'. Truly, Governing 'has changed', but don't make the mistake of 'putting the wrong motor' at the Top of a Political Entity.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Democracy helped create a Corporate Society; but Corporations cannot function with Freedom and Equality.

The Freedom and Equality that 'motors' Democracy helped 'create' a Corporate Society; but, Corporations cannot 'function' or be 'motored' with Freedom and Equality; they need 'competition' and 'Profits and Money'. Take away Profits and Money from a 'corporate nature' or from its 'Person-hood' and you take away the very 'nature' or the 'motor' that mobilizes the Capitalistic impulse. Capitalism requires 'competition' and competition requires 'dog-eat-dog-tactics'; not Freedom and Equality. It squashes the 'little guy'; it destroys the 'small' and creates 'huge Corporate Giants'. What happens to Democracy or the 'Freedom and Equality' required by a Democratic Social? Since the 'existence' of the Corporate nature is protected by Law, why can't it also be required to be a 'Good Citizen'? Of course, you ask, how? Well, lets look at that. The Corporation owes its very existence to Law; hence, Law can also require, as part of that existence, that every 'Corporate person' that exists within a Democracy also have 'Sections'; 'Departments', 'Agencies', Branches, within their Corporate nature which 'helps and contributes' to the 'General Welfare' of the Social. Obviously, Corporations make 'huge Profits' because they were given a huge 'economic grasp'. That economic grasp exceeds the 'Real Individuals' grasp and also the 'small corporate grasp' of 'essential corporate natures' within the Social. Probably the so-called 1% comes from the hoarding of huge corporate profits. The corporation owes its existence to the 'Democratic spirit', so there is no reason why its corporate structure cannot be required to organize itself in a manner that contributes to the General Welfare, as required by the Constitution. All 'real' citizens 'contribute' to the General Welfare by being Law abiding. Corporations should be required to do the same thing. If they fail to live more 'democratically', their Charters should be 'modified' or 'yanked'.

Monday, April 24, 2017

A Great Democracy can 'include' a successful Capitalism; but, a successful Capitalism cannot include a great Democracy.

A Great Democracy can include a successful Capitalism; but, a successful Capitalism will never include a Great Democracy. Why not? Simply because the Democracy is the 'Container' or 'Can' and Capitalism is the 'contents' of the 'Can'. Capitalism belongs 'in' a Democracy; but, Democracy cannot be contained 'within' Capitalism. Democracy is driven by Freedom and equality; while Capitalism is driven by Profits and money. Try driving Democracy with Profits and money; it wont 'go'. If it does 'go', its because its no longer a democracy, but a 'kingdom of sorts'. By that analogy, I mean the King becomes the 'can' and the King owns 'everything', including the 'serfs'( People). Real Democracy is 'motored', 'motivated', 'moved', by the Freedom and Equality of Each and Every Individual living within the Borders of the Nation. That does not include Legal Fictions like corporations, that exist, only in contemplation of law. They are not real People; they are the 'contents' of the Can. Their existence as 'contents' is entirely dependent on the 'democratic nature' of the 'can', or, the Nation. The 'contents' can never drive the 'can'; the can 'drives', 'determines', and 'holds' the contents. Of course, the 'political obligations' of the 'can' are 'tremendous'. It must determine the 'democratic structure' that will 'house' and 'drive democracy and its 'contents', namely, a successful Capitalism. Capitalism must also recognize its obligation to 'live' a 'democratic Life'. Capitalism can exist within Democracy. By employing Metaphors and stretching Language a bit, we can see clearly that Capitalism can exist 'within' Democracy and that we 'would never have' a democracy, if we allow 'Profits and Money' to drive Democracy. We need 'Politicians' at the helm; not businessmen. A Businessman can drive a Corporation, but she/he cannot drive a Nation; but Politicians must also 'wake up', and forget 'political correctness'; and 'learn' how to be a 'States-person'; i.e. a 'Real' Representative of 'all' the People.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Capitalism is important; it can create a Great Economy; but, it cannot drive Democracy.

Capitalism is important, but it cannot 'drive' a Democracy. There is nothing wrong with a successful Capitalistic economy. But, keep in mind that Capitalism is based on competition and Profits. Without competition and the generation of Profits, it cant go anywhere. It can't 'grow'. Competition is just the attitude that I can 'produce', 'provide', or 'sell you', 'some need' at a more 'reasonable price' than the next Guy. Economic competition makes for big, incremental increases in productivity, sales, and profits. That, basically, is an economic system that functions and requires 'profits', sometimes, lots of Profits. Being 'large' or 'huge' is an essential element. Hence; it also requires a larger 'Person-hood'; hence, the necessity of the Legal Fiction; namely, the Corporate structure that exists only "in contemplation of Law". But, keep in mind that 'Capitalism and Profits' are economic principles and not 'Governmental Principles'. Governmental Principles are designed to Govern all Individuals that exist in a 'condition of togetherness', next to each Other, as 'Independent' Individuals. Each Individual is unique, sacred, and is entitled, as a human being, to be 'Free and Equal' within the Governmental system. There is no 'competition' between Freedom and Equality. No one Individual gets 'more' or 'less' Freedom and Equality. In a real Democracy everyone is Equal and everyone should enjoy his/ her Freedom within the confines of Law. In other words, an Economy is 'motored' by 'profits and Largess', and a Democracy is motored by Freedom and Equality. Each system has its 'particular motor' and 'neither system' can be motored by the 'motor' of the 'Other System'. It is 'economic suicide' to have an economy driven by Freedom and Equality, and its 'Governmental suicide' to have a Democracy driven by 'Profits and competition'. Each must remain within its proper Institution. An Economy belongs WITHIN its Governmental system. But, unfortunately, we 'mix' the Two. Hence, all the 'economic' and 'democratic' problems. 'That' accounts for the 1%; lack of a 'living wage'; Legal Fictions or Corporations getting 'more and more attributes' of a 'real, living human Being'; and our Leaders are more concerned with 'Trade' than with 'Freedom and Equality'. How sad; we are 'governed' with Economic principles: the legal fictions, Corporations, are becoming 'more' and 'more' Real; and Democracy has gone 'out the window'. Hello Alice! can we come in?; we too, live in a 'Wonderland'.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Greedy Capitalism cannot 'drive' a Real democracy; only Freedom and Equality can drive Democracy.

Greedy Capitalism cannot drive Democracy; only Freedom and Equality can drive a real Democracy. The motor of a Capitalistic economy is 'Profits'; only 'Profits' 'count' in a highly successful Economy. If the profitable fails, the economy fails. Of course, profits and so-called economic principles can generate a very healthy 'National economy'. However, we cannot make the mistake of equating the 'driving force' of economies with the 'driving force' of Democracies. The two phenomena are different, and the actual fact is that a 'Real democracy' cannot survive 'within' a 'dominant economy'; but, the 'Contrary' is also a fact; i.e. a 'successful economy' must exist 'within a Real Democracy'; and a Real Democracy must be 'driven' by Freedom and Equality. Try building a 'successful economy' in an Autocratic Nation. It wont work. Everything belongs to the Autocrat, including the Individuals Freedom and Equality. Of course, we know that Corporations are not 'real Persons'. Nevertheless, certain aspects of 'Corporate Person-hood' is protected by Constitutional Law because that 'legal fiction' is essential to a 'successful economy'. But, its still a 'Fiction'. Its not real, and we cannot make the mistake of equating Economic principles with Political principles. Democracy can only be driven by Freedom and Equality and that 'driving force' applies to each and every 'real Individual' living in a Democracy. A problematic arises when these Individuals begin to 'value money' and 'profits' more than 'Freedom and Equality'. This causes a shift in the 'value system' of a 'real democracy'. The 'shift' is towards the economic and away from democratic principles. The end result is a 1% holding most of the medium of exchange. Individuals living in a Democracy have a duty to 'value' and 'protect' the Freedom and Equality that helps propel the democratic spirit. Without that 'democratic spirit', we could easily become the most 'successful economy' in the world, and still have 'millions of real Individuals' living in 'poverty' and 'squalor'. How sad; 'Economic Principles' overpowers 'Political Principles'. We need to get it straight; the 'Economic' belongs 'within' the Political; then a 'successful economy' can benefit a 'Democratic Bottom'.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Real Democracy has been diluted by Party Loyalty and a greedy Capitalistic economy.

Real Democracy has been diluted by 'Party loyalty' and a Greedy Capitalistic economy. We live in a 'Condition of Togetherness' which embraces Millions of human beings. In a real democracy, each and every Human Being, 'counts' as a 'necessary element', of the 'condition of togetherness'. That is to say, each Individual is 'real'( unlike a Corporation that is a Legal Fiction and only exists "in contemplation of Law"); each Individual is 'Free'; each Individual is 'Equal'. Democratic Government has a duty to Govern the 'Condition of togetherness, in a Constitutional manner. One basic problematic is that once a 'condition of togetherness', or a Social, forms, it divides itself into 'Different Groups'; institutionally referred too as Political Parties. The result is that a 'tension' is created by institutionalizing a 'point of view'. Then, a so-called Loyalty kicks in and never shall the twain meet. Don't get me wrong. There's nothing wrong with Parties if, and only if, the parties are all 'democratic'. If all Parties are democratic, why should there be any antagonism between them, other then, different modes of accomplishing the same democratic goal? Such differences should not call for 'vicious Political Fighting'. Democracy is diluted when the Parties become antagonistic and merely base their 'antagonism' on 'Party- Loyalty'. How sad; Representatives playing 'childish games'. The further complication kicks in when one Party favors 'legal Fictions', which are not 'real human beings', and which can only function by means of 'economic principles' called 'Profits' and not 'Political principles' of Freedom and Equality. Greed infiltrates the Real Democracy and turns it into a 'Capitalistic Social' based on 'Haves' and 'Have-nots'. The only salvation for Politics is an Objective Branch in a Democracy of Three Branches. But, the irony is that the Third Branch, (the Supreme Court) is 'ultimately' 'selected', 'elected', by the other Two Branches constituted of 'Party-loyal' Representatives, who advance their Institutionalized point of view. How sad. The end-result is a 'purported' Objective Supreme Court that decides cases based on 'prior historical decisions' that no longer apply to an 'advanced technological society'. Democracy is 'diluted'; the Economy is 'installed into a 'Political System' that 'should' Represent the Freedom and Equality of each and every 'real' Human being. Humanity Counts.

Monday, April 3, 2017

The Bottom Line of 'any' Form of Government should be its 'People'.

The Bottom Line in any Democracy is its 'People'. A Democracy is a form of Government, but its the Individuals in a democracy who decide what form the Government should take. Once the Form is established, e.g., a written Constitution, its up to the 'People' to contain 'political activity' within the 'confines' of the 'concept'. An Individual who lives in Freedom and Equality, in a democracy, should not be 'Arbitrary and Selfish'. Why? Simply, because the behavior of 'any' Individual, especially someone in a position of Power, can 'establish and set' the 'patterns' that will be 'emulated' within that Democracy. 'Arbitrariness and selfishness' establishes a 'center of gravity' for the 'persona', or, 'personality', in the Individual, and, by 'extension', establishes a 'pattern' for the 'Others' to follow. Those 'Others', who 'properly' live in 'Political Freedom and Equality', should see themselves as 'Equal' to any 'Other human being', regardless of National or International boundaries, and should have the Freedom to 'Live accordingly'. That Life should characterize the 'daily experience' of all 'Human Beings', regardless of where they Live, and regardless their form of Government. That 'attitude' demolishes 'egoism'and and 'arbitrary political postures' of 'superiority' within the 'population' and the 'Nations'. There are 'many Nations' in the World, but there is only 'One World' and all 'Peoples' in the World are Human Beings. 'People Power' is truly a Great Power. Its often said that 'we are all in the same Boat'. How true, but we must 'enlarge the Boat' to a Planetary Scale. Its not a 'small Boat' folks, humanity exists on the whole Planet, and its time we begin to see the 'Human Condition' for what it is. We are 'all Human' and we are 'all' on the 'Same Planet'.
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.