Monday, May 27, 2019

Politics is, or should be, an 'Altruistic Discipline'; Corporate Business is 'Dictatorial' in 'Nature'.

Politics is, or, 'should be' an 'Altruistic Discipline'; Corporate Business is 'Dictatorial' in 'Nature'. Of course, not all Politicians are Altruistic; and that's only one of its problems. The same applies to the Corporate World. There are many different kinds of Corporate Structures. Some serve an altruistic endeavor, such as 'Charitable Corporations'. But, a 'Business Corporation' is 'Incorporated' for the purpose of operating a 'Profitable Business' and to make 'lots of Money'. The 'Corporate Nature' gives it an 'Incomparable' Economic 'Size and Grasp'. The Huge 'Corporate World' is a 'Business World'. It's 'Motored' by 'More and More' of the 'Same'. 'Money and Profits'. It 'also has no other Reason' for existing. The reason it doesn't have 'any Other Reason' for existing is because it was 'not Given' any 'Social Duties'. It was only given a 'Huge Size', and a 'Motor' to generate 'More and More ' of the 'Same', to wit; 'Huge Profits'. Hence, it can also be said that a 'Big Business Corporation' is motored by 'Greed'. No Profits, no Corporation. Its difficult to determine why a 'Successful Businessman' would want to become a Successful Politician. The 'basic impulse' of the Business World is to make a Profit. While the Basic impulse of a Political Entity is to Govern all the 'Real People' at the 'Bottom'. In a 'Political Entity', constituted as a 'Democracy', the 'Individuals' at the 'Top with Power', are only 'Representatives' of the 'Bottom', the 'Real Source of Power' and they serve only for a 'While'. A 'Dictator' or 'Autocrat' serves for as long as He or She can 'Survive' and 'until' He or She, is 'Toppled'. The 'Problem' that arises in a 'Democracy' motored by a 'Business-Person' is His or Her 'reliance' on 'Business Principles', which can only strive for 'More and More' of the 'same'. Where is the Altruism? There is no Altruism, only the 'Greedy Pursuit' of 'Money' and its 'Redistribution'. The Rich get Richer and the poor get Poorer. Where are the Real Politicians?

Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Problem with Business principles is that they have little to do with Governing Principles.

The Problems with 'Business Principles' is that they have little to do with 'Democratic Governing Principles'. Most Business Principles are motivated with 'Monetary Schemes' that deal with 'correcting something' in order to make 'more Money'. Lately, there have been References to New Retirement Plans. Sure, Individuals will now have more Retirement Plans available, but these Individuals are 'already employed' and even then they will have to 'have been employed' for a few years to be Eligible. How is that helping the 'unemployed'? There's even talk about these new changes 'effecting' Individuals who have already 'earned' their Social Security. How about the Unemployed. How about correcting Economic Injustices for the Poor? How is Governing being improved by ignoring the Individuals that really need Economic help? The Poor will remain Poor and the needy will remain needy and the uninsured will remain uninsured. So, why isn't Government attempting to 'Govern' the Many at the Bottom by creating opportunities for the Unemployed, the Uninsured, the Homeless, the 'Young Individuals' that will have to live in a 'Social' motored by 'Economic Plutocratic Principles', instead of the 'Democratic' principles of 'Freedom and Equality'. There is no 'Personal Freedom' in a 'Social' constituted with 'Business Corporations' that are always the 'Employers' who 'use' the 'Real Individuals' as 'Employees'. The 'Social' is composed of Debtors and Creditors. A recent Book by Maurizio Lazzarato, 'The Making of the Indebted Man' claims that Society 'intensifies mechanisms of exploitation and Domination'. Certainly, Business has its proper place in the Social. But, the Bottom line is that Business Principles cannot Govern . They can and do 'exploit the Social' at the Expense of Real Individual 'Freedom and Equality'. Business Corporations need more Democratic Duties. They are protected as 'Legal Fictions' but they have no 'Democratic Duties'. As Legal Fictions they can also be required to have 'Democratic Duties' like you and I. A Corporation should be thankful for its 'Democratic Arising' and should 'exist' more 'Democratically'. 'Greed' should not be its sole 'Economic Function'. After all, they are Protected as 'Persons' by the Constitution...... Where are the Real Politicians?

Thursday, May 16, 2019

A 'Political Social' is composed of 'Real Individuals' and 'Legal Fictions'.

A 'Political Social' is composed of 'Real Individuals' and 'Legal Fictions'. The 'Real Individuals' are expected to participate in the 'Democratic Process' of 'Politics'; be 'Law abiding'; and 'Good Citizens' while living in a Democratic Society. In other words they are Free and Equal but they also have duties as Citizens. Any violation of Civil Law or Criminal Law by 'Real Individuals' or 'Real Persons' is expeditiously punished in accordance with Law. The 'Business Corporation' is a 'Legal Fiction', i.e. 'not Real', but considered a 'Person' withing the 'meaning of the Constitution' and hence entitled to 'legal Protection' as if a 'Real Person'. Hence, the Corporate Structure is 'protected' by the Constitution, 'as if it was Real', but is not given any 'Social Duties' as a 'Fictional Person'. In other words, its considered as a Person to be Protected but it is not considered as a 'Person with Social Duties' that allows it to live in the Democracy that has 'created it'. The effect of this 'lop sided grant' of 'Protections' is not balanced with 'Duties for Living' and 'existing' in the Democratic Social that gave it its 'Person-Hood'. Real Individuals have duties in a Democracy, they have to be Good Citizens, good 'Workers', employees, Tax payers, etc., but 'Corporate Persons' or 'Fictions' have 'Protections', as Real Individuals do, but 'no 'Duties', or 'obligations' as Citizens, for the privilege of existing as 'Real Persons' in a 'Democracy'. Some make Billions in Profits but, pay no taxes. They are 'Huge Incorporated Legal Fictions' with no 'Social Obligations'. They 'function' as 'Profit Making Machines' that establishes a Social that emphasizes 'Profits', and helps create 'Social Classes'. If Corporations are going to function in the Social as 'Profits Machines', they also need 'Social Duties'. To create a 'Legal Fiction' that only makes 'Profits', unbalances the Economy and creates a Social 'controlled by Business Principles' and 'not Political Principles'. We need Political Principles to Drive a Political Entity. 'Business' and 'Profits' cannot drive a 'Political Entity'. Where are the Real Politicians?

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

When Business Principles 'Overcome' a Democracy, 'Greed' and 'Ego' becomes the 'Motor' of that Democracy.

When 'Business Principles' 'overcome' a 'Democracy', 'Greed' and 'Ego' becomes the 'Motor' of that Democracy. The result is a Democracy 'motored' by 'Business Principles' and 'Personality'. That is not a 'Government of Freedom and Equality'. The purpose of Democratic Government is a Government 'of the People', 'by the People' and, most important, 'For the people'. Its really very simple. One Principle is the basis of the Business mentality whose goal is survival by 'Profits and Size', and the Other is the Power of 'Governing' for the purpose of establishing 'Social Institutions' of 'Freedom and Equality' for the 'Bottom' of a 'Democratic Political Entity'. That happens to be the 'Real Source' of 'Political Power'. If a Political Entity has power at the Top, one must always ask from where does it get Power? 'In a Democracy', there is no 'other way' to transfer Power to a 'Political top'. All 'Political Tops' with Power must get that Power from 'somewhere'. That's the inception of all Political Systems. Some inherited Power from 'who knows where', others got power by 'force', and some 'still depend' on the 'Left-over Aura' of the 'Divine Right of Kings'. But, our concern is with 'Democratic Governing'. If a Political Entity claims to be a Democracy, then it has to be a 'Representative Democracy' that gets its 'Political Power' from the People at the Bottom. But, that is a Political principle, not a Business Principle. When the 'Business Mentality' creeps into Democracy, Freedom and Equality flies out the Window. 'So-called Democracies' transform into 'Plutocracies', 'Oligarchies', or just plain 'Autocracies' or 'Dictatorships'. 'Government and Governing' is 'Over' and 'Rule begins'. When Rule begins its 'more and more of the same' and 'make America great Again'. Where are the Real Politicians?

Friday, May 10, 2019

'Governing' with 'Business Principles' can destroy 'Democracy'.

Governing with 'Business Principles' can destroy Democracy. Why? Because 'Business' is motored by the 'energy of Profits' and 'democracy' is motored by the 'Energy' of 'Freedom and Equality'. No Corporate 'Business' continues to exist if its not making 'Profits'. 'More and More' of the 'Same', or Money, leads to Autocracy, Plutocracy or Oligarchy and that is Government 'of the Few', 'by the Few', and 'For the Few'. Democratic Governing is the establishment of Social Institutions and Laws that permits the 'People at the Bottom' to live and express their 'Freedom and Equality'. But, there's always a few People at the Bottom who establish 'Huge Corporations' to conduct Economic Businesses with them. This creates an 'Economic Imbalance' in the 'Social' and at the 'Bottom' because a 'Real Human Person' cannot compete with a Huge 'Economic Corporate Entity' defined by the Supreme Court as also 'a Person' ( known as a Legal Fiction and that only exists in contemplation of Law) that is, in fact, 'not' a 'Real Human Person'. The 'Social' becomes 'Peopled' by 'Real People', like You and I, and by 'Legal Fictions' protected by the Constitution, and that only exist 'in contemplation of Law'. It wont take long for the Real Human Beings to realize that in a 'Corporate Society', the Real Individual is the 'Employee' and the 'Corporation' is the 'Employer'. Today, Now, 'Legal Fictions' set the 'momentum' for Economic Activity which creates a 'Social Cleavage' and 'sets standards' between 'Employers and Employees', 'Haves' and 'Have-nots, 'Owners and Workers' in the Social. This Social Phenomena creates 'impressions' of 'Divisions' in the 'Real Human Condition' that are not real, and huge 'accumulations' of 'value and money' that creates impressions of being 'motored' by 'Greed'. When 'Fictional Economic Entities', sets standards of 'economic duality', of success/failure, of haves and have-nots; they are also setting standards that create 'divisions' in the 'Human Condition', the 'Equality' of the 'Human Condition', and the Freedom in the Human condition. When a 'Corporate Society' overlays a 'Democratic Social' the 'Real Individuals' in the Social can 'lose' their 'Freedom and Equality'. Business is a necessary Part of every Society, it can produce 'Lots', but it 'cannot Drive' a Democracy. Freedom and Equality 'cannot' be attenuated or 'Divided'. You either have it or you don't. Where are the Real politicians?

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Government must return to a 'Real activity' of Governing.

Government must return to the 'Real Activity' of 'Governing'. The only purpose for the existence of a 'Governing Entity' is for the purpose of Governing the 'Many' or 'the People' that 'Constitute it' as an 'Organized Political Entity'. After all, its the 'Bottom' that 'transfers its Power' as 'Free and Equal Real Individuals', by means of the Vote, to the Top. A Top cannot just 'arbitrarily assign to itself' the 'Political power' to Rule, 'the Many Real Individuals', at the Bottom. But, once the Top acquires its 'Political Form' or 'Identity', it does all it can to retain that 'Identity'. Of course, that gives rise to all the different Forms of Government that exist. But the basic Form of all Governments is 'Power at the Top' and 'People at the Bottom'. 'Without some Form of Government, a 'Bottom' becomes 'disorganized' and slips into a 'Condition of Chaos'. The more Chaotic the Bottom becomes; the more it needs Government, any Form of Government. But, Government should not Exist to make 'Profits', because it is not a 'Business', 'nor' to 'arbitrarily' exercise 'Power' over the 'Real Individuals' at the Bottom. By the same token, 'already established Democracies' should not be 'Governed' with 'business Principles'. A 'Business Mentality' cannot Govern a Democracy. We need Real Politicians at the Helm. A democratic Government can only 'Govern'. It has no other purpose for existing. Autocracies, Plutocracies, Oligarchies, and Kingdoms 'Rule'; they 'do not' Govern. But, because of their 'essential Political Form', they do not emphasize 'Freedom and Equality' of the Real Individual at the Bottom. 'Rulers' are 'already Rich' at the Top and they will not hesitate to 'increase their Riches' as Business Corporations must also do, in order to survive. Autocracies; Plutocracies; and Oligarchies, will always protect their Political 'Status-Quo'. Consequently, the 'first step' in a 'return' to 'Real Governing' with 'Political principles' and 'not Business Principles' is to replace the existing 'Business Mentality' with a 'Real Political Mentality'. But, for that, we need a 'Real Politician'. Where are the Real Politicians?

Monday, May 6, 2019

'Governing' with 'Business Principles' leads to an 'Unraveling' of the 'Top of Power'.

'Governing' with 'Business Principles' leads to the 'Unraveling' of the 'Top of Power'. The Top of Government needs to function as a Unified Locus of Governmental Power. For that to happen, the Top and all its Agencies need to function as a 'Three Branch Function'. The 'Top' functions as an Executive Branch; a Legislative Branch, and a Judicial Branch. All Three constitutes the Top of Power. The People Legislate through their Representatives, the Executive Governs through the Constitution, and the Judicial Adjudicates 'Political Issues', not Business Issues of Government because the Government 'does not function' as a 'Corporate Business'. The different Branches were created to achieve some degree of Balance in the Activity of government. When the Top no longer functions as a Unified exercise of Democratic power, the Top becomes weak. When the Top begins to fight with the different Branches and their Representatives the Top loses 'coherence' in the Exercise of 'Government Power'. A Top fighting with Itself is ludicrous. When the "Bottom', such as Political Parties, disagree, there is always a compromise or an Electoral battle to achieve Democratic Harmony. But, when the Executive Branch literally acts Arbitrarily, and 'fights' with the Other Governmental Branches and their Representatives, the 'Top of Power' begins to 'Unravel', because it loses its 'Stability' as a 'Unified Power'. 'Personality Fights' are Bad for Democracy. This creates a weak 'Governmental Function' because the 'dispute' is not a 'Political Disagreement', but the result of a simplistic Personality disorder that 'effects' and 'infects' the Unified Governmental Function. When the Top of Government Unravels, the Bottom begins to Unravel. In the Past, In previous Blogs, I have said that 'most Revolutions' occur at the 'Bottom', but today we are 'witnessing' a 'Revolution' at the 'Top'. The question is Why? The answer is because the 'Top' is 'occupied' by a 'Business Mentality' which 'cannot Govern' and 'doesn't know how to Govern' and which is beginning to 'Unravel'. In a Democracy, when the Top 'Unravels', 'Democracy' begins to 'Unravel'. .... Where are the Real Politicians?

Saturday, May 4, 2019

'Governing' is different from a 'Successful Business'.

Governing is different from a Successful Business; and never shall the twain meet. Of course, there are 'aspects' of 'Business' in the activities of 'Government'. But, all Businesses have a Goal, which is to make Profits. Business couldn't 'care less' about the 'Freedom' or 'Equality' of the 'Real Individuals' that purchase products to 'lead' a Good Life, and further-more, if you 'want' or 'need' what a Business produces you had better pay for it. Business is not concerned with whether you are Free or Equal. Its only concerned with whether you paid for the product. They are not concerned with whether you have a place to stay, or food to eat, or proper clothing to wear on a cold night. Their concern is whether the sale to you makes them a Profit. Heartless, you say! No, that's the nature of business. Governing is a more altruistic endeavor. Its a Service; a 'Representative Function'. The highest Government Official is not 'President' all his or her life. He or She goes back to being like you and I and then they have to pay for their Food, clothing, place to stay on a cold night. Government is a Representative function and only a Representative function and only for a short while. 'Some Business People' don't know 'how to Govern' and that would be because of the above statements. But, some Politicians don't know how to Govern either. That would be the ones that are 'Politically Correct'. Political Correctness is 'vacuous' and 'empty' of 'Real Political Principles'. They 'mouth' politics but, in the end they're in it for the economic advantages. How sad. Of course, its not easy, and its a Huge Responsibility, but there's no 'Higher honor' that having 'Truly Represented' the 'Real People' in a 'Real Democracy'..... Where are the real Politicians?

Thursday, May 2, 2019

'Political Correctness' must be Corrected.

'Political Correctness' must be 'corrected'. Its become very important to either change the vocabulary of Democracy, or, to set specific standards of 'Sincerity' for Individuals in their quest for 'Political Office'.Since we cannot change the vocabulary of 'Democracy' because it arises from the language in the Constitution and because 'that Language constitutes us as 'A People'; but, we can require Individuals who wish to Govern to meet standards of 'Sincerity' in their 'quest' for Public Office. All Individuals who seek 'Employment', 'Office', or 'Positions' in the Social are required to have certain 'qualifications' in order to get 'Licensed'. Of course, Politicians who are voted into Office are required to take Oaths. But, this occurs after they are Elected and not 'before' they are elected. Before a Politician runs for Office He or She should be required to elaborate on the reasons for seeking that Office. Of course, they have a Campaign where they promise to do certain Political things, but that's not what I refer too. What are their Ulterior Motives for Running and what are they going to do for 'Real Democracy', not for an 'empty', 'vacuous' 'democracy'. Candidates for Political Office must be serious in their quest for Political Office. Political Office is a 'Service', not a quest for 'Monies' and 'Riches', and 'Really Serving Democracy' means 'really' serving 'the People' and their 'Freedom and Equality'. "Serving the People" means protecting their 'Freedom and Equality' and constructing Social Institutions that elaborate a 'Real Democracy'. 'Political Correctness' is empty and vacuous when not accompanied with a 'sincere wish' to elaborate 'Democratic institutions'.
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.