Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Democracy cannot survive 'Government by Economic principles'.

Democracy cannot survive 'Government by Economic Principles'. Governing with 'Economic principles' cannot Govern a Democracy. 'Economic Governance' is 'Plutocratic in Nature', i.e. a Plutocracy. A Democracy needs to be Governed with 'Democratic principles' of 'Freedom and Equality'. A Plutocracy is Government of the Rich, by the Rich, and, for the Rich. In such a case all 'Political issues' are 'transformed' into issues of 'Economic principles', and 'Economic Results'; The 'Real Individuals' 'Freedom and Equality' go out the window. The Real Individual, in such a case, is no longer important; the Bank Account, the Size of Corporate 'Person-hood'( Legal Fictions), becomes more and more important, until they 'become the Rulers' of the 'Real Persons'. The Governed, the 'Real People' at the 'Bottom' in the 'Condition of Togetherness', become 'Pawns' in the 'Political manipulation' and acquisition of 'Monies'. When this happens in a 'Democratic Environment', and in an 'Election Year', the 'Bottom' is promised all kinds of Financial Advantages, to procure their 'Vote'. There is the danger. The danger in a Democracy of 'electing' a 'Plutocrat' into 'Democratic Office'. Government by 'Economic Principles', instead of 'Democratic Principles', easily 'slips' into Plutocracy. Many People see the election of a 'non-politician' as a plus-factor; its a 'step' against 'Politics as usual' or, against 'Political Correctness'; and that is part of the case, but they do 'not see' that Government by 'Economic Principles' will 'never' Govern Democratically. Its true, 'Political Correctness' must be 're-vamped'. But, it cannot be re-vamped by 'Business Principles'. A 'True Businessman' cannot 'Govern', particularly a 'Rich Businessman'. Lets face it; Money breeds Money; 'Profits' can only 'Grow' into 'more of the same'. 'Profits' never survive unless they're 'Growing'. Its their nature. So- the truth of the matter is that 'Political Correctness' is 'Empty and Vacuous'; and Business Principles 'cannot Govern' because they are 'driven' by 'Greed'. They don't even 'seem' to have the 'Correct Vocabulary'.... Where are the Real Politicians?

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

The Problematic with the 'One' and the 'Many' is that 'One' is an 'Institution' and 'Many' is 'Real'.

The Problematic with the 'One' and the 'Many' is that 'One' is an 'Institution' and 'Many' is 'Real'. There are other examples of similar problems which issue from this type of arrangement. For example; a Marriage, a Baseball Team, or even a Tribe and its members. A Marriage is an agreement to live as Husband and Wife. The Agreement is a 'Social Institution' and even though it doesn't involve 'Governing', it involves 'familial' interactions between the Parties for as long as they Live. As there are Rules that provide for the 'arrangement', there are Rules that provide for its 'dissolution'. A Baseball Team is 'similar' but 'different'; it has an 'Owner' and a 'Team'. As long as the Team is successful, the Owner keeps it. But, one difference is that it is an Economic Arrangement. Its 'sole purpose' is to 'make Money'. Sure, they Love baseball, but Ill bet that if the Team is losing, there will be changes. No One plays for the Love of baseball. Of course, in a vacant lot, on a weekend, they might. But, hey, its an 'Economic Institution'. But, notice the difference in the Tribe example. The Chief is recognized as the Governing member of the Tribe. He has a 'Job', its a Social or Political Institution and the members have a part to play also. No Member challenges the Chief. Why not? Because in those days, the basis for the selection is usually the best fighter, the strongest, Personal Power, or Hereditary. But, our Democratic situation is different, the Top is an 'Institution of Government' and it must 'Govern' with Freedom and Equality for All. A democratic Constitution requires a democratic Government. But today, the 'Top' is engaged in Economic threats, economic manipulations, 'Party Loyalty', and generally, Plutocratic manipulation. The Top of a Democratic Government is established by an 'election' held by the 'Bottom'. Since the Top is a Political Institution, the Bottom or the Peoples transfer Power to the Top. The sole Reason that the Top has Political Power is because it has a Duty to Govern 'Constitutionally' and in a Democratic manner. That's their Function: and what do they do? They divide themselves into Democrats and Republicans and play 'Party Politics'. We need 'Constitutional Politics'; a Politics that 'includes and considers all the People', and not a 'Party Politics'; a Politics free of 'Big Money', and one that respects the 'Freedom and Equality' of the 'Real People' at the 'Bottom'. Where are the real Politicians?
Creative Commons License
Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.