Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The ability to perceive a document in a different way merely calls for a 'separation' from its purely linguistic surface to a form that lurks behind its formulation in language. To be sure, the linguistic formulation is the only way any mental form can be given its structure or surface appearance. This does not lessen the import of the writing, it merely doesn't ignore the real 'message' of the document.Underlying important political documents are real feelings, real needs, real configurations that eventually become limited by their very expression in language. To avoid the limitations and the many convolutions of verbal expression, we must turn to a more precise manner of expression. We turn to Number. How can that be done? Well, most everyone agrees that mathmatics and geometry were exacting mental disciplines used by the Greeks. Of course, we emphasize those disciplines in our educational systems.But, knowing that,in itself,is not sufficient. How do we translate geometric or mathmatical knowledge into linguistic formulations? Each discipline is separate and has its own paradigm. Keeping in mind,that our mathmatical and geometric concepts are first perceptions and then are clothed in exacting conceptions. Once these discipline have been rendered into number they become fixed. A number will always be itself. After that happens, we are locked in to the textbooks. Thats called text-book geometry or text-book mathmatics.In other words, these disciplines are more precise than a linguistic medium that relies on that evanescent thing called 'meaning'. Numbers don't have meaning, they are! A political structure is a structure of the One at the Top and the Many at the Bottom. The many People need governing. But, how do we choose who will govern? Well the ancients, not to be facetious, said "God made me do it". The King was said to have two bodies, one ruled the other was human. Others took control by force, some were smarter than the others. None of these methods will work today. Then Constitutions came about and everything relating to a governing process was reduced to writing. But, the underlying process of governing is still the real relation of the One or Some and the Many. That will never change, and to be sure, the relation between the top and the bottom is a real one, not just a purely linguistic concoction.The Bottom is number and if democracy is a government of, by, and for the people, everyone must be counted or its not democracy.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.