Thursday, April 30, 2015

The folly of the Party system.

The establishment of a political Party system could be a valuable asset to government. Unfortunately, the usual result is a division between the 'haves' and the 'have-nots'. If one examines the political postures of two opposing Parties, its not only obvious, but actually 'declared' that the major differences is what they call, "more Government" or "less Government". Unbelievable. Parties, in a Democracy, should be attempting to insure and protect the Freedom and Equality of the Individual, at the Bottom of the governing process. Instead, one Party emphasizes Government and the other wants to do away with Government. In an established Democracy, the issue is never about Government (it already has the best form); its about the People at the Bottom of the governing process. Its not about taking away from 'One' and giving to the 'Other'. Its not that difficult; its about protecting and insuring the Freedom and Equality of every Individual, regardless of Race, color, creed, or economic standing. Just take inventory; is every individual being treated equally and fairly? Race doesn't matter; color of skin doesn't matter; 'belief system' doesn't matter; gender doesn't matter; economic standing ( rich or poor)doesn't matter; and the important thing is, what will either Party do to equalize the economic standing of everyone? Its unfortunate that "money" has replaced "democracy"; but if we live in a 'rich' Nation, why does the 1% hold all the "money"?; why can't more benefits, of all kinds, inure to the benefit of every human being in the Nation? Its unbelievable, a 'Rich Nation' with 'huge pockets' of People who are 'dis-enfranchised', poor; needy; sick; helpless; hungry; and 'homeless'. Oh, we have already set aside a social separate 'linguistic category' for the "homeless"; they are the 'ones' who live under bridges, etc.( of course, they are included, but that's not what I mean). No! I mean the most 'abused sector' in a Rich Nation, the 99%.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.