Thursday, November 19, 2015

The basic 'tension' between Democratic Government and its People is the Equality and Freedom of the Individual.

The basic 'tension' between the Institution of Democracy and the People is the careful, political, delineation, of the 'social principles' of the Equality and Freedom of the Individual. Equality and Freedom of the Individual must be carefully crafted into a political institution that protects and defends the 'human condition' as a unique 'expression of Life'. The question is always, "does Government 'allow' or 'tolerate' discrimination between different 'Races'; are all races 'politically Equal'?, are all races 'politically Free'?; and does Government allow and defend the 'preferential treatment' of different 'economic levels'; and even between different levels of 'so called education', and between the 'providing of the 'basic necessities' of a 'healthy Life'. Does it have 'homeless' veterans? If government does not, in reality, protect these 'characteristics' in the human condition, then Democracy is failing its people. How can Government say its doing its job, if it doesn't even provide for those who 'fought' and 'died' for its very existence. How easy it is for 'politicians' to 'claim' to fulfill these basic necessities, when in fact the 'sad basis' for seeking political Office is actually some kind of 'self-aggrandizement'. How sad! 'Power' runs amok; and the Office-holders cannot, or, do not, know how to handle it. It immediately takes a form of self-aggrandizement. Democratic Government must defend and protect the basic Equality and Freedom of each and every human being living within its 'territorial and political' boundaries.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.