Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The biggest 'linguistic sins', circulating in a Democracy, are the 'Legal Fictions' considered necessary.

Legal fictions, to some extent, are necessary. However, we cannot disregard their 'reach', nor the inevitable damage they can create. Fictions are artificial contrivances that do not 'really' exist. They occupy 'spaces' in 'reality' which have no 'real' foundation. Usually, they are high level, linguistic abstractions that 'free-float' in 'social space'. A corporation exists as a high level abstraction, but not as a 'real person'. 'Money' is another fiction. Necessary? absolutely, otherwise we would not have a 'medium of exchange'. A medium of exchange is necessary to 'measure' so called 'profits'. Without 'profits there would be no 'personal incentive' to 'create' and provide the 'necessities of life'. The result is the tensions created by 'corporations',( unreal persons), and money,( unreal medium of exchange) between the 'artificial' and the 'real'. Stated differently, 'tensions' between 'real persons' and 'artificial persons', (corporations) and between 'real value' ( land, Gold, Oil?) and 'artificial value', namely a 'medium of exchange'( the Holy Dollar). Are all these fictions necessary? The answer is Yes! So, whats the problem? The problem is that, even as they are necessary,- to hold together the 'condition of togetherness'-, human beings should not be unmindful of the artificiality of linguistic 'fabrications' necessary to hold the integrity of the 'condition of togetherness', as a 'political entity'. That's why Statesmen are necessary. But, the 'human condition' is never deprived of a 'personal integrity' founded on 'real' values of Freedom and Equality. There, an Individual can find 'real personal' values founded on his/her Individuality, as a living human Individual. Those Individuals who want to live in their Nation can do so; those who want to live in their own 'Alice in Wonderland', can also do so. But, give us 'Statesmen', don't govern us, as if, we lived in 'Alice in wonderland'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.