Thursday, August 11, 2016

What does 'Politically correct' really mean?

What does "politically correct" really mean. Today, obviously, the term is being thrown around as if being 'political' is, in itself, inappropriate. The problem with the term is that it is used in an 'empty vacuous' manner. In other words the term is used only as 'words' free-floating in social space and completely unfounded in the 'real level' of the social. Its empty talk that is designed to persuade, but that has no foundation in reality. That's the 'political correctness' that must be remedied. A real political 'program' or 'suggestion' must accompany any political suggestions about, for example, Freedom and Equality, and the 'empty terms' should not be allowed to free-float in empty social space. If 'racial discrimination' exists, it must be corrected. If 'economic discrimination' exists, it must be corrected with a 'real program' for improvement. Today 'some politicians' condemn 'political correctness' and apparently do not understand what the term means. That is obvious because the opposite of political correctness, to them, seems to mean 'economically correct', which just focuses on 'more of the same',or, promises of more money. Apparently, they do not have a real 'political vocabulary'. They, admittedly, are not political at all, and yet purport to 'correct' the political situations that need to be improved. A 1% er, running for office is motored by the economy, and money, and usually, has no political motives, for seeking office. Just listen to the terms being used and you will hear the 'language of the economy'. The Nation and the social cannot be nourished by money or the economy. What becomes necessary is 'real' political language; the language of democracy; a language that helps the Nation and the social to become more 'integrated', and more 'social'. Show me the 'meat'; the programs; the 'institutions; the elimination of all the 'faults' that still exist in our social. Show me, 'real' Freedom, and 'real' Equality. That's 'real' politics.

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