Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Government is necessary; Capitalism is necessary; but never shall the twain meet.

Government is necessary and Capitalism is also necessary. However, the two systems are motored and motivated differently. Government must 'govern' the 'condition of togetherness', and Capitalism must generate 'money', or value, for a successful economy. 'Freedom and Equality' hold the 'condition of togetherness' in a state of 'Integrity', and Capitalism generates 'money', a 'medium of exchange', that allows 'value' to be 'held' and 'used' for a 'standard of living'. A medium of exchange must 'circulate' if its to have maximum utility. It cannot be held in the Ratio of the 1% and the 99%. An Individual living in a 'condition of togetherness' can hold money and can use it to provide for his or her standard of living. But, 'governing' cannot be 'implemented' or 'take place' by means of Capitalistic principles; nor can Capitalism be implemented by Democratic principles. In other words, 'Governing' and Government cannot be based on the amount of 'money or possessions' held by any 'Representative' or candidate for office. That's too close to Plutocracy,( Rule by the rich and wealthy), not Democracy. How strange our Government is purportedly Democratic, but our 'economic lives' are 'Plutocratic'. In the same way, Capitalism cannot be based on 'Freedom and Equality', because that would eliminate the 'competition' that generates "profits". Capitalism is basically a 'greedy pursuit' that must generate 'more and more' of 'the same', or profits, because nobody goes into business to lose money. Without the pursuit for profits, there would not be any motivation to go into business. That is the sole basic motivation for going into business. On the other hand, Democracy is not about profits , but about Freedom and Equality of each and every human being in the 'condition of togetherness'; and the Governments duty is to integrate and solidify the 'Integrity' of the 'condition'. The generation of Wealth has absolutely nothing to do with the 'power to Govern'; and the power to Govern is never for the purpose of making a big or a bigger profit. A business mentality 'cannot govern'; and a Government is for the sole purpose of 'protecting and preserving' the Freedom and Equality of each and every Individual in the Social. Government and Capitalism are both necessary, but never shall the twain meet. We must learn to keep them separate.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.