Saturday, November 5, 2016

The "Social Contract" no longer exists; What does exist is "power" at the Top and 'real Individuals' and 'Legal Fictions' at the Bottom.

The "Social Contract" does not exist. The term Social is so general and abstract that it does not even begin to include all the real Individuals at the Bottom of Government. Abstract terms can be so vacuous that they become unmanageable. If anyone asked, "should the term 'social' in 'Social Contract' include every single 'real' Individual at the Bottom of Government, the answer would have to be "yes", but; we still have a 'semblance' of the 'racial problem' and we have a huge 'economic problem', in the form of the 1% and the 99%. So, what happened to the Social Contract? To begin with, only 'real Individuals' can be said to be able to enter into a contract. So, why do we include Corporations( legal fictions), and protect them as if they were real, in the Social Contract, and why do we include them as "Persons" in the sense of 'contributing' to economic activity by 'participating' in politics? Law does not even recognized them as 'real', yet, Citizens United considers them 'Persons' and entitles them to Constitutional protection, as such. The proper manner to consider the 'Bottom' is to consider it as 'constituted' as a 'condition of togetherness', formed by real Individuals, and not as a 'vacuous Social'. This way, all real Individuals retain their human uniqueness and are 'counted' as 'individual elements' forming a 'condition of togetherness', which permits every real Individual to be 'counted'.This is one way to 'quantify' democracy. Corporations can be protected, but should not be considered as constituting 'Persons' entitling them to the same 'Constitutional Rights' as real persons. How sad. Economic principles have usurped the 'political principles' of Freedom and Equality by creating imbalances in the economy. Money has taken over Politics and the principles of Freedom and Equality. Greed drives our Democracy; or should I say, our Plutocracy.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.