Monday, February 5, 2018

The Real Individual is the 'core' and 'essence' of Governments; Economies; and Capitalism.

The 'Real' Individual is the 'core' and 'essence' of Governments; Economies; and Capitalism. That means that all these 'Three activities' should be 'dedicated' towards the 'Distinguishable Goals' of 'Governing', 'Economics', and 'Capitalistic activity'. Individuals need Governing, if they live in a 'condition of togetherness'; Individuals need Economies, if they need to pursue 'activity', to 'make', or 'earn', a 'living''; Individuals need to 'Compete' in Capitalistic Activity to 'survive' in the attainment of 'Food', 'clothing', 'home', and other 'Economic and Social' Necessities. In other words, If a Real Individual is expected to 'Live' in a 'Democracy' or a 'condition of togetherness', the Government must be democratic, and must provide the 'means for earning a living' in that Democracy. If the Government is a Democracy, it is a Government "of the People", "by the People", and "for the People". Such an Arrangement should provide the means by which the Individual can 'earn', 'acquire', a 'Job', a 'Home', and the 'securities' of 'Life', in a 'Condition of Togetherness'. If the economy is Capitalistic, it must allow for 'competition' between Real Individuals. If a Real Individual cannot 'compete' or cannot 'compete fairly' with another Real Individual, the Economy is lopsided. Such has become the case with the Governmental creation of the 'Corporate Fiction'. We live in a Corporate Society, not a 'condition of togetherness'. The Corporation has been given more 'advantages' than the Real Individuals in their 'condition of togetherness' and they have become 'recognized' and 'accepted' Legal Fictions. Corporations have 'eliminated' 'competition' between Real Individuals. Corporations now set the standards for 'competition' in the Economic sphere. In Economics, the 'Real Individuals', who should live in Freedom and Equality, have been 'discarded'. They now face corporate Structures, called Legal Fictions, who are 'evolving' and 'acquiring' the same 'values' and 'qualities' of life of a Real Human Being. Today, they can even 'participate' in Politics( Citizens United) and even enjoy a certain type of 'Immortality'( Voluntary and Involuntary Dissolution). The Real Human being is not so fortunate. 'Government' is necessary for the Real 'Human Being' in a 'condition of togetherness'; so is Economics, but, not those 'Huge', 'Dictatorial', Economic Monsters; nor the 1%. The Economy and the Legal Fictions need to be 'controlled'. Where are the Real Politicians?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.