Thursday, April 12, 2018

Politics could be an 'Ideological' pursuit of Democracy; Capitalism is a pursuit of 'Profits and Monies'.

Politics could be an Ideological pursuit of Democracy; but, Capitalism is always the pursuit of 'Profits and Monies'. Neither, 'Ideology' nor 'Profits and Monies' has an 'End' point. An Ideological pursuit of Democracy never ends because the 'End Quest' is 'democracy' and that's defined as a continuing 'condition of togetherness' that protects its 'condition' as a 'Freedom and Equality' of 'each' and every 'real Individual' in the Condition. That may sound convoluted but, the reality is that the 'real Individual' can be 'counted' hence quantified, but, the Freedom and Equality are important 'variables' that 'continue unraveling' on a daily basis. You either 'experience' Freedom and Equality or you don't; that is a 'continuing Phenomena' experienced by the Individual. Racial discrimination is a Phenomena you 'know'; you 'feel it'; the so-called 'superiority' of one person over the other is 'somewhat understandable', as a 'talent' not possessed by everyone, but never, never, predicated on 'Racial grounds'. Economic and Class Discrimination; that's easy, either you have 'Monies' or 'Properties' or you don't. If you are a 'member' of the 1%, you do. The 1% are in control of most of the 'medium of exchange'(monies and Properties) in the Social; and are in a position to control the 'structuring' of the Social into Social, Economic, Classes. Notice how every City is divided into sections, or 'Classes'; the Poor; the Middle; the High, or Upper. The 'Haves and the Have-nots'; the Palaces; the 'Housing'; the 'Homes'; the shacks; and the 'Homeless'. Hence, Politics should be a Talent, or an 'Ideology' that pursues the 'Equalization' in the Social; and the 'Freedom' of expression of the 'Uniqueness' of each 'Human Individual'. We are all the Same( Equally Human and 'Unique'); yet, we are all 'Different', a 'different' expression of our 'Equality and Freedom'. This is possible in a Democratic Social where Politics pursues the "Equality and Freedom" of everyone. 'Political Ideologies' should be 'different routes' to the 'same' 'democratic goals'. But, Politics has failed us. Politics today is actually a 'Business Principle' concerned with 'more and more of the same'. Profits, Size, are all 'driven' by the economic principle of 'more and more of the same'; the End is never in sight, because 'Greed' has no 'End'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.